a special feature the sunday daiy by rick perloff Number 34 Night Editor: Steve Koppman Sunday, October 25, 1970 A looka S traigh t, IN AN AGE when many young people have stripped themselves of traditional Amer- can values, when students have massed to protest the politics of the nation, when youth and its elders are often cultures apart, what are the views of the entering freshmen as they leave their middleclass past for the life-style of the campus? Why are they in college? What are their views toward Politics, pot and sex? Do they identify with the radical movements? Last month, with these questions in mind, Daily reporter Rick Perloff talked with 24 freshmen picked randomly from the Resi- dence Hall Directory and the Freshman Record. TALKING WITH freshmen, some general patterns emerge: All had assumed they would attend college, given the demands of society for a degree as a prerequisite for a good job. 0 The overwhelming majority does not plan to drop out, even if classes become dull. 4 About two-thirds are reluctant or uncer- tain to indulge in activities society con- siders objectionable, like smoking pot or engaging in pre-marital sexual intercourse. The same number will attend church or syn- agogue as students at least sometimes. i There is a near-even split between those who have a relatively high level of political and social awareness and others who have a more amorphous and apathetic approach to politics. However, none had any faith in working through "the Movement" to ef- fect social change and strongly criticized the violent tactics of the New Left. M Despite their "traditional" reasons for attending college and reluctance about new, social practices, most showed a general open-mindedness toward trying new exper- the class of '74: here '1 open-minded, to learn Ben's parents applied no pressure on him to attend a university; they pretty much left the decision up to him. And like all but four of the freshmen, he did not question attending college before entering the Uni- versity. It was just a natural extension from high school that he realized he needed if he were to pursue his interest in science and if he hoped to get a good job after graduation. It was difficult for most of the freshmen to air any precise reason on when they de- cided to attend college or why. College, it seems, was always there. But of the four people who did consider not attending, they were exposed either to unsatisfactory educational experiences in high school or had heard serious criticisms of universities - that they were impersonal, educationally vapid or politically corrupt. And unlike other freshmen who may have encountered similar experiences, they re- lated the situations directly to themselves and questioned their future. But they all came-one because her par- ents refused to give financial support for her planned travels; another because he saw that he would need the degree if he expect- ed to have a fulfilling job later (though he disagreed with the emphasis attached to the diploma); a third because she viewed a university as the best way to gain self- knowledge; the fourth because she was curious about college and, likewise, recog- nized she would need the education and the degree if she went on to medical school. Three of these persons were out-of-state, reflecting a general pattern in the inter- views: The out-of-state students were more radical politically and socially, and seemed to have questioned certain basic aspects of America - like the stress on upward mo- bility, capitalism and the subtle racial pre- judices-before coming to school. weekends and dorm raps, which involved more "play." And although they believed that these informal discussions are valuable, their main priority, at least during their fresh- man year, is to attend classes and learn in school. The impression one gets is that going to class and taking notes at lectures would guarantee an education and win them a degree. A But while the expectation of learning was strong, most also expected their classes to be boring, at least sometimes. "You got to put up with something," says Leslie who is from Detroit and plans to become a doctor. Staying in school, and doing well, assumes primary importance to these freshmen, par- ticularly those, like Leslie who have pro- fessional careers in mind. They are here, plan to learn, to play around and leave somehow better than when they came. T MOST IT will be a four-year process with no breaks in between. The idea of dropping out, of leaving school, involves uncertain and unlikely possibilities right now. They are just experiencing a major change in their lives and an overwhelming number find it difficult to conceive of en- acting another one. Ralph, who is also interested in medicine, explains, "In high school I had some bor- ing courses, and I had no thoughts of leav- ing high school. I knew if you want to get any place, I mean if I want to be a doctor, there are certain institutions you have to go through. I'll try to make the best of it I can." Ralph, who is from Oak Park, Mich., says he definitely plans to go through in four years and does not appear to have consider- ed any alternatives. "If things got bad, I mightstake summer school and finish early because if it got that bad, I think if I left it, I'd be tempted never to come back." And this bothers him. To Ralph and the overwhelming majority of those interviewed, dropping out seems to imply leaving for a while and perhaps never returning. For them to leave, things would have to be "bad," as Ralph says, and right now-with the array of new experiences and promise of an education-that is almost in- conceivable and has, it seems, not occurred to them seriously before. As Sandra, from Mosher-Jordan Hall, notes "I just wouldn't want to leave and I know I really couldn't. I can't see things getting that boring. I just can't imagine it being that bad that I'd have to leave. There's always just so much to do up here- plays, movies and I haven't had a bad time since I got here. Then again, my studies mean enough to me. I think I've been con- ditioned. I don't know. I have the desire to learn-it's in me and I'm not really ex- plaining it really well." Her comments indicate the realization that she "couldn't leave" because, as she notes earlier in the interview, "just about to do anything nowadays