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October 07, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-10-07

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Cloudy, windy, and warm;
chance of evening showers

Vol. LXXXI, No. 30

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 7, 1970

Ten Cents'

Eight Pages

OSS unit

Delays action on
student group
recognition plan
The policy board of the Of-
fice of Student Services 1 a s t
night discussed student hous-
ing, University recognition of
student organizations, and
corporate recruiters on cam-
pus, but no formal action was
taken at the meeting.
The board appeared to be in
agreement on establishing a pol-
'icy--setting board for the Office of
University Housing along the lines
of the OSS board itself. The Stu-
dent Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Housing presently advises
the director of the office, but it
does not have policy-making
i University Housing Director
John Feldkamp explained s o m a'
of the problems of his office say-
ing, "We are not able to fund a
program for the greatest need in
housing. This need is for central
campus single student housing un-
der some kind of rent control,"
#Feldkamp said.
Natural resources Prof. John
Bardach criticized the University
for being "woefully lacking in long
range planing for housing." He
said the University should reor-
der its priorities - specifically on
the issue of the "sacrosanct Uni-
* versity properties such as the golf
The policy board also discussed
the possibility of the University
assisting the Inter-Cooperative
Council (ICC) in buying up vacant
fraternities and sororities. Mem-
bers of the board said the Uni-
1 versity had the money to help
ICC and this expenditure would be
a relatively inexpensive way to
improve the housing market in
Ann Arbor.
The board mentioned the ques-
tion of University recognition of
student organizations, but put off
full discussion of the issue until
next week to allow members time
to study the problem.
Recognition of .student organ-
izations has become an issue fol-
lowing President Robben Flem-
ing's original ban on Gay Libera-
.#tion Front use of the Union facili-
ties to hold a Midwest conference
in November. Fleming said the
group was not "educational" in
Responsibility for the final de-
cision on the conference was dele-
gated by the Regents at their last
,meeting to Vice President for Stu-
dent Services Robert Knauss. The
OSS policy board will eventually
advise him on this decision.
In the past recognition as a stu-
dent organization has implied the
right to use University facilities---
such as the Union-and a finan-
cial advisor to the group. However,
fit was pointed out by board mem-
bers that unrecognized student]
organizations presently use Uni-
versity facilities such as the Diag
The Brain Mistrust also ad-
dressed the policy board asking
that the University comply with
anti-discrimination laws by not
allowing on campus recruiters
from corporations that maintain
branch offices or plants in apart-
heid South Africa.
The board postponed any action
until next week's meeting when>
,the Brain Mistrust will present
further evidence and additional
speakers to back up their request

Military to
fire 7000
for drugs
Navy officials
testify before
House committee
WASHINGTON ()-More than
7,000 Marines and sailors will
probably be discharged from the
service this year for illegal drug
activity, Congress was told yester-
A special House armed services
military subcommittee heard top
ranking Navy and Marine Corps
officers testify that approximately
6,000 sailors and 1,100 Marines will
be discharged in 1970 for drug vio-
lations. most involving marijuana.
The Marines, with 545 men dis-
charge'd during the first six
months of this year, have a better
record proportionately than the
Navy, which has had 2,895 dis-
charges for drug reasons. The
Navy's manpower is two and one-
half to three times larger than
the Marine Corps.
Brig. Gen. R. B. Carney Jr. told
the subcommittee the Marine
Corps has no medical rehabilita-
tion program and does not plan
to establish one. Marines involved
in illegal drug use are either ad-
ministratively discharged or court-
martialed, he said.
"The statistical data available
concerning the treatment and re-
habilitation of narcotic and dan-
gerous drug users is not impres-
sive," Carney said.
He said the more successful re-
habilitative programs take up to
two years and the Marine Corps
is not funded or supported to the
extent necessary to assume such a
"The manpower of both the re-
habilitees and the rehabilitors
would be lost for our primary mili-
tary missions," Carney explained.
Rear Adm. S. H. Kinney told the
panel the Navy is more inclined
than the Marines to make efforts
to rehabilitate its drug users. He
said the Navy was successful with
about 97 per cent of the 2,000 psy-
chological rehabilitations it at-
tempted in the past year.
-During the first half of 1970
the Navy conducted 7,477 d r u g
investigations. The Marine Corps
conducted 2,097 investigations
duringtthe same six months, the
witnesses testified.
ticize publi
ot aiding C


compromise on




A committee struggling to formulate a new University
judicial system appeared last night to be near agreement-on
a method of determining procedural rulings in trials, the
last major stumbling block in its effort to develop new campus
legal procedures.
The committee proposal provides for an outside legal
expert to decide procedural questions such as admissibility
of evidence. The expert, however, could be overruled by a
three member panel that would include two students and one
faculty member for student trials.
This proposal, which will be put on paper by a drafting
committee this week, is a compromise between regental

