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September 02, 1970 - Image 39

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-02

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* Wednesday, September Z, 1970


Student Life--Page Seven

~ Wednesday, September 2, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Student life-Page Seven

'U' a
A -word of warning to male
undergraduates: Don't forget
about the draft because it will
not forget about you.
The draft is a temporary real-
ity for the men of the nation-
-entering their lives on the dawn
of their 18th birthday-when all
males are temporarily at least,
1-A-and divinely disappearing
on their 26th.
The momentous draft lottery
of December, 1969, the first
draft lottery in 27 years, had a
dramatic effect on individuals,
but little on the Selective Serv-
ice system as a whole.
The process of fulfilling draft
quotas is a little more tidy now,
and lives are a bit more strictly
ordered. But the gist of the game
is the same.. Young men con-.
tinue to be called up to serve in
their country's armed forces.
The only real change is that
if you happen to be a male
whose lottery number was mira-
culously high, your Stay at the
University will probably not be
overshadowed by the selective
finger of Uncle Sam--and you
need read this article no fur-
If you ranked dangerously
low in the lottery, however, and

nd the draft:

The choice (?) is yours

are unable to get a physical or
mental deferment, you, as a
member of the educational elite
of the nation, have been given a
four year stay of execution-
time to study the draft alter-
Basically they are:
-Joining the Reserve Officer
Training Corps (ROTC) which
will earn you the rank of sec-
ond lieutenant at graduation;
-Submitting to the draft;
-Resisting; or
-Canada forever.
Technically there are 13 Se-
lective Service deferments in-
cluding those for physical or
mental disability, minister or
ministerial student, alien and
The most important to college.
students is the II-S.
A student enjoys a II-S de-
ferment as an undergraduate
only if he has requested such
deferment in writing and is sat-
isfactorily pursuing a full-time
course of instruction. The defer-
ment continues until he "com-
pletes the requirements for his
baccalaureate degree, fails to
pursue satisfactorily a full-time
course of instruction, or attains
the twenty-fourth anniversary
of the date of his birth, which-
ever first occurs."

A II-S deferment is also giv-
en to students pursuing a course
of graduate study in medicine,
dentistry, vetinary medicine, os-
teopathy, or optometry. The
1967 draft regulations provide
for mandatory II-S deferments
for graduate students "in such
order subjects necessary to the
maintenance of the national
health, safety, or interest . ."
If you are not one of the elect
studying to serve the nation's
"health, safety or interest," upon
graduation you may choose to
face the draft. Even then, a few
options are open.
If a draftee believes in the
Armed Forces and feels that a
strong army is necessary to
maintain peace, he may choose
the combatant position. War
may be wrong, hereasons, but
war is the lesser evil.
Some individuals accept mili-
tary force as a necessity yet
have scruples against taking an-
other man's life. If they are
willing to relieve the suffering
of the wounded, they may be
classified 1-A-O-a noncombant
C.O., and trained for medical
service duty, office work, or a
military band-none of which
involve weapons.
Another possibility for those
opposed to both combatant and
non-combatant classification is
"socially useful" service under
civilian direction.
Many who come under such
classification serve as hospital
attendants. Others are employed
by governmental or social wel-
fare agencies in the U.S. or over-
The best chances for being
granted such non-combatant

deferments come with request-
ing such classification #imme-
diately upon registering for the
draft. Those who realize only
upon receipt of an Order to Re-
port for Induction that they are
C.O.'s and refuse induction, may
face prosecution and a prison
sentence, 'although not inevit-
ably so.
There is always the possibili-
ty of getting an induction order
cancelled and a classification
reopened, or failing that, there
is still a slim chance of success-
fully defending oneself in court.
Then there are those who
stand up to the draft and say
simply, "I cannot comply."
A "non-cooperator" objects
either to the military system,
this war, or war in general and
refuses to comply with any draft
law. He refuses to accept either
civilian or military assignment.
The draft holds no exemption
for the non-cooperator. He faces
a maximum penalty of $10,000
fine and/or five years in prison.
A man failing his desired C.O.
classification, and refusing the
assignment given him, faces the
same penalties.
But, as one little yellow draft-
law pamphlet generously says,
"The non-cooperator can find
numerous opportunities with
fellow-prisoners - in recre-
ational work, education, letter
writing and fellowship."
- And one can always go North,
young man, go North. This de-
cision to leave the United States
and live in Canada (or another
country) is similar-to the deci-
sion made by many of our an-
cestors who left other countries

where they faced a system of
conscription they found objec-
tionable and came to the United
There is usually no difficulty
in entering Canada as a visitor
and then becoming a permanent
resident, even if one has com-
mitted a draft offense. No pass-
port is needed to enter as a
visitor, although it may be help-
ful later on.
An American charged with a
violation of Selective Service
law cannot be extradited by the
United States government from
Canada. due to two provisions
in the Canada-USA treaty, of
extradition. First, extradition is
limited to the crimes listed in
the treaty and draft offenses
are not included. Second, the
treaty provides that extradition
may not be granted unless the
crime is an offense in both coun-
tries and, as Canada has no
draft, draft refusal is not an of-
fense in Canada.
However, a man who enters
or remains in Canada in viola-
tion of Canadian immigration
law, if he is caught, could be re-
turned to the United States and
suffer the consequences of hav-
ing violated the draft law, after
facing prosecution in Canada for
violating immigration law.
If a draft violator returns to
the U.S., he can expect to be
indicted during the five years
following his violation, whether
he leaves the country before or
after he breaks the law. Once
indicted by a grand jury for a
draft offense, a man can always
be arrested, tried and, if con-
victed, imprisoned.

