See Editorial Page,
Sunny and mild,
cool breezes
Vol. LXXXI, No. 43
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 22, 1970
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Rally planned
tomorrow at K
& KE
Special To The Daily
JNT. Chin _- A ,'oll fnr- 5
-Associated Press
Nobel Peace Prize winner
Agricultural expert Norman Ernest Borlaug, who won the 1970
Nobel Peace Prize yesterday, handles experimental wheat at
the Rockefeller Agricultural Institute in Mexico. (See story,
page 3).
Search continues for
kidnaped Canadian
MONTREAL (M - Canadian police yesterday continued
their search for James Cross, the British trade commissioner
in Montreal, who remained a hostage of the Front for the
Liberation of Quebec (FLQ).
Inspector J. L. Melancon of the provincial police termed
probably a joke in very bad taste" a series of telephone calls
by a man claiming to represent the Quebec terrorists. He
offered to discuss the terms for freeing Cross, who was
abducted Oct. 5.
Meanwhile, an autopsy on the body of Quebec Labor
Minister Pierre Laporte indi-
cated that he was strangled
Raci l clash by a small chain he wore
around his neck, Montreal's
hits Cairo, Ill. coroner reported.
Laporte, along with Cross, had
CAIRO, Ill. (P) - Police and been abducted by the FLQ, which
snipers entrenched near a public demanded the release of 23 "po-
housing project traded gunfire for litical prisoners" in exchange for
three hours last night in this the release of the two hostages.
racially divided Southern Illinois The province stands on its offer,
city, officers reported. last announced Monday, to allow
The new "outbreak of violence the kidnapers safe conduct to
this racially troubled city fol Cuba if they release Cross. But
lowed a fire at a Veterans of For- there has been no word from the
eign War hall the previous night, kidnapers.
where a black was stabbed by a Police throughout Quebec Pro-
white. vince were still holding more than
Police were temporarily pinned
behind an armor barricade in their 240 persons, who were rounded up
station, three blocks from the pro- after Prime Minister Pierre El-
ject, but then a small group liot Trudeau invoked the War
,1 charged out of the station and Measures Act last week. Relatives'
took cover behind nearby build-
ings, blasting back at the snipers
with pistols, carbines and sub- plained they were not allowed to
machine guns. talk with the prisoners.
nationwide moratorium to-
morrow to protest the indict-
ment of 25 persons for in-
volvement in last spring's dis-
orders here elicited a positive
response yesterday from sev-
eral c a m p u s e s around the
Students organizing the activi-
ties at Kent State University said
that the colleges participating in
the moratorium include the Uni-
versity of California at Los An-
geles, the University of Virginia,
Temple University, and Alleghany
Last night, the University's Stu-
dent Government Council offered
its support to the moratorium,
urging students to remain away
from classes tomorrow.
Meanwhile, in Kent, a four-day
old police search for those in-
dicted by the special grand jury
continued yesterday, as the elev-
enth of the 25 charged by the
jury surrendered.
The four days of disorder at
Kent State last spring ended May
4 with the shooting deaths of four
students and the wounding of nine
in a confrontation between Ohio
National Guard troops and rock-
throwing anti-war demonstrators.
The state grand jury exonerat-
ed the National Guard in a report
issued last Friday.
The report blamed the May in-
cident on a "permissive, over in-
dulgent administration and stu-
dent troublemakers."
The jury has withheld the names
of those indicted until arrests are
made and issued injunctions for-
bidding those who took part in
the hearings or those indicted, to
comment on the findings. Those
arrested are not permitted to dis-
cuss their cases.
Of the 11 named thus far, all are
reported to be students at Kent
State or former students except
Dr. -Thomas Lough, professor of
sociology and alumnus of the
University. Included also is Craig
Morgan, president of Kent's stu-
dent government.
Meanwhile, a rally and work-
shops are planned here for noon
tomorrow, in conjunction with the
The activities, termed "Civil
Liberties Action Day," will include
discussions throughout the day on
legal research and student rights,
conducted by law students.
See RALLY, Page 10
Associated Press
A mjjJp~rflJLC iatn in I from. rthn
1 ' MIIU/1-'5 U' . IA/" '' t.