-Associated Press
Policing the Agnew speech
Two Pittsburgh policemen, left hands holding police dogs, use
their rights hand to move a girl who was part of a crowd demon-
strating last night outside the Pittsburgh Hilton where Vice
President Agnew was speaking at a $150 plate dinner.

-Daily-Denny Gainer
Jane Hart speaks at Hill Aud.

desire for outside involvement
in hearings, faculty insistence
on faculty involvement and
student demands for trial by
"There's a real balance that no-
body's excited about-that's why
we're not exactly jumping up and
down," S t u d e n t Government
Council President Marty Scott
said. "What it is, is a proposal in
line with what we can accept, the
faculty can accept and the Re-
gents can accept."
The committee - appointed by
President Robben Fleming last
April-previously agreed that guilt
and punishment of students and
faculty members be decided by a
jury of six, randomly selected
If the students, faculty mem-
bers, administrators and Regents
on the committee, formally ap-
prove the compromise, the next
step will be appointing several
members to put the entire system
on paper for final approval.
The compromise was arrived at
during a lunch meeting earlier
yesterday between acting literary
college Dean Alfred Sussman, Law
Prof. TheodoredSt. Antoine, Mi-
chael Davis and Bob Grieg, two
student members of the commit-
Previously the committee was

Jane Hart advocates
'movin the middle'
"Moving the middle" as a means of political reform was
the major theme of a speech given by Jane Hart last night
in Hill Aud. Hart, the outspoken wife of Michigan Sen. Philip
Hart spoke before a crowd of about 300 in the first part of a
series that will bring Sen. GeorgeMcGovern (D-N.D.) and
former Att. Gen. Ramsey Clark to Ann Arbor to speak in
behalf of Hart's campaign for re-election.
While conceding that the "fringes" provide the leadership
for change, Hart emphasized that only with the support of
"middle America" can change be brought about. It was on
this basis that she she she opposed the "Amnesty Plank" of
the state party Platform. This plank tended to "antagonize"
the "middle" and therefore --
hurt more than it helped at e
this time, she contended. B
Hart was sharply critical of the NiBalackscri
Nixon administration, accusing]
Vice President Spiro Agnew of p a o orn h onr aig"hr
touring thedcountry making "sort plan1 for i1
term, cheap political games' by?
stirring up differences between
factions within the country. Sim- By HARVARD VALLANCE
ilarly. she'accused President Nixon The proposed office of public
of only paying lip service to, and defender for Washtenaw County
failing to support electoral re- has come under sharp criticism
form. "We need not look to this from black community leaders and
administration for leadership", several lawyers who say the poor
Hart said. Quoting Agnew, she the office is supposed to serve are
added, "You chose Richard to be not being sufficiently included in
President because morale in this the program's planning and opera-
country was at 'an all time low." tion.
Hart, who holds a degree in The new program, approved by
anthropology, also stressed the ef- the county Board of Commission-
fects of "cultural shock" on mod- ers last week, was designed to ye-
ern society. "A child born in a place the current system of de-
middle-class home lives in a fense for indigents in which at-
throw-away world. His home is a torneys are appointed by the court
machine that takes things in the to represent clients who cannot
front, grinds them up, and throws afford legal counsel.
them out the back," she said. The proposal suggests that the
Turning to the complexity of defender either be elected, ap-
modern life and the breakdown pointed by the board or some
in inter-personal relations, Hart "o t h e r appropriate appointed
said there is "too much in-put" agency."
for people to handle. She main- The NAACP released a state-
tained that there is an irrational ment yesterday stating the organ-
response to this, which includes ization could not support the pro-
See JANE, Page 8 posal unless the poor were given




