311r Mitiign f ~4e 3f~i~wnDatlj Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan An impostor asks-Are they blind? 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Reply to the Kent jury THE ABRIDGED version of the Portage County Grand Jury report on the Kent State tragedy begins: "The members of this special grand jury find that all the conditions that led to the May tragedy still exist." The grand jury could not have been more right. For the jury report itself is a frightening example of the injustice and insensitivity which spawned the vio- lence at Kent in the first place. Right from the beginning the jurors contend: "We find that no provocation existed for the acts committed there." Can the jury really be no naive as to be- lieve that there was no provocation what- soever? Even if the jury does not agree that political protest should take the form it took at Kent State, surely it must. see that the disturbances there did have a cause. Or did they? The rest of the re- port is telling. "There can never exist any justifica- tion or valid excuse for such an act. The burning of this (ROTC) building and de- struction'of its contents was a deliberate criminal act." It is true that the burning of the ROTC building did constitute a breach of the law. But what is so hope- lessly distressing about the jury's state- ment is that it fails completely to see that this was a political protest. It would not be particularly unusual or quite so frightening if the grand jury had said that the students had broken the law because of deep moral convictions (much as the Scranton Commission). But. the grand jury failed even to make the distinction between those students and a child who burns down an abandoned barn for no more reason than to watch the.. glow. Is it any wonder, then, that the students might be moved to question the sensitivity of their government toward their beliefs? The failure of the jury to comprehend the Kent tragedy pervades other sections of the report.- 'Those who acted as participants and agitators are guilty of deliberate, criminal conduct," continues the report. "Those who were onlookers, while not liable for criminal acts, must morally assume a part of the responsibility for what occurred." It now seems clear from the 4000 stu- dents who rallied there last week and from the profound reaction all over the country both immediately after the kill- ings and last week, that there is a deep division in America on the issues that caused the gathering at Kent that day. Did it ever occur to the grand jury that many of those students might wish to assume a part of the moral responsibility for the gathering of students on that day? For in the grand jury's view, "We found that all the persons assembled were or- dered to disperse on numerous occasions, but failed to do so. Those orders, given by a Kent State University policeman, caused a violent reaction and the gathering quickly degenerated into a riotous mob. It its obvious that if the order to disperse had been heeded, there would not have been the consequences of that fateful day." THE JURY is right. If the students had gone home, then there would have been no deaths. Similarly, if everyone in the country always followed every order given him by the leaders of the country, and the .police or army in particular, there would be no protest whatsoever to contend with. But does the jury really want a coun- try in which students simply obey all { orders given them by the authorities? Does the grand jury seriously believe that this would preserve a free country? But the jury seems unconcerned about the continuation of any freedom of choice, as the nature of the jury's attacks on Kent State itself indicated. ~L~k Aairi~jzn iail Ed torial Staff MARTIN A. HIRSCHMAN, Editor STUART GANNES JUDY SARASOHN Editorial Director Managing Editor NADINE COHODAS ... .. Feature Editor JIM NEUBACHER .. Editorial Page Editor ROB BIER . ...... Associate Managing Editor LAURIE HARRIS . . . Arts Editor JUDY KAHN . ... Personnel Director DANIEL ZWERDLNG ... Magazine Editor "We believe that (the tragedy) resulted from policies formulated and carried out by the university over a period of several years.... An example of where the uni- versity contributed to the crisis is the over-emphasis which it has placed and allowed to be placed on the right to dis- sent. . . . We cannot agree that the role of the university should be to continually foster a climate in which dissent becomes the order of the day to the exclusion of all normal behavior and expression." First of all, does the jury actually be- lieve that the campus is in such a con- stant state of uproar that normal human behavior and expression are excluded? It should be noted that only after the guard moved in did the gathering on the Kent commons become violent. This is even specified in the grand jury report itself. Does, the grand jury not consider the gathering of citizens to petition for re-J dress normal human behavior and ex- pression. If it does not, then it is no wonder the students were turned to vio- lence. In the second place, even during the so-called riot, normal human behavior and expression did in fact continue at the campus. It seems probable that the par- ents of Allison Krause, who was shot by the guard as she made her way to teach at a school for mentally retarded chil- dren, would be slightly insulted by the charge that she was not engaging in normal human behavior. Indeed, who would not? Kent is not