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October 28, 1970 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-10-28

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A Wednesday, October 28,-1970


Page Pine'.

Wednesday, October 28, ~ 970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine

Bucks drop



poll slot

AUSTIN, Tex. (iP) -- T e x a s
coach Darrell Royal likes the
Longhorn's new No, 1 rating in
The Associated Press college foot-
ball poll, but he says it is just
going to make things harder the
rest of the season.
Royal, a veteran at handling
top-ranked teams at Texas, said
usually "There's more reaction on
the part of our opponents than
the part of our own team" about
being selected No. 1. "It j u s t
inspires them (the opponents) a
little more."
But, he added, "We're not com-
plaining about our position. We
like it."
Texas is the defending national
champion and walloped Rice, 45-
21, last Saturday to extend the na-
tion's longest winning streak to 25
The Longhorns eased ahead of
Ohio State, the front-runner all
season, who had to rally in sthe
last quarter to whip Illinois. 48-
29. The Buckeyes got 16 fir s t
place votes to 15 for Texas but
trailed in total points, 670 to 664.
"You're not getting any reaction
from me," said Ohio State coach
ace Woody Hayes. "People are allowed
er- to vote."
he Thirty-eightasportswriters and
broadcasters acros the n a t i o n
took part in the poll.
Notre Dame, which has a 5-0 re-
cord like Texas and Ohio State,
remained in third place and picked
up four of the seven remaining
first place votes. One each went
to No. 4 Nebraska, No. 5 Michigan
and No. 7 Air Force.
Those teams also kept their
positions from the previous week,
but Stanford jumped from eighth
to sixth after edging UCLA, 9-7,
a team Texas beat 20-17.
Completing the top ten were Ar-
u r t kansas, which closes the season
hsDec. 5 against Texas, Tenessee and
has Sa
gton Louisiana State.
Post. 1. Texas (15) 5-0 670
edi- 2. Ohio State (16) 5-0 6641
3. Notre Dame (4) 5- 619
4. Nebraska (1) 6-0--1 514





-Daily-Jim Wall
MICHIGAN'S FRITZ Seyferth, named United P ress International's Back of the Week for his p
formance against Minnesota, slices through a hapless Gopher defense for some of the 414 yards t
Wolverines amassed rushing.

With four games left on the
schedule for most of the major
grid teams, the championships of
the various conferences are still,
up for grabs. There are favorites,
though, in most of the circuits,
and the dream of a pennant, or
better yet, a major bowl bid, be-
comes more and more of an in-
centive as the seasons draw to a
One conference crown has al-
ready been virtually clinched-
that of the Pacific Eight. Stan-
ford, after their 9-7 squeaker over
UCLA last Saturday evening, has
a 4-0 league record with only token
opposition coming up, and thus
holds the inside track on the trip
to Pasadena on New Year's Day.
If the Indians should falter,
though, Oregon, at 4-1, has the
best shot at the championship,
depite having been toppled by
Stanford earlier in the season.
In the Big Ten, of course, the
championship may not be deter-
For the student body:
\ Genuine
Sizes 34 to 46
State Street at Liberty{

ba ttles

mined until November 21 in Co-
lumbus. But the Rose Bowl repre-
sentative will very likely be settled'
upon this weekend, when North-I
western and Ohio State, both 3-0
in conference play, tangle in Evan-
ston. With Michigan out of the
running for the roses, the surpris-
ing Wildcats seemingly present the
onlykremaining obstacle to the
Buckeyes' journey westward.
The big game in the Big Eight
is shaping up as the Nov. 14 clash
I between the front-running Ne-
braska Cornhuskers, 3-0 so far,
and the Kansas State Wildcats,
3-1 on the season. State's attempt
to pull out its first league crown
in 36 years is soured somewhat by!
its inability to go to any post-sea-
son bowl, due to an NCAA ruling.
Missouri (2-1), Kansas (2-1), and
Oklahoma (1-1) are outside shots
at the crown and a probable
Orange Bowl trip, all having al-
ready lost a game to one of the
two front-runners.
The Southeastern Conference is
locked in another of its familiar
free-for-alls, a race which is con-
fused even more by the fact that!
its members do not play a similar
number of conference games. LSU,
a victor over Auburn last week,
and Mississippi lead the loop with
unblemished 2-0 and 4-0 records,
respectively. The Tigers, who will
play only five SEC contests, and
the Rebels, who will play six, bump
heads Dec. 5 in a game that may
rock the South for months there-
after. Auburn, Tennessee, and Mis-
sissippi State, all having lost one
league game, remain dark-horse
Texas and Arkansas, as usual,
will battle to the death in the last

