Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan the unreformed source The Pinto Project: Never look a gift horse ...? byj Jn neubaclier 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE CHUDWIN Prime Minister Trudeau and the War Measures Act LIBERAL PREMIER Pierre Trudeau has opted for a dangerously anti-liber- tarian course of action with his invoca- tion last week of Canada's War Measures Act. The War Measures Act gives the gov- ernment emergency power to censor and suppress publications, make arrests with- out following normal procedures and con- trol virtually all aspects of the nation's economy. It has never before been in- voked in peacetime. Trudeau, acting upon the authority given to him by the War Measures Act announced regulations providing five years in jail for members of the Quebec Liberation Front (FLQ) or for anyone even assisting a member of the front. So far, scores of intellectuals, writers, mu- sicians and trade unionists as well as several leading members of the Parti Quebecois (which won 25 per cent of the votes in Quebec's spring elections) have fallen under the Canadian government's dragnets. Trudeau, it is true, acted upon the re- quest of the Provincial Prime Minister of Quebec in sending troops into the cities and countryside where the FLQ has sup- port, but the political reality of the situa- tion is not so clear cut. WHOLESALE crackdown on those who have dissented from the tradi- tional path of Canadian politics demon- strates a readiness on the part of the federal government to extinguish all radi- cal manifestations of the French libera- tion movement. While it may have been true that the government was pressured to take the extraordinary measures it did, it should have been aware of what the effects would be on the frustrated extremist kidnapers of the now slain Quebec Minister of Labor, Pierre Laporte. Moreover, there has as yet been no sign of the promised scaled-down version of, the act to replace the one now in force by Trudeau's decree. Inadvertantly, Trudeau may have pro- vided an impetus for increased radical activity in Canada. The formation of the United Front for Liberty - consisting of the four major trade unions, student groups and independence organizations under the united platform of repealling the War Measures Act, the release of all political prisoners and the opening of the closed schools, - was a direct conse- quence. AT TIS point in time, the future course of Canadian politics is uncertain and confused. While few have doubts t h a t civil liberties will be-restored, the ramifi- cations of the War Measures Act on the psyche of the nation - which may be im- mense - will not be understood for some time. It is within this background that a noon rally on the Diag has been organized for today. This rally should be a starting point for ongoing discussion and analysis of the situation. -JONATHAN MILLER PROBLEM: How does the Ford Motor Company, which introduced its new sub-compact Pinto last month, crack the Volkswagen barrier that surrounds our college campuses and win the hearts of the youth of the nation (who, of course, are the future big-car buyers of Amer- ica) ? SOLUTION: Dd massive amounts of re- search about student attitudes toward the new car, letting them test-drive it, see it, fill out questionnaires about it. Evaluate the reaction and then adapt. There's just one problem. Massive amounts of research cost massive amounts of money. So, Ford had a better idea. They went to the experts - College Marketing Corporation, a New York-based firm spec- ializing in analyzing and selling the youth market. Sure enough, CMC concocted a campaign that will provide nationwide publicity for Ford and their mini-car, and at the same time provide Ford with millions of words of research, statistics and buyer profiles at a cost that can only be described as dirt cheap. How? Well, you let the students do the research themselves, and call it educa- tional innovation. UNDER THE TITLE: "The Pinto Pro- ject for the Academic Community" Ford has business and advertising students and professors at 160 campuses across the na- tion engaged in extensive, detailed a n d absolutely free research on how to sell the Pinto to the college and youth markets. Ford sends a professor at each campus a free, fully insured Pinto that is his to do with as he pleases for five weeks. Along with the car goes: a 4-inch thick manual of facts about the Pinto, and the rest of the Ford line: a description of the current marketing strategies now being used by Ford to push the Pinto; some statistics on the college-student-as-consumer pre- pared by the College Marketing Corpora- tion. Each professor, in turn, is supposed to build a term project for his class using the Pinto as the focus. Market research, crea- tive advertising approaches, media selec- tion and sales promotion are all areas that the professors are encouraged to explore -anything goes, just as long as it helps Ford find out how to most effectively sell the Pinto to students. The professors are encouraged by Ford to include as many students as possible