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3k~A6 riga
Rain, clearing
in afternoon
Vol. LXXXI, No. 36
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 14, 1970
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Fleming over r
Protesting the presence on
campus of a job recruiter from
Dow Chemical Co., about 50
people led by Students for a
Democratic Society yesterday
staged a sit-in at the office of
President Robben Fleming.
Earlier, 85 demonstrators picket-
ed inside the West Engineering
Bldg., where the Dow recruiter
was holding job interviews.
In their recent campaign against
Dow, the protesters have demand-
ed that recruiters from the com-
pany be barred from the Univer-
sity, and have charged Dow with
racialdand sexualdiscrimination,
genocide, imperialism, and con-
tributing to environmental decay.
In addition, they have cited
University rules which, they say,
prohibit job recruiting by corpora-
tions which practice sexism or
Fleming met briefly with the
protesters as they sat-in outside
his office in the Administration
Bldg. advising to bring their de-
mands to Vice President for Stu-
dent Services Robert Knauss and
administrators of the engineering
The protesters already met with
these officials last Friday.
In addition to calling on Flem-
ing to ban Dow recruiters from
the University, the demonstrators
called for the establishment of an
investigative board to screen cor-
porations before they are allowed
to use University facilities to re-
cruit employes.I
The group suggested that cri-
- teria for approval of a corpora-
tion include the extent to which
the corporations:
-Discriminate against womenI
and members of minority groups;
-Participate in imperialism;
-Have an educational value in
their on-campus activities.
Two uniformed city policemen
and several plainclothesmen_ from}
the city PoliceeDepartment and
the University security office ob-
served the demonstration in the
West Engineering Bldg., which was
generally peaceful.
When the protesters entered the
building they were chanting slo-
gans, and an official warned them
that they were in violation of a
University rule prohibiting the de-
privation of "needed heat and
quiet" to members of the Univer-
sity community.
They ceased chanting and be-1
gan running through the build-
ing, until a police officer stood in
the hallway outside the offices of
the Engineering Placement Serv-
ices to stop them.
Several p r o t e s t e r s brushed
See 50 CONFRONT, Page 2
Charging the University with inequities in its hiring
policies, the Department of Health; Education and Welfare
has given the University 30 days to submit an affirmative
action program to promote equal employment opportunities
for women.
In a letter dated Oct. 6, Don F. Scott, civil rights specialist
in the HEW Chicago regional office said an affirmative ac-
tion program "must be submitted to this office within 30
days" for evaluation to determine if it appears "acceptable
and responsive to the problems we have identified."
In response, President Robben Fleming has assured HEW
of an immediate analysis of the situation and the develop-
ment of a revised affirmative action program. But, he said,
"it would seem unlikely that -
an affirmative program of the "
kind you envision could be
generated within 30 days,
e te assuming we were in
"It is probable that there will
be points of disagreement between
us, some of which may be ser-
Fleming declined to release the
HEW report but said it noted cas-
es where women with college de- NEW YORK AP)--Angela Davis,
grees were put into job classifi- the controversial UCLA professor
cations lower than some occupied who was fired because of her
by men without college degrees. Communist party membership, was
Reliable sources said yesterday arrested by FBI agents here last
that the report also relied heav- night in connection with the
ily on statistical data showing the shooting of a judge and three
proportionately low numbers of others in California last August.
women in higher ranking jobs. Davs 6,isaleged
According to University person- Dais,6,iedtewaslleed itohe
nel statistics only 4.8 per cent of supepedtheeponruedconinte
University professorial staff a r e atmtt retrecnit
women. Forty per cent of the in- undergoing trial in San Rafael.
structors and 25 per cent of the Folowing the shootings, Davis
teaching fellows are women. was placed on the FBI's list of the
The HEW order is the result Ten Most Wanted Fugitives, and
of an investigation conducted last an intensive hunt was undertaken
August in response to allegations to capture her.
that the University discriminates Arrested last night in a Howard
on the basis of sex. The com- Johnson Motel on Eighth Avenue,
plaint was filed in May by Ann Davis was charged with unlawful
Arbor Focus on Equal Employ- flight to avoid prosecution under
ment for Women. charges of murder and kidnaping.
