Sun~day, Octoiber 25, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five F rDirect lClassifie evcPhone, 764-0 Mondaythrough Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.--Noon - 557 FOR RENTa FOR JAN.-44 month lease-l bedroom' apt. Per'fect. for couple. _4 Blocks from+ campus. *185/month. Heat and water, included1. 665-26 . 2051 MODERN 1 BDRM. apartmtent avail. for suxblet. Air-Conditioned, exc. loca- tion. Rt~ent n~egotiab~le. 769-1034. 21046 SINGLE ROOM-GBrad male. $90 month-+ ly. 663-3886. 22C50 -MUD. 2 $DRM. furn., air cond. apt. on camnpu~s, parking provided. Avail. now, er An*; lease or sublet. 769-2418. AIR COND., 2- bdrin., furn. apt. Ob- strvatory near Gleddes. Covered park- 'ifl. Avail. for sublet. 662-7737. 37Ctc M(ALE ROOMMATIC wanted to share quiet house on went side. Grad stu- dent, or teaching fellow preferred, $63-7819 btwn. 4.8 p.m. 17048 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS 0-10 1-15 16-20 21,-25 26-30 31-.35 36-40 41-45 46-50 INCHES 2 3 4 5' 1 day 1.00 1.15 1.30 1 .55 1 .80 2.05 2.30 2.55- 2.80 2.80 5.20 7,40 9.40 11.20 2 days. 2.00 2.30 2.60 3.10 3.60 4.10 4.60 5.10 5.60 5.60 10.40 14.80 18.80 22.40 3 days 2.40 2.90 3.60 4.30 5.00 5.65 6.30 6.95 7.60 7.60 14.65 21.10 26.95 32.P~0 4 days 3.20 3.90 4.80 5.70 6.60 7.40 8.20 9.00 9.80 9.80 19.10 27.60 35.30 42.20 5 days 3.90 4.80 5.90 7.00 8.10 9.05 10.00 10.95 11 .90 11 .90 23.45 34.00 43.55 52.10 6 days 4.50 5.60 6.80 8.10 9.40 10.50 11 .60 12.70 13.80 13.80 27.60 40.20 51.60 61.80 add. .55 .75 .85 1 .05 1 .20 1 .35 1 .50 1 .65 1.80 1.80, 3.60 5.40 7.20 9.00 LOST AND FOUND PERSONAL PERSONAL ORANGE KNITTING bag with pinkI STUDENT MOTHER and 2, children' GIRLS: WHY PAY RENT or SIGN yarn missing from Union. Call Elaine,. want to share our new large countryI LEASE '70-'71 if you live W ja guy and 764-0468 or '971.3385. 38A46 home. Prefer mother and small child, need mail address and apt. for school, -_-. _,_®_----- 85/mo. plus half utilities. 434-1838. parents' visits. Call Jan, 761-9236. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN-We! 19F47', 32F43I have left to follow the paths of ou-- -- --- --------- ---- destinies.-Steve and Reuben. 36A45 EVERYONE WELCOME to Arab Week at MALE WANTS FEMALE to travel in -- -------- Rive Gauche (Corner E. U. and Hill). Europe. Summer '71. 761-6556. 23F45 LOST: 4 mo. old mostly black, female, 8 p.m.-12 p.m. Music, food. 21F46 calico kitten wearing red collar. Last- --- ----- THE PURPOSE of student govt. council seen on S. Forest near Cambridge. SOPH SHOW is "Can Can." Perform- is to serve students. If you need the 662-1882. 34A44 ances Thursday-Saturday. Nov. 5-7, help of an SGC member, contact, Bill -__--- -.-.._ --- Cheap .. and suggestive). 20F45 Thee, Rm. 17C, U. Towers, 761-9309. FOUND: yellow male kitten in Tower ----- ---______- -- ---Ftc Plaza. Call 761-5369. 36A44 CREATIVE Arts Festival Central Coin- - __ __ mittee, Openings for Business Man- WHEN YOU think of cosmetics, think FOUND: Port Huron high school ring tiger and Music Chairman. Pick up of urs. Village Apothecary, 1112 South by Mason Hall/Nat. Sci. bicycle racks. petitions 2nd floor Union, UAC of- University. 38F3 IGive .initials to identify. Call 769-1 fices. 