Michigan massacres MS, 34-20 See story, Page 9 SUNDAY DAILY See Editorial Page Yl r e tr4i tn 4a OKAY High-61 Low-y37 Fair but partly cloudy Vol. LXXXI, No. 40 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, October 18, 1970 Ten Cents Ten Pages Rifled By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Editor Rifling ROTC files during the 33 hour takeover of North Hall las May, some demonstrators came upon an unpleasant surprise-a huge fil on themselves. The file, about two-feet thick, wa filled mostly with newspaper clip pings of the activities of Student for a Democratic Society and othe radical groups. It also included dozens of glossy photographs with the faces of many radicals identified, and a series o communications from military and University officials on procedures fo handling disruption of the military officers trainng program. The file was stolen by some of the demonstrators and sources say mos of its cQntents were destroyed when ROTC it became known late in the summer that the Federal Bureau of Investiga- - tion was probing the May 7-8 take- t over. n But ROTC officers, who freely ad- e mit they were keeping the file, say they have again begun saving clip- s pings and other information about - anti-ROTC and left-wing activities. s Navy ROTC Cmdr. Russell E. Hurd r says the file is kept solely to keep officers informed about and prepared y for potential demonstrations and y confrontations, f "It's just for our own information d on which way SDS and other groups r are going in regard to ROTC.' Hurd y says. He denies that 4nforiation from the file is being transmitted to e Naval Intelligence or to the FBI. t "We're not keeping an intelligence n or subversives file," he says. files contained clippings on member Robert Parsons' alleged as- member Randall Clark, Marc Van sault of a professor during a recruiter Der Hout, Parsons and Stephen demonstration last February. Sporn. Other underlined names were Another clipping was a two-para- Rennie Davis of the Chicago Seven graph letter to the editor of The and the 12 Weathermen indicted on riot conspiracy charges in Chicago. Hurd explains pictures in the files were taken both by ROTC personnel an'd University officials. ROTC of- ficers took pictures at the specific request of the University, he says. "The University asked us to take some of those pictures," Hurd says. "We did so for a while until we ran out of film." He says. the University request that pictures be taken was made by Chief Security Officer Rol- land Gainsley, and University Photo Service cameraman Stuart Abbey, who has testified against many-dem- onstrators involved in the 1969 book- store sit-in concerning his bodily ejection from the LSA Bldg. by pro- testers who did not want their pic- tures taken. In line with that he calls an at- tempt to "know our enemy," Hurd says clippings kept on file may in- elude articles on University faculty members who express opposition to ROTC. Hurd says one purpose of keeping the file is to have a history of recent problems ROTC has faced at the University, a history that would, he notes, be useful to officers who will takeover the programs here in the future. Maintenance of the file is al- so helpful in compiling background reports sent to higher level military officials, he says. While Hurd claims the main pur- pose of the file is to keep up with anti-ROTC actions, much of the clipped material in parts of the file removed in May had little to do with military officers training program. One folder labelled "SDS, etc." contained no mention of ROTC at all. Two articles concerned SDS Daily from the Radicalu ollege, a group of left-wing faculty members and students which formed last year. The letter argued that those in- volved in disruptions during the strike for increased black admissions last spring should be granted am- nesty. It made no mention of ROTC. Another clipping was an advertise- ment for an anti-war march spon- sored by Student Mobilization Com- mittee, the Ann Arbor Committee to End the War and the New Democratic Coalition. In'many articles, names were un- derlined including those of local SDS Another folder in the ROTC file was labelled "Student Demonstra- tions (Guidance)," and contained a series of communications with Uni- versity and military officials. One set of communications con- cerns several meetings between ROTC and University officials in Septem- ber 1968. At these meetings, proce- dures for dealing with disruptions were agreed to- and it was decided to increase off-hour security pre- cautions for North Hall, the ROTC classroom and office building. Material in the folder from mili- radicals tary chiefs in the Pentagon urged officers to avoid physical confron- tations, but also to avoid newspaper headlines like "Marines retreat." One communique from Washington distinguishes "peaceful" demonstra- tors ("usually bearded or sandalled") from "non-peaceful" protesters who "want to create a disturbance" and will challenge an officer to argue about "Vietnam, Communism, Free Love, Right to Kill and War is Hell." One note in the file indicates that military recruiters who plan to be on campus may desire additional briefing on the local political situ- ation from ROTC