r Wednesday, September 2,'1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three ~ Wednesday, September 2, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three ' vice presidents: Administering a bureaucracy By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Their offices are generally small and cluttered, giving one the impression that the chief duties of the University's seven vice presidents are clerical, rather than administrative. Indeed, the vice presidents are often prone to disguise the im- portant roles they play in the operation of the University. Preferring to make most of their decisions behind closed doors, they remain out of the main- stream of University affairs, al- lowing President Robben Flem- ing to inform the students and faculty members on the Uni- versity's policies on current issues. Traditionally, decision-making in institutions of higher educa- tion has been chiefly the prov- ince of the faculty, with admin-_ istrators merely executing the decisions, and plowing through the paper work generated by them. But with the advent of the multiversity, administrative au- thority has become more and more concentrated in the hands of professional executives, ex- perienced at weaving together the numerous strands of a, bureaucracy. Such are the University's vice presidents - most having con-, siderable experience in business, and all well-accomplished in the art of managing a large corpora- tion. Their importance is, perhaps, a function of their instrumental role in fashioning the Univer- sity's annual budget. Now up-. wards of $250 million, the budget largely determines the extent to which the University acts as an educational - institution, as a center for government and cor- porate research, and as a the- ater for inducing ir e f o r m in society-at-large. And while the University's R3gents retain the authority to set budget priorities and approve, all expenditures, their limited presence in Ann Arbor forces them to rely on the recom- mendations of the executive of- ficers - the vice presidents and Fleming. Each of the vice presidents supervises one, or several seg- ments of the administration, as indicated by their titles. Yet major decisions are us- ually made collectively, and the vice presidents normally hold a closed meeting with Fleming, lasting half of each Tuesday, to act on matters of current im- port' Each month, the executive of- ficers sit down with the Re- gents for the better part of two days, outline what is occurring at the University as. they per- ceive it, and advise the Regents on -how they should act or react in a given situation. The Regents, meanwhile, place' their implicit trust in the execu- tive officers, and hold for most of them a respect which is re- flected in their hesitance to fol- low the sometimes contrary ad- vice of faculty members or stu- dents. In this context, the goal of many students to vastly increase their role in Uiiversity decision- making will likely require a -will- ingness on the part of the vice presidents to yield a large measure of their authority. - * * * The resolution of the dispute over increased minority admis-t sions has left STEPHEN SPURR in a crucial position. Appointed last November to the newly created post of vice president and dean of the grad- uate school, Spurr also took over supervision of the Office of Ad- missions. Thus, much of his time over the next four years will be spent coordinating the recruitment of enough black students to equal 10 per cent of the student body. But his primary responsibility as vice president is to coordinate the expansion and development of the University's Flint and Dearborn campuses, a task which is high on the Regents priority list. The newest member of the executive officers, Spurr is per- haps the one most open to dis- cussing University policy mat- ters. In the midst of the class strike supporting the demands .of the Black Action Movement for increased minority enroll- ment, Spurr was the only ex- ecutive officer who was willing to discuss the administration's position with the public and the press. But 'the openness seems :to stem from Spurr's oft-stated concern that this elevation to vice president carried with it "a potential loss of credibility" with students and with the Uni- versity faculty, of which he was a member for 20 years. As vice president, he says, "you become part of the mystical group called the administration, which is instinctively looked' upon by many faculty members and students as being in an ad- versary rather than in a sup- portive role., * * * As the executive officer most involved in shaping the Uni- versity's annual budget, ALLAN SMITH4 is thought to be one of the most influential administra- tors at the University. His title - vice president for academic affairs-is reflected in his authority to approve or dis- approve all promotions, dismis- sals, and recruitments of faculty members, and in his position as the executive officer which the deans of the 17 schools and col- leges are directly responsible to. But his involvement with the schools and colleges remains more financial than educational. Early each fall, Smith has the responsibility of paring down the budgetary requests of each academic unit and coming up with a tentative list of expendi- tures for the University during the next fiscal year. Formerly the dean of the law school, Smith succeeded Roger Heyns as vice president for aca- demic affairs in 1965. Since then, he has earned the repu- tation of being one of the more closed executive officers, offer- ing to meet with students and faculty, but hesitant to go deep- ly into the administration's activities. * * Once the Regents have ap- proved a tentative budget for the next fiscal