22F46 ------___________- __ 6.LOST-Man's beige jacket with rd Blin- in the hosepial. Send hium a card at I- abl.-S-d-e-.- 66-6746. ----- - ing. If found call 769-7683 or 769- St. Joseph. Hospital, Rm. 712. 1FA PIANO LESSONS. Graduate student. 7636. AE -. -- -.. ---- ------------ -.-.-®_ Experienced teacher. Study abroad. ____- -----_ -- REDUCED RATES SUN. 1-6 P.M. Call eves. 665-9826. 45F47 FOUND-A set of keys-2 car keys and UNION BILLIARDS & TABLE TENNIS ------- --------- - 1 house key-found on the corner of - 50F45 i E R P t Packard and Mary. Call 761-7827 after _- UR P 90 PERSONAL ;FPERONAL 1SINCE ALMOST all gem diamonds! RECORDSI!~ - 1 come from Africa, a brand label for1 Oldies! 20,000 in stock. Send '35c for aring mounting -does not guarantee 12.000 listing catalog.; Mail Orders the quality of the matjor diamond in! Filled. RECORD CENTER, 1895 W. 3 the ring. Austin Diamocnd, 1209 & .J.25th--Cleve:, Ohio, Record Tapes. Univ. 663.7151. F . F0); c >THE DRUG H{ELP number is 71 COED DESIRED for light housekeeping HELP. It will get you drug informna- and/or cooking in Profe sor'a home. tion and able assistance in emrer- No children. Will provid~ room and/ ' gencles. 24 hrs. a day. FD3 or board or recompense. 761-0009. _______-__EF "STUDENT DESIRtES WORK--Odd jobs,------ --- raking -leaves, changing storm win- l WANTED - Ex-Vista worker, experi- dows, screens, painting, etc. Phone enced W/ white poor, to stir social 662-4736. FD conscience of suburban students. 769- ______ .6799. 9F46 WHY BUY- mass-produced. wedding I --'------- --- _______ bands?: Have yours personally design- WORK FOR PEACE CANDIDATES - ed. White or yellow gold. Reasonable Mov'L for- New Congress needs more prices. Call Jh*in. 769-7550 after 4:00. help. \Call 663-2488. 29F45 ARE, YOU up against a wall? -If not, PeanutsI get next- to MARTY's Wail of Slax. !for! Marty's Saffell & Bush Get Peae -~ 310 South State S6treet Gtabag of fresh-roasted in-the-shEll PESA DS PL S peanuts for only 25c. Look for themPESA D U PL S in the red trays outside the stadium. FEEPUPISBon e-.-6.66-206 Proceeds go to the anti-war activities E UPISBrnSptT6.6 50. tof the Peace Center. _14 604 E; Huron 662-9484I BEAR' and 2 (sisters) are now inter- 10F45 viewing foster parents for their mo- - ther Hazel's "bastard" puppies. We're TOWN and COUNTRY -- 38T45 RESTA RANTAK,C. AFGHAN Hound-Apricot, male, Fine Food Chops, Steaks, & Shrimp 3 years old. 769-1423 after 6:00. Ttc I Soul Food Home Cooked --------- Open Pit>Barbeque, FREE, affectionate black spayred kit- wrr rw v f a V% ro 1% d. Aft b, I A N.B.: Each group of characters counts as one word Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) ROMMAT ZWANTXD! Charter Realty "Fine Campus Apartments" 1335 8. Unlv.-668825 19Ctcj ROOMMATXS NEEPSDZD! ' Albert Terrace 1700 Gebdls' - 761-1717 665-8825I 20Ctc-' TWO UN TIM*'t5 D2-be~room ,apts. Appliance*s furisihe . Units /carpeted And4 draped. From *180. 6634/761. 16049 4th MALE WANTED3 for next semester in~ mod. 4-inan apt. 769-0849. Anytime. CA 10 lines equals 1 inch 5 words per line i G C- FOR SALE MANUAL ROYAL Portable Typewriter, practically new. Call Julie, 761-8504.1 22B46 EICO AMP, McDonald turntable. Ex. cond. Bob, 662-9414. 