Jury indicts 25 Kent protesters, exonerates Guard By The Associated PresĀ§ A special state grand jury yesterday exonerated National Guard troops who fired on students during a Kent State University campus riot last May in which four students were killed. The jury indicted 25 persons whose identities were withheld pending arrest. Jurors said National Guardsmen, whose fire killed four students, were not subject to criminal prosecution, and they accused the university administration of being overly intent with radical elements. The Justice Department is "evaluating" the grand jury report, a spokesman for Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell said yesterday. The department, which conducted its own investigation of the fatal shooting of four students May 4, has been withholding a decision on possible federal action until the jury reported. Craig Morgan, Kent student body presi- dent, said he was contacted last night by attorney William Kunstler. Morgan said that Kunstler, who defended the Chicago Seven, had said he would conduct -a co- ordinated defense program for all 25 per- sons indicted "to make sure that research, press relations, financial aid and attorneys could be shared." The report brought angry reaction from parents of the deadistudents. Bernard Mil- ler, of Plainfield, N.Y., wlose 20-year-old son Jeffrey was killed, said: "You mean you can get away with murder in this country?" And a member of the President's Com- mission on Campus Unrest, James F. Ahern, who is police chief of New Haven, Conn., said the grand jury's findings were "inconsistent with the facts" presented to his commission. The grand jury report broke sharply with the commission's report, which charged guardsmen with firing "indiscriminately" May 4 and said the deaths were "unwar- ranted and inexcusable." .The grand jury concluded weapons used by guardsmen were inappropriate for quelling campus disorders, but disagreed with those advocating that troops not be issued live ammunition.' The jury report capped four weeks of testimony received from more than 300 witnesses. It said the university adminis- tration had "fostered an attitude of laxity, over-indulgence and permissiveness with its students and faculty to the extent that it can no longer regulate the activities of either. .." While they did not condone all activity by the guard on the campus, jurors said guardsmen involved in the shooting "fired their weapons in the honest and sincere belief and under circumstances which would have logically caused them to believe that they would suffer serious bodily injury had they not done so." "They are not subject to criminal prose- cution under the laws of this state for any death or injury resulting therefrom," the report added. The jury said guardsmen involved in the shooting "were on the defensive and had every reason to be concerned for their own welfare." During the period immediately before the shooting, the jury said, several guards- men "were knocked to the ground or to their knee by the force of the objects ' thrown at them." Verbal abuse by students at guardsmen, the jurors said, ''represented a level of obscenity and vulgarity which we have never before witnessed." The jury also criticized university policy "to routinely grant official recognition to every group that makes application. The See JURY, Page 10 /I ReEGENTAL VIEW OF THE HEARING See Editorial Page Y Ak z~lar i!Iait& NIPPY High-55 Law--35 Fair to partly cloudy Vol. LXXXI, No. 39 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, October 17, 1970 Ten Cents Ten Pages Regents reject plan for '-backed child center No response given on TU, SSAW proposals By HESTER PULLING Citing shortages in funding and facilities, the Regents yesterday rejected plans for University financing of a free, 24-hour child-care center. The proposals were brought to the Regents by the Child Care Action Group of Women's Liberation during Thursday's open hearing. Since its organization eight months ago, the group has been pressing the University for what it calls a "positive response to child care." No action was taken on the Tenants Union's (TU) request on Thursday for regental commitment to build single student; * * * * * * * * *C * * * Canada 'bans Q suspends * *0 liberties, nFront u~bec Liberati( ,* 4 low-cost housing, nor did the Regents take formal action on eight demands presented by the Students to Support the Auto Workers (SSAW). R egent hits However, after the meeting, Re- gent R ob e rt Nederlander (D- I Flushing) said, "These were legi- timate requests, although we ob- COnauC a . viously did not have time to con- sider them all. We may have an * answer on them next month but Swe'll have to wait for the admin- pen y ession istration to assemble the neces- sary information on these re- quests." The text of Regent Linde- Though describing the child mer's speech is printed on to- huhdsrbn h hl care proposal as a "laudable ob- day's editorial page. jective," Regent William Cudlip (R-Detroit) said, "We are just an By CARLA RAPOPORT arm or agency of the state and Charging their manner was quite dependent upon the taxpay- "raucous" and "insulting", Regent, ers for our support." Lawrence Lindemer (R-Stock- Mentioning the "millions of le-I bridge) yesterday attacked t h e gitimate demands" made upon the conduct of a portion of the stu- Regents by various groups, Cudlip dents who attended the Regents added, "It is simply a case of no open hearing Thursday. resources for this fine purpose." At Thursday's hearing in the Citing a "tight money situa- Michigan Union Ballroom, mem- tion," President Robben Fleming bers of the audience consistently said, "We have not had any funds interrupted President Robben identified which can be used for Fleming and Regent Paul Goebel full-time funding of a child care (R-Grand Rapids). center." A motion to reject the proposal At yesterday's Regents meeting,E passed with Regent Gerald Dunn Lindemer said he felt communica- (D-Flushing) dissentingand Ned- tions between students and Re- erlander abstaining. gents had broken down as a result Although different organizations of thehearing and expressed re- have raised the question ofechild luctance to participate in-future care at the University over the hearings, past two years, not until Women's Saying past hearings had-im- Liberation members formed the proved communications between Child Care Action Group did the the Regents and the University question become a major issue. community, Lindemer denounced LastMarch, the group approached Thursday's proceedings, remark- several administrators, including ing, "Real commuhication cannot Barbara Newell, then acting vice be fostered by rudeness, loud noise, president for student affairs, and or physical pressure." President Fleming. After several meetings w i t h Lindemer said the rest of the Newell and Fleming, a committee student body would have "ex- to study the feasibility of a Uni- pressed disgust" at the conduct versity-supported child care center of the nearly 40 students who, he was established in late March. said, disrupted the meeting. Earlier investigations for child "Because of the noise and or- care facilities by Newell and the ganization. those few give to the action group resulted in requests for space at the University School student body a reputation not de- which was to close that June. served," he added. See REJECT, Page 10 Rebellion threat cited; 250 j'ailed in province OTTAWA (R--The Canadian government invoked the War Measures Act yesterday,, suspending many civil liberties and outlawing the Quebec Liberation Front (FLQ). Police, in a wide sweep across Quebec province, arrested more than 250 persons. The War Measures Act gives the government emergency power to censor and suppress publications, make arrests .without following normal procedures, and control virtually all aspects of the nation's economy. It has never before been invoked in peacetime. Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who comes from Quebec, declared the FLQ posed the threat of insurrection and was trying clandestinely to destroy the nation's social structure. _~ -Associated Press -Associated TROOPS WEARING GAS MASKS and with fixed bayonets (left) go through training exercises yesterday at the Canadian Forces east of Montreal. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Trudeau, right, who called up the troops, reads his notes as he prepares to meet members of Parliament to explain why he invoked the War Measures Act. SIX-WEEK DISPUTE ENDS: 'U', Soistis sign five-yeai By EUGENE ROBINSON month by the newly formed University officials yesterday Friends of Solstis, Inc. The cor- gave their approval to the con- poration was formed in compli- tinuation of the experimental Sol- ance with conditions the Univer- stis School on University-owned sity set for use of the property. property. The property in question, a wooden house at 706 Oakland, was Director of Business Operations leased to Solstis at the beginning James Brinkerhoff said a five- of the summer for a three-month year lease has been signed by period. The school offered an in- both parties. Members of the Sol- novative section of courses for stis staff could not be reacned fors comment yesterday. junior and senior high school ;Au- The lease was prepared last dents. STATE GAME TO BE PLAYED Judge By TAMMY JACOBS The Michigan State game will be played today, despite an at- tempt to obtain a preliminary ijunctionbtonclose Michigan Stadium. At a hearing yesterday in Washtenaw County Circuit Court, JudgeRoss W. Camp- bell ruled that there was not "sufficient evidence" of a pub- lic nuisance to warrant issuance of a restraining order. However, plaintiff Joel Block, a former Daily sports editor, savs th deeisin will h a n- refuses grid injunction When the lease expired, the University refused to renew it. Of- ficials claimed the house was too old and dilapidated to meet build- ing code standards, and were re- luctant to invest the money need- ed to update it. After a vigorous petition cam- paign in support of the school, University officials agreed to re- new the building's lease if Solstis agreed to assume full liabilities for the property. Incorporation was suggested as a possible solu- tion. Until recently, it was unclear whether Solstis