CHANGING THE LSA GOVERNMENT See Editorial Page Jt Si r igan DaIM UTNSEASONAL High--81 Low-60 Partly cloudy and warmer; chance of afternoon rain Vol. LXXXI, No. 29 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Tuesday, October 6, 1970 Ten Cents Ten Pages Four shot in Pontiac rac al fight 300 dispersed by police after confrontation PONTIAC (N) - Four white high school students were re- ported in fair condition after being shot yesterday morning in an apparently racial inci- dent. Later in the day, police dis- persed a crowd of some 300 youths gathered near Pontiac Central High School. At least two persons were arrested and six persons, in- cluding three policemen, suffered minor injuries in the afternoon confrontation. Both Pontiac Central and Pon- tiac Northern High Schools will be closed today. Police Chief William Hanger said witnesses told police the shootings were "unprovoked" and that the four wounded white stu- dents were shot while they tried to avoid a confrontation with about 20 blacks. Police said the four apparently had been involved in « fight at a -Daily-Thomas R. Copi football game Friday night. JANIS JOPLIN SINGS at Crisler Arena, March 15, 1969. She died Sgt. Herb Cooley said that the late Sunday night in Los Angeles of an overdose of drugs. shooting broke out after the black youths confronted the four whites e" " " behind the school building. He said that the white students were trying to leave when a youth shot them with a pistol. 2 7The crowd swelled from 25 to. 300 following the morning shoot- d r g overd ose ing incident State and local law MEMBERS OF the North Oakland Ta officers were pelted with rocks and - bottles as they gathered to move persing a student crowd into a nea HOLLYWOOD (R) - Janis Joplin, whose writhing, wail- the students, both black and students early yesterday sparked roc ing performances, electrified the music world, died Sunday white, away from the school. School. of a drug overdose at the age of 27. White students were dispersed - - - - by police but black students re- 'L An autopsy on Joplin's body disclosed numerous needle mained in large gatherings as they -MONTH L AYOFFS: ,Marks on both arms, with several fresh ones on the left retreated toward a housing devel- arm, the coroner said yesterday. He said further tests would opment project. Police came to be needed to identify the type of drugs involved. the area but later pulled out. No0 other major incidents were Joplin was found dead in her apartment Sunday night, reported. clad in a nightgown. The coroner said there was no evidence One youth, Ronald Carswell, 16, of violence. of Pontiac underwent surgery for ' The coroner also said a psychological autopsy, in which a gunshot wounds in the head and 7 t-, steam of behavioral scientists examines the subject's personal chest Gary Moore, 17, and Edgun- life to determine whether a drug overdose was accidental or shot wounds in the back and John intentional, will be conducted. Little, 17, was wounded in the but-I By SARA FITZGERALD repr LSA asks on faculty freeze nrollment By BOB SCHREINER The literary college faculty yesterday called for a freezing of the college's enrollment at its present level. If the resolution, which was approved unanimously, is accepted by the Regents, the number of freshmen enrolled in the literary college each fall would be determined by the availability of spaces in the college. The number of students in the college at any one time would remain static, and the number admitted would equal and depend on the number of those leaving the college, for whatever reason. Current enrollment, which would become the norm for future years if the resolution is put into effect, has not been computed exactly as yet, but has been estimated by the Ad- -Associated Press actical Mobile Unit (top) patrol the south side of Pontiac, dis- rby housing project. The shooting of four Pontiac high school k throwing incidents (bottom) outside Pontiac Central High or upholds 'U' s ri/ Aprilstrike missions office to be 12,000 equivalent students. An "equivalent student" is a unit of measurement that com- pensates for differences in course- loads of students. The number of credit-hours per year that deter- mines an equivalent student un- dergraduate is 31. Yesterday's action was the first major policy pronouncement on the issue since 1965, when the faculty adopted a plan for "con- trolled college growth" developed by mathematics prof. William Le- Veque. Under the plan, freshman enrollment was not to exceed 3,100. Since that time, repeated efforts have been made to keep within" that limit, but the number of freshmen has climbed steadily each year to its present size of over 4,000 students. Other factors have contributed to the literary, college's phenom- enal growth. English Prof. H u g h English, who submitted the pro- posal, said the number of upper- classmen who have not graduated with their class has increased yearly. This he attributed to draft avoidance and the growing ten- dency of students to take less than full course loads. The rapid growth has come from other factors besides fresh- man matriculation. The number of transfer students from o t h e r universities, transfer students from other schools and colleges within the University, and read- mitted students who either drop out for one term or are dropped for academic reasons, has in- creased each year right alongswith the number of freshmen. "This is the first proposal form- ulated by the faculty that deals with the question of how big