There are stil indictments
outstanding against men who
fled this country to avoid the
draft during World War II and
these men could be prosecuted
for draft refusal even now if
they returned to the U.S.
If a man is not indicted for a
draft offense within five years
of the time he committed it, the
statute of limitation ordinarily
forbids his indictment and
makes him safe from prosecu-
tion. A draft refuser who leaves
the country and later returns,
however, might not be safe from
prosecution even if the govern-
ment had neglected to indict
him within the five-year period
set in the statute.
A "draft dodger" who has re-
nounced citizenship or become a
naturailzed Canadian can re-
turn to the U.S. only as a visitor
-and maybe not even then.
Even as a visitor he can be de-
ported by the U.S. as an "un-
desirable" for having evaded the
draft. If he enters or remains in
the U.S. illegally he might be
prosecuted for violation of the
immigration law and then de-
A man who has violated the
draft law before he gives up his
citizenship can always be prose-
cuted for draft refusal, even if
he is permitted legal entrance
to the U.S.
There are various centers
across campus able and willing
to study individual draft pre-
dicaments and give legal advice.
The ultimate choice of course is
yours, and it may be the choice
of a life-time.

(also new books, paper, notebooks, supplies)

i - i

Religious groups remain active

Unlike so many religious or-
ganizations in the "outside
world," student religious groups
are among the most activist on
campus-in every way.
The Episcopalian affiliate -
Canterbury House - provides
space and support for activities
ranging from draft counseling
to guerrilla theatre.
And Canterbury House, along
with the Ark-which is con-
nected with several denomina-
Mons, chiefly the Methodist
Church-features some of the
best entertainment on campus.
There are also more tradition-
al student religious organiza-
tions on campus.
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foun-
datiops offers Jewish students
religious services, mixers,,classes
in Jewish studies, kosher meals,

and lectures, panels, and other
The Newman Center, the
Catholic organization, provides
masses, lecturers, and other ed-
ucational programs during the
The University provides its
own non-sectarian religious of-
fice, which also sponsors de-
bates, lectures, and a yearly re-
But the Office of Religious Af-
fairs has become primarily
known for counseling students
through all kinds of personal
problems, from the draft to
parenthood. Many of the stu-
dents who turn to the ORA are
agnostics and atheists who have
nowhere else to go.
The office also offers an ex-
tensive program of book discus-

sions, films and conferences
aimed at raising and discussing
religious and "value' issues rele-
vant to contemporary social and
political affairs.
And the ORA also functions
as an information center for
religious affairs, publishes a
monthly newsletter and other
materials, and maintains liaison
on behalf of the University with
religious professional agencies.
There are 35 religious centers
on campus encompassing:
The Assembly of God, Baha'i,
Baptist (American, Gen. Conf.
and Southern), Campus Crusade
for Christ, Catholic, Christian
(Disciples), Christian Reformed,
Christian Science, Congregation-
al, Eastern Orthodox, Episcopal,
Evangelical a n d Reformed,
Friends, Inter-Varsity Christian
Fellowship, Jewish, Latter Day

Saints, Liahona Fellowship,
Lutheran (ALC-LCA, Missouri
Synod, and Wisconsin Synod),
Mennonite, Muslim, U n I t e d
Methodist, Presbyterian, Re-
formed Church in America,
Seventh-Day Adventist, Unitar-
ian Universalist, Universal Life,
and United Church of Christ.
Courses in religion are avail-
able in several departments of
the University, giving elective
credit or leading to a major in
religion. Some of the courses
offered in the literary college
include Historical Background
to the Bible (Near Eastern 403-
404), Religion and Society (So-
ciology 455), Social and Religi-
ous Thought of Hebrew Prop-
hets (Near Eastern 503), Europe
in the Sixteenth Century (His-
tory 411) and Philosophy of Re-
ligion (Philosophy 480).

