THE HIDDEN COST OF DEFENSE SPENDING See Editorial Page WE L w F43U 4E ai1ij CAPRICIOUS High--57 Low-52 Cloudy, rain ending Turning cooler Vol. LXXXI, No. 49 I Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 29, 1970 Ten Cents Ten Pages U' classified research: Mum's the word By DAVE CHUDWIN Third of a four-part series A ten-foot high fence topped with barbed wire surrounds the complex of research laboratories. Once inside one of the World War II-vintage re- search buildings, a uniformed guard asks your business and has you sign a register asking your name, occupation and citizenship. On the wall a large poster with a winter scene advises "Security is always in season." A framed notice informs you the country is still in a state of emergency declared in 1950 and that it is illegal to reveal unauthorized classified information. An escort comes to take you to your appoint- ment (you cannot go through the building unac- companied) and leads the way past offices lined with files secured with combination locks. Security precautions such as these at the Uni- versity's Willow Run Laboratories are one conse- quence of the University's heavy involvement in classified military research. University scientists and engineers last year performed $5,619,003 of classified research under 42 classified contracts, reports Vice President for Research A. Geoffrey Norman. This represents one out of every eleven dollars spent on sponsored re- search here. All of t h e University's classified research is sponsored by the Deoartment of Defense except for a handful of remote sensing projects for the Department of the Interior and the space agency. Besides heavy security measures, another result of the University's classified research operation is that the experimental findings of some of these projects is not available to the general scientific community. If a final project report contains any classified data the entire report is classified and unavailable to those without security clearances and a "need to know." Campus debate over classified research in 1967 produced a re-examination of University research policies and all classified projects submitted after September, 1968 have been reviewed by a student faculty committee. Since that time the amount of classified re- search carried out by University researchers has dropped in half - but this has not been because of the committee. "There has been some lessening of security by the government and also the government is turning less to universities to do research," explains James Wilson, director of the University's Institute for Science and Technology (IST). More than three-quarters of the University's classified research is performed by Willow R u n Laboratories at its facilities in Ypsilanti and the 1ST Bldg. on North Campus. "My concern is that research be g o o d, not whether it is classified or not," comments William Brown, director of Willow Run. The Cooley Electronics Laboratory does about $400,000 of classified work, says director Thomas Butler. The lab, located on North Campus, is a division of they electrical engineering department. T h e Radiation Laboratory, another electrical engineering division, devotes about one-quarter of its $460,000 budget for classified projects, accord- ing to director Ralph Hiatt. The research group has facilities at Cooley Lab and on Catherine St. Research officials downgrade the importance of security measures at Willow Run and other loca- tions where, classified research is done. "We'dhave a little girl sitting there if the truth were known, but we have to have security over the building for weekends," Norman explains. "So you simply write a contract as we have done with San- ford Security to hire some of these tired, old men who act as a combination receptionist in the day- time and a guard at night and on weekends." Brown says building security is a convenience, allowing researchers to leave classified documents out without locking them up. "The debate on ,classified research misses the See LOCKING, Page 10 -Daily-Jim wallace Willow Run Laboratories GA acts on Denton' trial board By SARA FITZGERALD Graduate Assembly (GA) last night declined. to affirm or deny the graduate school Board of In- quiry's jurisdiction in the case of graduate student Peter Denton. Denton is charged with class dis- ruption during the Black Action Movement strike last March. The Board had asked GA to af- firm its jurisdiction following charges by Denton that the -board was "illegally constituted" and should dissolve itself. The assembly decided it had "no authority to either affirm or deny the effect of rules over which it had no control in propagation. For this reason we decline to provide the affirmation the Board of In- quiry has requested." In response to a similar request, the Executive Board of the grad- uate school two weeks ago asked. the Board of Inquiry to proceed