could assume full responsibility for the property under its organized corporation. However, according to Brinker- hoff, "The lease was changed somewhat so that the 'Friends of Solstis, Inc. is the operating en- tity of the property." A branch of the Project Com- munity-formerly University tu- torial-Solstis began as an experi- ment in unstructured learning. Courses rely heavily on "self-im- posed" discipline rather than the discipline of prescribed classes, and one of the major aims of the school is student- teacher coopera- tion in the determination of edu- cational goals. The entire program of more than 80 courses has been planned by students, instructors and staff. *lease The University claimedt jor faults of the building its basic unsound structur the house would have to b fied, said officials, to comp fire codes and the city c quirement that all new buildings have only one f The University estimal cost of repairing the buil $8,500. School members cal figure ridiculous, estimati a much lower figure would to make the house comp all existing building codes Sept. 6 was judged a public nuisance, and an injunction against it was obtained by a Jackson County prosecutor. Explaining his decision, Camp- bell said he did not feel the two cases were analogous because "there is no evidence of the public sale of drugs," at Mich- igan Stadium, as there h a d been at an earlier Goose Lake festival in August, and t h a t police protection is more read- ily available at Michigan Stad- ium than at Goose Lake. Calling the games at Michi- He announced regulations pro- viding five years in jail for any- one even assisting a member of the front. The organization, which con- demns the capitalist structure and seeks to make a separate nation of Quebec, was responsible for last d Press week's kidnapings of a British dip- Base lomat and a Quebec Cabinet mm- with ister. FLQ has an estimated 2,000 members. -" Among those arrested were Mi- chael Chartrand, outspoken lead- er of the 67,000-member Montreal Central Council of the Confedera- tion of National Trade Unions, and three prominent separatists, Charles Gagnon, Pierre Vallieres and Jacques Larue-Langlois. The three spoke Thursday night at a student rally supporting the po- the ma- litical aims of the FLQ-independ- lay in ence for Quebec. e. Also, e modi- In a nationwide radio-television ply with address last night, Trudeau told ode re- Canadians the government had in- school voked the "distasteful," extraor- loor. dinary powers because the nation's ted the criminal law "as it stands is sim- ding at ply not adequate to deal with sys- led this tematic terrorism." .ng that The terrorists "have in their g suhaicpossession a considerable amount suffice of dynamite," the prime minister ly with said, and the threat they pose "is See CANADA, Page 10 warns against vigilante law INDIANAPOLIS (A) - Private citizens might resort to vigilante tactics to defend themselves from the violent attacks of America's revolutionary 'groups, Attorney General John Mitchell said yes- terday. Mitchell told a news conference he saw no possibility of 'this coun- try invoking the type of emer- gency powers that Canada turned to yesterday in combatting ter- rorist separatists in Quebec. "If there is any danger, it might be that the society itself might take it upon itself to defend itself agaisnt some of these attacks," Mitchell said.."That would be an area of danger that I do not see at the present time, but could possibly come about." He said if bombing attacks con- tinued in, this country, "Citizens outside of government might feel theywould have to 'resort to the vigilante tactics that have been See VIGILANTE, Page 10 Mitchell a public nuisance on several counts. Among the incidents, he list- ed the sale of marijuana, as- saults on vendors, obscenity, petty thievery, use of alcohol by minors, unsupervised pets and children, ticket scalpers, noise, litter, and traffic congestion. Roderick Daane, defending the University, called the suit a "patently frivious lawsuit" and said that "nothing would be a greater absurdity than to grant the plaintiff a preliminary in- junction." case for a permanent injunction would be successful. Campbell, in stating his de- cision. agreed with Daane that an injunction is an extreme ac- tion, and "there must be a sub- stantial injury and an irrepar- able injury, not just the alle- gation that there has been or wil be an injury," to grant a restraining order. He added that according to Krasny's affidavit, police take "approximately ten" persons in- to custody at each game a n d charge "approximately one ,,r " fth s ltr river blasts Nixon on Corps By MARK DILLEN and BOB SCHREINER Former Peace Corps director Sargent Shriver yesterday blamed a lack of direction in the Corps on the Nixon administration whose actions he termed "a war on the youth of this nation." Shriver, former ambassador to France and first director of the Peace Corps, addressed about 300 students on the steps of the Michigan Union, commemorating a speech proposing the Peace Corps made there ten years ago by the late President Kennedy. Shriver was in Ann Arbor to campaign for