the college should be as a whole," English said. "It is not only con- cerned with the number of fresh- men who enroll each year, but with every aspect of the college's population growth." "The present structure of the college is not adequate for constantly increasing growth," he said. "I would not say that holding down the number of admissions will hurt the quality of education in the college. Rather, it should be quite the opposite." Vice President and Dean of the Graduate School Stephen Spurr told the LSA faculty that placing a limit on college enrollment was a good idea, but added that some problems might arise. "Remember that we have a commitment to enroll ethnic and other minorities as 10 per cent of the total class regardless of its size," he told them. "Since I would assume that this 10 per cent is not to be added onf See ASK, Page 6 Search groups formed By BOB SCHREINER The literary college and the social work school moved yester- day toward the appointment of new deans in their respective units. The LSA faculty approved the establishment of a search com- mittee consisting of six faculty, two undergraduates and one grad- uate student, to seek out and screen prospective candidates for the deanship. Earlier in the day, the social work school faculty and Social Work Student Union (SWSU) reached agreement on the com- position of a search committee to consist of four students, five fac- ulty members, plus a faculty chairman. An SWSU spokesman said the group made the agree- ment "reluctantly." Both schools have submitted their search committee plans to President Robben Fleming for ap- proval. New deans are appointed by Fleming, with the approval of the Regents. The literary college faculty spe- cified that two of the faculty members on their search commit- tee should have been on campus no more than five years, to assure "new blood" on the panel. After the structure of the com- mittee had been resolved, history Prof. Bradford Perkins proposed that a l t h o u g h the committee would remain a joint student-fac- ulty effort, both faculty and stu- dents should retain the privilege of holding private sessions at any time. But the faculty decided to. leave any decisions on the workings of the search committee to the com- mittee itself to resolve. Members of the search commit- tee will be' selected by Fleming from two lists-one consisting of 23 faculty members and the other made up of undergraduates and graduates. The method by which the stu- dent list would be composed was not resolved, but it was suggested that names of students be sub- mitted by committees appointed by the LSA student government and Graduate Assembly. Acting literary college dean, Alfred Sussman, said he hoped to meet with student representa- tives before the next faculty meet- See SEARCH, Page 6 resents the University's main-' A Joplin had come here from her San Francisco home to record for Di~ reelvoteColumbia Records, which had sold 10 millions of her singles "Piece of My Heart," "Maybe," "One Good an shelve"G T'Man" and albums "Cheap Thrills," 'Plah l e "I Got Them 01' Kozmic Blues Again, Mama." .Yna Her body was found by her guitarist, John Cooke, who won- dered why the singer had not WASHINGTON 0P)-After near- emerged from her hotel apartment -f 1 hg all day Sunday, and borrowed a tocks. An arbitrator ruled yesterday Following the shootings, Cen- . tral High Students were kept in ! that four University Hospital em-j classes until the regular closing ployes should receive disciplinary' time. Principal Don McMillan said layoffs in connection with a brief that at 3 p.m., about 2/3 of the wildcat strike at the hospital last students who should have been in April. school were still there.j However, a number of students had left school in the early after- noon. Large groups of black and white students began to congre- gate separately. Rocs lew beu htweepn the g*nm-s The decision upheld the action' taken by the University in three' of the cases and reduced the pen-: alty in the fourth case. The cases were submitted to arbitration June 12 at the request' of Local 1583 of the American Fed- eration of State, County and Muni- cipal Employes (AFSCME), which tenance and service employes. Three of the employes were sus- pended for their connection with the strike, which began when workers walked out to protest al-; leged harassment, over-work and discrimination on the part of hos-1 pital supervisors. About 150 work- ers went on strike, forcing thel hospital to operate on a limited basis for three days.i The arbitrator upheld the deci- sion of the University to give three-month disciplinary layoffs to two of the men who were union' stewards, and a one-month layoff ly a month of wrangling, the key to enter. He summoned police, a] Senate has shelved a constitutional She had been dead approximate- ab amendment to abolish the elec- ly 12 hours, police said. Bottles cr toral college and provide for the of tequila, vodka and wine were - direct election of the President. found in the apartment, but no The move came abruptly yes- Joplin followed in death another *erday after the collapse of efforts member of the rock pantheon. to find a compromise. Jimi Hendrix, 27, who was found Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Ind), chief in a London apartment last Senate sponsor of the proposed month, having suffocated on amendment, said he hopes it will vomit while unconscious. be given another chance if Con- "People seem to have a high gress holds a post-election session sense of