with the case, rejecting Denton's charges. Prof. Bernard Galler, of the computer and communication sci- ences department, charged Denton with disrupting his class last March 26 in an attempt to gather support for the demands of the Black Action Movement. Denton's case was brought be- fore the graduate school Board of Inquiry, composed of two stu-' dent members appointed by GA and three faculty members ap- pointed by the Executive Board of the graduate school. At the Board of Inquiry's first, hearing late last month, Denton charged that under g r a d u a t e school rules, the Board of Inquiry should have been appointed at the start of the winter term. Because it was not appointed until April, after Galler filed the charges,I Denton charged that the board was "illegally constituted" and should dissolve itself. t See GA, Page 6 Jordanianst create new government AMMAN, Jordan (P) - Jordan formed a new government last night under an antiguerrila prime minister. Authoritative sources inj Cairo said the Egyptian ambassa- dor was called home immediately * for consultations on the "grave political development." The new Jordanian prime min- ister, Wasfi Tell, is a veteran poli- tician staunchly loyal to King Hussein and strongly opposed to activities of Palestinian guerrillas. He heads Jordan's third govern- 4 ment in six weeks. Tell, 50, is disliked by the guer- rillas who fought an 11-day war with Hussein's army last month. Voters to decide on bond issue' By CHRIS PARKS City voters will decide Nov. 3 on a half mill three million dollar bond issue for dam repairs and storm sewer improvements. If approved the issue will make the city eligible for state and fed- eral funds to finance recreation projects for the pond areas behind the dams. The dams at this time arenot considered adequate for th"se projects. "The city can't get money for 4 recreation until we get the dams repaired," said Douglas Crary, chairman of the citizens commit- tee appointed by City Council to promote the bond issue. Dificulties with the city's dams and sewers stem from a flood in June. 1968. The flood caused ex- tensive damage to the city area, revealing inadequacies in the over- all flood control system. Structural improvements a n d such operations as repairs on flood gates and spillway for the dams will total $2,339,000. The planned improvements on ner the storm sewer system will cost nb $665,396. SDS The bond issue has received the Pre support of many civic leaders in- cluding Mayor Harris, who says hen"strongly endorses the flood control bond issue." Many local organizations in- cluding the Democratic and Re- S publican parties have also en- dorsed the bond issue, making it one of the least controversial in the election. sses The only aspect of the issue of which has attracted any noticable agai opposition is the coupling of the idst sewer improvement with the dam them ked repairs. Fears are expressed by Univ r a the Citizens Association for Area ROT( Planning that the storm sewers T the might be "inadequate for future cont tegrowth in the area. cnr d stu rted While expressing some agree- to se ment, Crary said the matter of Q rom the storm sewers was not "an the overriding issue." effor STILLWAGON VS. ESCH U. S. bars oH.s judge report peaker s WASHINGTON (R) - Declaring an official House report on campus speakers was issued "solely for the sake of exposure or intimidation," a federal judge yesterday prohibited its public distribution by the government. U.S. District Judge Gerhard A. Gesell, in a landmark confrontation between the courts and Congress, ruled the list of 65 so-called militarit, radical or Communist-oriented speak- ers serves no valid legislative purpose. Gesell perwanently enjoined the U.S. public printer from printing the report at public expense. But he specifically re- fused to prohibit individual congressmen from distributing it on their own. "There are undoubtedly individuals who would destroy our institutions and form of -Daily-Denny Gair STUDENTS gather outside Angell Hall during yesterday's bom threat. Bom theatclean.4 Angell Hall classes By JUANITA ANDERSON Students approaching Angell Hall for their 10 a.m. cla yesterday were confronted by a crowd of people, shut ou the building by the semester's fourth bomb scare. Students lounged on the grass or stood chatting am falling leaves and barking dogs, while security guards tre through the building in an hour-long futile search fo bomb. The Undergraduate Library has been the target of three previous bomb threats this fall. Roland Gainsley, chief of University security, repor that his department received word of the bomb threat f city police at 9:31 a.m. There was no mention of when bomb was to go off. -- -___ -Daily-Jim Wallace S DISRUPTS ROTC drill (above) before meeting with Vice sident for Research Geoffrey Norman (below). 