ThurIsday, October 22, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAIt Y Page Five For, Direct Classified Service, Phone, 764=0 Monday through Friday, 10 a~m.-4 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m.-Noon 557'-, FOR RENT TWO UNFUIWISHED 2-bedroorn apts. Aplianoes, funished. Unite carpeted and draped. From $180. 663-1761. 16048 tZMMEDIATE SUBLET : own .room in campus apt. Cheap. Wendy, 769-3130. 15043 OWN BED1ROOM in 3-girl apt. Excel- lent location. $70/mo. 662-4810 or 769-1 . 3023 evenlings. 13043 SPACIOUS, well furnished, two story apartment in house; needs fourth" man, close to campus; not too ex- pensive; call 662.-5345. 14044 4th MALE WANTED for next semester in mod.,4-man apt. 769-0849. Anytime. CA SE SPRING from hilltop contempor- ary, with four bedrooms, all conven- iences. Good location, for school, campus, downtown. Avail. Jan. 1- June. $390/mo. Call 769-0635, 11045 MOD., 2 BDIAM., apt. avail. immed. Furni., near Med. Center and cawn- pus. 761-9439. 10042 1 or 2 GIRLS to complete mod. 2- b~drm. apt. Immed. roccup. Near Med. Center and campus. 761-9439. 12042 GARAGES, can be locked. 723 Packard, near State. 8Ctc SINGLE R0014 for male grad o teach- ing fellow.' Clean, quiet, not cooking,' linens. 723 Packard, near State. 7Ctc PARKING SPACES for rent on E. Unt- veraity.\ Call 769+7875. ICC BUSINESS SERVICESr EXPERIENCED TYPIST, IBM elec.,1 pickup and delivery, same day service.' Call Renee, 662-6282. 25J55- EXPERIENCED HOME TYPIST avail- able. Call Mrs. Serafin. 761-3250. 26J48- PROFESSIONAL EDITOR: dissertations,~ book-length, mss., articles beginning Nov. 1. Typing, too - IBM Selectric:F prestige pica. MA, 8 yrs. in publish- ing. TURABIAN, Chicago style man- ual.''Job moving; husband grad stu- dent, U.M. Competitive rates, Call any, evening. 769-4134. 27J501 TYPING, in my home, electric, draft or} tapes, medical and scientific termni- nology. Call ,485-2463. Pick up and1 delivery.. 24Jtc GREAT SALE at Student Book Serv- ice! AI books 20%, off new, 50%f off used. 20J37 EXPERIENCED SECRETARY desires work in her 'home. 'Thesis, technical typing, stuffing etc. IBM seiecthic Call Jeanette, 971-2463. l23tc BIKES and SCOOTERS _I B.S.A. Mk. IV. 650cc, 2800 miles. $1100. $ 665-2223 eves. 40245 1 CLASSIC NORTON 500cc. single cylin- der. Spotless. Books, tools, 662-7990. '38244 1967 BMW R60, 26,000 miles. $800. Call Russ, 665-0608,. m 37245 FOR SALE: 1969 Honda CB350. Excell- lent and superfinre condition. $$50. Call 663-2585. ~ZA 01968 BSA FIREBIRD 5,00 mies.Exceptional condition. $80or best offer. Call 434-0499. ZD, 1969 HONDA CB350-Ex. cond. 7,000 miles. $550. 663-3465. 19X28 HONDA motorcycle repair and tuneup. Reliable, guaranteed work, cheap. Call Jim, repeatedly 663-6733. 21232E TRIUM~'PH Bonneville, '66, new paint,1 chrome, overhaul: $800 incl. shop manual, tools, etc. 761-9028, 42212 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES WORDS 0-10 11-15 16-20 2 1-25- 26-30 31-35 36-40 4 1-45 46-50 INCH ES 2 3 5 1 day 1 .00 1.15 1 .30 1 .55 1 .80 2.05 2.30 2.55 2.80 2.80 5.20 7.40 9.40 1 1.20 2 days 2.00 2.30 2.60 3.10 3.60 4.10 4.60 5, 10 5.60 5,60 1 0.40 14.80 18.80 22.40 3 days 2.40 2.90 3.60 4.30 5.00 5.65 6.30 6.95 7.60 7.60 14.65 21.10 26.95 32.20" 4 days 3.20 3.90 4.80 5.70 6.60 7.40 8.20 9.00 9.80 9.80 19.10 27.60 35.30 42.20 5 days 3.90 4.80 5.90 7.00 8.10 9.05 10.00 10.95 11,.90 11 .90 23.45 34.00 43.55 52.10 