19847 FOR SALE-='61 COMET for parts. Good tires. Call after 5 p.rn., 426-4773. 20B45 FOR SALE-Fur coats and fur pieces! for trimming fur machine, radio andj record player. 436 Thompson. 2lBtc NEW , ISRAELI sheepskin coat, cheap. Call 761-4374., 17B45 SEE SPRING fropn hilltop contempor- FOR SALE - portable hair dryer, stan- kry with fou~r bedroo~ms, all conVeh'- dard hood - by Westinghouse. Only ieitcea. Good locattpn for sch ool, $20. Call 764-4626. BF45 campust, downttown. Avail. Janl. 1- June. $390/no. Call 769-0635. 11C45 1960 SCHOOL BUS - 'bunks, heat ---_ __ stove, exc. body, new engine, floor. GAIRAGES, can be locked. 723 Packard, Two spares. 663-0729.. 10$45 near State. 8Ctc -- ~ MOB-66, Red,, wire wheels, good per- SINGLE ROOM for male grad or teach- formance, $890 or best bid. 761-5416, ing fellow. Clean, quiet, no cooking, 482-0257. ,11846 linens. 723 Packard, near State. 7Ctc --___ BEAUTIFUL 2 ft. teed. brown, human PARKING SPACES .for rent on.E. UEni-] hair fall, $35. 663-1318. 48814 versty.c~al ~9~* ______HONDA Super Hawk. $200. Call 769- d NWWFURNISHED APT, 'for 1 or 2; 1836. 23B26 Dlahlman Apti, 545 Chiurch St. 7161- ---------- 7600. f2Ctc FOR SALE: Frosted blonde short _________________________- curly wig.. Cheap. New. 665-2183. 721 S. Forest 5B39 (Between S. University and Hill St.) IIKE 5-buckle book $40. Excellent CAMPUS 1/2 BLK. condition. Also electric guitar arid 1 large 2 bedspom furnished corner 'amplifier, never used. Call 482-3021 apt. Ideal for family or 2 or 3 or' 4 or 662-1934. 6B39 people. Immeidiate. Inquire resident ----- i mt~a~erapt.102.HEAD 320 SKIS with tyrolyla 2000-3000 ~ pt.102 -combination bindings ktomperdell ROOMMATES Ipoles. In- excellent condition. Call 1 or 2 people for deluixe unit. $751 evenings, 761-2927. 45839 each. Inquire '727 S. Forest. Women -*---- - - or men. 36Ctc GIB3SON classic 6-string guitar, natur- I____________- al wood; case included $150. Call $ UDI~w APT.'wanted for Jan.; 4-mo. 769-1452. Ask or leave message for leash pr~f. Will' sublet. 769-3290, ask Anita. B34 for room No, 304. Leave messages.- - ;FD32' 1970 SS CHEVELLE 396 4-speed, buckets, _____________________________ AM-FM w/rear speaker, etc. Beauti- L OOKING. ful. Inquire 663-3534 after 6 p.m. i ~31B323 USED CARSI 1965 CHEVROLET V-8, 4-door. Good cond. Engine ex. 2 new know tires.. Best offer over $425. Call 769-8573F eves,; or weekend afternoons. 46N47 '63 PbYM. Fury conv., p.s., p.b., reliableF $285. 769-0427. 47N45 1966 RAMBLER Classic 770. 8 cyl. 4-dr. Reclining seats. Body good. MotorF work. needed. Best offer. 971-0316, 763-0264. 48N47 '67 VW Fastback. 769-2625., 45N45 '62' CHRYS. 300, $95. Call 668-6255 be- fore 9 a.m. ' 44N45I '66 VW - rare opportunity, fine car, fair price. Call 769-3329 eves. 43N45 1969 MGB - green and folding top. Has all extras, including chrome wire wheels, AM-FM radio, tonneau cover. Excellent condit. 12,800 miles. Call1 Steve, 665-2802. NB '68 CAMARO R.O. 327 Convertible, goodj condition. New tires; best offer. Call Mark, 761-8294. 40N45j 1967 VW BUG. 'New motor, new tires, good body, bed platform inside. $1375.j Call 1-517-792-1962. 29N385 '67 VW, $850; '69 BSA 650cc, $900. Both! for only $1795. Call Continuous Trucking at .429-5066. 