in the project, and make it an inter-dis- ciplinary project, i.e., a well-rounded pro- ject that touches all the bases for Ford. Students are given four months for their study. A detailed, well-written report of the results and analysis of the semester's research, complete with charts and sta- tistics and conclusions, is expected to be on a desk at the College Marketing Cor- poration no later than Jan. 30, 1971. (Spokesmen at CMC say that while the official stance will be to frown on requests for incompletes, students needing until Feb. 15 will get the extra time.) NOT SURPRISINGLY, the response on the campuses has been enthusiastic. Both professors and students alike have been more than happy with the propspect of getting out of the classroom and into the real world of product pushing. In fact, the program was originally planned by College Marketing Corporation to include only 80 colleges, but the response was so good it prompted CMC to double that to the current figure of 160. Thieu' s shaky government And just to make sure the enthusiasm doesn't dwindle during the long dark ;days of winter, Ford has set up a contest in the form of a competition between t h e schools. For that, Ford has sweetened the pot with 16 regional prizes of $1,000 and a grand prize of $15,000 to the school submitting the best report. Ford, of course, does not publicly re- present the Pinto Project as an attempt to milk the campuses for hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of research at a fraction of that price. According to a spokesman at CMC, "Ford wanted to work with college students. The question was how." And in a pamphlet distributed by Ford to the professors running the program, Ford says that "classroom experience can be enhanced by giving students the op- portunity to participate in solving actual business problems. "Therefore, the Ford Marketing Corporation has created the Pinto Project as an educational service to the academic community." (Emphasis is added.) With that line, Ford has enticed 160 pro- fessors who have managed to come up with some interesting and at times con- troversial projects in market exploration. (At Bryant College in Providence, R.I., a class has put forth the hypothesis that the introduction of the Pinto, and Chevro- let's strike-bound Vega 2300, will simply make foreign imports look all the more attractive to the consumer, especially, Volkswagen's new stripped-down bug which undercuts both American mini-cars price-wise,) One problem the professors have run into in administering the Pinto Project is finding a creative and original use for the actual car that goes with the pro- gram. In anticipation of this sticky problem, Ford made sure to suggest that the Pinto be used on campus for promotion at club or fraternal events, student activities, or at athletic events. AT ONE SMALL business college on the East Coast, the students are studying the comparative selling techniques and appeal of the Pinto versus foreign imports. They'll get a lot of use out of the Pinto as they ride around town in it from dealer to dealer for five weeks. At Boston University, the students will be doing an "image study" of the Pinto. They will study the advertising strategies now being used by Ford, and the pitches actually being used in the salesroom by Boston Ford dealers. At the same time, they'll let students test-drive their Pinto and look it over, then fill out an eval- uation questionnaire. Then they'll com- pare to see if the advertising and dealer's sales pitches are aimed in the right direc- tion. But according to BU Prof. Peter Mc- Clure, there is a hangup. "The car they, gave us broke down," he said. "A part went bad." Unfortunately for BU, it's been less than simple to get a replacement. It seems that since the Pinto hit the market only a short month ago, there isn't yet a large and efficiently distributed backlog of spare parts. "We're beginning to wonder if we have an Edsel on our hands," McClure moans. In the meantime, his test-drive program is hurting. They're hurting also at Emory Univer- sity in Atlanta. Prof. M. B. Neace's under- graduate marketing class was promised a" Pinto for 5 weeks beginning Oct. 12, but it still hasn't arrived. "We haven't heard a word from New York," he says. "I told my class this morn- ing that they better make plans to do their research in some other way." MOST OF THE universities involved are going .along the same lines as Emory and BU, letting students and others test drive and look at the car, then evaluate it on specially designed questionnaire This is exactly what they're doing at the Dear- born campus of this University. "We'll first work in class, designing the questionnaire for students to fill out after taking a test drive," says Robert Leidig, a lecturer in Business Administration who is the coordinator of the Pinto Project there. The test drive program and survey analysis will be supervised primarily by 12 seniors in business administration who are enrolled in an elective course in Ad- vertising and Sales Promotion. According to Leidig, his students are "super-delight- ed" with