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October 23, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-10-23

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Partly cloudy,
chance of showers

Vol. LXXXI, No. 44

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 23, 1970

Ten Cents

Ten Pages




Council rejects

recruiter policy

-Associated press
Capote in the clink
Arthur Truman Capote talks to newsmen yesterday as he enters
Orange County, Calif. jail to surrender himself to sheriff's of-
ficers. Capote began a three-day jail sentence on a contempt
of court charge stemming from his failure to testify at a June
murder trial against a convict he had interviewed.
Davis plans to fight
extradition to Calif.
NEW YORK (N) - Angela Davis will fight her extradition
to California to face charges of murder and kidnaping, her
lawyer said yesterday.
Davis, the black militant accused of purchasing four guns
used in a courthouse escape attempt in which four persons
'including a judge were killed in San Rafael, Calif., Aug. 7, was
arraigned before Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Thomas
Dickens, who gave her the choice of waiving or refusing extra-
The basis for the rearraignment was an extradition order
signed by Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller Wednesday night.
"I refuse to consent to the State of California," was the
only comment Davis made at the proceedings.

The Engineering Placement
Committee yesterday brushed
aside a ruling on campus re-
cruiters set by the Office
of Student Services (O S S)
Policy Board. The new policy
would bar the use of O S S
placement facilities to c o m-
panies that operate in South
Africa or in any other country
where discrimination is legal-
ly enforced.
Instead, the Engineering Place-
ment Committee unanimously
E adopted a proposal which would
only bar any employer "which
practices discriminatory selection
of candidates for interviewing"
from using the Engineering Place-
ment Services.
"Employers are free to inter-
view provided they are not under
coonviction of violating the anti-
discrimination laws" and do not.
discriminate on campus, the pol-
icy state.
The policy was adopted, thej
committee said, because "the En-
gineering College does not have
the facilities to adequately sit in
judgment on possible discrimina-
tory actions" which occur outside
the University by corporations us-
ing the Placement Off ice. They
added that because State and,
Federal laws cover this issue, legal
discrimination is for the courts to
deal with.
The committee also stated the
OSS policy was unenforceable. j
The engineering college policyI
was adopted in accordance with
the Regents' by-law which statesf
in part that the "University shallF
work for the elimination of dis-
crimination by non-University
sources where students and em-
ployes of the University are in-
If there is evidence of any dis-
criminatory practices under the
approved policy,the procedures
indicate itshouldtbe reported to
the director of the Placement"
Service. The director, along with
the engineering dean and t h e
chairman of the Engineering'
Placement Committee, will con-f
sider the evidence.
If the evidence is valid, t h e
employer will be asked to respond,
and recommendations for actionE
will be submitted by the Engi-
neering Placement Committee. All
sanctions will be subject to final
approval by the Executive Com-f
The new guidelines and proced-
ures will provide a mechanism in
case any discrimination occurs on
Before the vote on the engineer-t
See ENGIN, Page 10r

"Today's Civil Liberties Action
Day" will include workshops on
student rights and the legal prob-
lems currently facing those indict-
Planned and coordinated by the
Student Senate, which has stres-
sed a non-violent approach, it will
be the first such event since four.
students were killed and n i n e

Plan rally,

Sinjured by National Guardsmen o n i% en t
Speaking at the rally will be H HI E


-Daily-Jim Judkis
Homecoming kickoff
Steve Miller of the Steve Miler Band leads his group during last night's concert which opened
Homecoming events. Appearing with the band was another musical group, Bread. See review on Page 2.
Chicanos picket social work
school over admissions policy

Chicano students in the social
work school yesterday picketed
for the second time this week to
protest the school's handling of
Chicano admissions.
About 15 persons, including sev-"
eral members of Trabajadores de
La Raza - a Mexican-American+
student organization within the
social work school - picketed
from 10-12 a.m. in front of the+
Frieze Bldg., site of the social work
rhe Chicanos had held a similar
action Monday.+
After the picketing, representa-
tives of the Chicano organization
met with Assistant Dean Philip;

Kent protest
draws support
of 30 schools
Special To The Daily
KENT, Ohio - A rally at noon today will climax a quiet
yet tense week following the indictments of 25 Kent State
University students and faculty for their alleged role in last
May's disorders here.
Over 30 colleges and universities have indicated support
for today's activities, which were discussed at a meeting
yesterday by some 3,000 of the school's 22,000 students.
The class moratorium originally planned here will not
take place because of a state law passed this summer which
prohibits the interruption of classes, and because of a faculty
directive that scheduled classes must be held all day.

Fellin to discuss policy concerning'
Chicano admissions.
In a letter sent last week to
Robert Vinter, acting dean of the
social work school, the Chicanos
had charged that Sheldon Siegel,
the school's admissions director,
withheld the names of prospective
Chicano applicants for the winter
term which Bernardo Eureste and
Arturo Ranguel, the top officers
of the group, had sought to ob-
Eureste said the group wanted
the names of the applicants in
order to contact them and make
sure they had submitted all the
necessary forms required for ad-
mittance in the winter term.