6 days 4.50 5.60 6.80 8.10 9.40 1 0.50 11.60 12.70 13.80 13.80 27.60 40.20 51.60 61.80 odd. .55 .75 .85 1.05, 1 .20 1.35 1 .50 1 .65 1,.80 1 .80 3.60 5.40 7.20 9.00 PERSONAL jMAGICIAN can entertain at your par- ty! Call Bill, 764-0731. FA REGISTERED TO VOTE IN DETROIT? AND need an absentee ballot appli- cation to vote in Detroit Nov. 3?? Call Howard, 764-2639 or write c/o 200 Tyler, East Quad NOW!! F P-BELL m Those friends and enemies of Minnow Fable, former trainee in the Circula- tion Dept. of the Daily who would 3like to help in the celebration of this new elector of the Republic, join him on Oct. 22 at Castor's Place oin E. Liberty *- about 9. FC CHARLEY, what's more important; love or money? Besides. I heard Sophr Show's pretty good this year. -Doris. 39F43 PESONAL .DISCOUNT BOOKSTORE? We've been discounting diamonds in. Ann Arbor! for years. Austinf Diamond,' 1209 S. Ulniversity. 663-7151..,41F The best stereo equilpment requires the best in STEREO' REPAIR' HI-Fl BUYS 618 S. ,Main, AA 769-4700h 39F24t N.B.: Each qroup of characters counts as one word Hyphenated words over 5 characters count as two words (this includes telephone numbers) 1 0 tines equals. 1 inch 5 words per tine _____1970 SUZUKI HUSTLER_ TICKETS I ROOMMATES WANTED WANTED TO BUY 668-8144 - -_ 311 NEEDED DESPERATEY-any 3 Minn. 4hMNWNE o -ato ATD:4good tickets to Minn...------ ___ tces al74~63 74 bedroom modern apt. near campus, game. Also need 4 together and 2 1969 DUCATI 160, ex. cond., 1400m. - med. center. $66.25/mo. Call 665-7501. toehr a llni gm.Cal~ Highest offer. 761-4756. 3214 WANT 1 TICKET to Minnesota gameYt or2lKinis gmeCali761 this Sat. Call Jerry Clarke at. 663" X__ 4670.__ 21K43_______ TRIUMPH, 1969 TR6C, 650' cc., low 3049 or 764-0552. QD 4th NEEDED for 2 bedroom apt. $55. DOUBLE. BED mattress with frame an~d mileage, mint cond Call 769-0380.t - INN toet ----l1,Ro 769-0?45. 18Y43 rinngsrtic loo79 pr.frred.-Call ___-____-..__ 64. $5 each QI paid $6). Will bring to FALL - 2nd Male for Roomny 2-man; Ron t7977.K?- OTADFUDA.A. 1-722-1085 (Westland), 46Q43 good location. 769-7533. 19Y43 WIL A Sc e abm f o hve__ ___________ .~WANTED: 2 tickets together to Michi- ROOMMATE WANTED far 2 bdrm. tapes and tape deck or recorder for LOST: 4 mo. old mostly black, female,. gan-Minnesota game. Call Anby 769- hos.Nlee-dktenwa- reodn eso.Cl 6-22 calico kitten wearing red collar. Last 7562. QDI er and dryer. Diane, 668-6653 after 5. 2K5 seen on S. Forest near Cambridge. -- - - ~ .----.-.-. 74 662-1882. 34A44 NEED 2 MINN., Sec. 23 or 24. Jon. 663- 11Y4 FOR SA[E 3 -- - 8400. 45Q42, ~ . SUE-Thonks for Calling! COED DESIRED for light housekeeping When will we hear from you again 0 and/or cooking in Professor's home. I -L. - C No children. Will provide, room and/ or board or recompense. 761-0009, DANNY (and Linda): YOU'RE RIGHT! ^_ M Niller makes it right. --- F42 E UROP'E $1590 SIKO N ROSedti HITA:weekend on East Pa. farm. You sup- CHITA ply car. We'll supply farm and gas 1. 12/22-1/5 2 Let/Ams/Det $175 money. Call 769-1533 Today., 30F42 2. 12/20-1/2, 2 Det/Malaga/Det $219 ANYONE from Flint area or'otherwise, SUMMER: interested in working for Riegle cam- 3. 5/4-6/6' 4 Det/Ams/D~t $159 paign, call 662-5054. 48F41 4. 5/5-6/26 7 Det/Ams/Det $169 -- - --- 5. 5/15-8/15 12 bet/Ams/Det $189 LIVE' IN BRAND NE* Lenny Bruce 6. 6/26-8/26 8 Det/Ams/Det $209 co-op on Washtenaw., Call Murray, 7. 