HEW's authority is derived from Davis, a woman of academic
the amended Executive Order brilliance, became an acting as-
11246, issued Oct. 13, 1968, which sistafit professor of philosophy
forbids employment discrimina- last year at UCLA. As a doctoral
tion by federal contractors like the candidate she had been a protege
University on the basis of race, of Herbert Marcuse, the Marxist
religion, sex, age, and national ori- professor.
gin. i.,,, ha hnic ofrar essor.e
-Daily-Jim Wallace
PROTESTERS of the on-campus job recruiting by Dow Chemical
Co. discuss the issue with President Robben Fleming at his con-
ference room in the Administration Bldg.
"Black parents picket
office, of-cityschools
4 Expressing support for -the demands of black students
at Pioneer High School, some 40 black parents picketed the
administrative offices of the Ann Arbor public schools at 1220
The students have charged the high school with failing
to implement promises made last spring for the increased
siring of black faculty members. To press their demands,
about 35 black students staged a disruption at the high school
earlier this month.
Since then, the dispute has evolved into a verbal battle
-Daily-Jim Wallace
Rennie Davis speaks in the Michigan Union ballroom
Davis, Lerner addres
800 on Indochina
By JIM McFERSON withdrawal of American troops
ftfrom Vietnam, citing modifica-
wye gwillst tions in the negotiating positionj
doesn't stop the war, we will stop of the North Vietnamese and the
.panels set
on women
A symposium on the situation
of women, and that of the Uni-
versity in 1970 will be held today
4 another activity during the cen-
tennial anniversary of the admis-
sion of the University's first wo-
man student.
The all-day program, sponsored
by the Center for the Continuing
j~ducation of Women, will begin at
9 a.m. in Rackham Lecture Hall.
The morning session is entitled
"Toward a New Psychology of
At 12:30 p.m. following a lunch-
eon in the Michigan League Ball-
*m, a panel will examine the
special problems of women grad-
uate students.
The final session, on women and
the University in the next decade,
is scheduled ' for 2 p.m. in the
League Ballroom.
between the schools adminis-
tration, and supporters of the
black students.
The black parents who picketed
the School Administrative Offices
yesterday issued a statement ex-
pressing "concern for the welfare
and educational future of b 1 a c k
students in the Ann Arbor public
schools. We recognize the injus-
tices that exist in our school sys-
tem and insist that immediate ac-
tion be taken to correct these.
On Monday, members of the
Black Education Association
(BEA), which includes all
blacks on the staff of Ann Arboi
public schools, picketed the School
Administrative Offices in suppori
of the black students' demands.
Pioneer High Principal Theo-
dore Rokicki has been charged by
the BEA with "administrative mis-
management of the situation'
during the recent disruptions.
Responding to attacks on Ro-
kicki, Superintendent of Schools
W. Scott Westerman Jr. issued
a statement yesterday saying that
Rokicki "made exceptional efforts
to mediate a controversy which
finally woulld not be concluded ex-
cept on the youth's terms.
the government of the United
States," declared Rennie Davis
last night, addressing nearly 800
people in the Michigan Union ball-
Davis, one of the defendants in
the Chicago 8 conspiracy trial,
said that a date must be set for
Viet Cong.
Sharing the platform was Mike
Lerner, a defendant in the current
Seattle conspiracy trial. Lerner
discussed his case, and on the war
issue, he said, "We must have total
and immediate withdrawal. The
American people will impose peace
U' enrollment up at 3 campuses;'
Ann Arbor total reaches 34,702
if the government does not ac-
cept peace."
Davis said that the setting of a
date for withdrawal will prompt
the communists to accept Presi-
dent Nixon's proposal for a stand-
still cease-fire. In addition, Davis
said, the Provisional Revolution-
ary Government of South Viet-
nam has agreed to freedom for all
political prisoners, if a withdraw-
al date is set.
But, he added, if a date is not
set by May 1, "the planet is go-
ing to shake to let Vietnam live.'
The formation of small politica:
groups is the next step in the
anti-war movement, said Davis.
These units will "seek a direct
American-Vietnamese compact."
"The time has come," continued
Davis, "for Americans to say the
government no longer represents
us abroad. We must bring the war
to a conclusion ourselves."
He said there was rising anti-
war sentiment in South Vietnarm
itself, and an increasing resist-
ance to the Thieu-Ky regime.
"Resistance has shifted from the
countryside to the city," he said,
"and under Thieu-Ky repression
is a powder keg."
Davis said future anti-war dem-
onstrations would include such
tactics as clogging the roads t(
the Pentagon with abandoned
cars, sit-ins to prevent official;
from attending their jobs, and
similar non-violent actions.
