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October 28, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-10-28

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See Editorial Page



Cloudy and chance
of rain

Vol. LXXXI, No. 48

Ann Arbor, Michigan -

Wednesday, October 28, 1970

Ten Cents

Ten Pages




Second of a four-part series
You're a Viet Cong guerrilla bringing
supplies down the Ho Chi Minh trail to
South Vietnam. It's night as your convoy
of trucks threads through the thick jun-
gle foliage.
Miles a w a y an allied aircraft streaks
across the sky. Inside, a technician turns
on an infrared detector and adjusts a
sidelooking moving-target indicator radar.
A quick call to a nearby Air Force base
and soon you are dead - detected by re-
mote sensing techniques developed by re-
searchers at the University's Willow Run
The infrared detector had picked up the
heat of your bodies and the trucks' en-
gines, converting the thermal radiation in-
to a "heat map" of the scene.
Because you and your trucks were much
warmer than the surrounding jungle veg-
etation, ground and water, the technician
quickly pinpoints your location, approxi-
mate numbers and movement from images
on the "map."
The high-resolution radar sent out
short pulses which bounced off you and
your men, a small percentage returning

to the plane. An antenna collected the re-
turning radar waves and turned them into
a detailed map of your convoy's movements
and the surrounding terrain.
"If the military is using remote sensing
in Vietnam, it must root back to scientific
development here over the last 15 years,"
says James Wilson, director of the Univer-
sity's Institute of Science and Technology
"The University of Michigan is the lead-
er in imaging the world with infrared sen-
sors and radar devices," boasts Richard
Legault, associate director of Willow Run
Laboratories where almost all of the Uni-
versity's remote sensing work has been
Willow Run Labs, located 17 miles from
central campus in Ypsilanti, is a division
of IST and "an integral part of the Uni-
versity," explains Vice President for Re-
search A. Geoffrey Norman.
Remote sensing accounts for almost one-
half of Willow Run's $7 million annual re-
search budget. Most of the projects in the
sensing field are classified.
Willow Run researchers are now at work
refining radar and infrared remote sens-
ing, developing advanced techniques with
higher resolutions and clearer images.




While remote sensing has promising civ-
ilian applications, its development, major
uses and funding are now mainly military.
"It is not surprising that the military
would have been interested in the develop-
ment of infrared sensors," says a paper by
Willow Run researchers written for the
University's Research News. "Infrared
images can be made at night and they can
be made passively; infrared sensing does
not require sending out energy to be re-
flected (and perhaps detected by an en-
"Furthermore, infrared images show
things that neither visual photographs nor
radar techniques can show - for instance
the presence of a warm object, say a ve-
hicle, t h a t is completely concealed be-
neath camouflage," the paper continues.
"Infrared radiation can pentrate smoke or
haze," although not rain or heavy clouds.
"An infrared scanner carried by an air-
plane can gather a surprisingly l a r g e
amount of information on enemy maneu-
vers," the article concludes.
Aviation Week magazine reports t h a t
infrared and similar techniques are used
to increase the vision of military forces at
night, to guide missiles and ordance and to
See REMOTE, Page 8

MONROE, MICHIGAN is pictured above using radar techniques developed for the
military by the University's Willow Run Laboratories. The high-resolution airborne
radar which took the picture is useful in mapping terrain and detecting enemy in-
stallations and forces.

Willow Run's Richard Legault



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-Associated Press
Policy change asked
New York Senate candidate Richard Ottinger speaks yesterday
at a press conference held at the National Democratic Club,
Ottinger earlier said the United States should change its Latin
American policy "'to escape the shadows of another Vietnam."

at impasse
The committee attempting
to formulate new University
disciplinary procedures reach-
ed a virtual impasse last night,
as its members remained
sharply divided on the method
for deciding procedural ques-
tions at trials of students.
The committee has already
agreed to propose a disciplinary
system which complies with long-
standing student demands for an
all-student jury in student trials.
However, for the past month the
group has been unable to agree on
the makeup of the panel which
will preside at such trials and
which will rule on particularly
sensitive questions including:
-A motion to bar certain peo-
ple from the judicial proceedings;
-A motion to prohibit the pre-
sentation of certain evidence, such
as evidence of a political nature.
Athlast night's meeting, most
of the student members of the
committee supported the estab-
lishment of a panel of two stu-
dents and one faculty member
which could overule the decisions
of a presiding judge by a majority
The faculty members of the com-
mittee argued in favor of seating
one student and one faculty mem-
ber on the review panel, with
the stipulation that the student
would be able to veto a ruling by
the presiding judge to exclude
evidence or bar the defendent,
complainant or an attorney from
the courtroom.
The two regents on the com-
mittee - Lawrence Lindemer (R-
Stockbridge) and Robert Neder-
lander (D-Detroit) - were not
present at last night's meeting.
At past meetings, however, both
have been opposed to establishing
any reviewdpanel, preferring -;o
leave procedural questions com-
See JUDICIAL, Page 7

S. ra


WASHINGTON (R) - President Nixon yesterday signed the
Drug Abuse Control Bill which reduces the penalties for the
possession of narcotics but increases the penalties for drug
The new law focuses federal law enforcement activities on
controlling the flow of illegal drugs and on capturing nar-
cotics pushers. The law also includes the use of the contro-
versial "no-knock" power when authorized by a judge.
The measure sets in motion new procedures for controlling
the legitimate manufacture and sale of drugs, and for
expanded educational and rehabilitation programs.
After signing the bill-the third major administration
crime bill to be approved by Congress this year, Nixon called


-Associated Press

OEO shut down

Mayor Joe Smitherman of Selma, Alabama nails a sign on the door closing the federal Office of
Economic Opportunity office on city property. The mayor says the OEO was discriminating against
white persons.