16N32 '67 VW, $850; '69 BSA 650cc, $900. Both' for only $1795. Call Continuous Trucking at 429-5066. 16N32 6DODGE CHARGER R/T. 440 MAG- NUM, 375 H.P., 14 MPG, BUCKET SEATS, AIR CONDITIONING, AM-FM REVERB, AUTO. TRANS., P W R. STR., PWR. BRKS. PEST OFFER SCOPtES. 665-0318 BETWEEN 7 P.M. AND MID1'I HT. N~to 1966 MGR. In great shape! Priced to sell. 769-9482. 12N 19 1968 OPEL RALLYE - ex. cond., radio. 3$1250. Call 769-8783. 13N19 TR-4, '64 convert., good cond., new- top, 'Michelins; must x sell; $750. 665-6 4886.' 47N10 1970 TRIUMPH TRc-R 650cc., underF 3000 mi., ex. cond., del.l Eric at 662- 7$35 after 6 p.m. 4N19 itOOMATES WANITED 5 pm. AD LOST: Man's beige jacket with red lin- ing. If found call 769-7683 or 769-7656. AE FOUND: pair of contact lens on Diag Fri. nt. 764-3739. AC RICHARD LEE, Inc. When you can't afford less than the best, then there's me. 'Photo , 761- 9452. 48Ftc For those with eclectic tastes: NEW RECORDS FOR SALE CHRISTMAS: 1. 12/22-1/5 2 Det/Airms/Det 2. 12/20-1/2 2 Det/Malaga/Det SUMMER :' 3.-5/4-6/6 4 Det/Ams/Det 4. 5/5-6/26 7 Det/Amns/Det 5. 5/15-8/15'12 Det/Ams/Det 6. 6/26-8/26 8 Det/Ams/Det 7. 7/1-8/15 6 Det/Ams/Det 8. 8/1-9/1 4 Det/Ams/Det _ _ T - .... $175 $219. $159 8169 $189 $209 $209 $219 FOUND: Large golden dog resembles! Captn Beefheart's Trout mask replica golden retriever, wearing flea collar, (double album) $6.00; Tony Williams friendly, good squirrel-chaser. Call newest $2.75. Call Amy, 769-4289 be- 764-2680 or 764-0782 noon-S p.m. AD2l tween 5-7 p.m. FDtc FOUND - Champaign colored female WOMEN INTERESTED in law school- kitten, adorable, owner or interested apply now to take the Law School party call 865-5364 or 764-4080. AD66" Aptitude Test. Pick up an application -- fat Jr./Sr. Counseling. 18F40 LOST: Black puppy near Diag. White -- -----.-_._._ markings on chest and three paws. FALL INTERESTED Call 769-7193. 46Atc COMMUNITY ME~MBE~RS LOST: 1 collie pup. 8 mc. old. black with white tail, ruff. and feet, brown mask. Wearing collar with 2 a red; bar:zel on it. Knows her name: Rama. Call 769-4289 or 769-7761. Reward. MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS JBL CUSTOM-BUILT speaker systems. Fantastic. Make offer. 761-7749. 17X46 NEW GUILDS Gibsons, etc. at discount. Call Mike, 662-3353. =16X51 MUST SELL-104 watt solid state Lafa-3 yette stereo amp. Harnon-Kardont AM-FM stereo tuner. Eiko amp. Cheap. Call 434-0511 after 5. 15X46 -AUTO ELECTRON [CS LABS S are invited to attend the weekly SGC meeting on the new dlay: WEDNESDAY. 7:30 3rd floor SAB 11 F11 FICTION, POETRY, ART, photography ,r essay, drama. and combinations thereof now being accepted for pub- lication in the campus inter-arts me- dium'. GENERATION. All material submitted will be carefully perused.' To be returned. manuscripts must be 1 accompanied by self-addressed stamp- ed envelope. Mail to 420 Maynard or leave material at the main offie. Student Pub. Building. Deadline -{ Qctober 27. FE UAC - SI EUROPE --$159 * All non-stop Jets * Cancellation Privileges * Complete meals andI comnplimnentary drinks * $25 deposit Also, a Complete Range of Travel Servicest Rail Passes; Car Leases & Purchases; Motorcycles; Intra-Eu- ropean Charters & Many- More. Open only to U of M students, f a- culty, staff and _their immediate families. PLEASE PHONE OR STOP BY AT EITHER OF OUR TWO OFFICES! WORLD-WIDE CHARTER 211 South State Street or 611 Church Street Ann Arbor, Michigan Dial: "ON-A-TRIP" 66-2-8747 CINEMA VERITE Extraordinary films, free, courtesy Res-, idential College. "Storm Signal," 9 p.m.. Wed., 28 Oct. "Mooney vs. Fowle." 