intrinsically vio- lent. But other sections of the report indicate that campus violence was not really the concern of the jury. As if the attacks on students and the university for even allowing active protest on the campus was not enough, the report 'went on to suggest that the freedom to dissent in the classroom be curtailed. ". .what we consider to be an over- emphasis on dissent can be found in the classrooms of some members of the uni- veristy faculty . . . who 'teach nothing but the negative side of our institutions of government and refuse to acknowledge that any positive good has resulted during the growth of our nation." Indeed, what more conservative con- ception of the university is there in this day than that of a free marketplace of ideas? Yet the grand jury even seeks to undermine this? The report continues, "We receive the impression that there are some persons connected with the university who believe and openly advocate that one has a duty rather than a right to dissent from tra- ditionally accepted behavior and institu- tions of government. This is evident by the administrative staff in providing a forum and available speakers for every 'radical group' that comes along and the 'speakers' that they bring to the campus." The implication here is apparently that the school should suppress speakers for radical causes and protect the students from their dangerous ideas. But a worse implication-that the school should not be bound by a duty to avoid discrimina- tion against speakers-clearly seems to undermine the entire idea of not only the university as a free marketplace of ideas but of freedom of speech in general. Is it any wonder, then, that the students feel threatened? And if they are threatened, is it not their actual duty to dissent? According to this country's Declara- tion of Independence, "Prudence indeed, will dictate that governments long estab- lished should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomer. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invar- iably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security." Does the grand jury report indicate that such protest is necessary? Surely its sug- gestions are incredibly insensitive to the fact that anything should be changed in the country at all, and to the fact that student protest has not just happened, but was motivated. THE CONDITIONS which produced the By LARRY LEMPERT LESS THAN two weeks ago, a special grand jury exonerated the Ohio National Guard of legal responsibility for the death of four students at Kent State University last May. That is hard enough to believe in itself, especially with investiga- tions by the FBI and by the Presi- dent's Commission on Campus Unrest directly contradicting the jury's conclusions. The jury's report is backlash, with a very heavy whip. But some- times insult is just as infuriating as injury. After freeing the Guard from responsibility for the killings, the jury went on to say: "It should be added, that al- though we fully understand and agree with the principle of law that words alone are never suf- ficient to justify the use of lethal force, the verbal abuse directed at the guardsmen by the students during the period in question represented a level of obscenity and vulgarity which we have never before witnessed! The epithets directed at the guardsmen and members of their families by male and fe- male rioters alike would have been unbelievable had they not been confirmed by the testi- mony from every quarter and by audio tapes made available to the grand jury. It is hard to accept the fact that the language of the gutter has become the common ver- nacular of many persons posing as students in search of a high- er education." As one of those impostors, I feel a need to answer. My pose as a student is near-perfect. I drop it only once in a while to think, to question and maybe to act. BUT MOST of the time, my guise is flawless. I study a lot of worthless material and don't even complain when I don't get any- thing out of it. I go to my classes and take notes. I cram for exams, I pull all-nighters writing papers. But inside that stoically study- ing robot is a person. With pierc- ing insight I have been discover- ed by the Portage County grand jury, I and thousands of others who pose as students but are real- ly thinking people, deep down in- side. And deep down inside, what are those jurors? I'd like to know. I want to get inside those people in Ravenna, Ohio. I want to be in- side their heads to see what they're really thinking. Do they reallyubelieve education is only to be found in books and classes? Don't they realize that it is an ongoing process of increasing awareness, that it includes an active participation in our society? Can't they see that the people they accuse of being impostors are seriously questioning the blatant injustices of life in America? Do they really deny the hypocrisy of our democratic nation attempting to impose its beliefs on the world and stifling dissent within its own borders? Is their morality so warped that they can be shocked by "obscene" language and not by the massacre * I, of Vietnamese civilians, by the conditions in American cities, by the rape of our environment? Do they really not understand the "the language of the gutter" is the language of anger and frustration, of hurt and disbelief, of the help- lessness of wanting to change things and not knowing how. ARE THEY really so blin Then I want to re-emerge from their