BLUDGEONING GOODELL See Editorial Page 'Y L , tr4igan :4IUIIMl STEADY High-75 Low-55 Mostly mild and cloudy; 20 percent chance of rain Vol. LXXXI, No. 31 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 8, 1970 Ten Cents Eight Pages I * RACE FIGHTS CONTINUE: Black shot in Pontiac clash PONTIAC, Mich. (R) - A state of emergency was imposed in this industrial city of 85,000 after a black youth was shot 4 and wounded yesterday - two days after four white youths were felled by bullets in racial fighting Monday. Police Chief William Hangar announced a curfew from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m., and banned sale of alcoholic beverages and of gasoline in portable containers during curfew hours. About 25 per cent of Pontiac's population is black. Authorities said the racial clashes by youths stemmed from a fight among students at a football game last Friday. Police reported that shots were fired in the air at dusk yesterday by some employes of a small factory after they were blocked from, leaving by large groups of black youths. Police said no one was injured but that some arrests were made. O corThe 15 factory workers w e r e C n o escorted out by police as they were the day before during a similar incident. t Nw trouble erupted yesterday at Pontiac Central High School, where the four white youths were 0dshot Monday. Police said tear gas was used to clear crowds of 300 to 400 black and white students gathered out- special To The Daily side. The students then began ROCHESTER, Mich. - Some rampaging through the streets, 300 black students ended their police said. The school had been closed sit-in at an Oakland Univer- Tuesday, after Monday's violence. sity dormitory cafeteria yes- Glynnis Williams, 16, was re- ' terday after university offic- ported in serious condition at a ials agreed to a list of de- hospital after being shot in the mands. chest yesterday. Another black -_ "youth, John Grayer, 17, of Pon- Nixon proposes cease-fire Indochina in war Neither the Black Student Association (BSA) or university officials would release details of the agreement until a statement could be drafted "that is agree- able to both sides." Both had agreed earlier not to release any information on the nature of the demands until a final agreement was reached. The sit-in, which lasted 12 hours, was initially called by BSA to protest what was described by the university as a prank by two white students Mondaynight. The two male students, dress- ed in long coats and hats, knock- ed on the door of a dormitory room occupied by two black wo- men students. The women said they were threatened with a gun, but a subsequent search of t h e mens' room turned up only an old bayonet. Police said the w h i t e students, whose identity was not revealed, told them they were "playing a joke." BSA demanded that the two be prosecuted and a room-to-room search of all dormitories be made. As of last night, neither action had been taken. Tuesday night BSA called a meeting, during which they drew up a list of 13 demands and made plans to take over the cafeteria in Vandenburg Hall, which serv- es all eight of the university's residence halls. After conferring with b 1 a c k members of Oakland's faculty and staff, they moved into the cafe- teria. "It was in no way violent," said John Tap of the Office of Student Affairs. "Everyone was! well-disciplined and no damage was done during the entire sit-in." After the takeover began, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs James Appleton and Director of Residence Halls William Daleen went into the cafeteria and talked with the students there. At 4 a.m., Oakland Chancellor Donald 0'- Dowd arrivedandnegotiations be- gan. At about the same time, a group of white students began to try and organize support for t h e blacks. University officials dis- suaded them from taking over South Foundation Hall, the main See AGREEMENT, Page 8 tiac, was struck by a car and was reported in fair condition. { . Police said that Williams wasz shot by a motorist, in the vicinity of Eastern Junior High School. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS are gassed by police during the Between 15 to 20 arrests were (top). Meanwhile, several blocks away, helmeted police kee made at the school, police said, Pontiac Central High School (bottom). after students threw rocks and ---------------- - bottles. Three of the four white students FEDERAL POWERS EXPANDED: wounded Monday were reported in good condition at a hospital yes-. terday, with the fourth listed in 0 One codthe youths, Ronald! VF,'.Y fair condition. ii fiQI i ves Carswell, 16, underwent surgery for gunshot wounds in the head and chest. Gary Moore, 17, and Edward Omans, 17, suffered gun- shot wounds in the back; and John Little, 17, was wounded in the buttocks.hI WASHINGTON 0,)- T h c is expected to accept the No arrests have been reported House approved a sweeping an- version, thus completing cc in the shootings. ticrime b il1l yesterday which sional action without the ni Authorities also announced that would give the federal govern- a Senate-House conference Pontiac Central and Eastern Jun- ment new and expanded 1 e g a1I The 148-page b ill brin ir High will closed until next powers for use against organized gether a dozen separate p Monday. All other Pontiac schools crime. als that reflect recommen will remain open. The bill would also g i v e tihe made by t he administrat Following the shooting Monday, government greatersauthority to