7/1-8/15 6 Det/Ams/Det $209 769-3054, 761-6971, 764-9113. 49F47- 8. 8/1-9/1 4 Det/Area/Det $219 _ / PERSONAL FICTION, POETRY, ART, photography, essay, drama, aid ;combinations thereof now being accepted for pub- lication in the campus inter-arts me- dium, GENERATION, All material submitted 'will be carefully perused,'. To be returned, manuscripts must be accompanied by self-addressed stamp- ed envelope. Mail to 420 Maynard or leave material' at the main office,' Student Pub. Building. Deadline October 27. FE~ WHY, BUYS mass-produced wedding4 bands? Have yours personally design- ad. White or yellow- gold. Reasonable Prices. Call JThan, 76.9-7550 after 4:00, -- MEET A FRIEND for Hart and Stilw'agon Sunday, Oct. 25, 7-9 p.m. 1331 Hill, i.e. Delta Up- silon. 35F42 STUDENT DESIRES WORK-Odd jobs, raking leaves, changing storm win- dows, screens, 'painting, etc. Phone 662-4736. FD4 RICHARD LEE, inc. When you can't afford less than, the best, then there's me. Photos. "761-~ 9452. 48Ftc. GIRLS: Spend next summer.Tin hile.- Free lodging ino'exchange for same for two Chilean girle' in your home, Call Mark, 971-6062 eves. 34142 ARE YOU up against a wall? If not, get next to MARTY's Wall of Slax. Marty's Saffell & Bush 310 South State Street 19Ftc TV RENTALS -$10.40 a month in- cludes free delivery, service, and pick- up. No deposit. Call Nejac-662-5671. GROWTH GROUJP for couples via en-' counter experiences., Group in pro- cess of being formed. Some openings. still available. Call Counseling Di- vision, 764-948$. 37F'42 McGOVERN'S AT MICHIGAN for Mike' and Phil Sunday, Oct. 25, 7-9 p.m. 1331 Hill, i e. Delta Upsilon. 36F44 THE DRUG HELP number is 761- HELP. It will get you drug informa- tion and: able assistance " in emer- gencies.,24 ?hrs. a day. FD Try Daily Classifieds SOPH SHOW Is "Can-Can." Perform- ances Thursday-Saturday, Nov. 5-7. {(cheap. . . and suggestive). 40F42 NEW P'URMU1I~f APT. 'for .1 or 2; Dahlman Apts, 545 Church St. 761- BIKE - Racer, good cond. Call 761- 7500. 2Ctc 1971 after 5' p.m. 16B42 AI1R COND., 2- bdrm., f urn. apt. Ob- STUDDlED SNOW TIRES, 650-13, 1 yr. servatory near Geddes. Covered park-, old. 761-2518 after 5°. 15B43 ing. Avail, for sublet.: 662-7787. 37Ctc N- IRALIshepsincotchap 'Call 76Y-4374. 17B45I CA MPUS, FOR SALE - portable hair dryer, stan- Several modernarte8 dard hood- by Westinghouse. Only still available; also $20. Call 764-4626. BF45 Roommates Warted 1 960' SCHOOL BUS - bunks, heat stove, exc. body,. new engine, floor. Charer ealtoJ spares. 663-0729. 10845 Charte ' ! MGB-66, Red, wire wheels, good per- "Fine Campus Apartments" formance, $890 or best bid. 761-5416, 1335 5. Univ. 665-8825 482-0257. 11B46 X 39CtcJ SCHWINN COLLEGETTE, 5-speed, 2 mo. f _. old. $70. Call after 4 p.m. Ask for RlOom1'mates Nee ded Ron. 665-7205. 14842 Also several beautifully decorated, 2 BEAUTIFUL 2 ft. med. brown human bdrm., bi-level apts. with many mod- hair fall, $35. 1663-1318. 48B14 ern convenienves still available, at HONDA Super Hawk. $200. Call 769-1 ALBE RT TER~RACE ,1636. ,. .. .- .. . ~f1J f At. Q rw.a Soion... ae snort + FOUND: yellow male kitten in Tower --------------- - Plaza. Call 761-5369. 36A44 FOR SALE: two Minnesota tickets to- LOST $8 had-eanedwairessng ash gether. Call Doug, 763-2696 after 6. Sa. ee_$0.76-43. . 3A3.-- _---I*..._.. . .._-m_.._ SaKe_ 20_6-42 .