Friday, October 9, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAM Page Seven Bamboozle the Van Heusen Body Shirt Snatcher! Don't let her know where you buy Van Heusen 417 Body Shirts! She'll only snatch our supply of the best fitting body shirts in town ... with the boldest stripes and solids, the newest long point collar and 2-button cuffs. Don't tell her about us at... 4An 466o.* CIohiit MASTER CHARGE, BANK AMERICARD, DINERS CLUB, AMERICAN EXPRESS 211 S. Main-Open Mon. & Fri. 'til 8:30 ALSO CLOTHES FOR BIG AND TALL MEN TV RENTALS $10.50 per month NO DEPOSIT FREE DELIVERY AND SERVICE CALL: NEJAC TV RENTALS 662-5671 Power pervades 'Series lineups Beware the Body Shirt Snatcher! You're fair game when you wear a Van Heusen Body Shirt. Man, you'll just have to defend your prop- erty rights! 'Cause the new Van Heusen Body Shirt is the best fitting "property" in your wardrobe! Enjoy it all for yourself, in bolder stripes and solids, with the new- est long point collar and 2-button cuffs. PRIZES! Two big ones! Two round-trip flights via SAS SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES to Copenhagen and Majorca for a swing- ing, expense-paid CLUB 33 vacation! Plus a box of Van Heusen Body Shirts for each of 25 runner-up entries. Easy to enter: just create your own slogans for our Body Shirt ad. Send entries to College Contest, VAN HEUSEN, 417 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10016. Contest void where prohibited bylaw. EXCLUS VELY OF ENGLAND DESERT® BOOT Patterned after our famous men's Desert Boot. English crafted and always in style with country tweeds and casual slacks. Comfortable, too! In sand suede with plan.- tation crepe soles at $T4.OO SHOES Master Charge & Michigor BankAmericrd plates me'seer. t Boo.Enlis Orf de Your Su sitionrpsoeat$40 ToAyT' ; * * * Under our new "span the globe" policy, the sports staff brings you our first guest selector from outside the limits of the continental United States. Our precedent setting gridde picker is sports infor- mation director Dick Fishback of the University of Hawaii. Reaching deep into the cookie jar we were able to gather enough crumbs to contact this well versed prognosticator from the land of mangoes and papayas. Fishback, after a friendly aloha, shot off his picks fearlessly, pausing only to nibble on a succulent passion fruit. We are publishing Fishback's picks for the benefit of local gridde pickers who may be troubled by some of this week's contests. If you want a shot at beating the champ this week and winning yourself a Cottage Inn pizza, get your choices to the Daily by mid- night Friday : 1. MICHIGAN 23 at Purdue 10 (pick score) 2. ILLINOIS at Northwestern 3. Indiana at MINNESOTA 4. OHIO STATE at Michigan State 5. WISCONSIN at Iowa 6. SOUTHERN CAL at Stan- ford 7. HARVARD at Columbia 8. Princeton at DARTMOUTH 9. Pitt at NAVY 10. TENNESSEE at G e o r g i a Tech 11. Florida at FLORIDA STATE 12. MISSISSIPPI at Georgia 13. SOUTH -CAROLINA at North Carolina 14. MISSOURI at Nebraska 15. TEXAS TECH at Texas A- &M 16. California at WASHING- TON 17. Oklahoma vs. TEXAS at . Dallas 18. Texas Christian at OKLA- HOMA STATE 19. WESTERN MICHIGAN at Kent State 20. ASHLAND at Muskingum . tiIt's power against power, Jim League playoffs. There may be an- Palmer's blazing fastball against other bundle of strikeouts in the G r de P ck ng the free swinging Reds in a classic opener tomorrow. imatchup in Cincinnati in the "We're aggressive hitters," Reds' World Series baseball opener to- manager Sparky Anderson said of Gurgling voices bounce silly on the grass. A tee-hee of hilarity morrow. the matchup. "We strike out a lot sprinkles through the trees. Palmer, a 20-10 righthander this and we don't walk very much. A child's smile; there's nothing else to say. They continue, they year for the Baltimore Orioles was We're a 3-0 hitting team." do, these reverberations of pleasantry. What else can you