Flood, who initiated the s
against the reserve clause,
signed with the Washin
Senators, the Washingtonl
reported in its Wednesdayi
game this season, on Dec.
decide the Southwestern Co
ence champion and the C
Bowl host.
Up North, in Yankeeland,I
mouth and Yale will meet
Saturday in New Haven in a
test which will probably d
the Ivy League title. The In
and Elis, the powerhouses o
circuit, both sport 3-0 confe
records, with Princeton. 2.
hopeful third.
The little-noticed Atlanticf
Conference, meanwhile, is en
in a two-team battle for thec
between Duke (4-0) andI
Forest (3-1). The Deacons
the Blue Devils will attem
settle the dispute Nov. 7 atI
It appears that only an e
quake can prevent the T,
Rockets from sweeping to
second consecutive Mid-Am
crown and undefeated se
Out West, Arizona State is
ing another triumphant se
and baring a collapse ofF
Kush's football machine, the
Devils should sweep to their
ond straight Western At
Conference championship.
The Irish of Notre Dam
the Air Force Falcons, bot
defeated, head the list of
pendents and the battle fora
jor bowl invitation, while
lowly Pittsburgh, with a 5-1
ord, appears to have an early
on the Lambert Trophy, s
of Eastern grid superiority.
Last, but not least, Si
Rock State College, 3-4 o'

-Associated Press
It's a steal
MILWAUKEE BUCKS' Lou Alcindor (33) grabs a rebound from
the San Diego Rockets' Don Adams (32) in last night's NBA game
at Milwaukee. Alcindor led the Bucks to a 126-113 victory. The
win moved the Bucks to within 21 games of the idle Detroit
President optimistic about plan
tuate NCAA scholarships
j o reg...

Vi is back .. .
and so is Clay'
IT WAS MORE THAN a win for a fighter--it was a social
Thus spake Muhammed Ali (or is it Cassius Clay again??)
Monday night after his triumphant return to the ring.
Still, it was a big win for Ali the fighter, because he showed
that even after a layoff of more than three years, he is still
probably the best heavyweight ever. But it was a social victory
simply because of all the things the man had come to symbolize.
At times, the cause outstripped him.
But lest the flag-wavers and keepers of the true faith
begin to harp on the man's Muslim beliefs and his defiance
of apple pie, they should realize that the return of the enig-
matic Louisville Lip in all his old glory was a big win for
boxing, too.
The moribund art of professional self-defense needs the
man far more than he needs it. Boxing needs color and con-
troversy to stay in the public limelight, and it has proved a loser
on national television. The old ethnic groups and syndicates that
were boxing's lifeblood faded into respectability in the suburbs.
Middle America had become too sophisticated for the
fight game; we could stomach our daily quota of violence
only in civilized doses. Ban boxing movements arose, espe-
cially after Kid Paret was mauled to death in a televised
bout. It took a man like Clay/Ali to draw public attention
away from these sordid realities.
The man and the controversy that surrounded him breathed
new life into the corpse, but during his absense, boxing again
hit the skids. When the World Boxing Association appointed it-
self high executioner and stripped Clay of his title and right to
fight, the heavyweight ranks and boxing itself became confused
and obscure.
After great chaos, Joe Frazier finally became the official
heavyweight champ, but no one was especially impressed. After
all, Frazier had not fought the man, so how could he be respected
as the true champ?
When was the last time you read about Frazier in the news-
paper or heard him mentioned on television or radio? For that
matter, when was the last time that anything remotely related
to boxing made news?? The clamor surrounding Clay's efforts
to return to the ring seemed to be all there was in boxing.
AND ON MONDAY NIGHT, when the man finally made it
back to the ring like a prince returning from the crusades to
claim the princess so often raped by pretenders, there was an
excitement that boxing hadn't known in a long time. And it was
"right on" time as. it became apparent that neither the sword
nor the tongue had mellowed during the man's absence.
Somehow you knew the man was too great to let everyone
down. And you cheer the man, and you love the man, and when
Quarry, the so-called Great White Hope, is vanquished, his brow
split wide open, it is a great moment, a dramatic moment.
But when you stop to think about it, boxing is not a
pretty sport, it is brutal. At some time, you might have
wanted it banned, because no one should have to make a
living by being pounded to a pulp.
Yet for some people, there was no other way, and even if
they don't make it in the big time, even if they don't become like
the man, maybe it's right to let them dream a little. Still, when
you stop to think about it, boxing can make you a little sick.
And you look at Muhammed Clay Cassius Ali, and you look
at the man, and you look at the thousands cheering him on,
and you wonder if the medium is the message.


