The future direction of the women's
liberation movement was debated Sunday
in the most tumultuous session of the
weekend teach-in celebrating the cen-
tennial of women at the University.
The representative of a coalition of
radical women interrupted the introduc-
tions of moderator Barbara Newell, as-
sistant to President Robben Fleming, and
urged the predominantly female audience
of over 600 to join the stage. About a1
fifth of the women did so.
The coalition rejected as "anti-women"
both "the structure and culture of au-
thoritarian form" and the "elitism im-
plied by the panel" as the audience re-
sponded with catcalls and cheers.
The panel included Rep. Martha Grif-
fiths of Michigan, Robin Morgan, founder
of Women's International Terrorist Con-
spiracy from Hell (WITCH), Jo Ann
Gardner of the Association of Women
Psycholgists, Nadine Miller of Radical
Lesbians, Catherine East of the U.S. Dept.
of Labor and radical sociologist Marlene
The women eventually presented their
views, but only after an emotional audi-
ence vote which determined that the
panel session should continue.
"We are breaking down form to become
more human," said Morgan as over 150
women gathered on the stage.
"We will not take time limits, we've
done that all our lives," added Miller.
Morgan urged that "all men who are
our brothers leave now," claiming that
the presence of men "is unjust, unfair,
and counter-revolutionary."
Several members of both sexes left.
after which Griffiths spoke on legal
change, in a discussion punctuated with
hisses and hoots from the audience.
She urged the passage of the equa'
rights amendments, a topic which was
argued throughout the session.
As she concluded, the group on the
stage chanted "free our sisters, free our-
selves," causing an intense, vocal audi-
ence reaction.
"You on the stage are dividing us,
you're our enemies," shouted one woman.
"You must be willing to
others," urged another.
When Griffiths attempted t
a question, her microphone was
an audience member, again c
"I fought for liberation all
shouted one older woman, "and
are spoiling it for yourselves."
As the audience quieted dow
spoke on radical lesbianism,
again to adhere to the time li
"We are living in a male-d
capitalistic society of rigid sex r
said. "We are all political prison
in a society where we have noth
with the laws governing our l
"We must recognize lesbianis
alternative sex role." She contir
must have the right to choose
we live."
"I will literally give my life
women's movement," she added,
to work with men. But I am n
with every woman."
East followed with a discussi
listen to importance of self-support and awareness
in the movement organization. She en-
o answer dorsed Griffiths' statements, and spoke of
siezed by organizing a more humane society. "We
ausing a must help one another achieve a better
life for all," she said.
my life," Dixon then linked the women's move-
now you ment to the liberation of all oppressed
n, Miller "The sisterhood concept is for liberation
refusing from all. We cannot separate oppression
mit. for women from the present system be-
lominated cause that system itself is built on op-
oles," she pression," she said.
ers, living She rejected the concept that the
ing to do movement focus on an end to sexism in
ives." the professions.
sm as an "The businesswomen want to sit on
nued, "we the board of directors of United Fruit,"
the way she said. "We want to destroy United
for the "White male supremacy must be
"I refuse eliminated," she continued. "Equality with
ot sisters male chauvenists is not liberation." She
called for a revolutionary, movement to
on of the See RADICAL, Page 6
-Daily-Denny Gainer
Student interrupts Newell at Hill And.
See Editorial Page
air A
Cloudy, chance
of showers
Vol. LXXXI, No. 35 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Tuesday, October 13,1970 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
U.S. to end draft,
lower troop ceiling
Pentagon ordered an immed-
iate start on all-out prepara-
tions to end the draft by mid-
1973 as President Nixon an-
nounced "an accelerated rate
of withdrawal" of U.S. troops
from Vietnam yesterday.
Nixon said during a trip to
Connecticut that the authorized
ceiling on American troops in Viet-
nam will be reduced by 40,000 men
through the Christmas, sea-
son. This will bring the f i g3u.r e
down to 344.000 as of Dec. 31.
Secretary of Defense Melvin R.
Laird forecast Nixon's announce-
ment at a news conference at
which he said the armed services
have been ordered to prepare for
ending the draft.
The defense chief, who p r e v-
iously has set a 1973 goal for
ending reliance on the draft, told
reporters "we're going to go all
out in the Department of De-
fense to reach the goal of a zero
draft" in three years.
Hed made publica memorandum
to the service secretaries a n d
Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, chairman(
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to
spur actions "that should be tak-
en now" to move toward the zero
draft goal.
In addition to stepped up em-
phasis on military recruiting, oth-
er supports may be required for
additional enlistments in both the
active forces and the reserve and
National Guard components,
Laird's memorandum said.
