See Editorial Page
Cloudy, cool,
morning fog
Vol. LXXXI, No. 50
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 30, 1970
Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
he g
Last of a four-part series
"Behold, I set before you this day a
blessing and a curse." This biblical line,
written thousands of years ago, summarizes
the moral dilemma of University involve-
ment in classified and military research.
University scientists and engineers are
searching for knowledge and advancing
technology. The results of these efforts,
however, are neither altogether beneficial
nor altogether harmful for mankind re-
searchers say, and therein lies the dif-
"Technology has the potential to do good
or bad," explains William gown, director
of the University's Willow Run Laboratories
where much of the military research here
is done.
Thus, Willow Run researchers are per-
fecting radar and infrared techniques
which can detect Viet Cong for destruction,
but which also can be used. to survey nat-
ural resources and save thousands from
Engineers at Cooley Electronics Labor-
atory are working on instruments to keep
army tanks running in heavy dust areas,
but which also can be used to combat air
Investigators at the University's Radia-
tion Laboratory are developing better an-
tennas for Air Force jamming and ferret
systems, but which might also lead to bet-
ter communications systems.
The issues raised by classified and mili-
tary research are not simple. Questions of
responsibility and freedom, the appro-
priateness of secrecy and national defense,
and the place of the University in society
are some of the points which have been
debated. Among the basic arguments are
the following:
" Perhaps the most important issue is
whether the University should engage in
war-oriented research.
"I would assume even the most active
activist would agree that governments
must have armies to protect themselves in
one war or another," says Ralph Hiatt,
Radiation Laboratory director.
"We have to assume there are appro-
priate contributions that our research staff
can make to the defense posture of the
country," Brown adds.
But some people see it undesirable for
the University as an institution to be spon-
soring research for the military.
"The University should engage in no
military research," contends Student Gov-
ernment Council Executive Vice President
Jerry De Grieck. "What the military is
doing is wrong so we shouldn't help it."
He says research on means to seek out and
destroy an enemy should be expressly for-
Zoology Prof. Robert Beyer points out
a University should be concerned with life
rather than death and argues that mili-
tary research is not consistent with this
ideal. "On a moral level we should say
this type of work is not acceptable," he
While describing war as evil, Norman
says today's young people cannot conceive
of the United States as being threatened.
"I think they close their eyes a bit to the
Soviet Union on this one," he explains.
"The research and development that has
been done has not increased the safety
of this country or of the world," history
Prof. Sam Warner counters. "The dollars
spent on weapons since World War II have
actually increased the jeopardy the nation
is in."
Warner adds that to work in a nation-
alistic framework is "inexcusable," point-
ing out environmental studies showing how
interdependent nations are.
Robert Knauss, vice president for stu-
dent services, says that he has doubts
about purely military research at the Uni-
versity, adding there is some question
whether "this is a proper expenditure of
resources, faculty and otherwise, on how
better to kill people."
"Research of this type should go," he
says, but explains there are problems of
defining what is purely military research
and infringing on faculty rights.
® A major issue is the question of
whether it is appropriate for a University
community to engage in secret research.
"I don't think the University should be
in the classified research business," says
See 'U' RESEARCH, Page 8
Institute of Science and Technology
'U' bookstore
sets discount
The board which directs the University bookstore last
night decided that textbooks would be sold at up to nine
per cent less than the prices at private Ann Arbor bookstores.
Five per cent of the discount would be a mark down from
the price listed by the publisher. The other four per cent
would represent the state sales tax which students are not
required to pay at college-operated bookstores.
The panel-entitled the Board for the Student Bookstore
Inc.-also set a policy for stocking and discounting books, and
appointed two new student members to fill vacancies on the
The policy statement on prices will be reviewed by July
- --- 31, 1971 and a possible increase
in discount plans will then be
City tovote discussed.4
When passing the policy, mem-
bers emphasized that their main
L priority is to establish the store's'
oniilan dsolvency and "see how things go"
r the first year rather than to
establish a higher discount and
:run the risk of suffering a great
loss and having their incorpora-
tion revoked by the Regents.