year. it is the responsibility of ARTHUR ROSS to secure financial support from the state to cover the projected increases in University expendi- tures. And to accomplish what is invariably a futile task, the vice president for state relations and planning spends much of his time in Lansing. conferring with influential state lgislators. and sometimes with the governor. Ross also coordinates much of the University's expansion pro- grams. which also involves se- curing funds from a state gov- ernment which is increasingly reluctant tohfinance capital construction. Allan Smith Wilbur Pierpont Arthur Ross Stephen Spurr When Robben Fleming came to Ann Arbor in 1968 as the new University president, he brought along BARBARA NE- WELL, who was his assistant when Fleming was chancellor of the Madison campus of the University of Wisconsin. He appointed Mrs. Newell act- ing vice president of student affairs pending selection of a permanent vice president from list of candidates nominated by a student-faculty search com- mittee. Two years later, Mrs. Newell is still vice president' and the dispute over increased student control of the Office of Student Affairs appears to have indefinitely delayed her replace- ment. (See article on this page). Despite her close friendship with Fleming, Mrs. Newell has been unable togain much ac- Sceptance by the Regents, who have expressed displeasure at her support of Student Govern- ment Council's original propos- al fpr creation of a University bookstore. And student leaders, mean- while, accusether of obstructing their attempts to increase the student role in decision-making in the Office of Student Af- fairs. Now in his 20th year as vice president and chief financial officer, WILBUR PIERPONT has always had considerable in- fluence with the president and the Regents. Pierpont's authority stems in part from his wealth of knowl- edge of University operations, an attribute which frequently makes his presence and counsel at high-level meetings essential. But while he is trusted and respected by the Regents and top administrators, students see him as a stumbling block in their attempt to gain a voice in the University hierarchy. Their hostility toward Pier- Pont was made clear last Octo- ber~ during the dispute over creation of a University book- store. When the administration proposed that the bookstore be managed by Pierpont, students involved in the dispute vocifer- ously objected, partly out of a distrust of the vice president. * * * With. classified research no longer a major point of conten- tion at the University, A. GEOF- FREY NORMAN rarely gets vis- ibly involved in campus politics. As vice president for research, his major duties involve secur- ing grants from the government, corporations, a n d foundations Michuel Radock Student services VP post remains empty By JIM NEUBA CHER News Editor The University administration has been unsuccessfully seeking a vice president for student af- fairs for over two years now. Last'January, a student-fac- ulty committee presented Pres- ident Robben Fleming with five candidates for the new vice presidency. But Fleming has ,t postponed his 'selection until a dispute is resolved over the ex- tent students will control the new vice president's office., And the delay appears to have created considerable com- plications for the president - four of the candidates are no longer available for the job, and Fleming has indicated the fifth candidate will not be considered. Meanwhile, the post of acting vice president for student affairs continues to be held by Barbara Newell, w h o m student leaders have often severely criticized for not supporting their efforts to increase the student role, in University decision-making. The search for a new vice president is part of a complex chain of events going back to the creation of the Hatcher Commision-a body composed 4 of students, faculty members and administrators appointed by f o r m e r University President Harlan Hatcher to study the role of students in University deci- sion-making. The Hatcher Commission rec- ommended that more weight be * given to student views, especial- ly on those issues affecting them directly. With an eye toward the im- plementation of these recom- mendations, the Regents allow- e an ad hoc committee of stu- d nts and faculty members to work for nearly a year drafting Regents bylaws, somei of which, defined a reorganization of the Office of Student Affairs. When that committee unveiled its by- law draft, the changes proposed were significant. The Office of Student Affairs * was to be renamed the Office of Student Services (OSS), and the change in name was to be in- dicative of a change in spirit. At the head of the office would be the new vice president for student services. Working with him would. be a student-domin- ated policy board, which would make key decisions on priorities on University housing, financial aids, student organizations, and other areas of direct concern to the student body. After the plan was outlined by the ad hoc committee, but before it was approved by the Regents, Fleming appointed a search committee of four stu- dents and four faculty members to interview potential candidates for the vice presidency and to recommend the best of the group. At this point students were pleased. Their concerns had Barbara Newell Future VP been taken into' account thus far, and they were being given some influence in the crucial selection of the person who would. fill the vice presidency. But their state of optimism did not last long. A small power struggle. en- sued between Fleming and the search committee. Fleming in- sisted the search committee recommend a number of candi- dates from which he would make a choice. The