HEW REPORT ON WOMEN See Editorial Page Y liAfr 74IattM FROSTY High-47 Low-2 8" Fair and cooler; precipitation unlikely Vol LXXXI, No. 38 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 16, 1970 Ten Cents Ten Pages VOTE NEXT WEEK: OSS debates recruiting By GERI SPRUNG The Office of Student Services (OSS) Policy Board con- tinued discussion last night on the subject of corporate re- cruiting on campus. Although no action was taken on the recruiting question, several motions were presented and a vote on the motions is expected next week. The board, composed of four faculty and five student members, determines the policies of OSS, advising Vice Presi- dent for Student Services Robert Knauss. Board members made clear that any decisions they might make are binding only on the OSS Placement Service and not on any of the other placement services of the University. ---- - However, the members said Issues aired at Regents o pen'session By HESTER PULLING Drawing jeers, applause and Yippie whoops from a pre- dominantly student audience of over 4250, spokesmen from five student organizations held open discussions with the Regents yesterday afternoon in the Michigan Union Ballroom. Representatives from the Tenants Union (TU), Students -Daily-John Broder to Support the Auto Workers (SSAW), Gay Liberation Front (GLF), Radical Lesbians and the Child Care Action Group spoke to the Regents, asking for "a response and a commit- ment" to their proposals. However, there was little direct regental response to the students' demands. "The Regents need time to consider your proposals," said President Robben Fleming, who chaired the meeting. "They have been* - Quebec proposes ew ecange MONTREAL (RP) - The govern- ment of Quebec offered last night to release five "political prisoners" among 23 whose freedom was de- manded by terrorists holding as hostages a kidnaped B r i t i s h envoy and a provincial cabinet minister. The government, in what is called its "ffinal position," also said it would give safe conduct to the French-Canadian separatists who kidnaped the' two men 1 a s t week. It said it would provide a plane to fly the kidnapers and the five prisoners to the country of their choice. The kidnapers had demanded that 23 prisoners be freed a n d flown to Cuba or Algeria and that the government pay $500,000 in gold. The government of Quebec Pre- mier Robert Bourassa said it re- jected all other demands of the abductors. The government, state- ment did not say which five pri- soners it would release from the list of 23 that included three men convicted of murder and serving life sentences. The crisis over the kidnapings led Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau to cancel a scheduled visit to Moscow Thursday and army troops moved into Montreal to reinforce police. Earlier this week, troops were dispatched to the federal capital of Ottawa to increase protection for government leaders from the French-Canadian terrorist c e 11l s demanding Quebec's independ- fence. Reports said some c a b i n e t ministers prevailed upon Trudeau not to leave Canada at a time when decisions might have to be made quickly. Robert Lemieux, a Montreal lawyer named by the kidnapers to ,q negotiate with the government, earlier accused. Quebec authori- ties of stalling and said he was "a bit pessimistic." He also said he had unconfirmed' information that Quebec police had discovered the location of thej that their decision could in- fluence policies of other Uni- versity offices. l The original motion was that no corporation that operates ac- cording to the Republic of South Africa's apartheid policies should be permitted to use University re- cruiting facilities. This motion stemmed from a presentation of the Brain Mistrust (BMT), a ra- dical research organization. BMT alleged that all corpora- tions that operate according to these policies practice blatant discrimination. In doing so, BMT said, these corporations violate University policy which bans any corporation which "discriminates against any person because of race, color, creed, sex, religion or national origin, from using Uni- versity facilities."s The motion aeend the OSS Board to establish some kind of investigatory procedures to deter- mine if any of the corporations recruiting on campus that do operate in South Africa follow apartheid policies. If they are found guilty of discrimination, then they would not be permitted to recruit using campus facili- ities . A second separate motion states that any one of the 250 corpora- tions operating in South Africa be automatically -.banned from using campus facilities to recruit. This motion presupposes t h a t any corporation that