He requested top service offic-
ials to review recommendations of*
a "Project Volunteer Committee"
within the Pentagon for various
ways to improve the attractiveness
of military careers.
With an eye toward Congress,
Laird said early Capitol Hill ac-
tion is needed on legislation to
boost by 20 per cent the base pay
for low ranked enlisted men.
On troop withdrawals f r o m
Vietnam, Laird noted that the goal
of reaching 384,000 men by Oct.
15 already has been surpassed and
that the U.S. force level there will
be "several thousand below" that
figure when Oct. 15 arrives.
Senate sends
anti -0bomb
bill to Nixon
WASHINGTON U-The Senate yesterday approved and
sent to President Nixon an anti-crime bill that includes
authority for FBI investigations of camnpus bombings and the
death penalty for fatal'bombings.
The Senate action came as police blamed unnamed con-
spirators for the pre-dawn dynamite bombings of six build-
ings, including two government structures, in Rochester,
N.Y., early yesterday.
Accepted by a voice vote, the anti-crime bill gives the
government new legal weapons to combat racketeering and
underworld syndicates as well as the bombings that have
occurred in eight U.S. cities since Aug. 24.
The bill, as it originally passed the Senate last January
by a 73-1 vote, did not include
-Daiy-Denny Gainer
Gilberto Cano speaks at the Union
-Associated Press
PRESIDENT NIXON climbs up to greet construction workers in Harford, Conn., yesterday. In a
speech there, the President announced that he was ordering a reduction in the authorized U.S. troop
ceiling in Vietnam. Nixon was on a campaign swing for Republican candidates in New England.
Engineering unit refuses to bar
Dow recruiter in face of protest
Chicano leader its
"genocide' in Vietnam
A representative of the Chicano National Moratorium
spoke last night of "genocide" in Vietnam to a group of 60
people at the Michigan Union.
Gilberto Cano, a leader of the group centered in Los
Angeles, said that 20 per cent of the U.S. soldiers killed in
Vietnam are chicanos, and that chicanos comprise 20 per
cent of the front line troops, although they only make up
three per cent of the U.S. population.
"Six out of ten chicanos in Vietnam will come home in
a box," Cano told the audience.
Charging that many of the national peace groups are
racist, Cano said "We found we couldn't work through the
national movement anymore,"
and the Chicano National
Moratorium was formed.
At a rally in Los Angeles on,
k Aug. 29. Cano claimed. 40,000 peo-
ple were "attacked" by police.
"We were prepared to stop any te to
trouble from within," Cano said,
"but the police double-crossed us.BU
They camne in and clubbed who- By GERI SPRUNG
ever they could get." Complaints that the Univer
Since Aug. 29, over 500 people doing all it should for the h
associated with the chicano peace have launched a state investi
movement have been arrested, Within the next two weeks, b
most at the Aug. 29 rally and vision personnel from Lansing
others' at a march Sept. 16. Cano viewing campus buildings, wi
sa"Why shoul we fight in Viet- Languis, director of the state bu
nam when ur fight is here?. sion, in a letter of Oct. 7, respo
Cano asked. "We must educate complaint from William Nee, a
our people. Bursley Hall. Nee complained t
"Police must be controlled at University buildings do not co
the local level by the people they the Public Act. No. 1 of 1966
are supposed to serve, not club." with the handicapped.
The faculty and student advisory
committee to the Engineering
Placement Service yesterday turn-
ed down a request to prohibit the
Dow Chemical Co. from recruiting
on campus, but promised to im-
mediately investigate allegations
brought against the company.
Five students in a signed state-
ment accused Dow of racial, sexual
discrimination in regard to em-
ployment practices, and requested
that the Engineering Placement
Service "investigate the charges
of discrimination which are in
violation of your own rules."
The students claim that Dow
violates the principles establishedt
in a Regents bylaw which says
that the University will not spon-
sor or play host to any organiza-
tion that practices discrimination.
After the meeting, Prof. John
Young, Engineering Placement
Service director, said "As far as
we're concerned, there are no
grounds to stop them from re-
cruiting at this time."
Late yesterday some question
arose whether the Dow recruiter
would appear on campus. Engin-
eering school Dean Gordon Van
Wylen confirmed last night, how-
ever, that "the Dow recruiter is
defintely coming."
Students have announced plans
for a demonstration which is set
for 2 p.m. today. Brian Spears, '71,
said plans call for a "non-militant
picket line to show our disgust at
the University's complicity with
Spears said the group was em-
phasizing Dow's alleged racial and
sexual discrimination instead of
its association with the Defense
Department, "because according to
University rules, a recruiter can be
barred from the University on the
basis of racism and sexism, but not
on the basis of corporate com-
plicity with the U.S. war crimes."
