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October 27, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-10-27

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See Editorial Page

'YI rL

Sir l igan


Cloudy and warmer,
morning fog

Vol. LXXXI, No. 47

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, October 27, 1970

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

...k. .






First of a four-part series
"We have had a very fine relationship
with the military," says Thomas Butler,
head of the University's Cooley Electronics
Laboratory. "They are interested in un-
derstanding the problems of universities."
And University scientists and engineers
are interested in understanding the prob-
lems of the military. In fact, one-sixth of
the University's total sponsored research
effort, over $10 million in 1969-70, is per-
formed for the Department of Defense.
"I think the country needs a Defense
Department, which is the military, and the
military fights wars," explains Richard La-
gault, associate director of the University's
Willow Run Laboratories, a multi-million
dollar defense contractor. "Given the fact
you're going to fight, you ought to do it
To help fight more "intelligently," Uni-
versity researchers areengaged in projects
to map potential battlefields, guide sold-
iers to the battlefields, help them com-
municate, protect them from counterat-
tack by aircraft or missiles, give them in-
formation about enemy activity and pin-
point the enemy for destruction.
Although b o t h Defense Department

spending for research and the amount of
University military research have dropped
in the last few years, the University still
receives about five 'per cent of the mili-
tary's total research funding for colleges
and universities in the country.
Only four other schools - Johns Hop-
kins, MIT and the Universities of Illinois
and California - receive more military
research money than the University, a De-
fense Department spokesman reports.
Over half the military research here is
classified with 42 contracts totaling $5.6
million in 1969-70.
University researchers do not hide their
involvement w i t h the military research
machine.."I think it's quite proper to be
concerned about the defense of the coun-
try," says Vice President for Research A.
Geoffrey Norman. "I don't require any
elaborate justification for this."
"Sixty to seventy per cent of Willow
Run's projects are military," adds Wil-
liam Brown, director of Willow Run Lab-
oratories. "We do it and we're proud of it."
Norman and other University officials
are quick to claim that the University is
not involved in weapon development, just
technological research.
"We're not into weaponry, we're not into

tactical development - this is not our line
of business," Norman insists. "Sometimes
the outcome is a new instrument, but we
don't make it and we don't sell it."
But, as James Wilson, director of the
University's Institute for Science and
Technology points out, "The modern mili-
tary is so complicated this question could
become semantics."
Norman confirms t h a t University re-
searchers sometimes evaluate an instru-
ment made by defense contractors if the
specifications for the device are developed
here. Researchers have also occasionally
delivered experimental prototypes to the
military for further testing.
While the military does support some
pure research, most of the money spent by
the Defense Department is, to improve mil-
itary technology and effectiveness.
* University researchers are working on
a multi-million dollar classified effort ov-
er two decades old to use remote sensing of
infrared radiation to pinpoint enemy sol-
diers and equipment in any kind of weath-
er, 24-hours a' day from the ground or air.
Infrared sensors make a "heat map" of
the environment from which different ob-
jects are distinguished by their shapes and
the amount of heat they emit. "In prin-

ciple it's possible to detect anything, even
a gnat," Legault says.
"Infrared is particularly useful in pro-
viding data that can be used to locate an
enemy's position, to estimate his numbers
and to ,detect his movements," explains an
article in the University's Research News.
U.S. forces in Southeast Asia are known
to use infrared techniques to find V i e t
Cong from the air in Laos and in South
"Remote sensing was born here," says
Leonard Porcello, associate director of Wil-
low Run Laboratories where the infrared
work is being done.
Techniques similar to those developed at
the University - which is praised by the
Army as "the leading free world authority
in surveillance technology" - have result-
ed in night-vision rifle scopes, enemy in-
trusion detectors and Samos spy satellites,
according to Business Week magazine.
Aviation Week magazine reports that the
value of infrared and similar techniques
became apparent when their use "for tar-
get acquisition, night viewing, surveillance
and weapon development began unfolding,
particularly in Southeast Asia."
See 'U' RESEARCHERS, Page 10