commanding of- ficers-undoubtedly one of the uses the huge file removed from North Hall last May has been put to in the past. Kent students organize for legal defense KENT, Ohio (N) - The Kent State University student government has set defense machinery in motion for 25 persons indicted by a special g r a n d jury that investigated the campus vio- lence of last May. A defense fund that organizers hope will mushroom i n t o a nationwide effort has been started. Attorney William Kunstler has agreed to work for the defendants without fee. Meanwhile, the campus - where f o u r students were, killed in a confrontation with National Guardsmen during the rioting last spring - was quiet yesterday. The names of those indicted Friday - none Guardsmen - were withheld pending the serving of warrants. The nature of the charges was not disclosed. The student government announced it would man its office around the clock to help those arrested obtain legal assistance. Sheriff Joseph C. Hegedus said yesterday his office had received the indictments and they were being processed, but that no ar- rests were expected before tomorrow. Morgan said Kunstler, defense attorney in the Chicago 7 trial, has agreed to coor- dinate a defense .program for those indicted. He said he contacted Kunstler in Bermuda, where the attorney is vacationing. "Kunstler told me he would represent the 25 as a group and without a fee," he said. Morgan was one of those subpoenaed by the grand jury and could not comment on contents of the jury's report because of a court order, still in effect, preventing jur- ors, lawyers; witnesses or anyone else con- nected with the investigation from talking td newsmen about any phase of the probe. The jury's 18-page report prepared under the direction of Foreman Robert Hastings, a Ravenna, Ohio, insurance man, exonerat- ed National Guard troops in the killing of the students. It said "major responsibility" for the dis- orders "rests clearly" with the university ad- ministration. Kent State President Robert I. White ask- ed the students to take in stride the grand jury report. "We have long known that the grand jury report would create problems," he said Fri- day on closed-circuit television a few hours after the release of the report. Of the May 4 confrontation, the report said ". . . it is clear that from the time the guard reached the practice football field they were on the defensive and had every reason to be concerned for their own wel- fare." It said the tragedy probably would have been avoided if the students had heeded the guard's orders to disperse. Students pass CHA Constitution The proposed new Inter-House Assembly (IHA) constitution providing for direct elec- tion of the IHA president, vice president and student members of the residence halls Board of Governors, was approved by voters in Twn- T1TA c-lar+innn Thi' vot Ur Hostages dead -Daily-Tom Gottlieb Taylor: Three yards . .. and three TD's Michigan tailback Billy Taylor crashes into the center of the Michigan State line yes- terday in the Wolverines' 34-20 victory. Taylor scored three touchdowns and led the Wolverines in rushing. (See story, Page 9) $5 DONATION Newelrnrchi ma provie exemptions for ministers MONTREAL (R)-British Labor Com- missioner James Cross and provincial Labor Minister Pierre Laporte, the two hostages held by the French-Canadian separatists, were found dead shortly after midnight last night. Quebec Police said that Laporte's body was found in the trunk of an abandoned taxi in St. Hubert, a Montreal suburb. Inspector J. L. Melancon said the blood- covered body was found in the trunk of the car in which he was abducted. He said police found the body after Radio station CKAC received an anonymous telephone call that "a package" was located near St. Hubert. Cross was reportedly also found in an abandoned car in Rodon, Quebec. Earlier last night Quebec Premier Robert Bourassa announced that the Cuban con- sulate was cooperating with the govern- ment of Quebec in a plan to gain freedom for the two officials held hostage by French- Canadian separatist. Under the plan the kidnapers, members of the Quebec Liberation Front, were to turn over their hostages to a consulate of- ficial at a downtown Montreal bridge, Bour- assa said. The kidnapers then would be flown to Cuba, and the hostages released when they arrived safely. There had been no word from the FIQ that the plan was acceptable. Throughout yesterday thousands of police yesterday in a hunt for French Canadian and soldiers ranged across Quebec Province separatists and the kidnapers of two of- ficials. The number arrested in two days rose to 225. Two cells of the Quebec Liberation Front had said if police raided their hideouts they would shoot the two hostages they seized. Invoking the War Measures Act Friday to deal with the crisis, Prime Minister Pier- re Elliott Trudeau warned the terrorists of an "unceasing pursuit of those responsible" if the hostages are harmed. Trudeau told the House of Commons in Ottawa yesterday that "I have no infor- mationtat this time I can give" on the fate of the two men. Trudeau declined to answer a question as to whether the government was negotiating with the terrorists. See CANADIAN, Page 7 -Associated Press Cholera graveyard in Isianbul Grave diggers bury new victims of cholera epidemic in Istanbul, Turkey, yesterday. Approximately 60 persons have been reported dead, while the official count is 25. 