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October 20, 1970 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-10-20

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Wednesday and Thursday, October 21st and 22nd
'Department of Speech
Student Laboratory Theatre
LA MUSICA by Marguerite Duras

page (tre




NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Tuesday, October 20, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michgan Page Three

neWS briefs
By The Associated Press





_EoTo _

NEW YORK MAYOR John V. Lindsay, a member of the Re-
publican party, endorsed Democrat Arthur J. Goldberg for gov-
ernor of New York yesterday, breaking with GOP Gov. Nelson
- A. Rockefeller.
Lindsay, however, announced that he did not intend to join the
Democratic party.
He also endorsed Goldberg's running mate for lieutenant gover-
nor, Basil Paterson, who represents Harlem in the State Senate.
AN EXPLOSION destroyed a greenhouse for research on
plant viruses at the Stanford Research Institute branch near
the University of California campus at Irvine.
Stanford University severed its affiliation with Stanford Re-
search Institute last January after the Institute became a target
of violent student protests against war-related research projects.
The Orange County sheriff's department said the explosion
appeared to have been caused "by the setting of some kind of
** *
PRESIDENT ANWAR SADAT of Egypt has chosen Dr. Ma-
hmoud Fawzi, a veteran diplomat and personal foreign affairs
adviser to the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser, as prime min-
ister, sources reported yesterday.
Fawzi, 70, was the only member of the old government of King
Farouk to serve under Nasser. He was foreign minister in 1952 and
later became foreign affairs adviser.
A GROUP of militant Young Lords occupied an East Har-
lem church for a second day yesterday, keeping vigil over the
body of a 34-year-old member they said was murdered in' a city
About 200 youthful Puerto Ricans guarded doorways to the First
Methodist Church where the body of Julio Roldan rests, as sup-
porters and ewsmen milled outside.
Police said Roldan was found hanged in his cell in Manhattan's
"Tombs" lrison Friday. The death was ruled suicide.
yesterday at the United Nations the emergence of a new Europe
based on peace and cooperation with no country interfering in
the internal affairs of another.
Ceausescu, the only head of state from a Communist country
present at the UN's silver anniversary session, drew considerable
He asked for the elimination of all military blocs and the dis-
mantling of military bases of one state on the territory of another.
* * *
PRESS CENSORSHIP in Uruguay was extended yesterday to
all financial information. The move was viewed as a sign that
the government might be planning severe economic measures.
Partial censorship was ordered last year by President Jorge
Cacheco Areco's government as part of the special security measures
aimed at halting a wave of terrorism and social unrest.
On Thursday, the government suspended all bank and foreign
exchange operations. The financial crisis arose after the Parliament
overrode a series of presidential vetoes aimed at lowering the Ur-
uguayan budget deficit to $16.5 million.i

Nixon talk
at OSU
President Nixon paid an un-
announced visit yesterday to
the sometime-troubled cam-
pus of Ohio State University
and wound up in a face-to-
face debate with students
about the Vietnam- War.
The so-called Oval in the center
of campus was dotted with loung-
ing students when Nixon stepped
from his limousine, walked across
the lawn and began shaking
Within five minutes, at least
1,000 young men and women had
gathered, completelynencircling
the chief executive and mingling
cheers and laughter with shouted
obscenities and antiwar chants.
One young man in a white T-
shirt approached Nixon and said,
"You can take my draft card." The
youth said he did not want to die
in Vietnam.
"I'm winding down the war,
boy," Nixon replied. After reciting
his record on troop withdrawals,
he added, "You watch us, boy."
Another young man stepped up
and said, "Will you shake the hand
of a hippie?"
The chief executive apparently
did not hear the remark and the
youth continued, "We don't care
about Ohio State football - just
stop the war."-
Ohio Stafe football coach Woody
Hayes had appeared earlier on the
speakers platform with Nixon and
local Republicancandidates when
Nixon spoke to a generally friend-
ly crowd of over 40,000 in down-
town Columbus.
Some 500 persons marched from
Ohio State University the three
miles to the site of the rally to
protest Nixon's policies.
Pat Nixon was in Detroit yes-
terday campaigning for Lenore
Romney, Republican candidate
for theSenate in Michigan. Rom-
ney is fighting an uphill battle
against two-term Sen. Philip
A Southfield, Mich. high school,
where the President's wife was due
to make an appearance, was
evacuated some 15 minutes before
her scheduled arrival time after
receipt of a telephone bomb
She entered the school about a
half hour after the 2500 pupils
were permitted to file back Inside.

-Associated Press
PRESIDENT NIXON mingles with students yesterday during a surprise visit to the Ohio State
University campus. While some students flashed the peace sign, others heckled the President about
the Vietnam situation.
NAACP sues HEWon misuse
of federal education funds




Thurs., Oct. 22, 831
Steve Miller
[i st Floor
Mihgan Union

Sat., Oct. 24, 0:30
Ten 'Wheel
Ho lg
HomeComing '10

Legal Defense Fund filed suit
against the Nixon administration
yesterday, charging widespread
and willful failure to enforce fed-
eral laws requiring nondiscrimina-
tion in the use of federal educa-
tion funds.
The action, although purported-
ly coincidental in timing, repre-
sents the first legal followup to
last week's scathing report by the
U.S. Civil Rights Commission.
The commission said it found gov-
ernmentwide failure to enforce
federal nondiscriminatory pledges.1
The defense fund's suit, filed
in the U.S. District Court here, is
in behalf of 25 public, elementary,
secondary and college students in
Mississippi, Louisiana, Tennessee,


ann arbor film cooperative
lee mnarvin and
jane fonda
cat ball1ou
"the best gunslinger since elfego baco"-M.K.
tuesday oct. 20th