Spears, told members of the
student-faculty committee that
Dow is allegedly guilty of racism
"both at homesand abroad."
He cited a story in a national
financial magazine which stated
that Dow owns and operated a
wholly-owned subsidiary in apart-
heid South Africa.
"By this very fact-that a cor-
poration owns a company in South
Africa and abides by that coun-
try's laws-automatically means
that they are racist," he claimed.
"Here at home the situation is
no different," Spears continued.
"At present, only four per cent
of Dow's 33,000 employes are
blacks, and four per cent certainly
does not adequately acknowledge
the black race."
Spears claimed that there are
n ,-n nnhlna r'lr wome~YAV~n1 a,,,rny
the anti-bombing provisions.
These were a d d e d in the
House, which approved the bill
last week by a 341-26 vote.
The Rochester explosions se-
verely damaged a federal office
building, and the Monroe County
office building. Two churches,
with largely black memberships,
a grocery store and private home
had less damage.
One man was slightly injured by
flying glass.
"We are working on the assump-
tion that the bombings were done
by three separate groups working
together," Police Commissioner
John A. Mastrella said of the Ro-
chester explosions.
He said the blasts, within 25
minutes of each other in scatter-
ed sections of the city, indicated
more than one person was in-
The explosions began shortly
after 12:30 a.m.
The first hit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard T. Clark on the
city's North Side. A hole was
blasted in the front lawn, the
front porch was damaged and
windows were shattered.
Clark is business agent for Local
832 of the International Union of
Operating Engineers.
The second wave of bombs then.
occurred within a 12-minute span,
Besides the federal and county -
office buildings in downtown Ro-
chester, the New Bethel Christian
Methodist E p i s c o p a 1 Church,
Chalie Brown's grocery and the
G r e a t e r Bethlehem Pentacostal
Church were bombed. All are about
two miles from the office build-
There was no immediate con-
nection made between Clark's
home, the governmental buildings,
churches and grocery and why all
six may .have been targets. The
grocery was across an alley from
the New Bethel church.
Except for Mastrella's state-
ment, local police have been cau-
tious in laying blame for the
Both local and federal officials
have refused to speculate whether
the radical Weatherman faction
of Students for a Democratic So-
ciety may have had a hand in the
The Weatherman group has an-
nounced a "fall offensive" to "at-
Blacks hit
policies of
ed board
Members of the Black Educa-
tors, an association of black high
school teachers in the Ann Arbor
area, picketed the Ann Arbor
Board of Education building yes-
terday to affirm their support for
black students attending city
About 30 members of. the group
were picketing in the late after-
noon, but members of the group
said this number ranged as high
as 75 during the day.
The Black Educators released
a statement which charged Pioneer
High School with mishandling an
incident there Sept. 30, and criti-
cized suspensions of students from
the affair.
The school closed at that time
after being disrupted and vandal-
ized by a group of black students.
The students had gathered in
the hallway to confer over their
grievance that the school's ad-
ministration had failed to imple-
ment demands accepted last spring
for the hiring of additional black
teachers and counselors.
The school's principal, Theodore
Rokicki, then informed the stu-
dents that they were violating the
trespass law.
The students rampaged through
the school committing a little over
$5,000 in damages, according to a
report made to the Ann Arbor
Board of education.
The statement of the Black
Educators said that, "We acknowl-
edge our responsibility to all stu-
dents in this school system, but
are especially aware of the need
to provide support to the black
"Historically, there have been
injustices to black students. The
Pioneer High School incident is
merely a reflection of such in-
justices," the statement continued.
"Inasm'uch as all the facts per-
investigate U' buildings
sity is not
building di-
will be re-
rote A. N.
ilding divi-
nding to a
janitor at
hat certain
omply with
las Sherman, assistant vice president and
director of capital planning, said yes-
terday, "Since I've been here (July, 1969)
every building has been approved through
the building division. I don't know what
buildings he jis talking about."
Languis sent a copy of his letter to
Sherman but did not mention the specific
complaints. Nevertheless, according to
Vice President for Student Services Ro-
bert Knauss and Plant Extension Director
John Weidenbach, there are many build-
ings on campus, not included in the 1966
law, that are not easily accessible to the
their advisors, and in part from a staff
report issued last May by the Student
Services Counseling Office. The report has
not been released outside the office.
Knauss points out, however that most
of the work done on the problem prior to
the formation of the committee was done
through the efforts of Barbara W. Newell,
acting vice president for student affairs
until Knauss' appointment in September,
who, he said, had a special interest in the
In the past, the University has only
reacted to problems of individual handi-