7:30 p.m.,,Mon., Nov. 2. RC Auditorium., East Quad. Film-maker James Lipscomb of N.Y. discusses his techniques after Monday screening. An experience worth having. 131047 HAVE DRUGS been abusing you lately? Get first class aid from DRUG HEL. Emergency assistance and creditable information. 761-HELP, anytime. DF49 POLLUTION Want to do something about it? Call '161-1791 between ,5 and 9 p.oai. 161,46 REGISTERED TO V IN DETROIT? AND need an absentee ballot appli- cation to vote in Detroit Nov. 3?? Call Howard, 764-2639 or Waite c/ 200 Tyler, East Quad. NOW!! r F; YOGA ASANA (exercise class)~ taught by qualified Self -Realizationr Fellow- ship Instructor. Call 662-9518. 281046 SOMEWHAT COLLEGIATE GAY seeks similar to'share 2-man, 2-bdrm. apt. Tastes: naturalist,,. c.0., folk and classical, writing, good sense of hu- ,mor -Call after 5 p.m. 769"-7683.' 38F45 -BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7.50 Rh positive, $10 & $12 Rh *neg- ative. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9-4. Wed., 1-7. 18-21 years old need par- ent's permission. Michigan "Community Blood Center 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti 483-1894 r Ftc I . - A r a t R 3 t ',, . t -Open - 6 a~m. till 9 p.m. - Mon.-Thurs. 6 till 3 'a.m.'- Fri.-Sat 8 a.m. till 7:30 p.m. - Sunilday, . 730,NO4TH MUIR Delivery aniid Catering~ j tc -t TV RENTALS $10.40 a month In- cludes frsee 'delivery, service, and pick-i up. 'No deposit. Call Nejac-662-5671. 3lFtc UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES CENTER and STUDENTS INTERNATIONAL. present EUROPE $159.00 CHRISTMAS 053 Det-Haw.-Det - 12/20-1/3 $249 047 N.Y.-Mad.-N.Y. - 12/21-1/3 $209 048 N.Y.-Ams.-N.Y. - 12/21--1/5 $175 058 Det-Milan-Det - 12/22-1/3 $199 054 N.Y.-Lon.-N..Y -., 1222-1/6: $170' 043, Dtt-Lon-Det - 12/23-1/4. $175 SUMMER: DETRlOIT DEPARTURES 007 Det-ton-Det 5/5 - 6/8' $159.00 049 Det-Ams-Det 5/6 - 6/6. $179.00 008 Det-Lon-Det 5/5 - 6yL4 $159.00 009 Det-Lon-Det 5/15- 8/15 $199.00 001 Det-Lon-Det, 6/28 - 8/28 $219.00 002'Det-Lan-Det 6/29 - 8/26 $219.00 010 Det-Lon-Det 7/2 -'8/19 $219.00 051 Det-Lon-Det 8/1 - 9/1 8219.001I 052 Det-Tok-Det 7/31 - 8/31 $429.00 TWO BROWN, two puppies for show 4403. black AR~C poodle or. pets. $80. 971- 8T1,5 ly I SIX TIGER KIT'TENS (black, white, etc.) F'REE to good- homes; six weeks old; trained; 'cell Fran, 971-6648 after - N37T46 FRlE: 1-3 mo. old' black male kitten w/white markings. Extremely affec- tionate. Has had -distemper shots. 769-6437. - 33T37 SIAMESEE ITTENS. ACFA registered, blue points and seal points. 761-7322. 25Ttc Rent your Roommate With a Classified Ad BILLIARDS BOWLING TABLE TENNIS FOOSBA LL UNION is now open Christmas 1970 Program for ompeteDet-Hawali-Det - 12/20 - 1/3 .. $2491 for copleteNY-Madrid-NY -- 12/121 - 1/3 ... $209 Stereo & SoundI NY-Amsterdam-NY - 12/21- 1/5 $175 'Det-Geneva-Det - 12/21 - 1/5.. $199 System~s Service Det-Milan-Det - 12/22 - 1/3 . $199 j Det-London-Det - 12/23 - 1/4 ... .