search committee was split on the issue, but a majority, led by student co- chairman Steve Nissen, '70, in- sisted that the committee should nominate as many or as few candidates as they fou'nd accept- able., With that issue settled, the committee finished its work and presented Flemirig with a..ist of five candidates: Alan. Guskin, R33 a psycho- logy lecturer in the Residential College and a project director at' the Institute f o r Social Re- search; -Carole Leland, 35, an offi- cial of the College Entrance Examination Board, in Wash- ingtoin, D.C.; -Hubert Locke, 35, director of the Office of Religious Af- fairs at Wayne State Univer- sity in Detroit; -Walter Shervington, 32, a lecturer in the law school and a clinical pychiatrist on t h e staff of. the University Hospital; and -Peter- Steinberger, 27; . a 1966 graduate. of the 'University law school, now working for the Washtenaw County Legal Aid Clinic. The search committee's can- didates were diverse and dy- namic. Two - Shervington and Locke - were black, and two were from outside the University community. Early in January, Fleming began interviewing the candidates, and the selection of the new vice president seemed imminent. A major snag.,developed, how- job was, in her mind, an almost "impossible one" given what she called the current climate of student unrest and adminis- ,tration intransigence on many issues. Well-informed s o u r c e s said later that Miss Leland and, Fleming had not seen eye to eye during their original inter- view. Later, Fleming called Miss Leland and specifically asked for another chance to talk' to her. He even flew to Washing- ton to discuss matters with her, but last April, Miss Leland said that "Fleming would have to say some p r e t t y interesting things to get me to take that job." A third candidate was elimi- nated shortly thereafter. Locke said he was unfamiliar with the proposed student-fac- ulty b o a r d which would set policy and which would be bind- ing on the vice president. Student members of the search committee expressed sur- prise at Locke's statement, say- ing they had discussed the pro- posed policy board with Locke during their original inter- views, and had believed that he not only understood, b u t en- dorsed the idea of such a pol- icy-making unit. They accused him of dupli- city, and threatened to with- draw their endorsement of his candidacy. Locke also came under attack from black student leaders who were dissatisfied with his cre- dentials. Locke had formerly served as an assistant commis- sioner of police in Detroit, dur- ing the riots of July, 1967. In a statement written by Darryl Gorman, a member of SGC and the Black Student Union (BSU), Locke's candidacy was called "an insult to the in- tegrity of the black commu- nity." The statement further ac- cused Locke of insensitivity to the concerns of black students. The BSU w a s criticized by some for injecting the race is- sue into the selection of t h e candidate. But in actuality, the race issue was already there. Of the five endorsed candi- dates, Fleming had decided that he liked Alan Guskin and Hu- bert Locke the best. According See VP, Page 5, ,d 7Ihe At 9ox Arbor Area (Dixboro); to fund the research projects being carried out by faculty members and graduate students. In this, he is considered to be highly successful. But Norman's position as a strong supporter of research at the University may make him a future target for increasing student sentiment against the University's associations with government and corporations. MICHAEL RADOCK is virtu- ally unknown by the student body, partly because his position as vice president for University relations and development in- volves him with students only after they have graduated. In administration lingo. "de- velopment" means soliciting do- A. Geoffrey Norman nations to the University, and the alumni are a major source. But while Radock expresses pride in what he calls the Uni- versity's "great tradition in fund raising - alumni, friends, cor- porations a n d foundations," there is some concern that the disruptions and scattered acts Rf violence on campus may cause a reduction in contribu- tions. When called upon to allevi- ate the minds of fretful alumni, Radock employs his extensive background in public relations and journalism. As administrator of the Office of University Relations, Radock also supervises the University News Service, as well as. the various official publications dis- tributed by the administration. ever, when two of the candi- dates were eliminated almost immediately. Steinberger, after receiving an invitation from Fleming to meet; to discuss the job, informed the president that he would like to invite a Daily reporter to attend the meeting. Fleming declined to meet under those circum- stances. Steinberger then told Fleming he would not discuss the job in closed session, and the inter- view never took place. Shortly thereafter, Fleming announced that Steinberger was no longer under consideration for the vice presidency. The second candidate to drop out was Miss Leland. Contacted in Palo Alto, Calif., shortly after her interview with Fleming, Miss Leland said she was with- drawing from consideration for the job. She explained that the Located in Scenic Northern Ann ANNOUNCING: for 1910-71 Fill out the form below an mail it in so you don't mis one exciting issue! d Best selection of seafood in Ann Arbor area "the fish you eat today played yesterday in Gloucester Bay" OTHER SPECIALTIES: the finest steaks/ pan fried chicken, and roast prime ribs of bee ---------------- - - ------------ - I want to subscribe to THE MICHIGAN DAILY and I agree to be billed later. 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