'DS disrupts ROTC drill at Waterman By MARK DILLEN Local radicals started yesterday by trying to "play ball" nst the University and ended by settling for a debate. The activity began when some 25 students, identifying .selves only as "concerned people," protested alleged ersity "war research" by attempting to disrupt scheduled 'C drills in Waterman Gymnasium. The group is asking an immediate suspension of research racts with the Department of Defense and formation of dent-faculty committee to judge all proposed research e if it could be used by the military. One-sixth of the University's total sponsored research t, over $10 million in 1969-70, is performed for the De- __partment of Defense. government," Gesell said in his order. "If any of them are listed in this report, our Con- stitution nevertheless preserv- es their right to speak e v e n though their acts may be re- strained." Gesell's court order appears to be the first ever to prohibit Con- gress from publicly distributing an official report. And Gesell said it was the first to be based on the doctrine of valid legislative p u r- pose. Gesell said the 25-page report it- self states it is not related to any legislation but is intended instead to alert university presidents, alumni and parents "to the ex- tent of campus speaking in pro- moting the radical revolutionary movement." "The conclusion is inescapable," he said, "that the report neither serves nor was intended to serve any purpose but the one explicit- ly indicated in the report; to in- hibit further speech on college campuses by those listed individ- uals and others whose political persuasion is not in accord with that of members of the commit- tee." Critic urges reforms in news media "Newspapers have been making the same mistakes for 150 years and in just 20 years, television has managedtorepeat them," said Edward Diamond, moderator of a Washington, D.C. media criticism show, in a journalism lecture yes- terday in the Rackham Amphi- theater. "The wonder is not that the news is so bad, but that it is as good as it is in some places," Dia- mond told the audience. "The most pressing question in the m e d ia today is can the structure be saved by reforming parts df it, or by taking all but the shell and re- building, or by blowing it up and starting over?" "I think radical-liberal reform can work," he said. "The young reporters want more relevant media, and I think they'll - win." Twenty guards immediately be- gan to evacuate the building, Gainsley said, covering "from the basement to attic." However, several students at- tending 9 a.m. classes on the third floor said they were not aware that anything was wrong until! they reached the deserted first floor at the end of the hour. "They must not have been lis- tening, because we told everybody,' Gainsley explained. "Everyone was told to stay 100F feet from the building, but of course we couldn't force them," he added. "We weren't about to join hands around the building to keep them away." And the guards did not attempt to keep anyone away from the H~illi 'l ..cio- 27,01 P... ont C Race for By STEVE KOPPMAN Daily News Analysis Republican Marvin Esch is seeking re-election Tuesday to a third term in the House of Repre- sentatives against Democrat R. Michael Still- wagon in the Second District. And though Esch is favored to win his re-elec- tion bid, a close race is foreseen, and Stillwagon is hopeful he can defeat the incumbent as he defeated the candidate supported by the local Democratic organization - Ford Motor Co. exe- cutive Bruce Neal -in the August primary. The secon district. which inclides Washtenaw, l'ouse close involves largely shaking hands at plant gates, taking part in 'candidate's nights' and various group meetings, and appearing at supermarkets and other public places. Esch's strength appears to lie in his ability to combine the Republican label with identification as a "moderate". A study of his voting record in- dicates a considerable shift to the left from the fairly conservative positions he took when he first entered Congress in 1967. A Congressional Quarterly study correlating voting records with support for the conservative bloc in the House gives Esch a rating of 63 Originally planning to play bas- ketball while the Air Force ROTC cadets drilled at noon, the con- tingent choose instead to gather on the oval track above the gym floor. While several cadets prac- ticed marching below, a few radi- cals began running around the 1/16 mile track, as others chanted "Ho Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh, NFL is going to win." When the group completed its first lap, University photograph- ers took pictures of the runners. Then the gym janitor asked them to leave, and a discussion between the group's members ensued. "We can either go someplace and do educational stuff and rap about the issues, or we can go to the Administration Bldg. and con- fonnt the TTniversit. " saido ne ,,.a.:;::>: