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October 27, 1970 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-10-27

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Page Ten


Tuesday, October 27, 1970 *


'U' rep
(Continued from Page 1)
Willow Run researchers are now
at work on automatic processing
of infrared data and a complete
collection of information on the
infrared signatures (h e a t char-
acteristics) of different mater-
* An extensive classified radar
program at the University, sup-
ported by the Air Force and aim-
ed at developing ansimproved ra-
dar with high resolution and the
ability to pick up moving targets
from the ground or air has been
under way for several years.
"Particular emphasis has been
placed on the problem of detect-
ing moving g r o u n d targets im-
mersed in heavy ground cover,"
explains a 1962 Willow Run re-
The results have been a high-
resolution sidelooking radar that
allows aircraft to map and survey
enemy areas without flying over
them, a ground-based radar to
track moving targets and a com-
bination of the two.
Willow Run researchers are now
in the process of developing an
advanced aerospace radar for the
Air Force with a three-year $3.3
million effort. They are also at-
tempting to perfect an airborne
moving-target indicator radar.
"We're also working on new
techniques f o r processing radar
data," says Brown. "The central
problem is being able to take out
data from the naturar scene -
differentiating corn from wheat'
Viet Cong from cows."
Besides Willow Run's radar
work, t h e electrical engineering
department's Radiation Labora-
tory is studying improved radar
antennas and the u s e of radar
waves scattered by an object "to
reveal information about its size,
shape and motion," according to
a lab report.
The department's Cooley Elec-
tronics Laboratory has done work
on radar electronics, using solid-
state circuits to produce smaller,
more reliable electrical compon-
* Several University researchers
are looking into the problemsof
countermeasures - how to pro-
tect aircraft and ground-based in-
stallations from enemy attack.
"Countermeasures is essentially
the business of defeating the ac-
tive system of somebody else's
missile," explains Wilspn. "Y o u
may have an aircraft and some-
one shoots a missile designed to
home in on a hot tail pipe or the
missile may be radar guided. The
question is what sort of electron-
ics can you put insthe plane to
make the missile miss."
S o m e of the techniques that
have been used include throwing
out a heat source to confuse heat-
seeking infrared-guided missiles,
and metallic chaff to confuse ra-
dar-guided missiles, Brown says.
Countermeasures projects and
radar work have contributed to

searchers aid military


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THE SAN FRANCISCO PENINSULA is pictured by radar using techniques developed by researchers at the University's Willow Run
Laboratories. An airborne sidelooking radar took the "photograph" by bouncing radar waves off the surface, collecting pulses that re-
turn to the aircraft and converting them to a photographic image. The sidelooking property of the radar allows areas to be mapped
without flying over them. Radar images can be obtained through cloud cover and at night, a valuable feature for the military in map-
ping enemy terrain and locating enemy troop movements.


the controversial antiballistic mis-
sile system, confirms Wilson, al-
though he says the University has
never worked directly on the ABM
In the last year, University re-
searchers have investigated coun-
termeasures against advanced in-
terceptor missiles, testing of in-
frared countermeasures e q u i p-
ment and advanced countermeas-
ures techniques in s ix classified
projects totalling m o r e than
! A series of classified projects
to improve military communica-

Cooley Lab also is taking part
in Project MIMI (Michigan-Mi-
ami), an effort to study under-
water communications sponsored
by the Navy.
"We're working with the Uni-
versity of Miami, sending out un-
derwater pulses from Florida to
Bimini and seeing what happens
under different conditions," But-
ler says, adding the project re-
sults could be used to improve
submarine communications.
The engineering college's Radi-
ation Lab has a program directed
toward the application of atten-

"We're also working on new techniques for
processing radar data," says William Brown,
director of Willow Run Laboratories. "The
central problem is being able to take out data
from, the natural scene-differentiating corn
from wheat, Viet Cong from cows."

sounds of military activity," ex-
plains a 1962 Willow Run report.
Recent projects include con-
tinuing investigations of acoustic
surveillance systems and auto-
matic identification of acoustic
sources by Willow Run, and acous-
tic signal processing by Cooley
"With acoustic surveillance the
bulk of the work they have done
is accumulating information on
background noise with the idea
that if one knows the ever present
background noises, one can detect
objects such as aircraft," says
" A series of projects is being
undertaken to further seismology
of the study of earthquakes and
tremors. Underground nuclear ex-
plosions register on seismic instru-
ments like small earthquakes and
much of the research is an effort
to find means of monitoring a,
testban treaty.
Willow Run operates the VELA
Seismic Information Analysis Cen-
ter (VESIAC) which collects,
evaluates and disseminates infor-
mation gained from Project VELA-
UNIFORM, a national military
program to detect nuclear ex-
Investigations in the last year
include geology department and
Willow Run research on automatic
identification of seismic sources,
microearthquakes that may follow
nuclear explosions, earthquake
propagation theory and long-pe-
riod seismic waves.
"If the ground shakes for any
reason, whether it's an earthquake
or whether somebody's let off a
grenade a mile away, detectirng
this is a surveillance system," ex-
plains Norman. "These are ways
of getting information about ene-
my action using the latest scien-

tific capabilities of acoustic or
seismic equipment."
" A number of projects in the
social sciences concerning military
intelligence and public attitudes
about the military.
Two contracts totalling $865,000
have been given to the Center for
Conflict Resolution and the In-
stitute for Social Research for an
"international data archive and
analysis center."
The project analyzes "problem
areas such as national and inter-
national correlates of war, inter-
national influences in national
violence, social psychological in-
formation on attitudes toward na-
tionalism and case studies of spe-
cific conflicts."
These analyses are then used to
yield forecasts of trends in inter-
national affairs for the Defense
Department, according to a pro-
ject brochure.
ISR also, in the last year, re-
ceived a $79,000 contract to study
'knowledge, plans and attitudes
toward military service" and a
$152,000 project on "the effects of
military service on young men
from depressed areas."
Thus, University researchers
continue to aid the military by
improving techniques of radar,
communications, a n d infrared,
acoustic and seismic sensing-
showing the Department of De-
fense everything but how to pull
the trigger.
"A lot of people crucify us for
doing work for the Defense De-
partment, but I don't think its all
bad to be interested in the na-
tional defense," reflects Butler.
"It's not so much a goal for the
University, it's more the goal of
a person as a concerned citizen."