__ WOULD LIKE TO EXCHANGE 2 UIM - FOUND: Port Huron high school ring MSU tickets in Section 8 for 2 UM- by Mason Hall/Nat. Sol. bicycle racks. MSU tickets in Section 34. Call Jim SGive initials to identify. Call 769-1 Storey. 764-0560 afternoons. QD 1 or 2 CRTuIANipME~iN to snare mo- . derv apt. 769-4512. 15Y37 1, ---- ..._.._______ ATTIENTION Patrick Ono: To oyr fav- TWO FRIENDLY GIRLS need room-; orite brother and brother-in-law. mate for 2-bedroom apt. Wonderful Love, John and Yoko P041 location whether you're a student or - -_____________ work or enjoy life' (or all three, as WANT TO DO IT? Homecoming- we do). Phone 662-5206 for details. Thurs. night - Steve Miller Band YDtc and Bread. Tickets at- Uniont. 37F42 WANTED: 4th male to share 4-man YOGA ASANA (exercise class) taught t 1I700 Geddes Call resident manager, 761-1717 or 665- 825. Mo4~l open 12 noon to 5:30 p.m. 4 , 'c 2 D$Mi. TURN. units on campus. it+01. for fall. Mc~inley Assoc., 663-* 6448. lSCtcI 1 and 2 BDRM. APTS., fern. and un- turn. $170 to $210-.4, $, and 12 mo. leases. 761-8055.' 190 l9tc 721 S. Forest (BetWert S. University and Hill St.) CAMPU.S BLK. 1 lafge 2 bedroom furnished corner apt. Tceat for fancily or 2 or 3 or 4 people. Immt iate. Inquire resident manager apt. 102. a Dnnk A A A tlC, curly wig. Cheap. New. 665-2183. HENKE 5-buckle book $40. Excellent condition. Also electric guitar and 1 amplifier, never used. Call 482-3021 or 662-1934. '61339 HEAD 320 SKIS with tyrolyig 20000OO combination bindings kornperdel poles. In excellent condition. Call evenings~ 761-2927. 45B39 GIBSON classic 6-string guitar, natur- al wood; case included $150. Call 769-1452. Ask or leave 'message' for Anita. 'B34 1970 SS CHEVELLE 396 4-speed, buckets, AM-FM w/rear speaker, etc. Beauti- ful. Inquire 663-3534" after 6 p.m. 31132 k. ju mnt ! t USED CARSI ~. 1 or 2' people for deluxe unit. $75USDC R each. Inquire 727 S. Forest. Women 'TRIUMPH' SPITFIRE, '64, good engine, or men, 36Ctc trans. Needs work. $150/best offer. , BD3RM. APT, wanted for Jan.: 4-mo. Call Mark, 761-7846. 41N4,$ tease p1ef. Will sublet. 769-3290, ask RARE BUY! Preacher's mustang con- for room No, 304. Leave messages. vertible, 1967.' Not holy but very FD32 'sharp. $1000 and it's yours. Martin 2 ~RM FRN uit o cmps, Lee, 763-3582 or 665-0404. 42N43 avail, for fall. McKinley Assoc., 663- '66V aeopruiy iecr ROOMS FOR GI RLS 1969 MGB - green and folding top. Commtute from ' pl and save. Double Has all extras, including chrome wire room, ktchnsTV oom dae rom, wheels, AM-FM radio, tonneau cover. roos, itcen, T romdat rom, Excellent Condit. 12,800 miles. Call Co-op livig, near bus to Ann Arbor. $5§ 'a month. 184 N. Washington, Steve, 665-2802. NB Thasi. 482r0407. 1308 '68 CAMARO R.S. 327 Convertible, goodI LOOKINGcondition. New tires; best offer. Call Mark, 761-8294. 40N45 Why not tell- people what you are --- - ..- .-,--.--- TnsMUSICAL MDiSE., apt. $70.00/mo.' Call 662-9758 or stop by qualified Self-Realization Fellow- FOUND:Tet and Camping equip-shpItrco.Cl62958 2F4 ment, vicinity of Diag. Call 764-4404 RADIOS, REPAIRS at J629 S. Forest, No. 2. 43Y21 shpItrco.Cl62-58 2F4 t evenings, 769-4298. AD43 -______- 4th MALE 'NEEDED. One block from NOTHING TO DO? DO IT on Satur- PIONEER 70 WATT Stereo Receiver, 9 campus. 761-7630. 4Y21 day night with Ten Wheel Wrive and FOUND: black male shaggy dog, white mos. old. $150. Will barter. 761-2499. .-- ----. . . .--ISha-Na-Na. 36F43 chin, 50 lbs. Very sad. 