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September 02, 1970 - Image 48

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-02

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Wednesday, September 2, 1970

, Pa g e T o A a e mc:H.I C I A A L






ma or

The eruption of campus dem-
onstrations against large cor-
poration job recruiters early this
year illustrates an increased stu-
dent awareness and concern re-
garding- the U.S. role in world-
wide industrial pollution and
military aggression.
Previously, recruiter demon-
strations - had been directed
against armed forces' recruiters.
But this past year, large in-
dustries suddenly were the focus
of accusations concerning im-
perialism, exploitation and pol-
Students and faculty mem-
bers began to research little-
known activities of large cor-
porations-and then began to
act on their findings.
Working on the premise that
any assistance to firms alleged-
ly involved in war, pollution, or
imperialism means complicity in
their "crimes," the protesters
attacked the University's pro-
vision of offices to the accused
firms for purposes of interview-
ing job applicants.
Protesters also demanded that
if the University-would not com-
pletely dissolve its stockholdings
in such firms, it should at least
turn over its voting power to
student-faculty boards. They al-
so worked to inform the campus
community, especially the po-
tential employes for the cor-
porations, of the reasons certain
industries were under fire.
On the administration's side,
the argument centered on two
beliefs: That it is in the tradi-
tion of the University to aid in
the placement of its graduates,
and that it is not the role of the
University to pass judgment on
corporate activities.
The.most dramatic of the pro-
test action was "recruiter con-
frontation," and foremost under
attack were recruiters from the
SDuPont Cop., General Motors,
the Dow Chemical Corp., Gen-
eral .Electric, Atlantic Richfield
Co., and Lockheed Aircraft Corp.
The term's first such demon-
stration occurred Jan. 21 when
Students for a Democratic So-
ciety (SDS), sponsored a con-
frontation with an Allied Chem-
ical recruiter as well as with
Marine. and Navy recruiters.
About 15 demonstrators dumped
dead fish on the Allied Chemical
recruiter's desk and sprayed his
office with pesticides in protest
of the company's distribution of,
Later that day another group
of . the same size confronted
fmilitary recruiters, destroying
papers and drenching the Navy
recruiter with black paint.
Demonstrations followed in
rapid -succession with General
Electric next in line. Charged

organization of a new student-
faculty group called Radical
College which initially formed in
direct response to announced
University plans of a c t i o n
against SDS.
The SDS "winter offensive"
gained momentum in the days
following with "guerrilla thea-
tre" skits conducted in the Fish-
bowl, in a North Hall ROTC
class and in scattered LSA
* Reactions to the initial SDS
tactics were mixed. In some
disrupted classes, students re-
sponded to the skits with ap-
plause. In one economics class.
however, a student ripped a
copy of the skit from an ac-
tor's hand while others booed
the group off the stage.
Some students were angered
at the hostile action the class
levelled at the protesters. Oth-'
ers expressed sympathy with
the actor's views but were
alienated by the "infringement
of our rights to education" by
the interrupting of class.
In response to the recruiter
disruption, one professor said,
"The protesters should b e
thrown out on their fannies. A
guy's right are really deprived
if he's prevented from, inter-
views with the guy who may
give him lifetime career."
In the demonstration against
the DuPont-recruiter, according
to Engineering Placement Di-
rector John Young, only two
students were prevented from
keeping their appointments. But
out of the incident came the
first organized effort to end re-
cruiting with a six-point pro-
gram formulated by SDS, which
-Presentation of guerrilla
theatre in the Fishbowl;
-Distribution of leaflets;