you need a college degree." And since she is here, she sees college as providing a good opportunity to encounter new experiences, gain social ease and meet all sorts of people. THIS HODGEPODGE of experience the students find exciting and some-notably the more radical freshmen, who had ques- tioned the concept of college before they came-see it as a viable way of achieving self-realization. The general awareness was that such experiences and self-knowledge would come best in college for, as Frances says, "when I'm a doctor I won't have time." But the reluctance to drop out stems not only from the necessities and benefits that college can offer but, in addition, the alter- natives to school seem vague and uncertain. "I just don't know what I'd do with my- self," says Ralph. Ralph adds that were he to leave the University he would not travel or worg around; rather he would think of transfer- ing to another school. These "adventurous" pursuits would await the completion of college. Of course the whole issue of dropping out, to many students, was a hypothetical one. They couldn't leave because of the draft, due to previously-arranged scholarships or from a financial or personal obligation to their parents. To some of the freshmen, the mention of this obligation brought guilt. "They are sacrificing something for you," explains Ben, "and you are 18 and they could kick you out of the house, and I'm not the nicest guy to my parents, so that bothers me, okay?" Everyone said assuredly they got along well with their parents, but alluded to mo- ments of disagreement. In speaking about the freedom he enjoys in school, Leslie said "it's the absence of the hassling from my parents. I don't say that to degrade my parents because they're really nice people . . . (But) they used to hassle me about synagogue. Or if I didn't get home by 1, my mother would wait for me and yell. They'd insist I eat some more at meals and I'd say no. They'd try to control what I'd do." FOR SOME, the disagreements with their parents do not transcend such prudential matters; and there is a near-even split within the group over whether they also object to the middle class life-style to which their parents belong. Yet among those who explictly criticized material values, they were sometimes less liberal on the similar, if more personal, questions of pot, sex and religion. For ex- ample, several condemned middle-class liv- ing, but expressed emotional-though rarely moral-fears about trying pot or having sex before marriage. By and large, though, there appeared to be a correlation between liberal views on politics and on these personal questions. Some were oblivious to traditional cri- ticisms of "middle class morality." To this group, the mention of "suburban life style" connotes nothing in particular except that perhaps the people aren't as nice as in the cities, as one girl put it. But if one goes further and repeats the query differently, the answer changes some- what, indicating an uncertainty on the whole issue. Ralph comments, after some discussion, that he really doesn't know his friends' parents but "you know, I guess, yeah, if there is this widespread feeling to pile money on top of money, then yeah I guess that would be a problem." He refers to the possibly material attitudes of other parents, but not to his own. In fact, none of the freshman spoke bitterly of their par- ents, and said they got along well with their family. Marilyn, who is from Oak Park and lives in the Residential College, was more em- phatic about suburbia. She says "people are not getting together. They're separate from each other, they come from work, go to their boxes and exchange very few words. You go around in Oak Park in the evening and it's terrible; you don't see anyone. One night just for amusement I went through the streets with a friend and we were honk- ing the horn, yelling 'the war's over' and no one got up, no one heard." DESPITE THIS animosity to suburban liv- ing, even the radical freshmen w e r e "Staying in school and doing well assumes primary import- ance to these freshmen, particularly those w i t h professional careers in mind. They are here, plan to learn, play around, and leave somehow better than when they came." "' r5r.%r."}}:{titsti r.¢r.^.: { '"e'F..r F:S,:,v'w..w'. . . iences and towards people with differing political views. THERE IS little indication that a radical spirit has swept across the bulk of the freshman class, little substantiation of media reports of a radical rejection of society or wide-scale disillusionment and alienation. At this point in their college careers, our freshmen in some ways conform to the "traditional freshman," who supposedly comes to college exclusively as training for a profession, hopeful to gain a prestigious career and a comfortable home in the sub- urbs. In their rationale for attending college, and their reluctance to drop out and break certain norms, the freshmen seem to merge with this "traditional identity." But they depart from this image in their wider poli- tical awareness, their open-mindedness to "objectionable practices" like pot or sex, and their greater tolerance for people who choose to, participate in these activities. THE MOST striking area of agreement was on the rationale for attending col- lege. "It's always been in my mind that I'd go to college," says Ben, a science-oriented freshman from Akron, Ohio. "I always was pretty good in school and my parents both went to college, and it just seems that for everything I wanted to accomplish, college was one of those steps." Now that they are here, the freshmen plan to stay. With the exception of a fairly radical student from Buffalo, N.Y. everyone looked on college as a new experience, as a definite break between home and parental protection, ultimately paving the way to adulthood. "When I got here," says Ben, "I realized the big thing, I mean you don't have the friends and that's going to be a big change, and I guess that hit me more than every- thing else. And I realized how much you're on your own. I mean no parents and all, and how that would make a difference. And the time you have on your hands I hadn't actually realized. But it hit me pretty hard." MANY SEEMED uncertain just what to expect from college, but as the first week passed, they said, things improved. Christine, a nursing