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September 02, 1970 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-02

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Wednesday, September 2, 1970


Pg9e Three

Wednsda, Setemer 2 190 TH MIHIGA DALY Pge hre

After Feflini.
"If you see with innocent eyes,
everything is divine"-FELLINI
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with this coupon and if accompanied by
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Use Daily classifieds

An1n Arbor and 'U': Cooperation and conflict
By DEBRA THAL city police. However, Harvey's
and men have been known to do
HARVARD VALLANCE " .' ,., ' otherwise.

Daily News Analysis
While Ann Arbor is no more
than State Street and the
campus to many students, its
115,000 non-student residents
are plagued with miniature doses
of ?big city problems: r a c i a 1
tension and discipline problems
in the over-crowded schools, an
inefficient and underfunded
public transportation system,
conflicts over proposed public
housing projects and the inevit-
able friction between the police
and the black community.
But except for a few flare-
ups, the relationship between
the city and the University is
usually quiet.
Ann Arbor is governed by a
mayor and a city council which
has recently changed its cast
from liberal to conservative. In
last spring's election,-city voters
overwhelmingly chose Republi-
cans to represent them.
Until recently, the fairly lib-
eral city government got along
well with the overlapping fair-
ly liberal University community.
The University - which, being
state-supported is autonomous
from the city - and the city

-Daily-Richard Lee
Ann Arbor Mayor Robert-Harris

government had a cooperative
But there were some conflicts
between the city and the Uni-
versity community over the
past year.
One recent controversy dealt
with the extension of Observa-
tory Road. The University com-
munity opposed the move which
4 would put a main street through
the student residential area.
However, the extension proposal
was eventually passed.
Another University/city con-
flict involves police. These fall
into three categories - Sanford
Security and Ann Arbor police
and Washtenaw County Sheriffs.
Sanford Security police are
University police. They are
guards in buildings and care-

30 $: Qrate,

fully observe all demonstrations,
and they testify against arrest-
ed demonstrators in court. But
on the whole, they don't do
The Ann Arbor police and
Chief Walter Krasny are the
cops on the beat. They patrol
the street, make occassional
drug arrests, and are the ones
who usully break up demon-
strations. However, they o n l y
come onto university property
when called. They don't make
drug arrests inside the dormi-
The most notable member of
this group is Detective Lieuten-
ant Eugene (Hey Gene) Staud-
enmeier; he is always in p l a i n
clothes, always very friendly,
always at anything that goes
on around and many times just
visits anywhere and everywhere.
He is also the one who can
identify all of the student activ-
ists when someone wants to ar-
rest them. And when he is not
patrolling the campus, he is in
court testifying for the prosecu-
But student-police confronta-
tions have usually involved
Sheriff Douglas Harvey and the
Washtenaw C o u n t y deputies.
Legally, they are supposed to
stay away from the University
area as well as all of Ann Arbor
and leave city problems to the

In the summer of 1969, the
county police were an intregal
part of the cast of a riot on S.
University Ave.
Harvey's threats to interfere
with free rock concerts last
summer was the cause of great
controversy between him and
tne city government. He charged
that illegal acts such as drug
use, obsenity and indecent ex-
posure were taking place.
And when eight male students
were temporarily housed in Har-
vey's jail after being arrested at
a recruiter protest, they received
very short haircuts. They sub-
sequently filed suit against Har-
vey and two of his deputies for
"having their hair totally clip-
ped or shaved to the scalp."
The $200,000 suit is currently"
pending in Federal District
Court in Detroit.
Another city/University con-
flict involves the payment of
public school costs for the edu-
cation of children of University
students living in Northwood
Since University land and
housing are exempt from local
propertytaxes, Ann Arbor
school officials asked the Uni-
versity to volunteer funds to
offset some of the costs for edu-
cating 388 children who last
year attended thedUniversity
school which was discontinued
in the spring.,
Under current state laws, Ann
Arbor schools are required to
accept all school age children
living within the district, re-
gardless of whether their par-
ents pay taxes to the city.
The University announced in
May its decision to pay $252,000
to the school board for 1970-71
to defray educational costs for
the children. In order to budget
the school payment, Northwood
residents will be assessed an ad-
ditional $11 per month.
But a report, released later in
May, by a committee of the Of-
fice of University Housing, op-
posed the University's plan to
pay the school board.
The report came from a rate
committee made up of repre-
sentatives of the Student Ad-
visory Committee on Housing,

- I
AMeet at
ULRICH'S Book Store
Where the BOYS are I

the Northwood Terrace Associa-
tion and the Housing staff, and
challenges both the feasability
of meeting the payment and the
legitimacy of the payment itself.
According to the report, Uni-
versity apartment residents cur-
rently spend at least 33 per cent
of their income for housing, at
a time when most Americans
spend 20 per cent or less. To add
the additional school cost would
destroy any advantage of a low
rental opportunity, the report
contends, and would over bur-
den those who can least afford
to pay.
Furthermore, the increased
rent would make the University
apartments among the most ex-
pensive units on the Ann Arbor
market, and would seriously
damage the University's com-
mitment to increase its admis-
sion of low income students.
The report states that the
payment of the school taxes by
the University is specifically
prohibited by Michigan law.
Also challenged in the report
is ,the argument that the Uni-

City police on campus

1 1

versity owes school costs to the
The- report asserts that the
University has more than re-
paid any debt to the community
by its provision of cultural and
athletic events, itsboom to the
value of property, 'and numerous
other "spillover" effects of the.
University community.
While the problems faced by
the city's relatively small, black
community are not as serious as
in the larger industrial cities,
City Council voted last April to
approve a controversial Model
Cities plan designed to alleviate
present urban problems and to
prevent them from getting worse
as the city's population doubles
in the next 20 years.
Model Cities is a pilot pro-
gram, already under way in
nearly 70 other cities, designed
to test the effects-of large scale
federal spending in urban ghet-
tos. The program will bring in
nearly $1,500,000 of federal and
private grant money to Ann
Arbor's poorest area during the
current fiscal year alone.
Some. of the many projects in
'the first ,year. "action-plan" of'
the five-year program include
training programs for parapro-
fessional teacher aids in the
schools as well as a special "high
' school outpost" for students who
have dropped out of-high school
or "have been pushed out due
to unresponsive school policies
and practices."
A large day care center, the
goal of many activities on cam-
pus, will be established for the
benefit of working mothers, as
well as a riew comi unity clinic
where fees will be set on an abil-
ity-to-pay basis.
Funds are' also provided for
three "community defenders"
to furnish legal services for in-
digent, felons and those who
cannot afford to go through an
expensive appeals process.

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