The discount policy "will enable
By CHUCK WILBUR us to be competitive with the,
Local voters will decide Tuesday other local stores," the board's
whetheroperithe itydastatement said. "On any individ-
to annex a section of land ual book, we may be higher or
which is s 1 a t e d for the lower than the competition, but
whic iss 1a te d fortheon the average of the total we .
building of low-cost housing de- on meer the total
will meet the competition."{
velopments. The housing un it s
would be open to married stu- The student bookstore was es-
dents with fixed incomes, taking tablished winter term last year by
some pressure off the tight cam- the Regents after an extensive
pus housing market. student campaign. The arrest of
Although the housing will be 107 people in a sit-in at the LSA
built whether the city annexes the Bldg., and the first disruption of
land or not, Mayor Robert Harris a Regents meeting preceded the
says that if land were under city bookstore's establishment.
control, the units would be built The board appointed Elyse Fox,!
up to a year earlier than under '72, and John Lactovitch, Grad,'
the current ownership. to fill the student vacancies on the
The section of land is n o w board. DaveaWhite, Grad, - the
owned by Pittsfield township, only candidate not receiving Stu-
northeast of Ann Arbor. T w o dent Government Council's recoi-
other annexation proposals would -mendation - was rej ected by the
place parts of Scio and Ann Ar- board.
bor townships underthe control The board consists of six stu-
of the city of Ann Arbor. dents appointed by SGC, t h r e e
While housing developments are faculty members appointed by
also planned for these sections, Senate Assembly, and one ad-
they would be designed chiefly for ministrator appointed by Presi-
middle and upper class incomes, dent Robben Fleming.
According to city Planning Di- The board fills vacancies due to
rector Michael Prochaska, rents in unfinished terms of office by ap-
the low-cost housing units would pointing interested candidates. In
be proportioned according to ten- this case, the board requested that
ants' incomes. SGC recommend students to fill
"The market in Ann Arbor is the two vacancies.
impossible in terms of vacancies," In establishing the nine per cent
Prochaska says. "Hopefully these See 'U' BOOKSTORE, Page 12
developments could relieve t h e
pressure. "R T
-Daily-Sara Krulwich
THE ABOVE PICTURES show the March 19 incident between T. R. Harrison and police, referred
to in City Administrator Guy Larcom's report on the Black Action Movement's complaint of police
brutality. The incident occurred during the clash between students and police after the March 19
Regents meeting. During that meetting the Regents rejected BAM's plan for increased black ad-
Hayden, Ferency debate, plans
for reforming American system
By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN "from the stage of protesting the
Tom Hayden, a defendant in the system to trying to lay the founda-
Chicago conspiracy trial, debated tions of our own lives, in our own
New Democratic Coalition leader communities, in our own organi-
Zolton Ferency last night on their zations, for a new system."
differing "Strategies for Changing Ferency, unsuccessful candidate
America." for the Democratic gubernatorial
An audience of over 600 persons nomination, said he wants to
at Pioneer High School listened change only the workings of the
as erency theyenand"working system and not the system itself.
through the system," and Hayden "I don't believe any manifesto
countered with a call for a change can improve much on the Declar-
in the basic framework of the ation of Independence," he said.
country. Ferency listed the three most
"The first thing that is required important problems he sees with-
is that we purge ourselves of the in the present structure as U.S.
idea that we have a working con- foreign policy, racism, and a need
stitution," Hayden declared, for more socialistic trends.
"We have to go," he continued, "I'm not interested in a change
I either by means or towards an
end brought about by authoritar-
Police act
by tension
Mayor Robert Harris yester-
day announced the city will
not press charges in the con-
troversial case of a policeman
charged with aiming a blow at
a student already pinned down
by another officer during the
black admissions strike 1 a s t
The announcement came with
the release of a report on the in-
cident by City Administrator Guy
Larcom, who recently re-inves-
tigated the charges and empha-
sized "extenuating circumstances"
as a factor contributing to the
officer's conduct.
Following a city investigation,
of the incident last August, Har-
ris had asked that the case be
turned over to the county prose-
cutor for possible criminal prose-
cution against the officer.
The mayor received strong criti-
cism for these statements from
the Police Union and local Repub-
lican leaders.