Middle American consciences to indict the indicters. I want to first relieve my anger by saying, "Oh, get fucked, you who are so shocked by a four-letter word yet so insensitive to injustice." Then I want to speak to them in their own language and say: "The verbal abuse directed at thinking Americans by the grand jury in the report in ques- tion represented a level of in-, sensitivity and blindness which we have never before witnessed! The epithets directed at stu- dents by the jurors would have been unbelievable had they not been confirmed by reports in r. - liable newspapers. It is hard to accept the fact that the language of repression has become the common ver- nacular of many persons posing as citizens in search of justice." Letters: On GM-sponsored research To the Daily: YOUR ARTICLE on research funds received from General Mot- ors by the Survey Research Cen- ter, (Daily, Oct. 21), contains a lot of factual information, most of it correct, but nevertheless some- whatrmisleadingebecause of its se- lectivity. May we add a few other relevant facts: The Survey Research Center does research only when it has some potential for adding to the general body of scientific know- ledge, and only when it can be made publicly available to every- one. Data paid for by one source are available ,at little or no cost, to all others. We have had re- search supported by Ford and Chrysler as well, but most of our research is supported by founda- tions and the Federal government. We have done things of value and interest to the United Auto Workers by joining with them to secure funds from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Our studies of the impact of the supplemental early retirement benefit program the union nego- tiated with the auto companies showed that having adequate re- tirement income was important, that the early retirees were de- lighted, and that the Union's elu- lighted, and that the Union's edu- cational and information cam- paign had worked effectively. In- deed, it is likely that the UAW's "30 and out" proposal in the current negotiations was encour- aged in part by the findings of our studies. (See Barfield and Morgan, Early Retirement, and Barfield, The Automobile Worker and Re- tirement: A Second Look.) OTHER STUDIES conducted at the Center have relevance for auto safety and accident compensation. Current efforts toward auto in- surance reform, introducing no- fault insurance, are based in part on information we gathered in a study done with Professor Conard of the Law School (Automobile Accident Costs and Compensa- tion), as well as a more recent study for the Department of Transportation (Public Attitude toward Auto Insurance). New laws, suc has those already passed in Puerto Rico and Massachusetts, may well do more to promote auto safety and curb the rise of insur- ance rates than government regu- lation ever could. Under a no-fault insurance scheme, insurance rates will come to depend directly on the safe design of the car being in- sured and on the careful behavior of the driver. In short, we are not doing pro- duct market research, nor secret research, nor are we dependent on any one source for funds, to whom we might be suspected of being subservient. Finally, the editorial on GM, (Daily, Oct. 22), is a classic exam- ple of guilt by assumption, and of prejudice without evidence. In particular you assert, with- out evidence, that "GM has exer- cised control over both the objec- tives of the project and the way it is carried out" (not specifying which project). And you add the startling statement that insisting that any research be publicly available, not secret, is an insigni- ficant distinction. We insist the secret research, for the benefit of one firm or group in society, whe- ther it' be GM or the State De- partment, or the Boy Scouts, is not in the public interest, and far more likely to be dominated by the sponsor as well. THE ISSUE OF WHO DECIDES on what research is to be done, like most issues of "power" has no simple answer. The initiation of ideas, and their influence on the final design of research, is a com- plex process, and the threat of domination from outside the Uni- versity is not greater in our ex- perience with grants from private sponsors than it is with grants from Ford Foundation or govern- ment agencies. The complex pro- cess of research cannot be dom- inated without extensive invest- ment of high-level skills through- out the whole period of the in- vestigation. -James Morgan Program Director, Insti- tute for Social Research -Lewis Mandell Assistant Study Director, Institute for Social Research -Richard Barfield Assistant Study Director, Survey Research Center Institute for Social Research Oct. 23 Sharp criticism To the Daily: WE, THE UNDERSIGNED sen- ior members of the Highway Saf- ety Research Institute staff wish to express our strong negative re- action to the allegation published in the Daily (Oct. 21) ". . . that - - '" f. . I ! {. f } fi t f j ,. i r ,j .........._. j i ; ;t I =i ::i si :i i6 E i -j U ,1 rr t )))) " . ,'7 G ' ,t 111 i t4 { t y 'Y, } . ,. ii ii E 4 One out of every three doctors paid under medical plans found cheating on income tax. News Item Random notes on McGovern By STEVE KOPPMAN ON OCTOBER 26, 1969, George McGovern spoke at Hill Audi- torium, and some 3,000 people came to hear him. Sunday, a year later-one week before national elections-about a fifth as many showed up. "This is the lowest campus turn- out we've had," he