NY student
.charged in
le-1 ,

Immediately after Davis an-
swered, her lawyer, John J. Abt,
approached the bench and told
Dickens he had prepared a peti-
tion for a writ of habeas corpus
and requested a 30-day postpone-
ment on the matter to prepare his

1 unct m isuse Asst. Dist. Atty. Thomas An-
drews objected to a .30-day post-
ponement and asked that the case
Special To The Daily be set down for Oct. 29. Abt. coun- I.. O_ i g tl (
BUFFALO, N.Y. - The former tered that he could not go ahead
treasurer of the Graduate Student with his case so quickly because,
'Association (GSA), John Case, at he had received no papers in sup-
the State University of New York port of the California governor's treatliriet)ws ees-wrrn orDvi nth hags
at Buffalo (SUNYAB) was releas- warrant for Davis on the charges.
ed yesterday morning on $5,000 "I don' d t h By HANNAH MORRISON
bail following his arraignment on hatet understan t i s un- a
charges stemming from the ve of seemly haste y the State of New Religious practices are van-
student money for "radical" pro- York, Abt told the court. ishing because of lack of Jewish
ejects. Dickens set the case down for education. The only rabbinicalI
Case was charged on 13 counts Nov. 5 after a short discussion and seminary in the Soviet Union was
of grand larceny and one count, an assurance by Andrews that closed a few years ago. The pray-
of petty larceny. The ch a r g e s Abt would be able to see the re- erbooks and other ritual items are
made against Case resulted from quested papers tomorrow. fIng apr e woa had to
a sealed indictment handed down Davis. a Marxist a n d former I
by the March holdover grand jury University of California at L o s Karen Gorin, who spent a sum-
investigating the misuse of funds Angeles professor, had been sought mer in Russia, characterized t h e
,t SUNYAB. Additional persons, by the FBI for two months follow- current situation of Jews there in
See STUDENT, Page 10 ing the jailbreak attempt. this manner as she addressed a
:.crowd of about 100 gathered at

er at Hillel to protest
0 U 0 0

After Monday's protest, Siegel
said he had misunderstood the re-
quest for information. But, he
said, "We are not permitted to re-
lease the names of school appli-
cants to outside organizations."
When the names of the prospec-'
tive applicants were obtained'
through a secretary, Eureste said,
it was discovered that two of the,
four did not have complete ap-,
plications. The Chicanos then
notified the applicants, who live
in Texas, and their applications
were completed.
"What the school doesn't un-
derstand is that these bureau-
cratic entanglements can be the
cause of whether a prospective
student comes here or not," Eur-
este said.
"The school told us last year
to seek out and recruit prospective
Chicano applicants," he added.
"We would just like them to take
as much itneerest in following-up
the applications as we do in re-
Eureste termed the meeting with
Fellin "very satisfactory," and said
those present were concerned with
"developing a mechanism to facil-
itate obtaining access to certain
information concerning students
aplying for admission to the so-
cial work school."
Fellin said last night he will
convey the concerns of the Chi-
canos to Dean Vinter and said the
dean had expressed his desire to
meet with the Chicanos at their
"I think we had a very good
meeting and I think we are going
to be able to work things out,"
Fellin said.

Aryeh Neiei, National Director of
the American Civil Liberties Un-
ion, David Ifshin, President of the
National Student Association, and
,Eva Jefferson, President of North-
western University Student' body.
Students here are divided and
apprehensive, some advocating a
six mile march to Ravenna, the
county seat where the indictments
were issued.j
Such a march would violate the
court order prohibiting "demon-
At an emotion-charged student
body meeting yesterday in t h e
school's auditorium, some 3000 of
the schools 22,000 students listen-
ed, questioned, and argued amidst
pleas for unity.
"We need active non-violence,
not passive non-violence," said
Yippie leader Jerry Persky. "Mar-
tin Luther King defied over 30 in-
junctions. It means commitment
and sacrifice. We can't use non-
violence as a cop-out."
Most students rejected the
idea of a march, saying it would
cause "a lot more 'dead people."
They argued, though, that "we
have to do something."
"There's a gut feeling that some-
thing is needed," said s t u d e n t
body President Craig Morgan.
"But that doesn't necessarily mean
marching to Ravenna. We (the
Student Senate) will not advo-
cate this."
After arguments saying "th e
student government isn't on the
See CIVIL, Page 10
police free
48 suspects
MONTREAL UP) - Police yes-
terday released 48 persons picked
up in a roundup of suspected Que-
bec Liberation Front members,
but pressed their hunt for the ter-
rorist kidnap-killers.
The fate of James Richard
Cross, British trade commissioner
for Montreal, remained unknown.
He was kidnaped Oct. 5, five days
before the front abducted Pierre
Laporte, Quebec labor minister,
who was murdered later.
Police arrested more than 300
persons throughout Quebec Pro-
vince after the federal government
invoked the War Measures A c t
last Friday to deal with the out-
break of terrorism by the front,
which s e e k s the' separation of
Quebec from the rest of Canada.