' I

Vice President Norman

Cooley Lab's Thomas Butler



H-s fast drop
policy enacted
WASHINGTON (R-Curtis Tarr, director of the Selective
Service System, yesterday established a policy which would
force local draft boards to allow students to drop their defer-
ments at any time.
Under the new policy, a student could end his II-S defer-
ment and enter the I-A manpower pool any time it became
apparent his draft lottery number would not be reached.
Prior to the ruling, many registrants with high lottery
numbers had voiced concern that local boards would delay,
consideration of their request for reclassification until after
the year ended. Thus, they would be placed in the following
year's manpower pool, without knowing whether or not their
lottery number would be reached that year.
The policy announced yesterday also included occupa-
-------{' tional deferments and father-


rebuff s




Agnew hints
new addition
to high court
President Spiro Agnew said yes-
terday that President Nixon is still
determined to place a "Southern
strict constructionist on the Su-
preme Court."
Despite the Senate's rejections
of Clement Haynsworth of South
Carolina, and G. Harrold Cars-
well of Florida, Agnew said, Nixon
would appoint a southerner should
a vacancy in the high court mater-
ialize while he is in office.
Following the rejection of Cars-
well, Nixon said he would not
nominate another southerner,
claiming Congress would oppose
any nominee from that region.
Subsequently, the President
nominated Harry Blackmun of
Minnesota, who was confirmed by
the Senate.
In a campaign speech here yes-
terday, Agnew said, "I need not
remind you that Richard Nixon
remains determined to achieve a
better ideological and geographi-

hood deferments.
Exposure for even pa't of the
year counts for the entire year and
if a man ends the year in I-A
status without being drafted, he is
moved into less vulnerable cate-
gories in the following years..
Tarr said lottery number 195
probably will be the highest called
this year, and he invited men who
received higher numbers in the
draft lottery held December, 1969
to take advantage of the oppor-
tunity to face their maximum ex-
posure in a year which, for them,
is already safe.
"Should a young man hold a
number higher than that reached
by his local board-and number
195 has been projected as the
highest number which any local
board can reach-it is to his ad-
vantage, and helpful in gaining an
accurate picture of the nation's
manpower situation for him vol-
untarily to give up his deferment
for a I-A classification," the Se-
lective Service System said
Men who received lottery num-
bers last July, however, could not
use the ruling to their advantage
this year. They will be the top-
priority group of 1971 and drop-
ping a deferment now would only
expose them to the draft for that
entire year before they know what
their chances are.
They could use it later in 1971
or in future years.

-Daily-Denny Gainer
McGovern speaks before 500 at Hill Aud.
McGovern speaks at Hl A .,
criticiZes NiXOn administration

The Office of Student Serv-
ices (OSS) Policy Board last
night unanimously called on
the University administration
not to prevent the Gay Libera-
tion Front and Radical Les-
bians from holding a Midwest
conference on homosexuality
at the University.
The two groups had been denied
permission to hold the conference
here by President Robben Fleming
with the concurrence of the Re-
gents, who said that the groups
would have to show that their
conference would be educational
before they would be granted per-
mission to hold it.
In its resolution, the policy
board recommended that "no or-
ganization should be required to
submit any information concern-
ing the educational value of its
proposed activities."
The policy board's recommenda-
tion was accepted by Vice Presi-
dent for Student Services Robert
Knauss, who will present it to the
The policy board's recommenda-
tion stemmed from a complaint
from the GLF and the Radical
Lesbians that they were being dis-
criminated against by being re-
quired to show that their con-
ference would be educational. No
other student organization h a s
been required to present such in-
The policy board recommended
that the "GLF and Radical Les-
bians should be allowed use of
Univei'sity facilities to hold local,
state, regional and national con-
ferences in a similar manner as
any other student organization."
The controversy began last April,
when President Robben Fleming
banned the conference on t h e
grounds that it would not be
"clearly educational in nature and
directed primarily towards those
people who have professional in-
terest in the field."
See OSS, Page 7