S.E.- Asia plan
WASHINGTON (P -President Nixon tonight will give the
nation what he called a comprehensive statement on the
Vietnam war. And although the President would only say that
his speech will include a major new proposal, there is strong

speculation that Nixon will propose a possible cease-fire in deadlocked in its consideration of
Vietnam. several models for the three mem-
ber procedural panel. It appeared
In a short, unscheduled meeting with newsmen yesterday, that student and faculty differ-
only 15 hours after returning from Europe, Nixon said he will ences on the political implications
make a radio-television address at 9 p.m. EDT today that will of the different models would pre-
be "the most comprehensive statement ever made on this sub- vent any agreement.

asks new
COLUMBUS, Ohio W) - The
Ohio National Guard, criticized by
a Presidential commission in con-
nection with the shooting deaths
of four Kent State University
students, has requested nonleth-
al weapons for use in future dis-
orders. However, the Guard plans
to continue to carry rifles and
load them on command.
Ohio Adj. Gen. Sylvester T. Del
Corso, commander of the O h i o
Guard, said yesterday Guardsmen
will continue the policy "to have
ammunition with them when call-
ed out and will load their weapons
on command of an officer."
"We do not want to kill anyone,
or even injure anyone. But the
trouble is there when we are call-
ed out, and we have to be prepar-
ed to do our job."
Del Corso said his office last
week asked the Department of the
Army to equip guard units across
the nation with short-range, non-
lethal weapons and protective
clothing for use in riot situations.
If the request is granted, he
said, the "-Ohio Guard would use
such weapons.
"But weswill not have a double
standard," he said. "We plan to
use these new weapons if we are
called into the streets, the same
as on the campuses . .. as far as
we're concerned, there is no dif-
ference between a disturbance on
campus and one in the city
streets ..
"And we will still have some
rifles. We're going to be prepared
in case someone starts shooting
at us."
Units of the Ohio Guard have
been called to active duty 33 times
in the past three years for civil
disorders. Nine of those call-ups
have come this year.
Under the Ohio Guard's recom-
mendation, Guardsmen would get
such weapons as multiple bator*
that fire wooden blocks, not
shotguns andadditional chemical
weapons. The Guard has a l1s0
recommended plastic face masks,
armored flak vests and shields
for use in riot duty.
The Ohio Guard already is
equipped with some shotguns,
plastic face masks and flak vests,
but does not have enough, accord-
ing to McCann. The Guard has nq
multiple batons or shields.
Del Corso said that, along with
nonlethal weapons, two riflemen
would be assigned to each 10-man
squad in riot duty. Other m e n
would carry shotguns, multiple
batons or tear gas grenade launch-

ject since the beginning of this very difficult war."
-_ - He declined to give details of


a "significant voice" in selecting
the defender and in determining
policy for the new office.
The statement also proposed an
ombudsman be appointed to t h e
office for a five-year period in
order to make the program "in-
dependent of pressures from poli-
ticians, the courts, the prosecutor,
the Bar associations and the police
Ezra Rowry, Chairman of the
Model Cities policy board, charged
the proposal represented a "pro-
establishment, anti-client point of
view." He said the proposal was
drawn up by "law enforcement
people" and represented an "ob-
vious conflict of interest" claiming
it made the county prosecutor and
public defender both responsible
to the "law and order establish-
Rowry charged the attorneys
from the public defender's office
would not be responsive to the
needs of their defendents, and the

)unty poor
proposed new office wouldl not
represent any improvement o v e r
the present system.
Defending the new program,
chairman of the Board of Com-
missioners O. Herbert Ellis said re-
presentatives of the county's poor
community had not been consult-
ed in drawing up the plan, but he
emphasized the program was still
in the formative stage and had
not yet been approved.
Although the board had not dis-
cussed the possibility of involving
the poor in the program's opera-
tions, Ellis said he was not op-
posed to the idea in principle and
the matter was open for discus-
George Stewart, director of
the Washtenaw County Legal Aid
Clinic, endorsed the program but
seconded Rowry's concern about
the possibility of a conflict of in-
terest between the defender's of-
fice and the county prosecutor.
It would be "a very bad idea,"
said Stewart, to have the defender
either elected or appointed by the
county commissioners. U n d e r
such conditions the defender would
be subjected to opposite pressures
from his client and the electorate
which might be more concerned
with law and order.
Stewart suggested the' commis-
sioners approve a non-profit cor-
poration to administer the pro-
gram. Such a board, he said,
should consist of local attorneys
concerned with problems of in-
digent defense and representa-
tion from the community to be
This board of control, Stewart
said; would hire a defender ac-
ceptable to the poor community,
administer the federal and county
funds and establish guidelines for
the program.
Circuit Court Judge John W.
rlin Ani-aA +1 rnrta 111l ha P:n

