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October 10, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-10-10

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Partly cloudy,
sunny and cool


Vol. LXXXI, No. 33

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, October 10, 1 970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Ufp against thi
In an effort to liven up the en
students have been clandestine
classroom in Angell Hall.
to meet Ci
Supporters of Solstis schoo
tion, Friends of Solstis, Inc., i
conditions set by the Univers
University-owned house.
Despite the formation of t
administration has postponed s
According to James Brinkerho
tions, several legal issues must
be signed.
Solstis school, established
Students get
new formS
"They're going to wake up one
4 morning and find this place in
cinders and wonder why. People
can be pushed just so far."

Nixon asks
~ FBI p robei.
x:%of 3 blasts
F - Radical groups
claim credit for
Coast bombings
By The Associated Press
President Nixon yesterday
ordered the Federal Bureau of
' Investigation to find the per-
. sons responsible for the three<
bombings on the West Coast
The President's order came af- -
ter three underground organiza-
tions issued statements claiming
responsibility for the bombings.
A group identifying itself as "The
Weatherman Underground" took
credit for the bombing that wreck-
ed a courtroom and a rest room at
the Mann County Civic Center in
San Rafael, Calif.
Earlier, a Seattle group known
as "The Quarter Moon Tribe" said
-Daily-Torn Stanton it planted the bomb that caused
e painted wall an estimated $150,000 damage to
waU~ Navy and Air Force facilities at
the University of Washington.
virons of a University education, Another organization, "Perfect
ly decorating the wall of their 1:Park Home Grown Garden So-
ciety." claimed responsibility for
-- the bombing of a National Guard
armory in Santa Barbara, Calif.,
: (dedicating the act "to all revolu-_
tionary people throughout the
world wherever they fight for love
and freedom and life itself."
-o r JO rtes The Seattle and Santa Barbara Protesters gathe
groups said they timed their at-
"o / s tacks to coincide with the death
of Cuban revolutionary Ernesto CALLS BOARD 'IL
o n dit o nChe Guevara, who was shot to
death in Bolivia Oct. 8, 1967.
K DILLEN Nixon claimed fast congressional
action was needed on antibomb-
have formed a new corpora- ing legislation and said he would D
n an attempt to comply with sign the measure as soon as it
ity for the school's use of a reached him.
The Senate approved and sent
he corporation, the University to the House Thursday a new "law '
;iginga lasefo th prpery.and order package," which in-,
igning a lease for the propertycludes several antibombing meas- I
ff, director of business opera- ures. It would provide for in-
be studied before the lease can creased penalties for interstate A graduate student charged with
transport of explosive material disruption of. a class during last
at the beginning of the sum- and would give authority to the spring's class strike said yesterday
FBI to launch immediate investi- he would no longer participate in
mer, offers innovative courses gations of a r s o n and bombing the disputed legal proceedings
for pre-college students. incidents on federally - subsidized stemming from the charges.
The property in question, located university and college campuses. The student, Peter Denton, has
at 706 Oakland, was leased to In a letter to the Associated.
Solstis for three months this sum- Press in Seattle, The Quarter his case is "illegally constituted"
mer, but University officials re- Moon Tribe said "We intend to hisatt case'ist"ilegalyrcntitutd
fused to renew the lease,citing disarm,Tdisable and destroy the and at the case's first hearing last
expenses that the University would military and pig might of Amerika month, moved that the board
incur in complying with city hous- wherever we are, however we can. dissolve itself.
ing codes. We have no B52s; our bombs are In a statement issued Wednes-
Later, after a petition campaign lovingly constructed by hand," the day, the hearing board rejected
in support of the educational pro- letter added. the charges and said it would con-
ject, University administrators
agreed to re-lease the house if"
Soistisagreed to assume full liabi-
js lcl as(. im s m duui
lity for the property. Incorpora-/j
tion was mentioned by the Uni-
versity as an acceptable device for -I * 0 " 0





Dow recruIing
Demanding that the University bar Dow Chemical Co.
from- using campus facilities to recruit employes, approxi-
niately 30 people led by Students for a Democratic Society
met yesterday with University officials.
Gathering at the Fishbowl, the group marched through
Mason and Angell Halls, and the LSA Bldg. to the Student
Activities Bldg. where they met with Vice President for
Student Services Robert Knauss.
Later, five of the group met with Engineering college
Dean Gordon Van Wylen. A recruiter from Dow is scheduled
to hold job interviews at the engineering college next Tues-