Presidential crime commissi Central High students were kept d e a 1 with terror bombings, in- individual members of Cong in classes until the regular closing cluding the power to send federal Several of its provision time. Principal Don McMillan said agents to college campuses to in- with the complex and tec that at 3 p.m. only about two vestigate explosions and fires. legal procedures for gat thirds of the students who should With sentiment f o r a strong evidence and presenting have been in school were still law-and-order bill running high court. The avowed aim there. as election day approaches, the strengthen the government' Pontiac is the headquarters of House brushed aside all attempts in getting at the top crime General Motors Corp.'s Pontiac to soften the measure and then The bill would establish Division. The plants have been passed it by a 341-26 vote. grand juries with expande shut down since Sept. 14 by the The Senate passed a similar bill ers to investigate and rep United Auto Workers Union strike. last January by a vote of 73-1 and organized crime activities; -Associated Press third day of racial disorders in Pontiac p a group of students moving away from riame bill WASHINGTON t - Presi- dent Nixon proposed 1 a s t night a standstill cease-fire in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, immediate release of allf prisoners and a broadened peace conference to seek a set- tlement of conflict through- out all of Indochina. Departing in several major in- stances from previous American initiatives, Nixon said of his cease-fire plan: "My hope is that it will break the logjam in all the negotiations." An administration source said last night officials in Washington are hopeful that the President's suggestions will trigger a process of exploration at the bargainimg table. In Paris, where it w a s early morning when President Nixon spoke, the word from the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong dele- gations was that there would be no comment until later in t h e day. Nixon, declaring that his pro- gram has the "full support" of the governments of South Viet- President Nixon nam, Cambodia and Laos, said in a national television-radio ad- dress: ASK FUNDS FOR POOR: "The time has c o m e for the government of North Vietnam to join its neighbors in a proposal to quit making war and to s t a r t The President asserted the United States is prepared to ne- gotiate a complete withdrawal of ce American troops f r o m South Vietnam as part of any settle- By ART LERNER ment. An administration official Supporters of the Black Economic D indicated t h e pullout would be BEpL)rtnd ofate Black onicaD accomplished over a 12-month (BEDL) and Welfare Rights Organization period once an agreement w a s tinuing their drive for money for the poor reached. es. Nixon called also for "the im- Members of the two groups have bee tmediateand, unconditional release First Presbyterian Church on Washtenaw A ofall prisoners of" war held by both sdes"-declaring th su nesday to put pressure on the church BE moves "could serve to establish feel is the key to reaching other area chu good faith, the intent to make pro- Despite an injunction preventing BE gress, and thus improve the pros- ers f r o m interfering withy pects for negotiation." church business at First Pres- Nixon used tough language at byterian and o t h e r area only one point in his address. Re-by ferring to recent Viet Cong sug- churches, a small g r o u p of gestions for a settlement that BEDL-WRO members, includ- would, among other things, rule ing Engineering Placement SineI out continued officeholding by Service Director Prof. J o h n Thieu and Vice President Nguyen Young, have remained in a Cao Ky, he said: lounge in t h e church for a ill V " 'Let there be no mistake about week, claiming they are not one essential point: the other side in violation of the injunction. Student is not merely objecting to a few last nightan 3 prsoaliies Thy wnt o ds- BEDL-WRO have received fi- LSA '74, an persnlties.rgaThedwnto-di- nancial committments from sev- to fill the t manitehoranizsuenon-Coin- era local organizations and con- have been v muitfresainsue he=take- over by one party, and they de- gregations, and have recently re- ning of the f ceied suportfrom Democratic mand the right to exclude whom- ceived support candidate Michael The new m ever they wish from government. congressionalnd ator i on SGC unt "This patently unreasonable de- Stillo a hosk inlam man i ttalyunccptbl." Stringfellowlao who spoke in Ann ber. mand is totally unacceptable." Abo Monday SGC aso c While asserting that the United ArborMsity to "ens States is prepared to be flexible Stringfellow, author of 'My porations th I on many issues, Nixon said: "We People is the Enemy', a b o o k Pmoations'wht stand firm for the rightofdall the about his experiences as a white mattei whe South Vietnamese people to de- lawyer in N e w York's Harlem, f termine for themselves the kind left Ann Arbor Tuesday after a The motic of government they want." speaking engagement sponsored a request b The chief executive said the In- by the University's Office of Re- Student Ser dochina-wide cease-fire he seeks ligious Affairs and the University SGC to com "must be effectively supervised by Reformed Church, where a sit-in ban recruite I international observers" and that was held last week. operatingi See NIXON, Page 8 See BEDL, Page 8 apartheid, s BROADENED STUDENT ROLE liureb evelopment League n (WRO) are con- from local