'Vic. S. State 9X45 NEED 2 spacious apt.,' 721 S. Forest.;-.-._____ and X-way. 663-7886. AD43 __- -- - - - - -$80/mo. Call after 5, Sema 668-7097. SOMEWHAT COLLEGIATE GA'Y seeks LOST: A odrngwt de e FANTASTIC Panasonic 770S 4T stereo _ Maria 769-7185. 38Y21] similar to share 2-man, 2-bdrm. apt. Aglrigwtadeprd recorder. Swing ;cut speakers, mahog- .1 .--Wastes: naturalist, c~o., folk and flt tne CredintetoeI any case. Best offer over $160. $249 WANTED-Jr. or Sr. girls to share In-! classical, writing, good sense, of hui- 'C '39'. There 1s not mucli monetary new. 662-7259. 6X44! expensive apt. Call Bobbie- after 10 mor. Call after 5 p.m. 769-7663. worth, just a Iot of sentiment. Call .-- --p.m.. 769-1892. 17Yl; 38F45 Laurie, 764-0552. AE' ALLIED STEREO RADIO, BSR changer. - .--_--_ _______ 4 speakers, very good cond, $110. Joe FALL-NEEDED 2 roommates, furnish. When you think of WINE, think of us. LOST-Man's beige Jacket with red lin- at 663-6163. 7X44 ed, modern 4-man. $75/man. Ric, I Village Apothecary. 11t2 South Uni- ing. If found call 769-7683 or 769- - ------- - ..._..._._. ...._...__. 721-6398 23Y71;. versity. lIrtc 7656.. AE ALLIED 440 STEREO RECEIVER. Ex. .- - .--.. -- cond,, 1 yr. old. 40 watts. $110. 665- PHOTO SUPPLIES DO IT! Homecoming concerts on Thur. I FOU ND-A set of keys-2 car keys andf 8723. 8X46 yadSt ih.Tcesaalbea house key-found on. the corner of' __.*_-...m ....... - I Union. 95F42 Packard and Mary. Call 761-7827 after GARRARD LAB. 80 TURNTABLE andI FOR SALE - NEW Super 8 movie ca- -________ 5 p.m. AD STANTON' 500-E cartridge. Asking mera. In excellent condition with 2 WE'LL SELL our souls -- and may'be _____________ 50.00. Call 761-2282 after 6:00. 4X42I month warranty. Call Steve anytime more-for tickets to the OSU game. Iat 665-2802. DC Rm. 409 Martha Cook. PC ' T: Man's beige Jacket with red lin- PRE-AMP DYNA PAT-4, Cheap. 4 mo.__ ing. If found call 769-7683 or 769-7656. ! old. 769-1043. 3X45 NIKON BARGAINS LIKE NEW FRI., OCT. 23rd will be ---- HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO 200 mm f4, 85-250 ZOOM THE PROJECT COMMUNITY FOND: pair of contact lens on Diag Unavailable instruments, repairs and Nikon S-2 fl.4, Nikon S&I body 22F42 Fri. nt. 764-3739'. AC instructions-209 S. State, 665-8001. X 35mm f .8, 105mm f2.5. --- ________- ___-________ Call 663-6754 after 5.39 4j ON:Lregolden dog resembled DUAL 1009 SK CHANGER. 665-5154.4IN ,- . BLOOD DONORS Igolden retriever, wearing flea collar, 24I KON F body with Auto-Nikkor 50mmR E TLYEI friendly, good squirrel-chaser. Call ' --- - _-.- - fl.4 lens, with case. Used, but in UR E TYN D D 764-2680 or 764-0782 noon-5 p.m. AD21 LEAR JET TAPE DECK for car. Perfect pretty excellent shape. Selling cheap ________ _________________- cond. Originally $120; now $50. ALSO at $250. Call Richard Lee at 761-9452. $7.50 Rh positive, $10 & $12 Rh neg- SELLING TAMBOURINE, GUERRO, ! DD2E ative. Mon.. Tues., Thurs., Fri. -9-4. FOUtn, Cma igosbonecoloreremae 665-7191 persistently. DX43 -....___ Wed.. 1-7. 18-21 years old need' par- -itn drbe wnro neetd _ _______ I PENTAX SPOTMATIC 1.4: $175 and/or ent's permission. party call 665-5364 or 764-~4080. AD 66 FOR SALE: SHURE VOCALMASTER I Takumar 105 mm: $75. 761-9789 after Michigan Community Bloaod Center BakpupnerDa.Wie SYSTEM; two Traynor speaker col 10 p.m. 35015 44W ihgn ~sini LOST: a kppynaDigWht umns; Traynor speaker box with two 3 ----.._._. -___.._ _40W.MciaYslt markings on chest and three paws. 15" speakers. Band dissolving (inti TRANSPORTATION 483-1894 t Call 769-7193. 