-Continual showing of sev-
eral Newsreel movies;
-Setting up display boards
in the Fishbowl;
-Addressing classes at the
beginning and end of each hour;
-Disrupting recruiter inter-
viewing around the campus.
With more corporation repre-
sentatives arriving on campus
throughout the early part of the
term, protesters declared open
season on job recruiters. A "car-
nival" demonstration was staged
in the lobby of the Student
Placement Office where a re-
cruiter from the Chase Manhat-
tan Bank was scheduled to in-
terview students. On orders
from his New York office, the
recruiter left an hour before the
demonstration began, but the
protesters, under the impression
that he was in the office, pro-
ceeded to spread o 4t a giant
monopoly board, break ballons,
play with toys and sing through-
out the morning.
Although the demonstrators
had been unable to confront the
recruiter, an SDS spokesman
later claimed victory based on
the presumption that Chase
Manhattan had been "intimi-
dated enough to recall their re-
The repeated and publicized
anti-recruiter activities, attract-
ed attention from several diverse
campus bodies. The Senate As-
sembly's S t u d e n ts Relations
Committee (SRC), requested a
University-wide moratorium to
discuss the recruiting issue and
urged suspension of recruiting
pending passage of a resolution
to permit "widespread involve-
ment and a. conducive atmos-
phere for a forum."
The Senate Assembly, the
representative faculty body, un-

animously opposed the Mora-
torium proposal but agreed to
call on a newly-created Com-
mittee on Communications to
conduct a series of forums on
the issue.
Meanwhile, a number of local
groups formed an ad hoc coali-
tion also calling for a discus-
sion moratorium on the campus
recruiting problem. Charging
that the University recruiting
policies indicate complicity weth
corporations involved in war
production and environmental
pollution were: The Student
Mobilization Committee, SDS,
Radical College, ENACT, Stu-
dents for Effective Action, Ten-
ants' Union, Women's Libera-
tion, Anarchist Coalition, Union
of Radical Political Economists,
Students Organized against ra-
cism, White Panthers, a n d
Black Berets.
Countering such movements,
the student engineering council
called for continuation of re-
cruiting. Their motion contend-
ed that "any discontinuation, no
matter how temporary, of the
activities of the Placement
Service would be a serious
breakage of faith on the part
of the University." Noting that
the demonstration u t 1 i z e d
"force and repression," the
council asked the University to
"reject the use of violence at
this early stage." The motion
declared support for further dis-
cusion on the subject, but op-
posed a campus wide suspen-
sion of classes tq hold a forum.
A forum was scheduled by the
ad hoc coalition and demonstra-
tions continued with peaceful
picketing of recruiters from
Lockheed Aircraft Corp. and
Dow Chemical Corp.
The forum, made up of rep-
resentatives from the Dow

Chemical Corp and members of
Radical College, focused on "the
role of the chemical company in
social and political problems of
the day."
Fifty people filled the Union
Ballroom and listened to faculty
members' descriptions of Dow
products such as napalm, and
herbicides used as defoliants.
Students on the panel levelled
charges of third world exploita-
tion and domestic pollution. In
turn the Dow representatives re-
sponded to these charges with
facts and figures of Dow's pol-
lution control work and read
statements by foreign govern-
ments praising Dow's invest-
ments in their economies.
And the protest demonstra-
tions continued. Last to be con-
fronted, was the Atlantic Rich-
field Co. recruiter, whose visit
on March 12 was marked by the
dumping of oil and feathers on
the floor and steps of the W.
Engineering Bldg. where inter-
views were being held.
An SDS leaflet accused
Atlantic Richfield of promoting
conditions that could "scar
Alaska's tundra and permanent-
ly destroy the ecological balance
of a massive region of Alaska."
The leaflet explained that the
dumping of oil and feathers
symbolized "what A t 1 a n t i c
Richfield stands for--oil and a"
destroyed economy."
The summer has brought an
end to campus recruiting and,
recruiting demonstration. 'The
issue, however, remains very
much alive and some say it will
be rekindled to full blaze in the
Various student and faculty
members are continuing their
investigation of corporate-mili-
tary inviolvements. One self-or-
ganized group, called the "Brain