A group of Americans back from Cuba yesl
to the United States. The group, numbering
! U144/1 # ! ! "#a i t K '~- t"(A&I
terday board a bus in Canada. The bus will return them
g about 400, were in Cuba helping with the harvest.
Bookstore assessment
comp anies
Excludes firms with
offices in S. Africa
The Office of Student Services (OSS) Policy Board yes-
terday adopted guidelines and procedures barring use of
OSS Placement Services facilities by companies with offices
in South Africa. Some 250 major U.S. firms would be affected.
The policy board's action was part of a larger measure
aimed at amplifying and enforcing University rules which
bar on-campus recruiting by corporations which discrim-
inate against minority groups and women.
In the past, corporations using Placement Services facil-
ities have only been required to sign an affadavit affirming
non-discriminatory hiring practices. Placement Services of-
ficials say no company has been barred under this, procedure.
In its resolution, the board stat- -_ - -
ed that OSS would investigate
any corporation using the Place-
ment services which is charged
with discrimination.
If the allegations are found to
be correct, the statement added,
OSS will issue either a warning,
or deny the corporation use of the
Placement Services.
However. in the case of corpora-
tions which operate "where dis-
crimination is legally enforced on
the basis of color, creed, or sex,
for example, South Africa, (they
will be denied) use of the services
of the OSS Placement Office.
According to Brain Mistrust
(BMT), a radical group which has
been active in the recent cam-
paign against on-campus job re-
cruiting, about 250 corporations
currently operate in South Africa,
including General Motors, F o r d,
Chrysler, Dow Chemical Co., the
Chase Manhattan Bank, and most Bernadine Dohrn
other major corporations in the
United States.
According t the policy board 41ge a i y
mnember thes crporations will
be denied the use of the services
of the OSS Placement Services
i unless the corporation can .prove adm it D ohrn
that it does not follow the apar-
i theid policies of the South African ALGIERS () - The possibility
government. that Bernadine Dohrn, the Weath-
The policy set by the board is erman leader on the FBI's list of
only binding on the OSS Place- the ten most wanted persons, has
ment Services and not on any of taken refuge in Algeria was rais-
the other placement services in ed yesterday by Black Panther
the University. leader Eldridge Cleaver.
The Placement Services, geared In a telephone interview, Cleav-
mainly toward liberal arts stu- er said that a "Miss Dohrn" had
dents, deals mainly with corpor- joined him and Dr. Timothy Leary
ations that require non-technical in exile here, but refused to say
personnal such as advertising. if she was Bernadine Dohrn, or
However, some of the major cor- her sister Jenifer.
porations in those categories, for Cleaver said he would provide
example, Chase Manhattan, will additional information at a later
be affected by the new ruling, press conference.
Although the University has had Rumors had been circulating for
a policy for some time that denies several days that Dohrn, 28, who
its services to "any organization replaced black militant Angela
or idividual which discriminates Davis on the FBI list after Davis
because of race, color, creed, sex, was arrested last week, had ar-
or religion or national origin" the rived in this haven for top politi-
Sgeographical extent of this de- cal refugees.
finition has been unclear. Through The official Algerian news
their resolution, the board has ex- agency announced Tuesday that
tended the policy to apply to ay Leary, the LSD prophet, who es-
area in which a company oper- caped last month from jail in San
ates. inside o outside the United Luis Obispo, Calif., had arrived
States. here and the Algerian government
The specific indictment of had granted him political asylum,
South Africa stems from a pro- Leary was- serving a term on a
posal presented to the board by narcotics conviction.
"BMT alleged that many of the Dohrn joined the FBI's 10 most
companies recruiting on campus wanted list for alleged "interstate
See fECRUITERS, Page 10 See DOHRN, Page 10
About 15,000 students have re-
ceived a notice from the Univer-
sity informing them t h a t their
failure to help fund the new Uni-
versity bookstore may render them
unable to receive their transcripts
and register for the winter term.
According to the notice, t h e
University will place a hold credit
in the account of students who
do not pay the $5 which has been
assessed against all students by
Oct. 25.
When the Regents approved the
bookstore last fall, they stipulat-
ed that the student body would'
have to vote a $5 assessment per
student to fund the bookstore. The
assessment was subsequently ap-
proved by the students, and over
the summer, the University billed
all students who had gone through
early registration.