46Atc I the great ozone). Call 769-0922 or IT LOST: 1 collie; pup, 8 mo. old, black 7493_,56 OIG Call Yellow Cab 19 (station COME T with white talil, ruff, and feet, brown FARFISA ORGAN, 100 watt amp with wagon) and make a date. 663-3355. T W n O NR mask. Wearing collar with ? a a red 6 speakers, Shure mike boom stand 14043-- - -IRETU AN barrel on it. Knows her, name: Rama, etc. Form your own band and Impress !RSA RN Call 769-4289 or 709-7761. Reward. all those little groupies. 769-2382.{ PERSONAL F ine Food Chops, Steaks, & Shrimp A29_9X4 I Soul Food Home Cooked - FISER-90wa-t mp-WE-echounitHELP PLAN NOV. CONCERT of con-OpnPtBbqe HELP WANTEDFillsHEri90iwatt76m-WEMech9unt, temporary jazz quintet. Come to I-O pe- wil scrfic. 61~669.4642 meeting of the Jazz Project Thurs. 6 a.m. till 9 p.m. - Mon.-Tliurs. 1969 MONOCOR AMPLIFIER and MON- Oct. 22, 8 p.m., Smitty's,,South Quad. 6 a.m. till 3 a .m. -- Fri.-Sot ADMITTING CLERK ARCH SPEAKERS. 40 watt amp with 46F42 8 a.m. till 7:30 p.m. - Sunday stereo reverse and earphone Jack,PIO-EON.Gaatsudn.70ORHMR Fri. & Sat., 12 midnight-8 a.m. Accoustical suspension speakers. PeiN EdSteacher.dutStudy eabroad Equipment 1 year old and just slight- Calee.65-86+54 Delivery and Catering Work is interesting and hours are l sd 9.Cl ihrJma 6- __.__ Ftc_____~ compatible with class schedules. 7295. DX PIZZA BOB --_ ___ ___ _--- in the hospital.' Send him a card at WORK FOR PEACE CANDIDATES- $289/hr.Incudes premium shift dif- , -ES N'UPLE St. =Joseph Hospital, Rm. 712. PA Mbv't for New Congress needs more ferential. uPT N UPIS__ __ help.; Call 663-2488. 29F45 FREE, affectionate black spayed kit-; UZMANIBU - Latviesri studenti - le- TIES-WIDE and wonderful--carried in Inquire at Personnel Office. St. Jo-I ten. Eves. 761-9491.. 40T45 p 1azisanas vakars 22 okt~ tuvaka in-'h I__444 I boutiques, save overhead, buy from si eph Mercy Hospital, 326 N. Ingalls, -__ -----. . . vormacija - 971-3341. maes4Fnl43.02Wd;adThr Ann Arbor, Mich. 665-4141, Ext. 330. BEAUTIFUL GREY CAT needs home.-- __- 4445 Cal76-08. 9T4HOMECOMING 'WEEKEND at the Odys- 11-3, Thur. Nite 7-9 p.m. 517 Hill near 39T44___ ______. . . sey with the Leaves of Grass. Thurs., Packard. 24842 ARTISTS WANTED - to contribute art BEAR and 2 (sisters) are now inter- Fri., Sat. 9:30-1:30 plus Happy Hour work to the Michiganensian, U of. M's viewing foster parents for their ma- 5-7 after the game. 26F43 yearbook. No limit on subject matter. -tiler Hazel's "bastard" puppies. We're - (Black and white preferable. Nothing supposed to be "cockapoos." 665-2406. WOMEN HALF-PRICE - Thurs. nights larger than 15"x161"). All work will be 38T45 at the Odyssey. Entertaining tonight, returned by publisher. For further ------------- - - --.---. Leaves of Grass. 43F42 j/' information, call Katrina at 761-3314 SIX TIGER KITTENS (black, white, --- --- - n-eve______ or 'Ensian office, 764-0561. HB53 etc.) FREE to good homes; six weeks FREE BILLIARDS INSTRUCTIONSne r old; trained; call Fran, 971-6648 after NEXT SATURDAY AT 10 A.M.-~NOON STUDENT for janitorial type work. 15 5 pm. 37T46 :t AT UNION hrs./wk. 761-9881 btwn 7 and 9 p.m.,------- 41F43r 41H43 FREE PUPPIES - male,i born Sept. 13. -- --- - -- LOKIG-ORpat-43e.okCal3-6T45______RICHARD LEE, Inc. LOOKNG OR arttimewor? Cll ---When you can't afford less than the 769-0961. 