the Pinto Project. "They'll analyze the data, and then de- sign advertising and promotional c a m- paigns for the Pinto,". Leidig says. Aimed primarily at selling to the youth market? "Well, certainly, the college market stands out as a big one," he agrees. Leidig shouldn't have any trouble working with Ford on the Pinto Project. The Dearborn campus is located right next door to Henry Ford Community College, and within spitting distance of the Ford Motor Co. Central Office Building. And it's situated on the old Henry Ford estate, which was donated by Ford, along with $12 million to get the branch campus going. AT LEAST ONE major and prestigious school of business administration has de- clined Ford's offer of a chance to get in on the Pinto Project. Strangely enough, it was the one on this campus - big brother of the Dearborn campus. The reason? Well, Marketing P r of. Claude Martin had beaten Ford to the punch by already designing for his class a "real-life" project based on the Pinto. But Martin, who has run projects like this before, is demonstrating that "actual- condition" study projects are feasible in the area of marketing and promotion even if you don't have a $6,000 incentive and a free car And he doesn't find himself in the position of using his students to sell the Pinto for Ford. "We had already set up a creative pro- ject relative to the Pinto, before being ap- proached on the Pinto Project," M a r t i n explains. "We probably inspired the pro- gram." But Martin runs his project without the actual car. In fact, he says, he wouldn't want the responsibility of having one. And while the final results of his class project will be courteously given to Ford officials, there will be no competition, no seeking a cash payoff. Furthermore, Martin emphasizes t h a t the creative advertising ideas that his stu- dents come up with will remain the pro- perty of those students. "We're not running a consultation pro- gram for 'clients', commercial or non- commercial," he says. "We insist that the primary aim of any project be for teach- ing. The company we work with must understand that. Our Pinto project is not designed as a freebie for Ford. Participation in the class is strictly voluntary for the students in the class. They are welcome to work on some other project for the semes- ter." Martin's refusal to get involved doing research for large corporate clients hasn't seemed to hurt his students any, Last year, they spent the term designing advertising approaches for the American Cancer So- ciety - approaches that other people in advertising call "excellent," and which the ACS is using as a basis for some of its public service advertising. It seems like 160 other business profes- sors across the country might learn a lot from Claude Martin. "A "HO, HO, HO CHI MINH, NLF is going to win," has been chanted at count- less demonstrations, rallies, and disrup- tions by various factions of the New Left. It was a catchy chant and well suited to drowning out speakers-the number of people who actually believed in its proph- ecy, however, was probably rather small. Now a recently released study by none other than the Central Intelligence Agen- cy in effect predicts an inevitable Com- munity victory in Vietnam. The reason for the Communist victory, says the re- port, is that the government of South Vietnam is so thoroughly penetrated with Communist agents, that when the United States troops are pulled out, the govern- ment will fall. The CIA report estimates that some 30,000 Communist agents are actively working at, all levels of South Vietnam government. In addition, there are thous- ands of /other Vietnamese who help these agents by supplying them food and shel- ter. IN ITS ANALYSIS, the CIA says that early last year, after a number of setbacks on the battlefield, the Commu- nists decided to shift their long-range strategy from intense military activity to political infiltration and erosion of the Saigon government. In making this shift, they were looking forward to the day when American troop strength would no longer be a serious threat, due to with- drawals. Among the chief reasons for the effi- cacy of the Communist organization is the failure of hundreds of thousands of South Vietnamese policemen and soldiers to report contacts by Vietcong agents. The report notes that the Communist net- work could not exist without the tacit complicity of the majority of South Viet- namese soldiers and policemen. THE CIA report indirectly criticizes the President's Vietnamization plan as unworkable, since the penetration of Communists into the South's government will insure a Communist takeover o n c e American troops have been withdrawn. Yet the President and government of- ficials, who have had the report s i n c e early summer, are still determined to go through with a program of very gradual troop withdrawals, hoping the S o u t h Vietnamese government and army will in the meantime be gradually strengthing themselves. And while this slow troop withdrawal is progressing, Americans will continue to be maimed and killed. THE EVIDENCE overwhelmingly