student, spoke to her mother during the first few days. "The first thing I said was 'what am I going to do if I don't want to stay?' She said you stay at least a month. The second week I didn't mind it." Now Christine says she enjoys her dorm, Bursley, and is looking forward to parties and classes as well. Like Christine, most of the freshmen anticipate learning a lot from their courses. They find it almost implicit in attending a university that they will be educated. But except for the more radical freshmen, there often seemed a feeling that learning was like work and should be differentiated from happy about their relationship with their parents. If they criticized the parents' ma- terial values, they did so with understand- ing of their economic background, and sym- pathy. But they could conceive of circum- stances in which there would be a serious chasm between their parents and them- selves. Such were the issues of smoking pot and pre-marital sex or of living with someone before marriage. Nearly everyone said their parents would object to their partaking in these activities, though the predictedi re- sponse of parents ranged from disappoint- ment to disinheritance. About two-thirds of these freshmen have not and do not plan to smoke pot, though they might favor its legalization, or see nothing wrong with other people using it. Most of those who oppose it personally fear possibly harmful effects on their mind or worry about getting caught. They. feel' they have no need for marijuana. Of the students who had tried drugs before school, only one went higher than grass or hash, trying acid and speed. On sexual questions, views were more vehement and diffuse, but there was unan- imity over the prospect of getting married eventually. Most took marriage for grant- ed and when asked why, the reply of com- panionship was generally given. Only sev- eral explicitly mentioned love. As for premarital sexual activity, 16 either disapproved of it or were quite un- certain - either for "moral" reasons, emo- tional inhibitions or both. Some were torn between an intellectual questioning of the idea of intercourse following marriage, but were unable to divorce themselves from their emotions. "Right now," says Ben, "I wouldn't be able to overcome all the hangups about sex, all the rules I have now. Usually you worry a little about the physical arrange- ments of the future - I guess you don't have to worry about kids anymore. There is a little bit to worry about with kids. You know now, I guess I've been brought up with all these religions, all this eternal love you're going to have." Among the minority favoring pre-marital sex, marriage was viewed as a ritual or a sham, irrelevant to basic trust and love. And such an involving relationship seemed to be the pre-requisite for sexual inter- course. "If I tell my parents I'm not getting leg- ally married, they'd say 'fine, that's nice, they wouldn't believe I'd do it," says Mar- ilyn. "All I'd have to do is marry a non-Jewish boy and they'd consider me dead. In their eyes, dead, completely dishonored. You have no idea what a traumatic experience that would be, especially to my father. He would disown me, he would never speak to me again, he would consider me dead. They would sit shivah." While Marilyn's problem about religion may seem a bit severe to the other freshmen interviewed, it does point to the religious divergence between these students and their parents. In oractically every instance, the student have to remind myself of keeping koshe- reth, does it make me a better person? I have some doubts sometimes, but I do it." CHRISTINE, who attended parochial school until seventh grade, says "I think it's necessary togo to church. Once you go to church, it's not so bad. -Once I'm there what the preacher says makes a lot of sense. I realy feel good after church, it makes me .feel good." In addition, she oc- casionally feels guilty when she doesn't at- tend. "I think everybody should have a belief to base their lives on," she adds. "I feel you have to make your own decisions but I pray to Him that you'll make the best one. It makes me feel better. I feel surer that my decision is the best." Christine's belief in God was echoed by about half of the freshmen, who had some notion that a Divine Being gave order to things. This was less the case among the seven who don't consider themselves relig- ious (all but one of whom had Jewish backgrounds).. But this group's belief in God did not carry over any hope to solving the problems which face the country. None spoke of joining a Movement, and all criticized the oft-violent tactics of the New Left. The more politically-aware fresh- men saw change coming from the small things they could do as individuals to im- prove people's lives. There was a near-even split on withdraw- al from Vietnam. The more radical favor withdrawal on the grounds that the United States is wrongly imposing its values on another nation. The others, generally more uncertain, fear a communist threat or if they think the war is mistaken, believe the U.S. should strive for an "honorable peace." But beyond the war, this second group seems hard-pressed to name problems in the country. "Ecology, race; what else is there?" one student asks.. To the more "aware" freshmen, there is much more that is wrong with the country. They cited material conditions, nuclear dis- armament, sexual and racial oppression and some mentioned capitalism, but only vague- ly. WHILE EXPRESSING a concern for the problems in the country, none but the two black students said they cared intense- ly enough to spend much of their lives work- ing for change. The future is an unknown too for the bulk of these freshmen. Just as they found it difficult to envision droping out, so too is it hard for them to itemize post-grad- uation plans. Even those with tentative plans-like nursing, medicine or social work -seem quick to acknowledge the possibil- ity things may change. None in the group had any fear of their lives after graduation, sensing a con- tinuity between college and adulthood. There was, a feeling on the part of many not to settle down immediately, to travel and explore. This applies to nine of 'the 12 women interviewed, who, regardless of their varying political views, found the life of the homemaking stultifying and wanted to 41 :4