drama about me," Janis in November. Joplin once told an interviewer. Not until Sept. 8, nearly a year "Maybe they can enjoy my music an after the House approved it, was more if they think I'm destroying fo the amendment brought up in the myself. m Senate. Two attempts to shut off "I got into this because of some- fe debate fell short of the required thing inside me. I'm not one of two-thirds majority. those people with a learned skill. tw Bayh had c o n c e d e d another If I'm going to do it I'm going to ui loture vote would have been fruit- do it for real. I can't just go out do essI See JOPLIN, Page 2 o nd police moved in-in force at bout 2 p.m. to break up the rowd. of the third man, a former union official. However, the action t a k e n against the fourth employe, char- ged with allegedly striking a supervisor, was reduced from a discharge to a six-month layoff by the arbitrator. The arbitrator said he took into account "the heat of an unauthorized strike, which was being fostered by the irresponsible acts of others," and the employe's "approximately 14 years of service with no prior dis- cipline record" in making his de- cision. The case of another employe. suspended for his part in the strike, was submitted to arbitra- tion, but the employe involved was not able to appear at the original hearing. The parties involved agreed to hold the case pending decisions on the other cases. Ruling on the case of the three employes, the arbitrator said, "those penalties are substantial, but they are far short of what is often imposed by employers and upheld by arbitrators in compar- able unauthorized strike situations. In the opinion of the arbitrator, the penalties here under consider- ation were not excessive and should stand" See RULING, Page 6 Mark's bought byernployes; coffeehouse set to reopen soon By GLORIA SMITH There were reports that Mark's nolds, now is Mark's legal owner. Lovers of coffee, chess, people owed other back taxes totalling "Actually, the entire group owns nd the comfortable atmosphere over $4000. M a r k 's," she says, "we just und at Mark's have only two The State then held a public auc- haven't finished the legal proced- ore weeks to wait before the cof- tion last Monday to sell all mov- ures involved with becoming a ehouse reopens October 15. able equipment and furnishings, corporation." Funds to buy the Mark's has been quiet for over The final bid of $2,000 was made coffeehouse came not only from o weeks now since State Treas- by a representative of e i g ht the group of eight, butalso from ry Department officials locked its people who have worked at Mark's donationsy oors because of failure to pay since its opening three years ago. businessmen and concerned pat- ver $500 in taxes. The representiatve, Pat Rey- rons. _ _ _ --_.---_-___ - ___ _- - Owners of P.J.'s and the Char- OF L WS OUBT D Icoal House were among the nine OF LAWS DOUBTED s"c n'a stg" bidders competing against Reyn- olds until, as Norm Briggs, owner of P.J.'s explains, "When I was told that Pat represented the peo- lyt~i a fectaidple at Mark's, I stopped bidding." "This support by local competition y was really nice," Reynolds said. CONSTITUTIONALITY Disorders unlike By MARK DILLEN Daily News Analysis Despite an increasing barrage of federal and state legislation designed to penalize student disrupters by cutting off their financial aid, the likelihood of such cut- offs remains slim. University officials appear anxious to avoid circumstances where the laws cut- ting aid might apply and eager to show technicalities to prove they don't. Most recently, amendments a d d e d to both state and federal educational appro- priations bills stipulate that governmental aid going to students involved in university disruptions must be revoked. These sta- The state amendment governing scholar- ships and grants states that such funds are to be revoked if the recipient is con- victed of "disorderly conduct, violence to a person or damage to property while dis- rupting campus activities or if university officials determine he has violated college rules or regulations while participating in a campus disorder." In the most recent federal amendment, grounds for revoca- tion applied to anyone involved in "the use of force or the threat of force or the seizure of the institution's property," or any type of disruption. The result of this has been, college ad- jnir- s -en n r P re a Pa 4 w-hi4- eth strations serious enough vocation of federal aid. to warrant re- "Although a few were receiving NDEA (National Defense Education Act) scholar- ships and six or eight had MHEAA (Mich- igan Higher Education Authority Act) scholarships, according to the way our counsels read the legislation, the acts were not sufficient to warrant revocation," said Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith. The demonstrators were charged with contention, a misdemeanor. Even if the charge were greater, students involved had little chance of losing governmental grants ., .. .L :v.. Cm. ... .-..r. . . ...w Mark's has been in financial difficulty for a long time. Last year, Reynolds says, the coffeehouse was forced to choose between eliminating evening hours and imposing a fifty-cent cover charge. "One of our biggest problems was a lack of business-like man- agement," Reynolds says. Prac- tices such as hiring more help than was necessary just because people needed jobs and giving free food to customers, she continues, gradually sunk them deeper into debt. Mark's will probably open with - *,,*,m