City officials confirmed reports
yesterday that the student in-
volvedwas T. R. Harrison, '73,
who was arrested in the clash at
the Administration Bldg. Mar. 19
between Black Action Movement
supporters and police. Harrison
was charged with felonious as-
Saying his report was based on
film clips of the incident and eye-
witness accounts, Larcom con-
cluded the officer was 'unjustified'
in aiming a riot baton blow at
Harrison, who already had been
securely apprehended.
ButsLarcom cited'extenuating'
factors including the hostility of
the crowd toward the police, the
throwing of pavement bricks and
the tense atmosphere in explain-E
ing the officers' actions.
Contacted last night, Harris said
his decision not to press charges
was based on "important factors"
brought to light by Larcom's in-
vestigation. He specifically cited
the officer's past record, the fact
that herhas already receivedha
written reprimand inserted in his
ianism or totalitarianism," Ferency
emphasized, adding that he hopes
for a "non-doctrinaire individual-
istic" society.
To replace the present system,
Hayden recommended a plan
which he said was advised by Huey
Newton, Black Panther Minister
of Defense.
The plan, according to Hayden,
calls for "a new constitutional
framework of socialism as the last
alternative to violent civil war."
It "lays the foundation f o r
equality through proportional re-
presentation within the socialist
framework," he added.
Finally, Hayden said, the pro-
posal would bring about an end to
U.S. imperialism, both economic
and military.
Ferency urged the predominant-
ly student audience to unite with
all others on the left to"work for
change. "Those committed to rad-
ical change, or even to some
change are few, he said. "If you're
not organized and united, even the
powers that you do have won't
Hayden and Ferency differed on
what mobilizing the people means.
Ferency argued that since so few
Americans are committed to
change, they must work together
and recruit others to help them
900 demonstrators
,pelt Presidlent's car
SAN JOSE, Calif. (R) - President Nixon, in his bullet-
resistant limousine, ran a gauntlet of rocks, eggs, bottles and
other missiles last night in order to break through massed
anti-Vietnam demonstrators.
The disruption erupted after Nixon addressed a Republi-
can rally in a small auditorium near the center of San Jose.
When the chief executive emerged from the hall, over
900 demonstrators had surrounded the parking lot where his
motorcade awaited him.
Mayor Robert Harris has sup-!
ported the three proposals and
the Ann Arbor City Council backed
Groups opposing the proposal
include the Sierra Club and the
League of Women Voters. They
object to the annexation of any
additional land until adoption of
the Ann Arbor Planning Com-
mission's proposed Master Plan
- a formula for construction
throughout the city.
Annexation critics say that un-
til the plan is enacted, the three
land areas may lack adequate sew-
ae water. education and trans-
State Senate race: No issues?
With only six days remaining before the elec-
tion, the local race for state senator appears not
to be a campaign at all.
Despite a flurry of recent campaigning, only on
few issues are the candidates-Republican in-
cumbent Gilbert Bursley and Democrat George
Sallade-really divided.
Vying for the 18th district seat (which includes
nit t f 13Si74P ac n all a actenn- ('mnty)
"There are no great disagreements between us,"
Bursley says.
"We both agree there must be school reform
and tax changes," he says. "Where we differ is
that I say we must concentrate on long-run issues
such as population control, pollution and mass
In these issues, which appear to be Bursley's
main interests, there is little opposition from Sal-
Kent jury
challen ged
CLEVELAND, Ohio (I')-Twenty
persons petitioned U.S. District
Court yesterday to void indict-
ments returned by a grand jury
that investigated violence at Kent
State University last spring. Their
suit also asks the court to void a
new state law aimed at curbing
camnus disorders.
v' With the aid of helmeted r i o t
police, a path was cleared through
the throng - which seemed larger
than the Republican partisans who
cheered Nikon in the auditorium.
While threading its way through
the crowd, however, the cavalcade
halted at one point and there was
a chain reaction crash of several
vehicles. Damage apparently was
sljght, however.
Before getting into his car, Nixon
said the Secret Service had esti-
mated 900 demonstrators on the
scene. Newsmen tended to put
the figure considerably higher.