Radicals leave U.S.,
for Arab countries
By The Associated Press
Radical literature has increasingly depicted Arab com-
mandos as revolutionary fighters against imperialism and
capitalism, and Arab countries have become a mecca for fugi-
tive radicals fleeing the United States.
New Leftist and Black Panther, white radical and blacks
who often disagree on other issues, find common cause in
the commandos' struggle against Israel.
Radical groups picture the Palestinians as innocent
victims left homeless by Western imperialism, and depict,
Israel as a "racist, Zionist state."
The groups say it is not a ques-
tion of being anti-Jewish. It is a
case, they claim, of choosing sides
between Israel - a state they see ti
as carved out by the Western
nations and owing its existence
Wmainly to the United States-and,
on the other hand, the nearly one
and one-half million Palestinian
refugees see-king a homeland.


board denies


Before each home football game,
the athletic department holds a
cocktail and dinner party for the
visiting press and coaches of the
visiting team. The Regents, vice
presidents of the University, and
the Daily senior sports editor are
among those traditionally invited.
The exceptions to this tradition
have been Regent Gertrude Hueb-
ner, former Vice President for
Student Affairs Barbara Newell
and Daily executive sports editor
Pat Atkins. These women have
never been invited to the "smok-
The athletic department has
denied the policy is discriminatory,
claiming the "smokers" are pri-
vate parties.
However, the Regents oylaws
state the University will work to
eliminate discrimination in "pri-
vate organizations recognized by
the University" and by non-Uni-
versity sources where students and
employes of the University are in-
Atkins recently filed a statement
with the student organizations of-
fice citing the athletic depart-
ment's failure to extend an in-
vitation to her.
Contacted list nikht Atkins

committee of the University which
consists of President R o b b e n
Fleming and the vice presidents.
Although the invitation to the
"smokers" reads, "Michigan's Ath-
letic Department cordially invites
you . . ." the parties are paid for
by the "M" Graduate Club. The
club is composed of alumni varsity
letter winners. The parties are
held off campus at the Ramada
Inn on Jackson Rd.
William Mazer, president of the
"M" Graduate Club, said a recent,

executive meeting of his club,
which discussed inviting women to
the smokers, unanimously decided
"not to invite women."
Mazer continued, "We don't in-
vite women for their own protec-
tion. When a group of men get
together and drink, the language
gets a bit rough. Women should
feel honored not to be invited."
Commenting on the situation,
Huebner said last night, "I per-
sonally don't feel left out by not
being invited."

on American 'to help save
"thousands of our young peo-
ple who would otherwise be
hooked on drugs" by backing
up law enforcers with moral
Under the new law, penalties
for simple possession or use of
narcotics or dangerous drugs are
'reduced from felonies to mis-
demeanors punishable by no more
than a year's imprisonment on the
first offense and allowing proba-
tion, parole or dismissal of charges
at a judge's discretion.
Penalties for sale of the drugs
are, increased, ranging from five
years to life depending on the na-
ture of the selling operation and
the type of drug or narcotic in-
Manufacturers and distributors
of drugs will be licensed under the
act, and reporting and record-
keeping regulations are strength-
ened. Five separate categories of
drugs and narcotics are establish-
ed according to their potential for
The new law authorizes a total
expenditure for educational, treat-
ment, and rehabilitation programs
of nearly $2 million under the De-
partment of Health, Education
and Welfare.

Defendant in
New Bethel
incident slain
A Detroit resident, acquitted of
charges resulting from a Detroit
shoot-out last year, was stabbed
to death outside his home Monday
Last year's shoot-out took place
at the New Bethel Baptist Church.
The killing of Clarence Fuller,
27, puzzled homocide detectives
who say robbery has been ruled
out as a motive.
Fuller was acquitted of charges
steming from an exchange of gun-
fire last year between members of
the Republic of New Africa (RNA)
and Detroit police outside a church
where RNA was meeting.
Fuller's wife said he left the
house Monday night to attend
classes at Wayne County Commu-
nity College. He was stabbed on
his return to the house and was
pronounced dead on arrival at a
local hospital.

Breakfast program
faces fund shortage

Arab countries have become a
mecca for some radicals. Theyf
turn up there as fugitives from
the United States or as political
Black Panther leader Eldridge
Cleaver, a fugitive, lives in Al-
geria, where the Panthers have an!
Recent arrivals there were Dr.
Timothy Leary, who escaped from
a California prison where he was;
serving a term on drug charges;
his wife Rosemary, and Jenifer
Dohrn, sister of fugitive Weather-
man leader Bernardine Dohrn.

A program which feeds up to
85 local children each morning
is threatened by a critical lack
of funds.
The Free Breakfast Program,
run by the community commit-
tee of the Black Students Un-
ion (BSU), presently provides
breakfasts to local school child-
ren who "otherwise would not
r-aceive them." a committee re-

BSU recently requested mone-
tary support from the Ann Ar-
bor Chamber of Commerce.
But Alex Hawkins, director
of human resources development
for the Chamber of Commerce,
says, "It's up in the air right
now - it's being mulled over."
The breakfast program receiv-
es lump sum donations from a
number of local businesses, but
nommitts memberRo v Sinr.


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