Sen. George S. McGovern (D-
SD), speaking at Hill Aud. Sun-
day, charged President Nixon with
failing to eliminate the "real ob-
scenities of American life."
Citing Nixon's recent statements
attacking pornography, McGov-
ern told an audience of 500 that
the President should concentrate
instead on ending the Indochinese
war, the starvation of millions of
Americans, and the growing gap
between political rhetoric and ac-
McGovern came to Ann Arbor

Urban ed may include juniors

as part of a ten-day campaign trip
on behalf of Democratic candi-
dates in twelve states.
Throughout his speech, McGov-
emn praised Sen. Phillip Hart (D-
Mich) who is campaigning for re-
election, and Michael R. Still-
wagon, Democratic candidate for
Congress from the Second District,
which includes Ann Arbor.
According to McGovern, the real
"'*-ence in America is the gov-
ernment's inaoility to deal with
the pressing problems that face
the country. "The greatest and
most painful obscenity is the gap
that exists between political rhe-
toricuand the political reality that
is pursued in America," he said.
He added that the best way to
celebrate the approaching 200th
anniversary of the American Re-
volution would be to "reaffirm in
a meaningful way the ideals that
America hasstrayed from."
McGovern also criticized what
he called "the foolish, cruel, and
barbaric slaughter that continues
in Southeast Asia."
"In spite of all that Nixon
should have learned on his trips
to Southeast Asia," McGovern
continued, "the President has de-
scribed U.S. involvement in the
war as 'the finest hour in Amer-
ican history' when it should have
been labeled its worst."
In discussing thenIndochinese
war, McGovern mentioned the

it "tries to be the first on the
moon. This, he said is one of the
greatest tragedies in America to-
All Americans, he said, should
be ashamed that there are size-
able numbers in the U.S. who "will
be stunted by the blight of hunger
although the U.S. is the most af-
fluent country in the world."
The senator noted that he and
Hart had together introduced the
resolution to .begin the Select
Committee on Nutrition and Hu-
man Needs.
McGovern also criticized the
See McGOVERN, Page 7 a

-Associated Press
Chileans mourn Schneider
Mourners pass the coffin of Gen. Rene Schneider, the assasinated
Chilean army commander-in-chief, in Santiago yesterday.
Schneider was shot Thursday in what observers said was part of
the dispute over the election of Marxist Salvador Allende to the
Fire damages Bank
of America near UC
IRVINE, Calif. 0P-A fire which authorities termed arson
badly damaged a Bank of America branch near the Uni-
versity of California's Irvine campus early yesterday morning.
"Death to Pigs" and other messages which appeared to
be written by militants were sprayed with black paint on the
bank's outside wall.
It was the second major fire at a campus branch of the
world's largest bank this year in California. Last February,
demonstrators, saying the bank represented the "establish-
ment," burned down a branch in Isla Vista adjacent to the
University of California at
a Santa Barbara.

In an attempt to upgrade its urban education
program, the education school will begin next
term to allow juniors to work in Detroit inner
city schools.
However, the program, which currently enrolls
only seniors, has thus far been able to attract
only four juniors, far short of the estimated en-
rollment of 20. The closing date for enrolling in
the junior program is Nov. 1.
And, until a class of 20 juniors is obtained,
the program cannot be started, according to its

neighborhood meetings, and in groups involved
with school-neighborhood relation.
Juniors who participate in the urban education
program will observe classes and then in their
senior year take on the responsibilities of student-
The juniors in the program will take also three
other courses: Educational Psychology, Educa-
tional Sociology, and Teaching Methods.
The four junior-year courses are still in the
planning stages, but the decisions as to what they
will include will be made soon.
The school will have to hire four instructors

Other Bank of America branch-
es have been targets of firebomb-
ers and window-breakers.
There have been no major stu-
dent disturbances reported thus
far on the 6,000-student Irvine
Fire Marshal Jay Trotter of
Orange County called the fire
arson and said a preliminary in-
vestigation indicated a flammable
liquid was used to start the fire.
Damage was estimated at $125,000
by officials.
Trotter said there was no defi-
nite evidence of any explosion, but
a bank spokesman said the blaze
"was a highly incendiary flash
fire, rather than a fire starting

- ~....

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