$175 206 S. MAIN, RM. 216 Summer 1971 (Detroit Departures) Det-Lon-Det - 5/5 - 6/8......... $159 769-4284 or 662-6898 eves. Det-Ams-Lon-Det - 5/6 - 6/6 ... $179 Det-Lon-Det - 5/5 - 6/24........ $159 14X48 Det-Lon-Det - 5/15 - 8/15.....$199 ____ -Det-Lon-Det - 6/28 - 8/28 -.....$219 SONY HP-480 Compact. Excellent con- DtLnDt-62 /6...$1 diton $20.76491. 1X4 IDet-Lon-Det - 7/2 - 8/19...... . $219 FOR SALE-.Fisher 200 T with cabinetDeLn- t-8/-9/. ...$1 for $200 or best offer, pair of AR-4X's Det-Tok-Det - 7/31 - 8/31.... ...$429 for $84 or best offer, 'Sony 366 for; Summer 1971 (New, York Departures ) $210 or best offer. All like new. Bruce, Bost-Lon-Bost- 5/14- 8/13 .....$199 764-7846. DX48 NY-Lopm-NY - 6/26 - 9/1.......$209 014 030 013 SUMMER: N.Y. DEPARTURES Bast-Loni-Bost 5/14.- 8/13 $199.00G N.Y.-Lon-N..Y 6/26,- 9/1 $209:00 N9,Y.-Lon-N.Y. 6/29 - 7/30 $209.0 Why' not tell people what you are ieiknnu4 for? Tell them chesply, yet effectively in Daily classiftedmi ?76- M~57, 11 C~m.-2 p.m., 764-605. CDOB I" BDSM. BURN. units on campus. avail. for fall. IUeKinley Assoc:, 663- $448. l5Ctc 1 and 2, BDRiM, APT$., fTurn. and un- HELP WANTEDj COEDS - Earn $20 -40/wk. working 21 eves, on campus. Trans. necessary. Walk-in interview w/Paul Eshelman on Mon., Oct. 26, 4:15 p.m. at Cam- pus Inn. 468+45 Open only to U of,,M students, facul- ty, staff, alumni and immediate fam- ilies. UAC Tradel, 2nd floor Michigan Union, 763-2147 or 769-5790. 2Ftc ~fiurn. V$170 to $210. '4, 8,~-and' 12 mo. POT~TER & CLECAN-UP MAN. 7:00-noon, w'' 9%%0W ^ I - ---- ^11 9 --- Teases. 761-8055. l9Cl9te Mon.-Fri. Overseas Imported Cars. M R IND ___________________ 662-2542. , - 45Rtc 4th MAN WANTED for 4-man, two- 2 BDRM. URtN, 'units on campus. - --- bedroom modern apt. near campus, W/case and access. Call Brian, Mon.- avail. for fikll. M~cKinley Assoc., 663- MEN-Earn $20-40/wk, working 2 eves. med. center. $66.25/mo. Call 665-7501. Fri. before 6 p.m., 668-6915. 13X48 644'_____ocmps.Tras.neessry_*lkin___-____.____.----____r interview w/Paul Eshelman on Mon.,~ FENDER BANDMASTER Amp and/or ROOMS FOR GIRLS Oct. 26, 5:45 p.m. at -Campus Inn. 1 or 2 CHRISTIAN MEN to share mo- Telecaster Guitar w/case. 761-6521. #47H45 dern apt. 769-4512. - 15Y37 DX4E Co0mmute from Ypsi andl save. Double _______ ___________ _ roons, kitchens, TV room, date room, ARTISTS WANTED - to contribute art TWO FRIENDLY GIRLS need room- SONY TAPE DECK 255. Mint cond. 112 Co-op living, near bus to Ann Arbor,. work to the Michiganenstan, U of M's ma.te for 2-bedroom apt. Wonderful years old. $115. 764-0910.' 11X45 $5 a month. 1$4 N. Washington. yearbook. No limit on subject 'matter. location whether you're a student or 'Yihsi. 482-0407. 1308 ( Black and white preferable.,- Nothing -work or enjoy life (or all three, as HERB DAVID GUITAR 'STUDIO #larger than 15"x1611). All work will be we do). Phone 662-5206 for details. Instruments and accessories, new And pWANTED TO BUY i returned by publisher. For further YDtc used. Lessons, repairs. 209 S. State. --_______________-- 3 information, call Katrina at 761-3314 -.