operates in South Africa does follow the apar- theid policies, because if it did not, the South African govern- ment would not permit them to stay there. Thus no investigatory procedures would be necessary. A third motion extended the ori- ginal one to forbid any corpora- tion operating according to dis- criminatory policies of o t h s r i nations besides South Africa to use the University's recruiting fa- cilities. A fourth motion was that all recruiting be banned.m s According to University policy, anyone can present a petition of one per cant of the student body requesting that a particular cor- poration that recruits on campus attend an open forum on their policies. The company has the op- tion to refuse to come. A fifth motion up before the Board states that any company petitioned to come to a forum must come.1 The final motion presented at last night's meeting modifies the1 ~ bus in meetings all day long <& "°and will need more time be- fore they are able to respond." fi The first student speaker - SSAW membr Frank Shoichet - condemned the University as the EAC NT s U:rB r( )y ry '"protector of the interests of ) en hGeneral Motors and other man- agement corporations." As examples of University and industry ties, Shoichet cited t h e Regents' decision last fall to vote the University's GM stock with management and against Cam- r. x{"paign GM, the fact that two Re- ' gents are employed by General Motors, and the "hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of re- ' search contracts the University -Daily-Randy Edmonds has with auto companies to do REGENT LAWRENCE LINDEMER and Tenants Union coordinator Steve Burghardt (top) face off at yesterday's Regents open hearing. " 'confidential social and market Regent Paul Goebel (below) denounces the conduct of the stude nts at the hearing and announces he will not attend any more of the manipulation research." sessions. President Robben Fleming and Regents Gerald Dunn, Lawrence Lindenmer and William Cudlip (seated, left to right) look on. Shoichet then presented eight -------- -- --____- --_-__ __-_-_-____ dem ands to the Regents. These FATE OF STATE GAME CONSIDER.ED: -nldAll requests for additional financial aid for dependants of - striking GM workers and o t h e r s- I Court to hear grid injunction laid off by thes -The Univev creased corporal ther means ofe tal burden on t By JONATHAN MILLER The fate of the annual Michi- gan-Michigan State football classic will be decided today in Washtenaw County Circuit Court in a hearing on a request for an injunction to bar the game. The case, brought against the Regents of the University and others by former Daily sports edi- tor Joel Block, closely parallels the one used to prevent a rock festival, at Goose Lake over the L a b o r Day weekend. If granted, the motion would have the effect of preventing any more football games from being held In Michigan Stadium, the largest college-owned stadium in the world. In a motion presented to the circuit court last week. Block al- leged that football games in t h e stadium are a public nuisance on a number of counts. In affidavits attached to t h e motion, several local residents charged that public drinking of alcohol by both adults and min- ors, the smoking of marijuana and inadequate sanitary facilities are all commonplace at football games. Additionally it is charged that the huge volume of traffic con- stitutes a menace. One affidavit tells of an ambulance unable toj mnake headway through the crowds at the Texas A&M game played two weeks ago. Allegations of long lines at con- cession stands and physical vio- lence within the body of the crowd are also made in some of the af- fidavits. Block says that he has only the public interest at heart in filing the motion. "I enjoy football games and rock festivals," said Block. "A few so-called law 'and order politicians in this state have, however, out- Schools, government disagree on scholarship cut-off reasons By MARK DILLEN the cause of terminating the aid' Despite recent reports that more was that students had graduated, than 400 students nation-wide not participated in protests. Front's Chenier cell, which kid- previous motion to read that any 4 naped Quebec Labor Minister company that has operations in Pierre Laport Saturday. South Africa must come to an Of the 23 persons that the open forum before being allowed Front demands be released, three to use University recruiting facil- are serving life for murder, 10 are ities. serving various terms for terror- It was also announced t h a t ists acts, two are awaiting sen- G neral Motors will be here for a tencing and eight are awaiting forum on its policies within the