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October 07, 1970 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-10-07

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Page Six


Wednesday, October 7, 1970

Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 7, 1970


THURS., OCT. 8-8:00 P.M.
2nd Floor S.A.B.




Sony Model 20
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A'way down south in Dixie,
where life is easy and leisure
prime, Mississippi's Rebels don't
seem to cotton to the slow pace.
The Rebels, led by Heisman
trophy candidate Archie Manning,
have jumped off to a fast start
and a tie for the lead in the tight
Southeastern Football Confer-
Mississippi .stands at 3-0 over-
all and 2-0 in league play to this
point. The only foreseeable road-
block to an undefeated conference
record appears to be a final game
showdown against Louisiana State
in the Tigers' den at Baton Rouge.
The Rebels showed their mettle
last weekend by himiliating Bear
Bryant's Crimson Tide 48-23. In
that game, Manning passed for
three touchdowns and ran for two
others indicating his versatility.
Sharing the conference lime-
light with Mississippi is also un-
defeated Auburn. The Tigers are
not lacking a quarterback either.
Gifted Irishman Pat Sullivan has
led his team to victories over
Southern Mississippi, Tennessee
and Kentucky.
In the Tennessee game, Sullivan
broke his own school record for
total offense by running for 70
yards and passing for 268 more in
leading the Tigers to a convinc-
ing 36-23 triumph.
However, if Shug Jordan's pro-
teges are going to hold onto their
portion of the lead, they are go-
ing to have to get past conference
toughies LSU, Florida, and Ala-
bama to do it.
If Florida can overcome their
electrifying 46-15 defeat at t h e
hands of Alabama the week before
last, Doug Dickey may be able
to sneak his Gators into the con-
ference title picture..
The Gators, came off that de-
feat by edging Wake Forrest, 19-
15, in an unimpressive showing.
But John Reaves,. Carlos Alvar-
ez, and company have three more


weeks to ready themselves for con-
sacutive clashes with Tennessee
and Auburn.
The never to be underestimated
Crimson Tide of Alabama could be
playing the role of the spoiler this
Florida, as previously mention-
ed, has already felt the wrath of
the Tide, and Bear Bryant's squad
will have similar opportunities to
dim the title hopes of Tennessee,
LSU, and Auburn.
In their loss to Ole Miss, 'Bama
played without the services of
quarterback Scott Hunter, an-
other of the amazin' arms of the
southeast. If Hunter, who threw
for 2,188 yards last year, recovers
sufficiently, Bryant's tutelages, as
always, will have to be reckoned
Louisiana State has yet to open
their conference schedule as the
Tigers play only five conference
games this year. This poses a
definite problem for the Tigers.
In this situation, they cannot af-
ford to lose a game. Under similar
circumstances last year, LSU went
9-1 with their one loss being with-
in the conference.
As a result the Tigers missed
a tie with Tennessee because the
Vols played six games.
Tennessee is blessed with fine
offensive talent headed by All
American guard Chip Kell and
All SEC fullback Curt Watson.
The Vols problems lie in rebuild-
ing their defense which lost eight
starters including twin All Amer-
ican linebackers Steve Kiner and
Jack Reynolds.
The Volunteers schedule is ex-
ceptionally tough on the defense.
Their next two games are against
offensively oriented Alabama and
Florida. If the defense can jell
quickly, the Vols could still chal-
The rest of the conference still
has room for growth. Georgia
needs a year to rebuild; Vander-
bilt is still a season or two away
from contention, while Kentucky
is burdened with an awesome
schedule. Finally, hapless Missis-
sippi State, must close its : eason
on successive weekends against
Alabama, Auburn, LSU and Ole
Miss. which is enough to make any
coach look to next season.





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-Associated Press
NOTRE DAME defensive end Walt Patulski (85) finishes a crunching tackle of Michigan State
quarterback Mike Rasmussen in last week's game. Patulski, only a junior, is not on anyone's All-
American squad yet, but with a few more blows like this, he may be soon.
Dierdorf Hill rate with the best
in current colege linemen crop


Speak the laM
(Rm Kippw')

Traditionally, the most over-
looked player on the gridiron is
the interior lineman, and this sea-
son is no exception. The only
names constantly heard are Man-
ning, Plunkett, Theisman, etc.
However, in this, the year of the
quarterback, there are a f e w
standouts on both the offensive
and defensive lines.
Dan Dierdorf of Michigan and
Bob Wuensch of Texas rank as
the best offensive tackles in the
country. Dierdorf was All-Big Ten
last season and was a second team
selection as a sophomore. The 6-4,
250 pound power tackle is -the
key man in clearing holes f o r
Wolverine backs Billy Taylor and
Glenn Doughty.
Wuensch, who stands 6-3 and
weighs 235, was named to t h e
Coaches All-American team 1 a s t
season. Red-shirted as a sopho-
more becapse of a neck injury, he.
has been an outstanding blocker
the past two seasons and one of
the major reasons the Longhorn
offense has been so powerful.
Probably the best offensive line-
men in the nation are a pair of
guards, Chip Kell of Tennessee
and Larry DiNardo of Notre
Dame. Both made most of the
All-American team last year and
both are exceptionally strong. Di-
Nardo is 6-1, 230, while Kell who
is 6-0, 245 can press almost 500