NEW ORLEANS {AP-The presi-

5, to
f the
-1, a
pt to,
e Sun
r sec-
e and
h un-
a ma-
1 rec-
y hold


5. Michigan (1) 6-0 434'
6. Stanford 6-1 380 dent of the NCAA said yesterday
7. Air Force (1) 7-0 359 he's optimistic about passage of
8. Arkansas 5-1 285 regulations ,to limit the number of
9. Tennessee 5-1 238 athletic scholarships a school can
1. Arizoa State 5-- o10 give and to require th4t financial
12. Auburn 5-1 167 aid be based on need,
13. Mississippi 5-1 145 The proposals, which would
14. San Diego state 6-0 43 make fundamental changes in key
15. Pittsburgh 5-1 42
16. Oregon 5-2 29 NCAA scholarship regulations,
17. Missouri 4-3 26 were informally sanctioned by the
18. South California 4-2-1 22 18-member council yesterday.
19. UCLA 4-3 20 The plan will be presented for
20. Northwestern 3-3 13'icsina teNA ovn
Others receiving votes, listed alpha- discussion at the NCAA conven-
betically: Alabama, Dartmouth, Duke, tion next January in Houston.
Kansas, Missipssipl State, Toledo, West A third part of the program
virginia, Yale. presented in the financial aid


plan will be approved and I think
it has a good chance," said Harry!
A. M. Cross, NCAA president and
faculty representative of the Uni-
versity of Washington.
Cross said the plan will be pre-
sented "for roundtable discussion"
when the NCAA meets next Janu-
ary. He said it will not be pre-
sented for a,1 vote until the 1972
convention, or possibly in a spe-
cial convention before then if the
plan immediately receives wide-
spread support.
All campus IM basketball
tournament entries are being
accepted now. The fee is $5 and
play begins Nov. 2. Entries close
at 4:30 Oct. 28.
* * *
A basketball officials training
session will be held Thursday at
7:30 p.m. in the I.M. Bldg. Wres-
fling Room.

Milwaukee 126, San Diego 113
INew York 117, Seattle 104
Pittsburgh 114, Virginia 111

committee's package would set up
rules providing high school ath-1
letes one week without any con-
tact from coaches to decide which
college they want to attend. Once
the decision is made, the student
would be ineligible to play for an-
other school that year.
"I'm certainly hopeful that the



Gridde Pickings

I don't want to die!", wailed Bill "Halitosis" Harris, uac's weak- HOWE REIGNS:
kneed vice president. "My God those fantastic Libels are liable to
exterminate us."11

I 70 . -

And indeed they will this Sunday when the mighty Libel jugger-
naut will destroy yet another student organization which has the
audacity to challenge the number one team in the nation (let alone
show up).
Despite the tears pouring down his cheeks as he heard the news
Of the big game, Harris was not so motally destroyed as Jim "blither-!
-ing idiot" Sandler, uac president. Sandler, who was thrown for a
$20,000 loss trying to sweep left end this summer with the olde Blues
Festival ploy, was last seen kissing the feet of Eric "the Red" Siegel,
begging him to not start his first string. Siegel (we always knew he
was too soft) was so moved by this scene that he promised to let
at least one mugger survive in order to fill out his gridde picks.

ro hociey's pugtusts reverea

has a lowly 1-2 mark in Pennsyl-
vania Conference Western Divi-
sion play, and with only two
league games left, will be hard-
pressed to reach the State Cham-!
pionship game next month.

"I have never lost a fight in my
Not the words of a professional
boxer or street brawler, these come
from John Ferguson, retired star
of the Montreal Canadians. The
ability to fight, most any hockey
star would assure you, is as nec-
essary a skill as handling the
puck. That hockey's most physical
team, Boston, won the Stanley Cup
in 1970 adds weight to the argu-
When you place conditioned
athletes stimulated by crowd re-
actions into body contact compe-
tition at speeds up to 30 MPH,
then it is little wonder that fight-
ing results. As Conn Smythe, for-
mer owner of the Toronto Maple
Leafs says, "If you can't beat them
in the alley, you will never beat
them on the scoreboard."