trial. next two weeks. have had federal aid cut off in the past year for involvement in pro- tests, in many cases the cause of the termination is unclear. In a statement yesterday, the Office of Education said 434 stu- dents at 86 colleges and universi- ties had lost federal aid because they participated in campus dis- orders during the past year. At least some of the schools involved, however, have indicatedi Amendments to federal educa- tion acts give schools the power to revoke federal aid to students if they are found to have partici- pated in disruptions. Although the amendments did not specify, most officials, including those at the University, have interpreted the law to require conviction of a stu- dent in a civil court before aid can be revoked. In the statement, which was FISHBOWL PICKET One against the 'U' first made public Sept. 23 by Rep., Edith Green (D-Ore) in the Con- gressional R e c o r d, three state schools were among the 86 listed as having .terminated federal aid to students for their disruptive activities - Muskegon Business College, Northwood Institute and Mid-Michigan Business College. Muskegon Business College, con- tacted soon after Green made her speech, said the students men- tioned had graduated, and that this was the cause of the aid cut- off. The officials speculated that the government made errors in compiling the information, which is included in a yearly report every school makes to the govern- ment. Officials at the other schools said they knew of no instance where their schools had revoked aid to a student for his participa- tion in a disruptive activity. Green could not be reached for comment yesterday on the appa- rent discrepancies. Leading the list of aid cut-offs which the Congressional Record reported were Florida Keys Jun- ior College with 39; Arkansas Ag- ricultural Mechanical and Normal College, 38; Draughton's Business College in Kentucky, 28; and South Dakota State College, 26. Green chided the University and the University of Wisconsin along with other schools for not revoking aid. "The institutions with the greatest disturbances did the least in terminating federal assistance," she said. !awed rock festivals under the the strikers; public nuisance law. -The Univers "If they really are interested in products and re law and order they would get rid cruiters on ca of large football games using the company that is same law," he continues. -The Unive "This is not an act of political investigate and folly, it is rather a conscious act to companies that protect the people of this country, gage in "system both young and old, from the pub- and racial dis lic scenes of drunkeness and the then refuse the hazards of large uncontrollable mission to recru crowds of people, and traffic," he The next spe said. man Dave Chris Block says he would "rather Regents for a co not" speculate on the chances of singletstudent winning the action in court today At last month's but Wolverine coach Glenn "Bo" TU members pi Schembechler is not concerned as proposal and w Universities attorneys ready their back with "cone case in preparation for today's the subject. courtroom battle. The Tenants gave each Rege I have not thought anything housing and pR about it," he said last night, "allh snundt asa"solution to I'm worried about is beating Mich- aeama" These ste igan State." -The Univer Athletic Director Donald Can- versity Golf Co ham, named as a co-defendant in used Residentia the suit, echoed Schembechler. Fuller Rd. as "The Universities attorney will student and com handle it, I'm going to worry about units; beating Michigan State," he said. -The plannii Informed legal opinion among 5,000 units be several law professors contacted mediately as a yesterday was unanimous in the solution to the belief that the motion to bar foot- -The Resourc ball games at the stadium would mittee be given1 fail. the constructioi One professor noted that the and case "was a pretty clever move." -Tn both the He said that he was pleased not ing stages, the to be sitting on the case as it dent and commu raises several legal questions. Responding Donald Koster, Block's attorney Union's demand in the case would say only that Robert Knauss, "we'll be there today at 2 p.m.," student services declining to make any further taken by the h( statements. See REGE SittingIn1 By ART LERNER Those who remember Engineering Placement Service Director John Young as the professor who accused former student Bob Parsons of striking him during a protest against a General Electric recruiter on campus last spring, may not think of Young as much of a political ac- tivist. But they may be in for a surprise. Young has just completed