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tions, are being done by the Cool-
ey Electronics Laboratory andi
other University research units.
"T h e military is interested in
knowing how to effectively com-
municate with forces around the
world, but our lines have become
overloaded," says Butler. "We're
taking the humian voice, digital-
izing it and pumping it through
the overcrowded lines."
Butler also says the project is
concerned with jamming - how
to block an enemy's communica-
tions and how to prevent an en-
emy from jamming your own.

nas to "communication, jamming
and ferret systems," according to
the lab's annual summary. The
group also completed a ship-to-
sh r ecommunication program
aimed at improving naval com-
0 Willow Run engineers are
engaged in a two-decade old ef-
fort to investigate acoustic sen-
sing or the study of the propaga-
tion of sounds in the air.
These techniques are used to
monitor aircraft and m i s s i l e
launchings as well as "a surveil-
lance subsystem for monitoring

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Defense research may

lead I
Besides performing research
directly relating to improving
military technology and effec-
tiveness, University scientists
and engineers also conduct pro-
grams, usually unclassified, that
are paid for by the Defense De-
partment but have less direct
connection with defeating an
Also, some of the classified
projects that are focused on
the military problems have re-
sulted in civilian-oriented ef-
For example, the electrical en-
gineering department's Cooley
Electronics Lab has a $35,053
contract with the Army to com-
bat dust using electronic preci-
"We've come up with a new
device, more efficient and small-
er than in the past," says lab
head Thomas Butler.
While the Army wants the
device to keep their tanks run-
ning in heavy dust areas, t h e
electronic technology develop-
ed to trap the dust has tre-
mendous implications for fight-
ing air pollution and * helping
coal miners, Butler explains.
In another area, Cooley Lab
has a $80,528 Army contract to
investigate detection in opaque
substances. "They want to find
out whether, if you have some-
thing in a wall, you can find it."
Butler says, adding the lab is
using optical and seismic tech-
niques to solve the problem.
There are a number of civilian
applications including finding
wires in walls, and gas or water
mains buried in the ground, But-
ler explains.
The lab is also concerned with
using optical techniques to de-

C0 civiliar
sign microphones and measure
surface roughness, an electronic
device to "herd". fish and the
use of electronics in the medi-
cal field.
Much of the remote sensing
work at Willow Run Laborator-
ies can be used for purposes
other than military reconnais-
There are plans to use in-
frared and radar techniques to
detect diseased crops, water pol-
lution, ice blocking shipping
lanes and urban congestion as
well as enemy soldiers.
The radar technology develop-
ed at the University's Willow
Run Laboratories may be able to
help air controllers guide in air-
craft as well as terrain map-
ping and auto traffic monitor-
The work in seismic sensing
at Willow Run has encouraged
some of the researchers there to
hope that it will eventually be
possible to predict earthquakes.
In addition, Willow Run re-
searchers are studying the use
of holography (three-dimen-
sional lenseless images produced
by lasers) to detect cracks and
metal fatigue in airplane wings
and to non-destructively t e s t
metallic objects.
Holography may eventually
result in realistic three-dimen-
sional television and movies..
The military had also fund-
ed over $300,000 of medical re-
search "directed toward the un-
derstanding of infectious d i s-
seases and the therapy thereof."
says Vice President for Research J_.
Geoffrey Norman.
In 1969-70 the Defense De-
partment paid for research on
combatting parasitic infections,
developing an influenza virus

From long to longest



vaccine, studying antibodies In
man, and looking into the inter-
action of malarial parasites with
the metabolism of human cells
as well as a conference on the
function of red blood cells.
The Defense Department also
sponsors basic research in phy-
sics. Again, these projects may
ultimately have military impli-
cations but they also contribute
to the general knowledge.
The military gave new con-
tracts last year for studies on
radio pulses from cosmic r a y
showers, the search for quarks
the basic sub-atomic particle)
in cloud chambers, improved
spectroscopic sources and sever-
al theoretical problems of phy-
In addition, the military has
given University psychologists
funds to pursue experiments on
the human information hand-
ling process and reaction time in
sensory processing.
The military also pays for
mathematical research in areas
such as the analysis and design
of computer systems, computer-
aided design, graph theory and
numerical analysis.
The studies of antennas done
by the electrical engineering de-
partment's Radiation Labora-
tory may have implications for
better civilian communication.
The lab just completed for the
Ford Motor company a pro-
ject to produce "a nearly invis-
ible antenna for use with auto-
mobiles," the labs year-end re-
port says.

a.-Religion in Africa
b-Black Religion in the New World
V. WARREN: Styles of Black Preaching
CLEAGE : Black Power and
CONE: Black Theology and the
Renewal of the Church
The seminor will be led by victor Wallin currently enrolled in the
School of Social Work and working with the Office of Religious
Affairs. He holds a graduate degree from Andrew's University in
Theology and Social Ethics.
All members of the community are invited to participate in
this seminar with the expectation that they will come prepared to
discuss the literature in the short bibliography which will be pre-
sented at the first meeting. (The first books: From Slavery to
Freedom, John Hope Franklin:(and The Myth of the Negro Past,
Melville J. Herskovists.)
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