Mistrust," is doing in-depth re-
search of the activities of Gen-
eral Motors, Dow, Atlantic Rich-
field, Ford and Chrysler, in pre-
paration for a fall campaign
agains campus job recruiting.
On the placement personnel
side, interviewing procedures
will remain much the same as
in the past.
The staff at the Student
Placement Office, the scene of
two protest demonstrations, will
continue to arrange meetings
between students and prospec-
tive employers.
According to William Audas,
assistant director of the place-
ment office, no judgment is
made of the military associa-
tions companies who request of-
fice facilities. "It is not our
place to do so," Audas ,explains.
"We are\trying to move ahead
to make ,sure companies pursue
affirmative action in regard to
equal opportunities in employ-
ment," Audus adds. "We'll try
to continueto stress that as-
At the placement office in W.
Engineering Bldg. operations
and policies will also remain
basically unchanged.
"Students are becoming more
interested in broader communi-
cations with, employers," Young
explains. "We are going to try
to increase that kind of com-
munication rather than just
emphasize technical aspects.
Young also mentions that the
administration has assured con-
cerned corporations that pre-
cautions will be taken to assure
the safety of their represent-
ative's. He adds, however, that
to his knowledge no specific
commitment to security meas-
ures has yet been taken.

-Daily-Richard Lee
Dow representative defends recruiting

with exploiting labor all over the
world and (being) an "integral
part of the war machine," GE's
five recruiters remained in their
W. Engineering Bldg. offices
and continued with scheduled
interviews while police, office
staff and protesters clashed out-
side. Twenty arrests resulted
from that incident.
According to an SDS leaflet
erplaining the motive behind
tl e protests GE is the second
largest defense contractor in the
U.S., and 20 per cent of GE's
sales go to the military.
Jan. 29, the DuPont Corp. was
the target of protest when 150
demonstrators I e d by SDS
blocked a DuPont recruiter in
the W. Engineering Bldg. for
about three hours.
Five demonstrators had in-
vited the recruiter to debate
with them and to watch a News-
reel film on DuPont's alleged
racism and political control of
its home city, Wilminton, De..
The .,recruiter declined and a
short scuffle broke out. 'Two
plain clothesmen, two University
men, and two students barred
the office door as the demon-
strators -rushed the office. Re-
buffed, the protesters milled
around in the hallway, blocking
the passageway and shouting.
"DuPont gets rich, GI's die."
They accused the nation's
largest chemical firm of racism,
imperialism and environmental
pollution, citing DuPont's prac-
tices in Wilmington, its contri-
bution to the, Vietnamn war ef-
fort and its production of chem-
icals which have contributed to
-President Robben Fle m i n g

anounced a 'three-pronged at-
tack against SDS following the
DuPont protest. Fleming said
the University would seek re-
moval of SDS's status as a stu-
dent organization under Student
Government C o u n c i 1 Rules
through Central Student Judi-
ciary. Also action would be
sought against members through
administrative boards of the
colleges and schools, and the
University would seek prosecu-
tion of some demonstrators
through civil courts.
However, also at this time
other groups began to make
stands for and against the re-
cruiter issue and SDS. The most
significant development was the'

'U' community strike for BAM demands successful

(Continued from Page 1)

faculty and staff
formed a support
issued a statement

me m be r s
group and
backing the

The March 18 open hearing
with the Regents was tense. Vice
Presidents Allan Smith and
Stephen Spurr presented the ad-
ministration plan. BAM leaders
and 'their supporters repeated
their demands and their objec-
tions to the administration's
At their regulars public meet-
ing the next day, the Regents
They adopted a minority en-
rollment program which set a
goal of 10 per cent black enroll-
ment by fall, 1973, but commit-

ted only enough fonds to assure
an enrollment of seven per cent.
While the University would at-
tempt to meet the 10 per cent
goal, enrolling the additional
three per cent was contingent
on securing additional funds
from the budgets of the indi-
vidual schools and colleges, as
well as from the state and fed-
eral governments, and private
The funds committed by the
University would provide for a
$2 million increase in the Op-
portunity Awards P r o g r a m
(OAP) by the 1973-74 fiscal
year. The OAP allots financial
aid to disadvantaged students,
who are primarily black. The
regental plan also allocated