Enrollment at all three of the;
University's campuses increased
this term, the registrar's office!
has announced. The Ann Arbor
campus has reported an increase
of 1,699 students over last fall's
total of 33,003, bringing current
enrollment to 34,702.
Enrollment at the Flint campus
rose from 1,501 last fall to 1,819
this fall, an increase of 318 per-
sons. And the Dearborn campus
reports an increase of 53 students,
from 822 last term to 875.
Statistics show that total Uni-
versity enrollment currently is
37,396-an increase of 2,070 stu-
dents from last year.
These totals do not include 2,265
students now enrolled in credit
extension courses, a decline from
2,384 in that category a year ago.
"Overall enrollment has turned)
out to be in excess of what we
estimated a year ago," says Vice
President for Academic Affairs
Allan Smith. "Fortunately, how-
ever, the increases are not heavily
concentrated in only one school,
but are spread throughout the
colleges so that the extra students
can be accommodated."
Smith adds that increasing in-
terest in ecology seems to have
led to a large increase in enroll-
ment in the natural resources
school. Enrollment has increased
there from 503 students last fall
to 662, an increase of 157 persons
or 31 per cent.
Enrollment in the literary col-
lege, the University's 1 a r g e s t
school, rose this fall by 218 from
16,081 a year ago to 16,299. In re-
sponse to increasing enrollment
the LSA faculty last month
strongly recommended that there
be a ceiling on the number of
freshman admitted into the col-
lege each year to hold enrollment
Most of this year's literary col-
lege increase is accounted for by
a larger than expected number of
returning juniors and seniors.
Freshman enrollment dropped
from 3,225 last fall to 3,155 this
fall, and the sophomore class
dropped from 2,968 to 2,899.
Enrollment for the other schools
Architecture and design school,
up 957 from 897; business admin-
istration, 1,163, up from 1,052;
dental school, 679, up from 615;
education school, 3,527, up from
3,376; medical school, 1,934, up
from 1,787; music school 905, up
from 859; pharmacy, 326, up from
257; public health,517, up from
434; and social work school, 731,
up from 697.
Law s c h o o 1 enrollment rose
131 persons from 1,054 in 1969
The HEW statement also calls
for compensatory back pay to any
female employe identified as hav-
ing lost wages because of discrim-
inatory treatment by the Univer-
sity since the executive order was
University officials said exam-
ples of alleged discrimination cited
by HEW reveal "an apparent lack
of understanding of peculiar cir-
cumstances of a university work
"We have wives of students who
are working a year or two while
their husbands are completing
their graduate work," a spokesman
said. "The result may be women in
jobs for which they are over
"First, we may not have open-
ings to fit particular qualifica-
tions at the time employment is
n e e d e d," the spokesman said
"Second, both the student wife
and the University recognize that
the employment is going to be for
a limited time."
"We do not differ with respect
See CHARGE, Page 2
on the oasis ox her Communist
party membership, Davis had been
discharged from UCLA a year ago
by the California board of regents,
led by Republican Gov. Ronald
Overruled by a superior court
judge, the regents appealed to the
California Supreme Court. But
meanwhile, they voted last June
not to reappoint Davis, citing not
her Communist membership but
her extra-curricular activities in
support of such militant groups as
the Black Panthers.
During the incident in August,
Superior Court Judge Harold
Haley, two of the convicts and the
man who brought the weapon into
the courtroom, Jonathan Jackson,
were killed in a shootout.
All four of the guns used in the
courtroom break - a sawed-off
shotgun, two pistols and a carbine,
were traced to Davis.
She had purchased them under
her own name in Southern Cali-
fornia gun shops over the past two
t>years, police said.
'U' considers new loan program
The University administration is con-
sidering a 15-month-old proposal that it
adopt a new financial aids program which
the proposal's supporters feel could in-
crease the University's available financial
aid by $40 million annually.
The proposal was first submitted in
June, 1969, by the Financial Aids Advisory
Committee. And the delay in acting on the
r'-nnmmrnrnA. inn hac$.-, nwn rritioncvvfrnmn
tion one and a half years ago and have
just met delaying tactic after delaying tac-
The Office of Financial Aids is current-
ly under the direction of Stephen Spurr,
vice president and dean of the graduate
school. The student members of the com-
mittee criticize what they call his delay
in acting on the proposal, charging him
with a lack of awareness of the financ-