admitted later. "Maybe I'm fading," he continued, "maybe student interest in elec- toral politics is at a lull." McGovern talked in his speech about Spiro Agnew dividing old and young, rich and poor. He talk- ed about freeing the nation from the blight of poverty. And he talked about the gap between rhetoric and reality. Aren't the rich aiid poor already pretty divided, I asked, following him along the street after his speech, isn't that the whole prob- lem, rich and poor? "I agree with you," he said. But those are questions you don't really face. Are you saying there can be economic equality under capitalism? Don't you just want to make poverty less ugly? There should be decent mini- mum incomes for all, he replied. Everyone should have decent hous- ing, decent diet, decent opportuni- ties, and that can come under capitalism, he continued, if the right programs a r e enacted. "Everyone won't be the same," he said, "there won't be all one glob in the middle." But everyone can have a decent income. There wal be a class at the bottom, but the bottom won't be very low. DO YOU SUPPORT amnesty for draft resisters? We can't consider this, he said, not until after the war's over. Then, "I would urge we be as lenient and humane as possible." Well, what do you think some- one facing the draft now .,hould do? "I can't recommend," he said. "It's a matter of conscience." He has an 18-year-old son, and he doesn't feel he can tell him what to do. If he tells him to resist, it won't be, he who serves the jail term. If he tells him to accept it, and then the son is killed in Viet- nam, he wouldn't want that re- sponsibility. And McGovern has a daughter who was arrested for possession of marijuana. He "would be in favor of repeal or revision" of mari- juana laws. "We don't know enough." IF REVOLUTIONARY govern- ments come to power in Latin America - n o t necessarily like Chile, but rather through civil war -what should our policy be to- ward them? "We should stay out of internal politics," he said. And if it nationalizes our businesses. should we alter our policy-cut off aid, stop trade? No, he didn't think we should. But what do the elections mean? At his press conference, McGovern talked about how hon- ored he was to be using the same Washington office that John Ken- nedy used. published research conclusions from the Michigan Highway Saf- ety Research Institute m u s t be adjusted in keeping with industry design concepts and that papers from this institute are censored." None of us has experienced eith- er censorship or pressure to "ad- just conclusions," or in any way been discouraged from freely dis- seminating t h e findings of re- search performed here. The In- stitute in fact adheres to the tra- ditional academic policy that staff members may submit any mater- ial for publication in the scien- tific (or, for that matter, non- scientific) literature without in- ternal approval. We are deeply resentful that the Daily, has been prompted, on the strength of a single unsupported allegation, to impugn the scien- tific integrity of this institute and, by implication, the individual members of its staff. This is a cruel and unwarranted charge to level against a body of research- ers who are dedicated to the cre- ation and application of new knowledge directed towards t h e alleviation of a major societal problem, and who have found at this institute a rare opportunity to do so in a stimulating, open en- vironment. -Howard Dugoff -Ray W. Murphy -Paul Fancher -Leonard Segel -William T. Pollock -Lyle D. Filkins -Duane F. Dunlap -James O'Day Oct. 22 Being realistic To the Daily: I AGREE with Pat Mahoney's, basic premise, (Daily, Oct. 22) that GM sponsored research is going to have a prejudiced and limited scope, which will unfortunately contain the continued existence of GM, its profits, and the whole rotten transportation system our supposition that chaos would fol- low, increasing the revolutionary potential of the society. Such an argument, which totally subju- gates principle to the acquisition of a desirable end state, becomes morally ugly when it is applied to so immediate a good as the pre- vention of the suffering and death of real people right now. I can only suppose Mahoney would strongly support the im- mediate abolition of all s o c i a 1 welfare agencies and charitable institutions so that more starving' people would be available to dra- matize the inadequacies of the capitalist system. -Art Poskocil Oct. 22 Dow action To the Daily: THE STUDENTS participating in Tuesday's Dow recruiter action confronted Robben Fleming in his office with a list of demands for future evaluation regarding re- cruiting on campus. We demanded that the Univer- sity set up a board with a major- ity of students, to investigate all recruiters on the following cri- teria, before they be allowed to recruit. -Is the group being investigat- ed practicing discrimination 'in violation of the University's anti- discrimination rules? -Is the group providing any educatonal value to the students? -Is the percentage of minority groups and women in all levels of the organizations equal to the percentage of the preceding groups in the population of the country? -Is the organization involved in any war research or foreign Im- perialistic tactics? The board would publish its findings before the recruiter came. If the organization were found to violate any one of the above cri- teria. Robben Fleming gave us the same runaround about not having $ 4" MM