$100,000 in 1970-71 for;,recruit-
ers and supportive services.
The Regents felt they had
been magnanimous in their ac-
tion. Regent William Cudlip (R-
Grosse Pointe Shores) spoke of
"bringing these people into the
mainstream of American life."
But outside the locked , and
guarded doors of the Regents'
Room, an entirely different at-
mosphere prevailed.
A public address system had
broadcast the proceedings to the
crowd gathered in Regents
Plaza, and most were dissatis-
fied thattthe Regents had set a
goal of 10 per cent, rather than
a commitment, as BAM had de-
A large number believed that

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WELCOME your visitor at a beautiful ...

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the Regents had rejected the
demands completely. During a
subsequent march around cam-
pus, some of the protesters ran
into classrooms crying, "The Re-
gents screwed BAM," and soon
an angry crowd gathered outside
the Administration Bldg. The
police showed up in riot gear,
and suddenly someone threw a
rock through a window. After
a few brief clashes and a few
more rocks, the crowd dispersed,
four of them, all black, having
been arrested.
While the Regents had "con-
curred" in the establishment of
a minority enrollment program
and committed the administra-
tion to "intensified efforts" to
raise the, money necessary to
" enroll 10 per cent black stu-
dents, there was a severe lack
of faith among students in the
administration's dedication to
meeting the goal as set by the
At 10:00 that night a class
strike was called by the BAM
leadership, and the next day,
Friday, it began.
On Monday, picket lines were
deployed at all the major class-
room buildings. Sporadic inci-
dents of picketers preventing
students,, f r o m entering the
buildings occurred. In the eve-
ning, three more groups came
out in support of the demands,
with the Pilot Project voting
$575 for BAM's use.
That set the general pattern
for the week, as the strike rap-
iedly g a in e d momentum. On
Tuesday, members of Womens'
Liberation blocked the entrance
to a parking structure and ex-
plained the strike to people who
came to get their cars. The Res-
idential College voted to cancel
a 11 its classes. Attendance in
the literary college was cut
nearly in half.
On Wednesday morning some
of the vice presidents, the
deans and members of Senate
Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs (SACUA), met in
closed session. Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer Wil-
bur Pierpont asked the deans
if they would be willing to for-
go some part of their budgets in
order to guarantee enough funds
to meet the 10 per cent black
enrollment goal, and the deansy
expressed g e n e r a l agreement
with the idea.
Over lunch, SACUA met and
called- a meeting of Senate As-
sembly, the faculty representa-
tive body, for that night. At the
meeting, Assembly adopted a
resolution urging the faculty in
each school and college to use
their budgets to help fund the
10 per cent goal.
Meanwhile, the strike had be-
come more militant. Despite re-
peated statements by BAM
leaders that strike participants
must avoid violence, a group of
students went through t h e
Chemistry Bldg., breaking win-
dows and causing other damage.
Some classes were disrupted