two weeks of sit- ting-in at his church, Ann Arbor's First Pres- byterian, along with other supporters of the Rlnrk 1rnnnmir ,- P nhDpnnmr n g+ Trni una i_ ll- strike be honored; sity lobby for in- te taxation as ano- easing the financ- he University and sity boycott all GM efuse to allow re- mpus from a n y being struck; and rsity immediately determine which recruit here en- atic acts of sexual scrimination" and se companies per- uit on campus. eaker, TU spokes- tteller, pressed the, mmitment to build low-cost housing. Regents meeting resented a similar ere asked to come cret°" proposals on Union yesterday nt information on roposed four steps the housing prob- ps include': rsity use the Uni- urse and the un- al College site on housing sites for amunity apartment ng and building of undertaken im- partial long term problem; ce Allocation Com- the job of funding n of these units; planning and liv- nousing be resi- unity controlled. to the Tenants ds, Fleming asked vice president for i to indicate steps ousing office. ENTS, Page 7 w itb unit votes welfre aid By ART LERNER The governing board of the Ann Arbor First Presbyterian Church voted Wednesday night to recom- mend to its congregation that it pledge a goal of $60,000 to the Interfaith Coalition of Churches. The action received amixed re- sponlse from the county B1ack, Economic Development League (BEDL) and Welfare Rights Or- ganization (WRO) whose sup- porters have been sitting-in at the church for the past two weeks. BEDL-WRO has little confi- dence in the coalition, formed by area churches to meet the needs of 'the county's poor and inare- sponse to the BEDL-WRO sit-in campaign. BEDL-WRO leaders contend that funds should be granted di- rectly to thei r organization, in line with the self-determination aspect of their program. BEDL vice president H ank Bryant said yesterday that t h e recommendation was "better then the church's response last month, but still kind of a bummer.'' BEDL-WRO has been fighting. a series of court battles centering around legal actions taken by the church to bar protesters. As the board met Wednesday night, 20 First Presbyterian con- gregants held a pray-in to show their support of BEDL's demands that the church pledge money di- rectly to BEDL-WRO. The governing board's sugges- tion, which passed by a one vote margin, w i 11 be voted on at a meeting of the entire congrega- tion on October 25. The suggested pledge funds could come from special subscrip- tions from members or from church investments funds. "Although t h e sit-in :;at First Presbyterian ended Wednesday night, we're going to keep on mov- ing a n d being mobile," Bryant says. "BEDL-WRO is going to con- tinue to hit churches," he says. "For the churches that expect us, the best thing to do is to start things rolling before we get there." According to Bryant, other area churches are working out ap- proaches to BEDL-WRO's de- mands quietly, so the churches' right wing (members) will not be spurred to mobilize.", Over a half-dozen local churches and synagogues have been oc- cupied at one time or another over the last, six weeks by BEDL- WRO members to dramatize their demands. By W. E. SCHROCK For the past four days a soli- tary protester has stood in front of the Fishbowl for up to five hours a day with a slight smile and a sign reading "Take mid- terms, oppress yourself." Passersby are curious about Chuck Altman, '72 RC, and his one-man demonstration. "Most of the time people just smile; some hours it's incred- ible," says Altman. Many also respond with a friendly "Right on!" Altman does not bother peo- ple with leaflets or stop them to deliver polemics on academ- people in your class to say they won't, and tell the professor. He's got to be one hell of a, guy to give everyone E's," Alt- man responds. "Good, good," replies the stu- dent as he walks toward t h e Fishbowl. Altman says his campaign is "not only against midterms, it's against anything that has a grade attached." University edu- cation would be better, he be- lieves, if professors gave all A's or all courses were pass- fail. Altman seems involved in other issues. as well. saving he Young Young believes that he is involved in some- thing that is "right." Speaking as a layman in the Presbyterian Church, Young says, "We've done the best we could, not what we should have done." The governing board of the church, voted Wednesday night to suggest to the congregation it pledge a goal of $60,000 to the Interfaith Coalition of Churches which was formed in re- sponse to the BEDL-WRO campaign. "BEDL-WRO feels that the grant of the money to the coalition would be somewhat of a loss." Young says, because BEDL-WRO leaders