Student Government Council is
sponsoring a rally and workshops
today as a part of the morator-
ium of classes planned in support
of the recently indicted faculty
and students at Kent State Uni-
The rally will be on the Diag at
noon, and the workshops in the
Undergraduate Library Multi-Pur-
pose room at 1 p.m.
Various campus groups, includ-
ing the Residential College, which
is suspending classes for the day,
support the action.
SGC President Marty Scott, said
that the two major aims of the
rally and workshops are "to ex-
press solidarity with those in-
dicted," and to "encourage think-
ing and discussion about the im-
plications" of the arrests of the
Kent State 25.
SKC members last night went
to Kent State to bring in a speak-
er who "really knows something,"
Scott said.
"It's a bad time for a morator-
ium, but we didn't plan that," he
added. "If a people can't sacrifice
going to class, we hope they'll
come to the rally and discussion."
Scott hopes to have people come
from the Diag to the UGLI for
informal discussions with the
speakers about the situation at
Kent State and the condition of
civil liberties in the United States.
He stated, however, that any sub-
ject is open for discussion.
New Mobe Coordinator David
Gordon issued a statement yes-
terday supporting the morator-
ium. "We ask that the university
community respond to the call for
a moratorium today to support the
students at Kent State. We ask
that not only the case of repres-
sion and murder at Kent State be
discussed today, but that o t h e r
government repression be discus-
sed as well."
"We don't have anything speci-
fic planned, but we are supporting
the action of the SGC," Gordon
Students who said they would
participate in the moratorium be-
lieved it hadn't been publicized
enough. One student, while stat-
ing his support for the boycott of
classes, said that, "There j u s t
hasn't been enough time to pub-
licize it."
Scott, however, said that "the
rally and discussions are more im-
portant than the moratorium." He
hoped to organize the discussions
under group leaders, but said that
"all we have organized right now
are informal discussions w i t h
the speakers from the rally.


it 01 Jews 1
Hillel to protest treatment of Sov-
iet Jews.
The program, organized by the
Committee for Soviet Jews, was
designed to create "a feeling of
oneness with the Jews of Russia,"
committee chairman Judy Krohn
In continuing her address Gorin
said the three main goals of Amer-
icans supporting Soviet Jews
should be "to save Jewish youth,
to be sure religious objects reach
them and to make our support evi-
"Of the 700.000 Jews in Moscow
only 400 were present the Satur-
day morning I was there," Gorin
continued. 'The average age of the
members was 65. Of the t h r e e
synagogues only one has a rabbi
-he is 80 years old.
"Judaism is about to die in Rus-
sia once the old people pass away,"
she added.
Gorin cited examples of the lack
of religious equality in the Soviet
Union. "Although everyone must
carry an I.D., Jews and gypsies
are the only people whose cards'
bear a special stamp - they are
considered people without a home-
"No other religious group in
Russia has been persecuted as
severely and consistently as the
Jews," she maintained.
Gorin also mentioned speaking
to men who had spent 10 years
in prison for applying to the gov-

t1 Jussia
ten by Yevgeny Yevtushenko, were
read, stressing Russian inertia
about marking the ,site at which
thousands of Jews were executed
during the two-year occupation.
Rabbi Gerald Goldman conclud-
ed the rally with a prayer for
Soviet Jewry, after which the par-
ticipants marched by candlelight
to the Diag.
People joined the rally until
close to 300 people were dancing
around the Diag to the accom-
paniment of Israeli music. This
was part of a celebration of the
Jewish holiday, Simhas Torah,
which commemorates the begin-
ning of a new cycle of reading the
Jewish laws and history.


'U' releo
A University committee re-
leased the results of a survey
which claims that 75 per cent
of the teaching fellows here are
"satisfied" with their work.
But Alison Hayford, chairman
of the approximately 100-mem-
ber Teaching Fellows Union and
one. of the first teaching fellows
to learn of the results, says the
survey is "useless and invalid."

uses TF
Because only 620 of the teach-
ing fellows who received the
survey answered it, Hayford says
there may "be an inherent bias
in those who returned it."
She also contends that many
questions in the survey "were of
poor quality and were ambig-
"The offered alternatives of
'satisfied' or 'dissatisfied', were
too narrow," she adds. "No

survey ndings
fairs Committee voted to "sug- 9
gest the possibility that a fully ..o
staffed and funded study of
the role of teaching fellows" be
The committee also voted to
prepare a full report of the sur-
vey findings to be completed
next month.
Eighty-seven per cent of the
teaching fellows participating in
the survey said they believed


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