1. MICHIGAN at Wisconsin,
pick score
2. Iowa at Minnesota
3. Northwestern at Ohio State
4. Illinois at Purdue
5. Michigan State at Indiana
6. Cornell at Columbia
7. West Virginia at Penn State
8. Georgia Tech at Duke
9. Auburn at Florida
10. South Carolina at Georgia

11. North Carolina State at
12. Tulane at Vanderbilt
13. Nebraska at Colorado
14. Missouri at Kansas State
15. Baylor at TCU
16. Air Force at Arizona
17. California at Southern
18. Oregon State at Stanford
19. Dartmouth at Yale
20. Daily Libels vs. Muggers


Apparently the Maple Leafs as
a team concur. It was only a cou-
ple of years ago in a Boston-To-
ronto playoff game that Toronto
madman Forbes Kennedy took on
everybody but the Boston manage-
ment. After fighting with several
Bruins, including :goalie Gerry
Cheevers, Kennedy (later sus-
pended for this escapade) was fi-
nally silenced by a barrage of
punches from John (Pieface) Mc-
Kenzie. This incident gave mo-
mentum to Boston which led to
their playoff victory.
Almost every team and certainly
every successful team employs the
services of one or more "police-
men," whose job it is to enforce
order on the ice and perhaps make
the other club back off. Any dis-,
cussion of the pugilists in the NHL
must start with "the King," Gor-
die Howe.
For over two decades Howe's
elbows and fists have created
havoc around the league. "It is a
man's game and not meant for
kids," says Gordie. Sometimes I
just like to show these young fel-
lows who is boss."
One of Howe's biggest triumphs
ocurred some years back against
New York Ranger bad boy Lou
Fontanato. Lou was the NHL's
leading penalty man and sup-
posedly the toughest player
around. In this particular game,
Howe brutally mauled Fontanato
before they were separated in one
of the most one-sided bouts in
history. It took an operation to
put Lou's nose back in place and
stitch together his battered face.
Another noted brawler is Bos-
ton's Ted Green, back after his
brush with death last year fol-
lowing a stick swinging duel with
Wayne Maki. Now with a plate in
his head. he may have doubts

Reggie only 39 seconds into the
first period to pick a fight with
ex-Detroiter, Bryan Watson. Four
minutes later he skated out of the
penalty box and began poking his
stick at Watson in the opponent's
box. That earned him an ejection
from the game.
Unheralded Vancouver captain
Orland Kurtenbach is still one of
the deadliest punchers around.
When he was with New York it
took Orland just one punch to
knock out then Detroit defense-
man Bert Marshall. This bout
prompted Gordon Howe to com-
pare Marshall with a candle since
"one blow and he's out."
Red Wing defenseman Bobby
Baun although somewhat mellow-
ed by age is still respected by op-
ponents. Built like a large fire
plug at 5-9 and 185 pounds, Baun
wrestles as well as boxes. His
favorite tactic is butting players
with his head.
Ted Harris of Minnesota exem-
plifies all the good qualities of a
hockey brawler. Like most good
fighters Harris is very solid on his
skates and hard to move. At 6-2
and 190 pounds Ted likes to 'mix
a loping left jab with a right cross
to put opponents on their backs.
One maxim in the_. National
Hockey League is that every rookie
must show he's not afraid to mix
it up, on pain of being intimidated
out of the league. Toronto de-
fenseman Jim Dorey has served
his apprenticeship and is now rec-
ognized as the tough guy on the
Maple Leafs. While lacking fi-
nesse, Dorey likes to use his whole
body in a scrap.
Rounding out the top fighters
are defenseman Bob Plager (St.
Louis). Gilles Marotte (L.A.), and

Wildcats still cellar-dwellers;
lack depth, experience, talent

(First in a series)
Last season Northwestern and
Indiana were the two worst
teams in the Big Ten. This year
Indiana has a powerhouse team
that is picked by many to take
the conference crown.
But some things are eternal:
Northwestern still has the worst
team in the Big Ten.
The Wildcats will be hard-
rrocri# rnrt~ t l- v- '

and is expected to help stabilize
his young team until it gains
some game experience.
Barry Hentz, a 6-9 junior, and
6-3 Don Crandall each started a
few games for the Wildcats last
year and combined to score
about twelve points a game.
Henz is expected to man the
pivot position vacated by former
Covert, Michigan ace Jim Sar-
no; he has great natural ability
but lacks the aggressiveness nec-

Sibley and Barry Ludy starred
for the freshmen and are ex-
pected to give the Wildcats a
potent guard combination for
the next three years.
Snyder characterizes the 6-3
Ludy as an "exceptionally quick
ballplayer who is a fine driver
and good from the outside."
Ludy was snatched from his
hometown of Oxnard, California
in a recruiting coup.
Sibley, who led all scorers in
1 a s t vear's varsitv-freshman

So light and flexible
and comfortable, you
can wear them without
sox. Or with sox.






..... '

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