42H42 FREE: 1-3 mo. old black male kitten best, then there's me. Photos, 761- _______ ---w/white markings. Extremely affec 942.18Ft GIRL TO LIVE WITH and care for tionate. Has had distemper shots. 845'_____a ______+/ /+de handicapped college student; drivers 769-6437. 33T37' HELP! I have been left in the past. 4VV /{r license necessary; $60 per week, Call ' 1 Won't someone help me get in touch 1-229-9198. 43H50 SIAMESE KITTENS, ACFA registered, wt h rsnTeBl oe __blepitadselpoints. 761-7322. Clock. 42F42 TYPIST-RECEPTIONIST. Varied duties. 25Ttc_____________________ Exc. 'salary and future growth for right girl. Call 665-2490 ,-5 for pter-. TWO BROWN, two black AKC poodle view appointment. 40H42 puppies for show or pets. $80. 971- _______ ___ 4403. 8T15 PERSONAL PERSONAL TYPIST - Receptionist - Varied duties. I - - - --k * rP1n t aln.arv snc tI tt e a,. a wth- 11sa11 Also, a Complete Range of Travel Services: Rail Passes; Car Leases & IPurchases; Motorcycles; Intra-Eu- ropean Charters & Many More. Open only to U of M students, fa-. Sculty, staff and their immediate, families. PLEASE PHONE OR STOP BY AT EITHER OF OUR TWO OFFICES: WORLD-WIDE CHARTER !211 South State Street, t' or 611 Church Street Ann Arbor, Michigan, Dial: "ON-A-TRIP" 66-2-8747 UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES CENTER and STUDENTS INTERtNATIONAL present EUROPE $159.00 CHRISTMASI 053 Det-Haw.-Det - 12/20-f/3 $249I 047 N.Y.-Mad.-N.Y. - 12/21-1/3 $209 048 N.Y.-Ams.-N.Y. - 12/21--1/5 $175 058 Dot-M lan-Det- 12/22-1/3 $i199 054 N.Y.-Lon.-N.,Y - 12/22-1/6 $170 043 Det-Lon-Det --w 12/23-1/4 ' $175 SUMMIgR : DETROIT DEPARTURES 007 Det-Lon-Det ,5/5 - 6/8 $159.00 049 Dbt-Ams-Det 5/~ - 6/6. $179.00 008 Det-Lon-Det 5/5 - 6/214 $159.00 .009 Det-Lon-Det 5/15 - 8/15S $199.00 001 pet-Lon-Det 6/28_ - 8/28 $219.00 002 Det-Lon-Det 6/29 - 8/26 $219.00 010 Det-Lon-Det 7/2- 8/19 $21.00 ' 051 Dot-Lon-Det 8/1 - 9/1 $219.00 052 Det-Tok-Det 7/31 - 8/31 $429.00 SUMM'ER; N.Y. DEPARTURES j 014 Host-Loni-Bost 5/14 - 8/13 $199.00! 030 N.Y.-Lon-N..Y 6/26- 9/1 $209.00 E 013 N.Y.-Lon-N.Y. 6/29 -7/30" $209.00E jOpen only to U of M-students, facul- ty. staff, alumni and Immediate fam- ilies.' UAC Travel, 2nd floor Michigan Union 763-2147 or 769-5790. 2Ftc3 ALL INTERESTED COMMUNITY MEMBERS are,, invited to attend the weekly SOC meeting on the new day: WEDNESDAY. 7:30 3rd floor SAB 11F1J OCTOBER Z2-24 A Fresh Idea in Communication CURAUTAUQI AIRRIVES R lesidential C'oleg.e. Aud. , 8P.M. Order, Your Subscription 764-0558 4 boxting Tore TeR them oheaply, yet S....*I...aMVin n 5...fl..41. i....4&*4.A. C, 0057, 11 i.m.-2 p.m., 764-0557. CD6I OARGAIN CORNtlR CHEAP SMALL STERE9 for sale. Call EArb, 663-8819. 21W44 LIMITED QUANTITY' 1 3-$wtton Navy Pants Surplus; $7 LITTLE THI NGS 2155S. State 20W47i 1960 BUICK--flaible ambulance.' Excell- Sent shape. Low mileage. Evans Buick, Howell. Call 517-548-5520. 24W35 :t SAAB 1968, g V-4 Deluxe, AM-FM radio. A fine car, 3ex. cond. $1500 or best offer. 662-1963. 38N42 !1 '63 DART OT, 6 cylinder, 48,000 miles. 4 $300. 663-8243 after 5. 36N42 -VOLVO '59 544 Classic. Needs work- best offer. 662-7720. 33N42 1967 VW BUG. New motor, new tires, good body, bed platform inside, $1375. Call 1-517-792-1962. 29N38 '67 VW, 0850; '69 BSA 650cc, $900. Both for only $1795. Call Continuous Trucking at 429-5066. 