The President also said his
statement will not be limited to
any of the particular subjects that
had been speculated on in the
news media "but will cover all of
the major issues that are involved
in the Southeast Asia area."
Among the topics speculated
upon recently have been an in-
crease in the n u m b e r of U.S.
troops that will be withdrawn.
"I would like to indicate that
we do not consider this to be a
propaganda gimmick," N i x o n
said. "We are not saying it sim-
ply for the record."
As an indication of the U.S. at-
titude, Nixon said he has instruct-
ed the chief U.S. negotiator at
Paris, Ambassador David K. E.
Bruce, "to lay this proposal on
the table" at the next meeting
Thursday morning with repre-
sentatives of North Vietnam and
the Viet Cong.
Nixon said the statement had
been prepared "only after very
thorough consideration of all the
issues that are involved in our
negotiating position."
See NIXON, Page 8

what he intends to
newsmen it will not
Vietnam and will
Southeast Asia.

say but told
be limited to
cover all of

"Our fear was that in our zeal
to protect defendants, we had per-
haps gone too far and had not con-
sidered the comfort and rights of
complaintants," Sussman said, ex-
plaining the new compromise. "We
argued that it is important to have
an 'animated law book' who by
virtue of his knowledge of l a w
could direct a trial with fairness."
Scott said he envisaged the re-
lationship between the outside
legal expert and the three-member
panel as fluid, with consultation
and cooperation between the two.
Regent Robert Nederlander (D-
Birmingham) warned the commit-
tee its proposal would have to be
acceptable to the faculty and t h e
Regents. "Faculty members have
to be convinced that hearings will
be fair to all sides, not solely to
the defendants," he explained.
Central S t u d e n t Judiciary
Chairman Ed Kussy expressed dis-
pleasure at having an outside pre-
sence in the judiciary system, also
criticizing differentiating be-
tween students and faculty mem-
bers on the panel.
Joseph Julin, associate law
school dean, said he was troubled
by the provision allowing rulings
of the outside legal expert to be
overturned. "You want expertise
but not too much expertise," he
Despite these objections, the


Radical admits




TUSCALOOSA, Ala. (CPS) - A well-
known student radical at the University of
Alabama has admitted acting as an FBI
informer. One-time student Charles Grimm
made the admission after charges were
levelled against him by three attorneys who
are defending many of the students arrest-
ed during last May's student strike here.
"We feel that Charles Grimm w a s
nothing but a pawn of the Federal Bureau
of Investigazion and the City Police of Tus-
caloosa,' said George Dean, an American
Civil Liberties Union Lawyer. With asso-
ciates Jack Drake and Ralph Knowles,
Dean accused Grimm. a former University

violation. The second case was dismussed.
He and his wife, a former student named
Sharon Griney, left Tuscaloosa during the
summer and were not located until Sept.
25. Mrs. Grimm was arrested during the
May disorders also. She was charged with
siphoning gas from an automobile. Neither
of their cases have been tried, although
they were listed on the docket for August
In a statement made by Drake Sept. 30,
the attorneys alleged that Grimm had ad-
mitted being present when a fire at Dress-
ler Hall was started on the morning of
1ay 7. and had set fire to a nrivate resi-

during the disorders. Grimm also admitted
being an undercover agent whose d u t i e s
were "to criticize the university adminis-
tration for repressive action" While trying
to learn the identity of agitators.
In the statement Sept. 30, the lawyers
said Grimm told the three that his roles
were *to infiltrate the student movement
on campus, to identify the leaders of that
movement, to engage in radical criticism
of University officials (in order to gain the
confidence of other students), to encourage
conflict and division within the University
community, to provoke students into com-

:: ,.

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