However, students in academic
units which do not participate in
University-wide registration -
such as the law school - were
never officially informed of the
assessment, according to Gary Al-
len, '71, president of the book-
store's board of directors.
The $5 fee will be refunded to
each student when he leaves the
Students who are exempt from
the fee are those who attend the
University's Flint " and Dearborn
campuses and those who will
graduate in December.
On October 15, the University
turned over the first installment
collected from the assessment -
Allen explained that since the
fee is refundable upon leaving the
University, students lose only the
use of $5.
Currently, the store sells only
school supplies, records, photo-
copies and other sundry items. Al-
len says it will begin selling text-
books in January, emphasizing
that funds are now needed to buy
books, equipment and p ay the
store's rent.
Approval of the bookstore last
October resolved a four-month
long controversy between students
backing the creation of a book-
store, and the administration,
which expressed doubts about
whether it would be solvent.
In ultimately approving the
store, the Regents stipulated that
the University must be isolated
from liability for the store's debts,
and suggested the student assess-
ment as one way of assuring con-
tinued solvency.
SGC, SMC call on U' students
to back Kent State moratorium
SGC last night called for a
moratorium tomorrow on classes
along with workshops and a Diag
rally "to express solidarity with
the Kent State 25."
In response to an Ohio Grand
Jury report on the Kent State
disturbances last May, Kent State
student body President Craig Mor-
gan has requested a nationwide
moratorium on classes tomorrow.
In a support statement last
night, the local chapter of Stu-
d e n t Mobilization Committee
(SMC) also called for a boycott
of tomorrow's classes "in response
to the call from the student body
president at Kent State."
Further support came from the
Social Work Student Union, which
urged students in the social work
school not to attend classes to-
morrow to "show solidarity with
our brothers and sisters across the
Slaying lessens
FLQ's support
An ad-hoc Committee for Soli-
darity with the Kent State 25, or-
ganized yesterday in answer to
Morgan's request. The committee
plans to work with SMC and SGC
in planning tomorrow's activities.
According to Jerry De Grieck,
SGC executive vice president, to-
morrow's activities will include
leafletting, a Diag rally, and
workshops. Space in the Michigan
Union has been arranged for
speakers and workshops.
In addition, representatives of
various groups sponsoring the
moratorium will go to Ravenna,
Ohio, to bring to Ann Arbor a
spokesman for the Kent State
De Grieck noted that the activ-
ities will be confined to tomorrow
afternoon because of the limited
time available for organizing.
In other business, SGC respond-
ed to requests by various local
women's groups and demanded
that the University immediately
issue "unaltered" the health, ed-
ucation, and welfare department
report on the status of women at
the University.
The report involves academic
advancement and employment
practices. Council and the women's
groups fear that if the report is
not released, the University will
alter it.
The HEW report, which Presi-
dent Robben Fleming has declined
to release, results from an in-
vestigation last August in response
to allegations that the University
discriminates on the basis of sex.
The Ann Arbor Focus on Equal
Special To The Daily
News Analysis
MONTREAL - The killing of
Pierre Laporte, Quebec's min-
ister of labor, seems to have ser-
iously damaged the hopes of the
Front for the Liberation of Que-
bec (FLQ) for gaining public
sympathy in their campaign for
the province's independence.
Up until Saturday, when the
body of Laporte was found
many French-speakingsQuebec-
ois, especially students at the
University of Quebec here, had
been sympathetic to the FLQ
and to its goal of making Que-
bec into an independent social-
ist state.
The death of Laporte has
c-hanngedthat. While many stn-
people could see just how mess-
ed up they (the FLQ) are," she
In an opinion poll published
in today's Montreal Gazette, the
figures speak for themselves.
The headline reads: "90 Per
Cent of Quebecers Opposed to
Kidnapping." Although the poll
was statistically shoddy - the
sample very small and the re-
fusal-to-answer rate was very
high - there are clear indica-
tions that the FLQ has about
as much sympathy among the
Quebecois as the Nazi Party.
Meanwhile, citizens of Mon-
treal have exhibited a generally
calm reaction to Prime Minister
Pierre Elliot Trudeau's imposi-
tion of the War Measures Act
last week.
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