- "aily-Tom Stanton
r in the office of Vice President Knauss


30 protesters

toignore case

up (ion of


tinue its proceedings following rat-
ification of the rejection by the
two graduate school bodies which
appointed it.
The Denton case has been a
focus of attention recently be-
cause of its relation to a contro-
versy over University disciplinary
For several years, Student Gov-
ernment Council has been de-
imanding that all cases not direct-
ly related to academic competence
be heard by courts composed en-
tirely of students.
il schools

The display of anger came from
one of the many students who
stood in on the slow lines in the
LSA Bldg. yesterday, holding
forms containing their c l a s s
They were trying to correct
errors in the schedule forms the
Office of the Registrar began
mailing to all students on Wed-
nesday, so that they could verify

The Regents Interim Rule and'
Disciplinary Procedures place the
judicial power in most non-aca-
demic cases in the hands of a
hearing officer appointed by Pres-
ident Robben Fleming.
Currently, a committee com-
posed of students, faculty mem-
bers, administrators, and Regents
is formulating a proposal for
permanent University-wide judi-
cial procedures.
Its final proposal is expected to
provide for the use of an all-stu-
dent jury in cases where the de-
fendant is a student.
The board hearing the Denton
case is the graduate school Board
of Inquiry, composed of three fac-
ulty members and two students.
The faculty members were ap-
pointed by the school's Executive
Board, and the student members,
were appointed by. Graduate As-
sembly, the representative body
for students in the school.
The committee was formed in
March, after the disruption'char-
ges were leveled by Prof. Bernard
Galer of the computer and com-
munications sciences department.
Denton maintained that under
the graduate school's rules, the
board should have been formed at
the start of the winter term. Since
it had not, he said, it was "il-
legally constituted."
Explaining its rejection of
See DENTON, Page 8

The students c h a r g e d Dow
with discriminating a g a i n s t
women and blacks, genocide, im-
perialism, and contributing to en-
vironmental decay. The group cit-
ed University rules which, they
said, prohibited job recruiting on
campus by corporations w h o
practice sexism or racism.
Knauss told the group that the
Office of Student Services did not
have jurisdiction over the Dow
Recruiter, since it was coming toI
the University under the auspices
of the Engineering Placement
However, he noted that requests
for changes in recruiting poli-
cies of the Office of Placement
Services, which is in OSS, could
be submittad to the OSS P o 1 i c y
Board. The board, which has a
majority of student members, sets
policy for OSS.
Van Wylen said that. a decision
on the groups' demands would
have to be made by the engineer-
ing college's executive committee,
the top administrative body in the
However, he suggested that the
group discuss ,the issue with En-
gineering Placement Office Com-
mittee, a group composed pri-
marily of engineering students,
which can make a recommenda-
tion to the executive committee.
Yesterday's action was a con-
tinuation of an anti-recruiting
campaign begun by SDS last win-
ter. The radical group sponsored
a numberofcdemonstrations in
support of the campaign, and em-
ployed tactics which included
picketing, trashing, and disrup-
However, SDS members say they
are trying to "work within the
system" initially in their current
drive because of charges last year
that SDS never presented formal
complaints against specific re-
cruiters, so that the University
would have an opportunity to re-
act to them.
The organization has not ruled
out the use of stronger tactics
should the recruiter be allowed to
hold job interviews on campus.
On Oct. 1, SDS members at-
tempted to demonstrate against a
recruiter ,from the Air Force, but
the protest was cancelled when
the recruiter did not arrive.
Further tactics to be used
-against the Dow recruiter will be
decided at a meeting of all SDS
collectives at 7:30 p.m. in East
Mechanical engineering Prof.
Samual Clark, chairman of the
advisory committee, said that the
committee will meet Monday,
"probably at noon," to discuss the
charges against Dow.

House unit
hits talks
at colleges
Internal Security Committee has
compiled a report expressing the
committee's concern that money
paid to speakers at U.S. cam-
puses is a significant source of
funds "for the promoters of dis-
orderly and revolutionary activity
among students."
The report, based on a survey
of 134 campuses - 3.5 per cent of
all U.S. colleges - will be released
early next week.
Citing fees paid to speakers
from various leftist organizations,
the report says that speaking ap-
pearances "afford a forum where
the radicalization process may be
continually expanded."
But the report stops short of
concluding the campus speeches
-finance revolution or disorder,
saying the committee had no way
to ascertain how the speakers used
the money they are paid.
It cites 67 speakers who were
paid $109, 243 for campus speeches
during the past two school years.
The speakers range from Mark
Rudd, a leader of the Weatherman
faction of Students for a Demo-
cratic Society, to Benjamin Spock,
who has spoken frequently against
the draf.t
The report says the 67 peakers,
who made 155 of the 1,411 speech-
es listed by the surveyed cam-
puses, have been publicly iden-
tified with militant, radical or
Communist-oriented groups or
have provided public support for
such groups.
"If in a sampling of 3/2 per cent
of the institutions of higher edu-
cation, funds of this volume are
derived by such persons," it says,
"the Congress and the people of
the United States have a right to
conclude that the campus speak-
ing circuit is certainly the source
of significant financing for the
promoters of disorderly and revo-
lutionary activity among stu-
The report says Spock was paid
$21,550 for 12 speeches and Greg-
ory $19,550 for 21.
Mark Rudd was paid $1,069 for
five speeches, it says, and H. Rap
Brown, accused of inciting a riot
at Cambridge, Md., was paid $1,540
for one speech at an unnamed