lbs. and run the 40 to 4.8, which
is backfield speed. Last year he
won the Jacobs Trophy as the
best blocker in the SEC.
Colorado's Don Popplewell
ranks as one of the finer centers
in the nation. At 6-2, 240 he has
excellent size for pro ball. Mike
Reid, who last year won the Out-
land Trophy as college football's
best interior lineman, feels that
Popplewell is the best center he
played against.
On the other side of the foot-
ball we find that Charley Weaver
of Southern Cal and Bill Atessis
of Texas are just about, the best
defensive ends around. Weaver is
rather small for his position at
6-2, 214 but his speed and desire
make up for his lack of size. He
made 83 tackles and recovered 4
fumbles for the Trojans last sea-
son. Atessis made All-American
last year and at 6-3, 260 is the
biggest man on the Longhorn
squad. Despite his size, he has

good speed and excellent mobil-
The Big-Ten has the two best
middle guards in Henry Hill of
Michigan and Jim Stillwagon of
Ohio State. Hill is 5-11, .220 and'
has been second team All-Big Ten
the past two seasons. His desire is
demonstrated by the fact that he
does not have a football scholar-
ship. Hill is very quick and has
thrown opposing runners for loss-
es 23 times in two seasons. Still-
wagon, although not one of the
biggest men on the team at 6-0,I
218, is a hard and sure tackler. He
can play in or out of the line and
usually plays all over the field.
Rounding out the nation's top
linemen are defensive tackles Rick
Perdoni of Georgia Tech, ani Ron
Curl of ichigan State.
These eleven linemen are the
prime candidates for the Outland
Trophy, and although they do not
receive much press, they are sure
to go quickly in the professional
draft next January.

Frosh live in shadows


Those of us who watch the Wol-
verines devour their opponents on
Saturdays (done with a bit of dif-
ficulty of late) may wonder what
sustains them during the week.
As might be suspected, it is raw
flesh; and as also might be sus-
pected, it is supplied by the fresh-
men football players who exist
almost solely to satisfy the violent
caprices of the varsity.
One substantial morsel is 6-21/2,
230 pound fullback Ed Shuttles-
worth, a product of Cincinnati's
Woodward High School where he
gained all-league, all-city,. and
honorable mention all-state hon-
ors. But all-that is past, and now
Ed is merely another pretty face to
maul between games.
AS A FULLBACK, Ed's only
contact with the varsity is with
the defense - the offense occu-
pies the other end of the practice
field disassembling the freshmen
defenders. His reaction to being
cast into the maw of the vaunted
Michigan defense is, "They have
hard hitters. You can learn a lot
from them. They've got a great
He described his feelings prior to
his first confrontation with the
Wolverine defenders, in which he
4our Fu tue
" Preparation for tests required
for admission to post-graduate
- Six and twelve session courses
- Small groups
" Voluminous study material for
home study prepared by ex-
perts in each field
" Lesson schedule can be tai-
lored to meet individual needs.
Lessons can be spread over a
period of several months to a
year, or for out of town stu-
t4pn1_ r4 n na wpaV

and the rest of the freshman of-
fense assumed the role of the Ari-
zona attack, by saying simply,
"Well, I didn't know what to ex-
pect. I guess I was kind of nerv-


Now that he has had time to
become a familiar playmate with
the likes of Marty Huff, Henry
Hill and the rest, he reflects, .
"Most of them are pretty friendly
off the field, but on it they have a
job to do, and they just do it."
BOTH THE FROSH and varsity
squads stay at South Quad. But
while the varsity has their own
meal line and some degree of
notoriety, the freshmen have to
eat the regular dormitory food.
And like the dorm food, they re-
main virtually anonymous.
After dinner on Sunday through
Thursday from 7:30 to 10:00, all
the freshmen players are required
to come to "study tables," which
are held in one of the dormitory
cafeterias. Eligibility is a chief
concern of the coaches, who will
even provide a tutor if need be.
WHEN HE and his teammates
aren't running the plays of next
week's opponent against the var- 4
sity, which is on Mondays a n d
Fridays when the number o n e
squad relaxes from heavy drills,
they work on developing t h e i r
own skills. Saturdays are als1
spent in practice if the varsity is
playing away. If not, they are
given free passes to the game.
The freshmen team's progress
will be measured on October 31
when they play the first of their
three scheduled games, against
Michigan State. They will meet
the Spartans again later in the
season, after a game against the
Notre Dame freshmen.
It should be a welcomed change.
For the student body:
' Farah
# Wright

Make a date especially if you have too much
homework. we can make it manageable by
increasing your reading rate at least 3 times.
The study technique we teach is efficient,
effective and thorough-a definite improve-
ment over unorganized cramming. Schedule a
free Mini-Lesson for yourself.

Mini Lesson Schedule Oct._1
University of Michigan 6 P.M.
Student Union 8a.
530 S. State P. .

Oct. 8
6 P.M.
8 P.M.

9D M

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