when professors refused to al-
low strike supporters time to ad-
dress their classes. Attendance
in the literary college on' Wed-
nesday was estimated at 40 per
cent, with 60 per cent given as
the figure for the entire Uni-
The first break came on
Thursday when Fleming invit-
ed BAM to begin negotiations
with the administration.
The next morning at 4:45
a.m., picketing was extended to
the University's power plant,'
the residence h a 11 s and the
Michigan League. Many food.
service employes refused to
cross the lines, causing the Lea-
gue and several dorms to oper-
ate on a limited basis. At 1 p.m.,
negotiations b e g a n between
BAM and t h e administration.
According to BAM, "agreement,
was reached on several major
points" but there was no reso-
lution of the major issues.
At 6 p.m., Fleming announced
that funding for the admissions .
goal "was assured," citing pledg-
es from the faculties in several
schools and colleges to use their
budgets to fund the black en-
rollment program.
A moratorium on picketing
was declared for the weekend
and negotiations continued for
six and a half hours on Satur-
day, focusing primarily around
the location, funding and con-
trol of the black student center.
Talks resumed again on Sun-
day and a settlement appeared
near until a status report on the
negotiations was read by Jack
Hamilton, director of Univer-
sity relations, over radio station
The action violated a "gentle-
man's agreement" between BAM
and the administration not to
release any information on the
negotiations unless both sides
agreed. When BAM discovered
the action, they broke off nego-
tiations, charging a "breach of
A half-hour later, Fleming is-
sued an explanation, saying he
had been informed that BAM
had announced the status of the
negotiations at a mass meeting.
Since it appeared that BAM was
releasing information, Fleming
said, he authorized Hamilton to
do the same.
BAM said the explanation was
not enough. They demanded an
apology and for a time it seem-
ed that negotiations w e r e in
serious trouble.
On Monday afternoon, a let-
ter, the contents of which was
never disclosed, was s e n t by
Fleming to BAM. At 8:45 p.m.
negotiations resumed.
When they recessed around
three in the morning, BAM de-
clared a moratorium on picket-
ing. That night Ed Fabre told
a rally "the decision now is not
in the hands of the president,
but of the Regents."
On Tuesday, Fleming, the
vice presidents and the Regents
met for over six hours at In-

glis, House, a University-owned
mansion on the outskirts of Ann
Arbor. Talks resumed the next
day at Fairlane, Henry Ford's
old estate in Dearborn. Finally,
after ten more hours, the t talks
with the Regents ended.
Back in Ann Arbor, at 8:30
p.m. in the Regents Room,
Fleming announced the settle-
ment. Funding for the 10 per
cent goal was indeed guaran-
teed. N i n e undergraduate re-
cruiters would be added and a
number of graduate recruiters.
Most of the lesser demands were
granted, as well.
However, t h e black student
center had been rejected com-
pletely by the Regents and ad-
ditional Aupport for the Mar-
tin Luther King Scholarship
Fund was also turned down. But
more importantly, far from
granting amnesty for strikers,
,the Regents had set up a spec-
ial disciplinary procedure f o r
dealing with strike participants
charged with disruption. White
supporters immediately charged
that BAM had betrayed them by
agreeing to an enrollment plan
which included the disciplinary
procedure.. The black students
had made all the gains, they
said, while t h e only tangible
thing left for the whites was
the threat of prosecution.
And since the settlement, a
number of students have been
charged with disruption of class-
es during the striker.
. Reaction to the other aspects
of the settlement has been var-
ied. Inside the University com-
munity, the majority of the fac-
ulty and student body appear
to back the agreement, al-
though many faculty members
have deplored the conditions
under which it was arrived at.
Beyond the Ann Arbor scene
are the often negative reactions
of public officials, such as Vice
President Spiro Agnew. There
is the considerable outpouring
of public opposition which ex-
pressed itself in a number of
Although subsequent events
must be judged in the larger
context of the campus reaction
to the U.S. intervention in Cam-
bodia,'and the killings at Kent
State University and Jackson
State College, some results of
the BAM strike are becoming
It undoubtably led the Re-
gents in April to adopt stringent
student conduct rules, aimed
specifically at dealing with cam-
pus disruptions. The proposed
policy of docking the pay of
faculty members who join class
boycotts (which is being con-
sidered by the Regents as this
supplement goes to press) was
an obvious outgrowth of the
BAM strike. At the state level,
an increasing amount of legis-
lation aimed at curbing campus
disorders has been proposed,
and some of it passed.
And although it may still be
too soon to view the events in
any kind of perspective, a few
definite conclusions can be
drax The BAM strike marked




. f




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