church- -Associated Press House' ongres- eed for e. gs to- propos- idations, tion, a ion and gress. s deal chnical thering it in is to, s hand bosses. special 4 pow- ort on stren- gthen procedures designed to com- pel witnesses to testify; provide protection for witnesses in an ef- fort to keep them from being kill- ed or intimidated, and make it easier to use in court evidence ob- tained by wire-tapping. Other sections strike at the in- terstate gambling operations of organized crime and at the infil- tration of legitimate businesses by racketeers. The bill provides that hardened criminals can receive sentences of up to 25 years if a judge deter- mines that they are dangerous of- fenders. The antibombing provisions are not restricted to organized crime They were added by the House Judiciary Committee in response to the recent bombing at the Uni- versity of Wisconsin in which one man was killed and a research center wrecked. Besides authorizing the use of FBI agents in campus bombings, the bill establishes federal regula- tion and licensing of explosives. n sitting ve. since1 DL-WRO rches. EDL-WRO in at the last Wed- members support- Levin backs lower pot penalty, opposes draft resister amnesty I . elects ants to acanc( ies Government Council elected Andre Hunt, id Al Ackerman, Law, ,wo Council seats that acant since the begin- -academic year. nembers will hold seats il elections in Novem- called for the Univer- d all ties with cor- at discriminate . .,, no re those companies on was in response to y the new Office of vices Policy Board for rment on a proposal to ers from corporations in states practicing uch as South Africa. By DAVID EGNER j Democratic gubernatorial can- didate Sander Levin promised last night to fight for lowering penal- ties for marijuana use and the re- peal of state abortion laws, while he declared his opposition to am- nesty for draft resisters. The state Senate minority lead- 1 er spoke to an overflow audience of some 250 persons, mostly stu- dents, in the UGLI Multi-purpose room, and appealed for their sup- other yelled, "Do you want to get There were sharp attacks on the port in his campaign stoned tonight, Sandy?" bill by a few members but all at- Levin said he favored reducing But Levin was applauded when tempts to amend it were turned the penalty for marijuana use to he made a strong stand against aside easily by nonrecord votes. misdemeanor but opposed legal- use of heroin and other drugs. One defeated amendment would ization of marijuana and hard Levin opposed the state Demo- have defined the Mafia and La drugs. There is mixed evidence cratic party plank for amnesty on its effects," he claimed. for draft resisters because "they Cosa Nostra as organized nation- A few persons in the audience are guilty of breaking a law." al criminal groups and made heckled Levin for his marijuana. membership in t h e m a federa: statement. Someone s h o u t e d, "Those who act in civil disobedi- "Make tobacco illegal," and an- ence, regardless of the rightness crime. of their cause, must face up to the __r_____ _ law," he said. e d d a e Levin condemned violence, but spoke in favor of peaceful pro- test. He said he suupported dis- ruptive but non-violent actions, such as the Black Action Move- ment strike of last spring. The state Senate minority lead-j er spoke to his audience for 10 minutes and then answered ques- tions for 50 minutes. He said he supports a graduat- ed state income tax, unlike his opponent Gov. William Milliken, claiming that it is a fairer system of taxation than property taxes. Although Levin opposes aid to non-public schools that goes to pay teacher salaries, he said he favors aid for "auxiliaryservices." These services would include bus- ing and diagnostic help for child- Education school plans changes By EDWARD ZIMMERMAN Arising out of student complaints of insufficient representation in the govern- ing structure of the education school, an ad hoc group of education students and faculty got together for a weekend nearly a year ago, discussed the problems of the school, and composed recommendations for change. By the end of this term, it appears that most of their recommendations will have been implemented. Already one of the pro- posals-for\ the appointment of an asso- On most of the school's committees, stu- dent representation will approach parity with faculty. On the curriculum co-ordi- nating committee, four students will sit with five faculty members. Students will have voting rights on all the school's in- ternal committees e x c e p t the executive committee, on which three students (in- stead of the present two) will sit in a non- voting capacity with six faculty members. The question of student representation on the executive committee has evoked some controversy. Jack Eisner, former pres- Perhaps the most important proposal is the division of the school into four divi- sions. Each division will have a chairman appointed by the dean in consultation with students and faculty. Each division will form a j o i n t student-faculty executive committee to assist the chairman in the executive functions in the division: One crucial purpose of dividing the school in this way is to establish a more meaningful student - faculty relationship, say some faculty members. One professor says that if a decision is to affect a stu- y . . . . ..tY.?L~'f~}i $[t.::; 'n:{: ." v $___ :. ... ...:: " ; .B - - : :..::: : "r". .-- .. .,:...o- ._.-. _ . 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