-.. 665-8001. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. X WANTED for 305 Honda Super Hawk-- or 'Ensian office, 764-0561. HB53 WANTED: 4th male to share 4-man ---- --------- G t itatbr, rectifier, and custom tank. apt. $70.00/mo. Call 662-9758 or stop FENDER Super-R~everb Amplifier and/ Parts must be usable and workable. GIRL, TO LIVE WITH and care for 'at 629 S. Forest, No. 2. 43Y21 or Fender Telecaster Guitar w/case. 663-3807, 23K4i8 handicapped college student; drivers - -license necessary; $60 per week. Call 4th, MALE NEEDED. One block from .-- ----___ DOU13LE BED mattress with frame and 1-229-9198. 43H50 .campus. 761-7630. .- 44Y21 PIONEER 70 WATT Stereo Receiver. 9 springs, fustic look preferred. Call _____-____-_______ mos. old. $150, Will barter. 761-2499. fionnsa at 769-7973. I E LOOKING FOR A JOB? NEED 2 spacious apt., 721 S. Forest, R-MPDN PA -4,Cep - ITalented or experienced or interested $50/mo. Call 'after 5, Serra 668-7Q97, PR-M YAPT4 ha.4 ma. WILL, PAY 50c per albumi if you have #in a particular Meld? Try placing a Maria 7613-7185. 38Y21 old. 769-1043. 3X45 tapet and tape deck or recorder for Michigan Daily "BUSINESS SERV--____________ recording session. Call 761-9262. I ICES" or "PERSONAL" ad-and help WANTED-Jr. or Sr. girl to share in- IFOR SALE: SHURE VOCALMASTER 22X45 a job find YOU, HDtc expensive apt, Call Bobbie after 10 SYSTEM; two Traynor speaker col- _____________ -_________ _____ p.m., 769-1892. 17Y12 umns; Traynor speaker box with two SUBLET_ 15" speakers.' Band dissolving (into SU LT . - WA6NTED TO RENT / ~FALL-NEEDED 2 roommates, furnish- the great ozone). Call 76P-0922 or -- -- ed, modern 4-man, $75/man. Ric, 1- 764-6933. 5X62 MODERN, one bedr'oom, bi-level apart- WANTED-1: bdrm. furn. apt., Jan.- 721-6398- 23Y71 - wenlt avMaale Jan. 1, convenient to May, Call Fred, "769-2418. 23L48 - . - __ __ camwps. 7694139. 22U146 _____.a-..____..,--.. LIVE IN BRAND NEW LnyBueBUSI NESS SERVICES .~OPEWNSSBLTJn o ue co-op on Washtenaw. Call Murray,--- -- _ - BARG IN C RNERfurnished or unfurnished. Call 449- 769-3054, 761-6971, 764-9113. 49F47 CLEANING of student apts. Reason- 2364 after 6 p.m. 19L46 -_-T able rate by dependable Co. We 1960 IsUloK-flxible ambulance. Excell- ________. ---------I iE N C OEStackle any job. Call 663-3898. 28Jtc ent ,shape. LO*' mileage. Evans Buick, 12 BDRM. APT, wanted to Jan.; 4-4no. ________________ _ BIE EXERENE TYPITOBMERec Rowell. Call 517-546-5520, 24W35 I leabe pref. Will sublet. 769-3290, ask 1968IECD TPIT BMee. _________________ . m Rom o.~ll4 Lev1m9s68s YAMAHA 350 Scrambler. Must sell pickup and delivery, same day service. NY-Lon-NY - 6/29 - 7/30 ........ $209 I 3 E I i . . 3 I Open only to' U of M students, fa- culty, staff, alumni, and their in- mediate families. Phone or Stop in: Michigan Union, 2nd Floor UAC TRAVEL 763-2147 9:00 a.m. - 5 pin. Daily - ----- h :gin.. Y'..:i ; :: / a '_ "'' ' , . -''"' FRANKC' Sunday Dinner Special $2.00 CHOICE OF... BAKED HAM ROAST CHICKEN ROAST PORK ROAST TURKEY SERVED WITH: Soup or Juice, Potatoes, Vegetables, Crisp Salad, Beverage ALSO Sunday 'Breakfast Special Western Egg Omelet $1.00 Y FRANK'S 334 MAYNARD LIMITED QUANTITY 13-Button Navy Pants -Surplus; $7 LITT E THINGS 215 S. State MISCELLANEOUS 2 t WANTED-Someone to show me how to yodel. 