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October 07, 1970 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-10-07

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P-e Eicht


Wednesday, October 7, T 970 I

P~e Eic'ht THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 7, 1970 ~

unit nears
(Continued from Page 1)
committee seemed resigned to the
proposal - which nobody really
liked but nearly everyone seemed
willing to accept.
One of the particular concerns
of students was avoidance of the
heavy hand of authority in trials
understood by the academic com-
munity but not by the outside,"
St. Antoine said. "There was also
a desire for some sense of order-
liness and decorum."
"We would have an appropriate
balance if an expert made these
decisions but could be vetoed by
the three side men," he explained.
History Prof. Gerhard Wein-
berg, chairman of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee on University
Affairs, said he personally thought
the new compromise might be the
He emphasized the procedural
panel would always include at;
least one faculty member and a
board to which hearing decisions
might be appealed would have
substantial faculty involvement.
"The plan meets a fairly sub-
stantial number of concerns put
forth-expertise, involvement of
faculty and student concerns for
an all-student jury," Weinberg
Gay Liberation I ront General Meet-
ing. 3-C Union, 8:30 p.m. Thursday,
October 8. 1970.
* * * *
Central Student Judiciary Hearing.
Thursday, 7:30, Room 3540 SAB. En-
gineering Placement Advisory Commit-
tee, et. al., v. Students for a Democratic
1Society, et al.

Nixon to talk on war

(Continued from Page 1)
He said it has been discussed
with the governments of South
Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos
"and has the approval of those
governments as well, of course, as
the approval of the government of
the United States."

Nixon said he will outline his
speech to Cabinet members at 5
p.m. today and brief a bipartisan
group of Congressional leaders an
hour later.
Secretary of State William P.
Rogers will brief foreign govern-
ments who have expressed an in-
terest - or have an interest - in



-Daily-Jim Wallace
Even dogs do it
Yesterday was a nice, warm Diag day. And that always means
frisbee playing wherever there's a few available arms, some open
space and the frisbee. Or if you're an energetic dog, a few avail-
able paws to catch the plastic sphere will do nicely.
Radical con fesess to
being FBI informer

Among those in the adminis- the area during the course of the
tration who have been involved
in the discussions, he said, are Ronald L. Ziegler, White House
Ellsworth Bunker, ambassador to press secretary, declined to ex-
Vietnam, with whom he met in pand on Nixon's brief announce-
California, and Ambassador Bruce ment other than to say that a re-
and Philip Habib, Bruce's deputy, examination of the U.S. negotiat-
whom he saw in Ireland "and re- i .
ceived their assessment of t h e ing position has been going on
situation and their recommenda- since the Cambodian operation
tions." was completed.
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(Continued from Page 1) Grimm was an agent of the FBI,
Lackey had earlier accused Dean Drake, Knowles, and Dean cited
of a breech of ethics in soliciting the fact that after Grimm had lost
aid from a state investigator but his athletic scholarship, he w a s
said all he knew about the case given a $900 loan from the Na-
itself was what he had heard tional Defense Education Act.
what he had read in the papers At that time he was on proba-
and what he had encountered in a tion for burning obscenities into a
recent court case in which Grimm carpet in a university hall, and
was an informant. breaking into and entering a
Lackey stated Dean had at- w dmthe Offi of S t uaccused
tempted to make a deal with a alomh
Detateent investigator concerning con- Deeopet after withdrawing
stat inestiato cocernng on-from school in July, that he could
firmation of Grimm's role as an be reached through the address:
informer to the FBI and Tusca-berahdtouhhedrs:
loosa Police. The investigator said Eric Wson, Box 85, Tuscaloosa
Dean offered him evidence which Wilson is an FBI agent.
could be used in court against As a narcotic agent for the Tus-
Grimm in return for the evidence caloosa City Police, the former
that Grimm was an agent. University wrestler teamed with a
Dean has denied offering the in- Birmingham policeman known as
vestigator a deal. "Arnie" in the sale and use o
To establish the fact that drugs. The pair figured in the ar-
t-- - -rac.f 13 nnnlen n naorcntiec

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Jane Hart
atHllH~e SR
speaksr a Hl
(Continued from Page 1)

ress s1 1, peul oipil-tbU
charges, according to Grimm.
Grimm later left town when those
arrested threatened him.
While an agent Grimm said he
received money for drugs from
City Detective Russell and often
cheated Russell in the transfer of
funds. Russell testified in court

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scapegoating and name calling by Sept. 10, that he did not remem-
the administration, and blaming ber Grimm or anything about the
everything on the military-indus- accusations made by Grimm or
trial complex by herself and oth- defense attorneys Dean, Knowles,
ers of her political persuasion. and Drake.
Responding to questions con- The statement also claimed that
cerning her controversial arrest Grimm, as a leader of the Stu-
while participating in an anti-war dent- Faculty Coalition, had ad-
action at the Pentagon last fall vocated the use of guns and had
Hart said her group was "convict- asked several of his counterpartsl
ed of making loud and unusual to steal dynamite for use in cam-
noises and obstructing passages, I pus action.
which we weren't." Dean said there were two ways
She added that the case was in which Grimm could be indicted
currently on appeal in the Fed- by a grand jury-through the ef-
eral courts, and that no decision forts of the district attorney orI
was expected for at least two the grand jury itself. Dean said
years. he thought that Lackey, the dis-
In response to the possibility of trict attorney, would not act in the
her actions having an adverse af- case, and said that he was not
fect on her husband's campaign, willing to discuss the subject with
Hart downplayed this aspect say- him because of the latter's at-
ing, "He doesn't mind." titude.


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COME and RAP with Marlene Dixon,
Catherine East, Jo-Ann Gardner, Mar-
tha Griffiths, and Robin Morgan
SATURDAY, OCT. 10-10 A.M.-5 P.M.
in Auds. A, B, C, D & Mason Hall




Women's History, women in careers,

>a selection of

alternative family styles, sexual oppression, the unat-
tached woman, abortion and family planning, women s
curriculum, black women, university discrimination, day
care, lesbianism, radical feminism, and more
SUNDAY, OCT. 11-1:30 P.M.


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