doing this.
Subsequently, Friends of Solstis,
Inc. was formed, and a lease was
given to officials Monday.
Brinkerhoff said yesterday that

discriminate against women

By The College Press Service is drastically lower than the cor-
The first study of the attitudes responding figures in both eastern
of U.S. medical schools toward and western Europe. For exam-

whether their programs had been the administration must first re-
recorded correctly. solve "an issue of corporate inter-
According to Associate Registrar relationship." He said it was un-
Doug Woolley, the new procedure clear "whether Solstis, while still
was instituted so that errors could being a branch of Project Com-
be eliminated before the end of munity, could assume full liability
the, term. under its organized corporation."

"In the past, up to 20 per cent
of students' records needed fur-j
ther examination at the end of the
semester before grades were sent
out,"- he said. "Although we would
update our files with the drop and
add forms and the faculty sub-
mitted their class lists, late-!

Supporters of Solstis, whose cor-
porate members signed the lease'
Wednesday, have charged that the
delay is "another attempt" to hurt
the school's program.
"We've been working in the last!
month to put a lease together,"'
said one staff mcmber. "We've

women students has concluded
that there is widespread sex dis-
crimination in admissions and a
callous attitude toward the prob-
lems of those women who are ad-
The study was conducted by
Prof. Harold Kaplan of the New
York College of Medicine. He sentI
questionnaires to all medical
schools in the United States and
Canada, receiving replies from
well over i95 per cent of the
Only 9 percent of American
doctors are women, a figure which

ple, 24 percent of British doctors
and 65 percent of Russian phy-
sicians are women.
Kaplan says that the responses
of the medical schools show that a
major reason for this is prejudice
against women medical students on
the part of the schools that train
them. One medical school stated,
"In this school we have not been
overly impressed with the women
that have been admitted to medi-
cine even though academically
they are entirely satisfactory.
"I think they ordinarily h a v e
so many emotional problems that

changes and errors weren't caunht done our part while they .delay
until the end." I in doing theirs."
TV program
to focus on
Sblacks at U'
Nearly a month ago, people crossing the
Diag at noon were met by television cameras
filming a discussion between members of
*the University's black community.
Tonight at 8:30, that discussion will be
aired by WWJ-TV in Detroit in a program
about the life of black students at this
campus. The program, part of the station's
"Profiles in Black" series, will also focus on
the issues surrounding last spring's class
strike supporting the demands of the Black
Action Movement (BAM) for increased
minority admissions.

we have not been particularly hap-
py with their performance," the
statement added. "In this medical
school we screen all women appli-
cants as carefully as possible, in
order to be as certain as we can
concerning their motivation f o r
studying medicine."
Kaplan says that medical
schools are less apt to admit mar-
ried women than single women,
especially those with children.
"We have admitted a few mar-
ried women without children,"
wrote one school, "but our ex-
perience with them has been al-
most uniformly poor. At the pre-
sent we would not admit one un-
less she were an outstanding stu-
dent," it continued, adding, "Up
to the present we have refused to
admit married women with child-
Many schools explained their at-
titudes toward women with child-
ren by voicing fears that the wo-
men will have to devote too much
time to being mothers. The Uni-
versity of British Columbia stat-
ed, ". . . we would not admit stu-
dents where there is likely to be
conflict between two jobs: That is
the academic pursuit and the re-
sponsibility of looking after a
family. If these two were in con-
flict, we would likely not accept
the student."
When medical scnools do accept
women students, they usually
make no provision for pregnancy,
expecting the student to return
as soon as possible. Kaplan con-
cludes that "the most startling
and frequent observations f r o m
many schools . . . is that most
pregnant medical students, after
bearvinga c hild.returiin fto afull

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