662-9092. 42M47 TD A LIC' EDTUA ifDJ II r G I KAidrVK IA I Ia RIDE OR RIDERS needed to Florida.. Call Nancy, 768-4979. 1SG45 PHOTO SUPPLIES Gerhard Heidersberger PHOTO SERVICES 334 Nickels Arcade Tel. 761-5305 - 13 yrs. experience tosty n50101 i!Jb~4. J_1 Call Renee, 662-6282. - 2.355 WANTED-BMW R27-R50 cylinder. Call PROFESSIONAL EDITOR: dissertation~s, 76-3757-Paul. 41245 book-length, mss., articles beginning KAWASAKI Avenger 350cc, '1968. 84000. Nov. 1. Typing, too - IBM Selectric: miles. Ex. cond. Must sell. Best rea- prestige pica. MA, 8 yrs. in publish- sonable offer. 485-2932. 42Z48 ing. TURABIAN, Chicago style man- _____________ __ ual. Job moving; husband grad stu- B.S.A. Mk. IV. 650cc. 2800 miles. $1100. dent, U.M. Competitive rates. Call 665-2223 eves. 40245 any evening, 769-4134. 27J50 TYPING, in my home, electric, draft or 1 968 BSA F I REB I RD tapes, medical and scientific termi- 5,000 miles. Exceptional condition, nology. Call 485-2463. Pick up and $850 or best offer. Call 434-0499. delivery. 24Jtc ZD -- -___ ____ GREAT SALE at Student Book Serv- 1969 HONDA CE350-Ex. cond. 7,000 ice! All books 20% off new, 50% off miles. $550. 663-3465. 19X28 used.- 20J37 HONDA motorcycle repair and tuneup. EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires Reliable, guaranteed work, cheap. Call work inl her home. Thesis, technical Jim, repeatedly 663-6733. 21Z32 typing, stuffing etc. IBM selectric t Call Jeanette, 971-2463. 12Jtc TRIUMPH Bonneville. '66, new paint, ------- chrome, overhaul: $800 incl shop m a n u a l, to o ls , e tc . 7 6 1 -9 0 2 8 . 4 2 Z 1 2 ro 'e1 7 U U I H S LR68 8 4 11Z17 Y u'eSure 1969 DUCATI 160, ex. cond., 1400 mi. !It Open Daily 7 A.M.-9 P.M. PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL . PEIASONAL On Tower Plaza Sam's Star for LEI'S __FOR SALE - NEW Super 8 movie ca- 1 1mera. In excellent condition with 21 month warranty, Call Steveantm at 665-2802. -Daytim p NIKON F body with Auto-Nikkor 50mm flrr 2.A lens, with case. Used, but, in pretty excellent shape. Selling cheap- at $250. Call Richard Lee at 761-~9452. DD28 Fti SM N OI ASAY IT BETWEEN THE. SHEETS . .. OF THE MICHIGAN DAILY I AD COPY: PENTAX SPOTMATIC 1.4: $175 and/or Taktimar 105 mm: $75. 761-9789 after 10 p.m. 35p15 Highest offer. 761-4756. 3214 4TRIUMPH, 1969 TR6C, 650 CC., lOW AT CENTURY mileage, mint cond. Call 769-0380. Tt'~m ~9ZtC OLM DENIM Su~ptr Slims Bu~tton Fly Tradiltionol 6.98 ...6.98 7.50 3R nn Good Used Cameras WE BUY, $ELL,,TRADE Everytbing Photographic a Winner Buying Student Supplies )AT UNITACE LASSIFIED RATES WORDS.1 day 2 days 3.days 4 days 5 doys, 6 days add. --- -----------__---------------0-10 1.00 2.00 2.40 3.20 3 90 4.50 .55 11-15 1,15 2.30 2.90 3.90 4 80 5.60 .75 16,20 1.30 2.60 3.60 4.80 5.90 6.80 .85 21-25 1.55 3.10 4.30 5.70 7.00 8.10 ' 1+05 26-30 1.80 3.60 5.00.x 6.60 8 10 9.4.0 1.20 - - -- - ------------ ----~----- 31,35 2.05 4.10 5.65 7.40' 9.05 10.50 1.35" 36-40 2.30 4.60 6.30 8.20 10.00 11.60 1.50, ----.____~- 41-45 2.55 5.10 6.95 9 00 10.95 12.70 -1.65 46-50 2.80 5.60 7.60 9.80 11.90 13.80 1.80 . Order i