say? chosen to start the opener by Anderson sent his team through What, you say, what do the sprinkles connote? Another has manager Earl Weaver because of a squad game yesterday using re- laughed lightly again. He eyes the note on The Daily bulletin board, strength. lievers Clay C a r r 011, Wayne and gives off another simple smile. Granger and Don Gullet and The Bookstore, you hear, the Bookstore - that rambling array Johnny Bench, Tony Perez and starter Tony Cloninger on the of no-nothing books. What do they know about, yes, about football? ightanders In addition,hiting mound in the workout Yea, they have challenged The Daily _ that muscular machine that Tolan, a left hander, hits south- has all the brawn that's fit to sprint. And this Bookstore has the paws better than righties. awe to challenge The Daily - surely, you jest. Gary Nolan, who was 18-7 for You look at the contest again; you smile. What else is left? the Reds. will fc+he Orios _ tiC " U, Wl au 1G V1~ . Nolan also started the playoff series with the Pittsburgh Pirates and pitched nine innings of shut out ball. Cincinnati is a 6-5 favorite to take the series, according to Jim- my "The Greek" Snyder. "This is probably the closest series odds in' history," he said. Cincinnati is also a 6-5 favorite to take tomorrow's game. Palmer relies on his fast ball as his out pitch. And it's the fast ball that the big Cincinnati hitters, Bench, Perez and May thrive on. Palmer struck out Bench a n d Perez the only time he faced them in the July All-Star game this season. Perez, the Reds' third baseman who slammed 40 homers and drove in 129 runs during the sea- son is looking forward to facing Palmer again. "He's a challenge with his fast ball, that's what I like," Perez said. Another Cincinnati All-Star, right fielder Pete Rose did not face Palmer then. "I don't think it means anything what we did against him at night. It's got to be to the hitters' advantage to see him in the day." Palmer struck out 12 Twins, pitching Baltimore to a clinching 6-1 triumph in the American For the student body: FLARES by I ~Levi Farah Wright I * Tads 7th in Poll By The Associated Press The Hurons of Eastern Mich- igan gathered 90 votes from sports writers and broadcasters this week, to gain the seventh spot in the Associated Press small college football poll. While Arkansas State, 3-0 after running over the Citadel 24-7 last weekend, continues to hold a slim lead with seven first place votes,. the battle still rages for the sec- ond spot. Montana, bumped from second last week by Akron, returned to that position after a 38-29 victory over Weber State, and Akron dropped to the number three spot, despite a 31-0 rout of Ball State. Montana now stands only two points behind the leader Arkansas State. Two other Michigan schools, Central Michigan and Northern Michigan, also received votes. VAN H EUSEN°417 Body Shirt __ ..: -_._ I IF YOU'RE A RECORD COLLECTOR LIBERTY MUSIC SHOP OF ANN ARBOR IS YOUR KIND OF STORE! You deal with a nationally known, long established firm that is able staffed with knowledgeable help who can guide in choosing from an ever growing selection of recorded entertainment. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9' 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19., 20. Arkansas State 7 Montana .S Akron 4 N. Dakota St. Texas A&I Tenn. State 1 Eastern Michigan Tampa Southern Illinois W. Kentucky Delaware Boise St. Drake Wofford Wittenburg Central Mo. Troy State, Ala. Grambling Howard Payne Abilene Christian 3-0 4-0 4-0 3-1 4-0 3-0-1 3-0 3--0 3-0-1 3-1 4-0 3--1 4-0 3--0 4--0 3-0-i 2--1 3-0 3--1 224 182 156 129 96 90 66 63 61 55 52 43 35 29 26. 22 20 19 17 Phone NO 2-0675 MUSIC HP' 417 E. 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Stp y 20ManrdSt Stpb 40 M ar c:.Mon.-Fri., 1-4 P.M., n taty urcre Serving dinner until 2tam .1 THE C ARCOAI. rIOUSc RESTAURANT under new management, is pleased to announce