Some de-orientation
for the new student
Editorial Page Editor, 1969-70
What does an incoming freshman at the University need
most to help get him get started?
The answer, quite unescapably, is a good deal of de-orienta-
tion. What with nitwit .high school guidance counselors, well-
meaning but comically misinformed parents, the often hyper-
bolic acquaintances already at college, rah-rah orientation
leaders, and jaundiced alumni like myself, there is only one way
to characterize ,all the "good advice" foisted upon the new stu-
dent: Bulishit.
Parents and teachers who attended college at least twenty
years ago are not qualified 'to give advice about college. Things
have changed so drastically since then that tjmeir own experi-
ences are as relevant aslast year's calendar. The climate of the
University has changed so much during the four years 'that
I spent here that I offer my own observations only with the con-
dition that they be read as an historical monograph of one
man's experiences and then disregarded.
When Sartre says, "Man has no essence," is -not -this non-
essence a kind of essence in itself? Yes. When someone else says,
"Take nobody's advice," isn't that a form of advice? Sure; But
this only points up the magnitude of the problem. Just what-does
one say about going to college for four years? We must keep in
mind that things are not true or false, but rather as poet Robert
Bly says, "just very interesting." College is not going to be some-
thing that is true or false, important or. irrelevant, fun or dif-
ficult. It's just very Interesting.
But let's start getting de-oriented. Admit it-"nihilism" is
not a naughty word. "Nihilists" are not bad people. Mayor Daley
says nihilists don't plant trees-they just cut them down. So
what? After a fire burns down a building or a country, do you
start constructing the new structure right away? Of course not.
You clear the ground first. When you build a new consciousness
do you start right away? No, you clear the ground. So let's clear
the ground of a lot of nonsense that people traditionally bring
to college with them.
The "College is Hard" myth
Teachers and parents tell junior that at college a "C" is a
good grade.- Even students who did "A" work in high school
should expect a good many "C's" at college, they say. Someone
gave the folks a good snow job. It is usually the case that "B"
is the average, and "A's" certainly are within. reach of almost
every student here.
This myth at least shows signs of disappearing among the
residents of the University community. During the first of a long
series of unproductive academic counseling sessions, my cou'-
selor looked at my record.and told me I could expect to do "C"
work at the University. I just laughed at him. I had been a high
school valedictorian-which really was irrelevant, but my naivete
proved more sound than his years of experience with the Uni-
versity. I idled away my first semester and still managed a 3.75.
Other students who did poorer than I in high school did far
beter than I in college. This myth, I repeat, is finally being
exposed, but it is by no means dead.
The "two for one" myth
This one has a long and, I suspect, still unended existence
both in the minds of high school and University instructors, It
goes something like this: "For every hour you spend in class, you
will need to devote two hours of study to assimilate all the
material." This would.result in a forty-five hour work week.
Now some students do spend this much time on academic mat-
ters. But the majority do very well with considerably less. In
fact, many people study almost zilch and do exceptionally well.
Forget all plans you have made to chain yourself to.your
desk. Your "real" education can be much more interesting.
The "student as stenographer" myth
Another biggie. How many times have you heard that taking
good lecture notes is a matter of life or death? I even took a
quasi-shorthand course in high school to prepare myself for the
verbatim transcription of profound ideas. Clearly a waste of
time. This transcendence assigned to the role of notetaking is
ludicrous. Students very often learn two things: first, lecture
notes are unimportant, and second, lectures are unimportant.
Usually the modicum of the assigned reading is all that's neces-
sary to get through. Besides, you can always make friends with
someone in class on the first day and get his notes xeroxed very
cheaply at the student store in the Union before exams.
The college radical as "evil" myth
This one's true. Your folks, whether they voted for Hubs
or Dick and Spiro, have probably admonished you about con-
srting with these hippie-freak-radicals. Father knows best. Cam-
pus militants are not nice people. They are not idealistic. They
are arrogant, if not downright rude. I find that Nicholas von
Hoffman's characterization is most apt: "We are the people

our parents warned us about." Criminals. Dope addicts. Com-
munists. It's true. They're right here. And you can't be one, I
hope you'll know some. It's all very interesting.
The "sex and the single quaddie" myth
The University is a bastion of permissive sex. Right? Many
of you new students panting in anticipation are going to be
disappointed. Sure, the sexual climate is better here than back
home in Muskogee, Oklahoma, but it has been grossly over-
rated. In pure quantitative terms that there is little per capital
difference between what passes for "liberation" in Ann Arbor
and what is caled "promiscuity" in Muskogee.
Radical sex critics such as Norman 0. Brown and Herbert
Marcuse would be very disapponted in the permissiveness of the
University community. President Fleming would not permit con-
ventios facilities to Gay Liberation because, as he reminds us,
homosexuality is against the law. This attitude is the real story.
To the best of my knowledge, examples of "polymorphus perver-
sity" are few and far between. To repeat: the permissiveness of
this place is seriously exaggerated. If you seek sexually unsatis-
fied people, look about you.
The list of myths is, of course, inexhaustible. But these few
should be enough to show you that your conceptions about this
place had better start from scratch.
But don't be too hard on the people who have passed these
myths down to you. Their existence as myths has served a very
important purpose, at least to my generation. By seeing the
ridiculous gulf between what college is supposed to be and what
it actually is, we came naturally and easily to the scepticism to
prepare ourselves for the more profound and not so amusing lies.
Decovering and debunking the college myths made it much
more explainable how the "greatest country on earth" can wage
imperialism overseas and racism and repression at home. All in
the name of freedom and justice. It's not so surprising. We
should have expected it.



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Photo-Richard Lee



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