indi- cates that the majority of the South Vietnamese citizens do not object to a Communist government, and in fact may prefer one over their present dictator- ship. If such is the case, the U.S. is wast- ing money and lives, fighting a "menace" which exists only as a figment in the imagination of Washington politicians. -LINDSAY CHANEY Applying for a job with the Movement - By RICK PERLOFF PAUL GLANCED about nervous- ly. His hair w a s messy, his pants torn. He looked fine. The door opened, came in. Marshall briefcase down on sat next to Paul. and Marshall slapped h i s the desk and what kind of work do you think you'd like?" "I'm not completely sure," Paul replied. "I think I'd be good at raising consciousness. Marshall grinned. "There's a whole field opening up there, many opportunities here at the Movement for raising conscious- ness. Let me show you." He took out a graph from his briefcase. "There's t h e consciousness of workers and there's the conscious- ness of students. For the workers (and he pointed to the graph) we "You're a senior, aren't you?" Marshall asked. Paul nodded. "That means you have about 50 protests. Good. Well, let's get go- ing." Marshall smiled. "Tell me, I M~ERGE MLQ~F ? MYURENTO1lR6, SOUR) CMTOORA& " C- IZ6PATY, 8'VT IMA MODOtX tWRO cal C~SC++' A04 5' 1 have public and financial support for strikes, over on the right, to mass picketing and then there's joining the union a n d working along w i t h workers to educate them. "YOU'D BE interested to know, Paul, that one of the newest boys we hired, recruited yesterday from Madison, has joined up with the local there." Marshall continued. "Educating students is a brand n e w area. There've been a number of new discoveries by some of the top men in the business; men, I might add, who once sat just where you did, but who had the gumption to sign this piece of paper and join our group. We're a great business, Paul. We've got the finest bunch of comrades this side of History. "Where was I? Oh yes, student consciousness. As a large com- pany, we have to satisfy the or- ganizing preferences of our many constitutencies - the student power freaks, the peaceful protest dudes and the violence corps. No one constituent is more important than another, unless of course it has the bulwark of the resources. "COOtPLE OF YEARS back the student power freaks had com- mand of the Market. They had the students, the profs and all the best slogans. Naturally the Move- ment ran in its interest, but now the demand is down for student, mnoetbt w h meott+his hua MARSHALL NODDED.. "Y o u bet your sweet Che it was. Up there, one of our top revolution- ary researchers devised the form- ula. He discovered that if $238 of property is destroyed, at least 17 students injured and if 23 si- lent majority bystanders a r e harmed in the protest, t h e n it hasn't been worth it because the demonstration has alienated at least 501,000 from the Movement. Ingenious." "Ingenious," repeated Paul. "You know I never knew these decis- ions were so well investigated." "You didn't think we ran things from the streets did you?" "Yep," Marshall w e n t on. "That's the type of smarts our rivals are up against. The Ripon Society, Americans for Democratic Action don't hold a red flag to us. Do you know, Paul that the Lib- eral stock has dropped 15 points on the Dow Chemical Protest Av- erage in the past three years. 15 points. That ain't just whistlin' Lenin." he paused, then smiled. "WELL, SO YOU want to raise consciousness, Paul. Any more specific area of interest now?" "I like what you people have been doing to students but then again your work- with workers is good too. I guess you better say I'm not sure exactly yet." Marshall shook his head. "Not sure Paul? At your age? Paul, I'm worried about your future. "You have to get yourself to- "BY THE TIME you graduate you should know the answer to the two basic questions. F r o m your application, I see you haven't answered them. Paul let me ask you now: do you know who you are and what your purpose is?" "Not yet sir. Not completely." "Just as I thought," Marshall replied. "Now don't get me wrong, Paul, you've been writing g o o d leaflets, done some fine protest- ing and I'm proud of you. As for the Big Questions, I wouldn't worry about them. We don't de- mand detailed answers here at the Movement. For 'who am I' a compassionate radical dedicated to change is fine; for 'what is my purpose' the Movement gives its members flexibility. "You can either say 'my purpose is to effect gradual change,' which is okay or you can take the new route and say 'my purpose here is to make the revolution.' Both are fine. There's no use worrying about the Big Questions, as long as you know that. Pondering im- ponderables went out with work- ing within the System. "NOW DON'T get me wrong, Paul. We don't demand perman- ent answers at the Movement. In fact here at the Movement there is a proud tradition of change. But there is a limit." Marshall paused. "You could make it big with us, Ls11 ,,1 aa,11- ,, 4 11A - A TAV vuG6-* r ,-.ON NRk)6 o- ,, y 1 -( 30rOT TAK ~ op~ 3XR 5T