2,000 persons have been hospitalized. (See story, Page 3) U.S. 'WAR MEASURE' Security act rants owers to. President in 'crises' By STEPHEN CORNMAN - For a $5 donation, the Church of the Divinity of Man will ordain anyone a min- ister, legally entitled to perform marriages, baptisms, other clergical functions, and, more importantly, to apply for a ministerial draft exemption. In early 1970, the church was formed in Ann Arbor with one of its expressed pur- poses as providing a legal alternative to being drafted. The church issues an ordainment cer- tificate and an identification card to its ministers. For an extra $5 donation, it will send a letter informing the minister's draft board of his clerical status. A ministerial exemption is generally granted only to applicants who spend 100 hours per month in religious work. However, there is no official definition of the term "religious work." "There is a group of people who have no intention of getting a ministerial deferment but are using this to go through a lengthy process of appeals," says Rev. Paul Kanter, who, with Gene Turpin and Richard Kuss- man, founded Church of the Divinity of Man. "While, they're appealing they can't be drafted. They hope that the draft law will expire within a year or, if they're 25, they know that when they turn 26 they will no longer be eligible for the draft," Kanter adds. Kanter emphasizes neither he nor his church advises men to avoid the draft. "A ant of pr n lp ln o hpn usi nag the huinr +- "Tremendous numbers of young peple feel that the church is no longer theirs, re- gardless of what church they bclong to," Kanter explains. "We wanted to establish a church that wasn't just engaged with mean- ingless ritual, but had a greater purpose to it." This belief is reflected in the church's bulletin of information, which states, "We encourage our ministers to examine and dis- cuss the great moral and ethical questions of our day in the light of their commitment to the above ideals (freedom, reverence for life, and brotherhood). We want our church to be involved in these questions, to be relevant to the people of our time, because a religion that is ?rrelevant is dead." WASHINGTON (/P)-The Internal Security Act of 1950, the U.S. counterpart of Can- ada's War Measures Act, was written in part by a young California congressman named Richard M. Nixon. Although some 2'0 years later his admin- istration has called for partial repeal of the measure, which was enacted in response to the Communist invasion of South Korea, it remains on the books. Under the act, President Nixon is ermpow- NOV. 3 GOAL ered in an "initial security emergency" to round up potential saboteurs and spies for incarceration in detention camps. That section of the law, known as the Emergency Detention Act, has never been invoked, and seven camps established around the country have been sold off or converted to other uses by the federal government. The Nixon administration, in seeking re- peal of the Emergency Detention Act, re- cently assured members of the House Com- mittee on Internal Security that "there is } considerable amount of statutory authority to protect the internal security interests of our country from sabotage and espionage or other similar attack." "Repeal of the act will not, of course, lessen the inherentaauthority of the Presi- dent under the war power to act to safe- guard the national security in times of peril from foreign aggression," .said Asst. Atty. Gen. J. Walter Yeagley, head of the Justice Department's internal security division. The first step in applying the act is a presidential declaration of an "internal security emergency.' In such an emergency, however, the presi- dent may order the attorney general to in- carcerate "each person as to whom there is reasonable ground to believe that such per- Students work in campaigns By HANNAH MORRISON Though disillusionment surrounds student political groups working toward the Nov. 3 election, their activities continue much as in past campaigns. Despite disparities in focus, meth- ods of campaigning and criteria for candidates, the pre- election pace is hectic for all. "I'm not sure that change will occur through the elec- toral system, but as long as it's in existence, we might as well try to get in a good candidate," says Arnie Braver, chairman of Students to Support Austin. Richard Austin, black candi- insists Bob Anderson, chairman of Students to Support Levin, Sander Levin is the Democratic candidate for governor,. Sue Lincoln, chairman of Students for. Hart, says she is "not optimistic about political i-eform, but it depends on the people you put in." Criteria for candidates are issue-oriented in each group. MNC's Semmel says, "It is mandatory that the people we back be 'correct' on the war and related subjects, as well as domestic issues such as civil rights, environment and consumer service. "He's got to be a maverick, a challenger to party leader- shin. somebody who's a bit crazy. We need. in short. more