16N32 '67 VW, $850; '69 BSA 650cc, W$900. Both for only $1795. Call Continuous Trucking at ,429-5066. 16N32 '68 DODGE CHARGER R/T. 440 MAG- NUM, 375 H.P., 14 MPG, BUJCKET SEATS, AIR CONDITIONING, AM-FM REVERB, AUTO. TRANS., P W R . STR., PWR. BRKS. BEST OFFER 7iSCORES. 665-0313 B3ETWEEN 7 P.M. AND MIDNI'-*HT. NDtc 1966 MGR. In great shape! Priced to{ 5 sell. 768-9483. 12N191 1968 OPEL RALLYE - ex. cond., radio. $1250. Call 769-8783. 13N19 TR-4, '64 convert., good cond., new top, Michelins; must sell; $750. 665- 4896. 47N10 1970 TRIUMPH TRc-R 650cc., under 3000 rni., ex. cond., call Eric at 662- 7335 after 6 p.m. 4N19 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Medical vicinity. Large male tiger, brown nose. Beloved pet of wi- dow; Call 761-8511 after 6. 30A42 LOST: Khaki tiptop satchel w/notes. Area: Fuller and R.R. bridge. 761- 3165, REWARD. 29A42 FOUND: Weird brown, tan, gray long- haired momma cat, Owner interest- ed? 764-1926. :11 A49 1 , TOWARD ANI UNDERSTANDING, Of! HOMOSEXUALITY (Four Week Seminar Series) An introductory attempt to understaqnd the problems of America's homosexual minority from the points of view of sociology, psy- chology, low, and, theology. Specioli attentibn 'will be given to the Model penal Code, the Wolfen'den, Quaker, and Hooker' re- ports, and to the homophile civil rights movements,' Discussion will raise the question: what miqght an enlightened religious view- point and public policy be? Although the seminar is open to all interested persons, attend- ance -will be limited to 25. To, enroll, please phone or contact in per#*n the Office of Roliqous Affairs. An outline, bibliography,' and selected papers for discu~ssion will be 'distributed at the first session on October 22 at' 7 P.M. at the Guild House. Aitl sessions will be led by Lloyd Putnam,' ORA Educational Director. -.I T HU RS DAYS' October 22 and 29; November 5.and 12 7 P.M. Sponsored by: The Office of Religious Affairs 11 2282 S.A.B. 764-7442 PER.$ONAL PERSONAL Sam's Store for LEVI 'S rjeLen.u,. saar, y ana im '.ureA. vwm*', for right girl. Call 665-2490 9-5 for !interview appointment. 38H42. LOOKING FOR. A JOB?; Talented Or experiepiced or interested in a particular field? Try placing a Michigan Daly "BUSINESS SERV- ICES" or "PERSONAL" ad--and help a job find YOU. RDtc WANTED TO RENT ROOM TO SERVE as studio for two modest artists. Campus location. 764- 3000, 764-3047. 19041 COUPLE WANTS SUBLET Jan. to June, furnished or unfurnished. Call 449- 2364 after 6 p.m. 191,46 2 BDRM. APT, wanted to Jan.; 4-mo, lease pref. Will sublet. 769-3290, ask for Room No. 304. Leave messages. _ 26Ltc SUBLET j MODERN, one bedroom, bi-level apart- ment available Jan. 1, convenient to campus. 769-3139. 22U46 IFor the student body: FOR SOMEONE YOU LOVE - SAY IT BETWEEN THE SHEETS . .. OF THE MICHIGAN DAILY AD COPY: lrU E DEN M Super $lims Button Fly DENIM FLARES $4.88 .6.98 . 6.98 WORDS 0110 11-15 21-~5 26,30 31- .5 36,40 41 -45 46-50 1 dlay 1.00 1.15 1.30 1 .55 1.80 2.05 2.3 2.55 2.80 2 daiys 2.00 2.30 2.60 3.10 3.60 4.10 4.60 5.10 5;60 43 days 2.40 2,90 3,60 4.30 5.00 5.65 6.30 6.95 7.60 4 days .3.20 3,90 4.80 5.70 6.60 7.40 8.20 9g00 9.80 5 days 3 90 4 80 5.90 7.00 8 10 9.05 10.00 10.95 1 1.90 6 days 4.50 5.60 6.80 8.10 9.40 10.50 11 .60 12.70 13.80 UNCQNTRACTOD CLASSIFIED RATES add. :55 .75 .85 .05 1 .20 1.35 1.50 I TracditionalI .7.50 .8.,. .00 Bells,. { i [I i .. _ .. i 1