High Court to hear gun law case

Virginia and Arkansas. Defend-I
ants are Elliot L. Richardson,
biecretary of Health, Education
and Welfare, and his cvil rights
chief, J. Stanley Pottinger.
HEW was charged with "general
calculated default" to enforce
prohibitions against federal aid to
schools that discriminate since
1964, when the law was enacted.
Richardson commented in a
statement that "HEW is committ-
ed faithfully to carrying out both
the letter and the spirit of the
1964 Civil Rights Act."
Specifically, the defense fund
accused HEW of:
-Complete inaction against ra-
cial discrimination in Southern
colleges and universities;
-Abrogation of its enforcement
responsibilities it 2districts under
court order to desegregate;
-A hands-off attitude toward
state departments of education
that approve federal outlays for
discriminatory purposes. It cited
the purchase of portable class-
rooms to create an allegedly segre-
gated educational park in Hum-
phreys County, Mississippi;
-Failure to terminate aid to
most of the 99 Southern districts
that have been accused at one
time or another of failing to carry
out HEW-approved desegregation
-Allowing aid to flow to non-
complying districts for as long as
two years after administrative en-
forcement proceedings were be-
gun; and
-Ignoring accelerated time-
tables for, stiffened desegregation
requirements decreed by the Su-
preme Court.
Joseph L. Rauh, a prominent
liberal Democrat representing the
defense fund, denied any political
motivation in filing the suit less
than one month before the na-
tional election.

"The Johnson administration
made an inadequate enforcement
effort but it was still an effort,"
said Rauh. "I don't believe the
Nixon administration is making
any effort."
The suit contrasts HEW's record
of cutting off funds to only four
Southern districts in the past year
with 46 terminations during the
1968-69 school year. It disputes
the administration's contention
that funds cannot be terminated
to districts under, court-ordered
desegregation plans.
The suit demands that HEW
act against any of the 426.court-
ordered districts "demoting black
principals, segregating classrooms
and refusing to hire black teach-
ers onthe grounds of race."

Canterbury House to end
weekend music programs

preme Court agreed yesterday to
rule on the 1968 gun control law
and on state laws that make it
a crime to cast contempt upon
the American flag.
The 1968 law requires manu-
facturers and transferers of cer-
tain kinds of firearms to register
with the federal government.
The court will hear- an appeal
by the Justice Department from
the decision by U.S. District
Judge Warren G. Ferguson of
Los Angeles that key sections
are invalid.
At the same time, the court
granted a hearing to a New
York art dealer who was con-
victed in 1961 of violating that
state's law against flag dese-
cration. The dealer contends the
law conflicts with the First

Amendmen's free speech guar-
While granting hearings in
these and other cases and re-
jecting scores of appeals the
court also heard arguments on
the 1970 federal law that gives
the vote to 18-year-olds.
The states of Oregon and Tex-
as said Congress exceeded its
constitutional powers in passing
the law. U.S. Solicitor General
Erwin N. Griswold defended tle
statute, though he noted Presi-
dent Nixon, ,in signing the law
last June, said he thought the
18-year-olds provision unconsti-
The gun control law amended
provisions of an earlier fire-
arms registration act found by
the court in 1968 to be uncon-
stitutional. It was tested when
the government indicted Donald

- - -- -

Freed of Los Angeles and Shirley
Jean Sutherland of Beverly
Hills, Calif., on charges of con-
spiring to possess unregistered
hand grenades.
Dismissing the indictment last
March, Judge Ferguson said
registration would have required
them to furnish information to
the federal government that
would have been incriminating
under California laws.
In the flag case, the owner of
a Madison Avenue art gallery
was prosecuted for exhibiting
seven constructions by Marc
Morrel, an artist and protester
of the Vietnam war who used
the flag in his sculpture. The
one found most objectionable
by New York state courts dis-
played the flag as a male sex


The folk and blues music pro-
grams that have provided week-
end night entertainment at
Canterbury House for five years
are being discontinued.
"It had become just too much
of a drain of energy and mon-
ey," says Rev. Daniel Burke, di-
rector of t h e Episcopalian
church-run organization.
"This drain overshadowed ev-
en the nice parts to such an ex-
tent that when the question -
'Is anybody having any fun any
more?' - was asked, there was
silence," Burke says.
"So we decided that the best
thing to do was to suspend the
'Canterbury House presents'
weekend coffeehouse for the
time being," he adds.
Burke also says running the
coffeehouse would require the

auditorium a.
angell hail


7 and 9:30

kind of time and attention that
would necessitate a full-t i m e
managerial position, held by a
person who knew both the mu-
sic and the audience.
Canterbury is not currently in
a position to afford such a man-
ager, he explains.
Even when Canterbury House
featured big-name performers,
it grossed only enough to cover
expenses. Lesser known artists
always brought financial losses,
Burke says.
Regular CAnterbury H o u s e
functions such as the Radical
Film Series, Sunday morning
services and Thursday night en-
tertainment will continue, Burke
Canterbury House will still be
open as a place for people to
drop in during the week and
bands will occasionally play.
State & Liberty Sts.

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