3tixin Da4 Eightyyears of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan R dical Lesbians: Defining deviance 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Ediorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mst be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Keeping the rhetoric hot VICE PRESIDENT Spiro Agnew's recent tongue-lashing of Republican Sen. Charles Goodell provides ample evidence that President Nixon has no intention of following his own advice and "keeping the rhetoric cool when the, action is hot." Flying in the face of the recent report of the President's Commission on Campus Unrest, Agnew's rhetoric, rather than cooling, has recently become hotter than ever. Following the attack on Goodell as a party member who has strayed beyond the point of no return" he blasted G.O.P. national chairman Rogers Morton, who had endorsed Goodell on Wednesday, and yesterday was reportedly ready to start a fund supporting Goodell's Con-' servative Party opponent. The political implications for Agnew in this matter are broad, of course. By ad- vancing from his earlier stance of at- tacking only "radical leftists" to leveling charges at members of his own party, Agnew is perhaps beginning to run the risk of a Joseph McCarthy demise because he is beginning to restrict his base of sup- port. Whereas he originally expounded only, the previously unspoken hatreds of mid- dle America, he is now beginning to spread the targets of his attacks to such large parts of the political spectrum that he risks having' fewer and fewer persons left whom he has not alienated, and thus fewer supporters. Politically, of course, this could be dis- astrous, as it was for McCarthy. But ap-, parently, Agnew is not worried about this - and neither is President Nixon. For he is letting Agnew do all of his dirty work for him, he is letting Agnew continue to divide the country, and he is letting Ag- new keep hatreds at such a level that people will continue to be blind to the fact that The War is still going on and that other problems are not being solved. None of these could Nixon do by him- self. For Nixon is too shrewd a politician to think that he could risk alienating anyone in the electorate by himself. But if Agnew can be gracefullk eased out of office after he has run, the course of his usefulness, then Nixon can continue to use him in the role of the man who can keep the electorate hypnotized and hide the flaws in the President's ability to ad- minister the country. IF THIS is what Nixon is doing, then the recent violence commission report calling for the President to exert "his re- conciling Imoral leadership and also to "convince public officials and protesters alike that divisive and insulting rhetoric, is dangerous," would clearly be detri- mental to this strategy if it were to be- come generally accepted among the elec- torate. In response to this, the President has- thus continued to do absolutely nothing to implement the report, while Agnew has been used to undermine its credibility. In response to the calls for presidential re- conciliation, Agnew has said, "To lay re- sponsibility for ending student disruption at the doorstep of this President - in office twenty months - is 'scapegoating' of the most irresponsible sort." In answer to the report's claim that it is "in deep sympathy with peace officers" and its plea that they be "better trained and equipped to deal with campus dis- orders," Agnew merely replies that t h e, "President cannot replace the campus cop." Finally, totally ignoring the re- port's strong language condemning the use of violence and those who use it, the Vice President merely says that the re- port is "more pablum for permissiveness." Clearly, these blatant misrepresenta- tions are purely for the purpose of obscur- ing the mesage contained in the report so that its recommendations need not be dealt with directly by the President. The President himself could not do this, of course, without risking the charge that he, was merely trying to avoid his share of the responsibility. But Agnew certainly is handy for this purpose, and the result, if any, will be to completely invalidate the work of the commission. Nixon thus avoids solving the nation's problems, but can say that he tried by creating the panel. Clearly, this is nothing more than playing politics with the nation's problems. SIMILARLY, the President could not risk party disunity by directly attacking either Goodell or Morton. But Agnew can do the task quite easily, as long as he is not essential to the existence of Nixon. What evidence is there that Nixon re- gards Agnew as expendable? Agnew has already been quoted as saying that he is prepared to step down from the vice presidency in 1972 if his party wills it. Undoubtedly with the blessing of Presi- dent Nixon, Agnew also said in a recent television interview that "I think there comes a time when the Vice President has to leave his party if he feels in good con- science he can't support its candidates." If he were worried that his departure would iniure Nixon, he surely would n o t have made such a statement. The politics, therefore, clearly parallel the quality of Nixon's actions. Through- out his administration, he has formulated at most one genuinely new program - welfare - and pushed absolutely none through Congress. But as long as he has a politically expendible Agnew around with which to fan the ignorance-produc- ing hatreds of middle America, he can continue to be comfortably inactive. This presents a sad outlook for the next two years in the United States. EDITOR'S NOTE: The follow- ing is a position paper written for the Daily by local Radical Lesbians. Members of the group were formerly members of Gay Liberation. WHEN WE live in a sick society, with sexual (and o t h e r) norms that entail incredible re- pression, we begin to reach the realm of absurdity and, for that matter, cruelty when a finger is pointed at society's "social devi- ants" and it is loudly proclaimed of them, "You're sick; sexually maladjusted." It is this basic, underlying assumption-that the "sexual deviant," rather than the society from which he deviates, is the sickrelement-that our group, Radical Lesbians, is confionting. It is about time that people stop- ped asking homosexuals why they relate to members of theirown sex, and started asking them- selves why they are so totlly re- pressed that they can't. It it about time that women stopped looking aghast at lesbians and started wondering why they themselves are seemingly incapable of relat- ing to other women past that "safe" level of closeness. It is, in general, about time that human beings started asking themselves why they delete all other members of their own sex from the group of people with whom they feel they can potentially become totally (mentally, emotionally, and sex- ually) involved. Lesbianism is not a perversion. Look rather at the intense sexual repression of society-that force which seeks to destroy the in- dividual's homosexual feelings and allow only hetersexual attraction to be felt-'that is a perversion. It is, moreover, the inculcation of sex roles and a sexual hieracrhy (male above female) making "normal" heterosexual relationship, to vary- ing degrees, relationships of op- pressor to oppressed that is per- verse. Society starts cut with the basic assumption that human beings can and should only be attracted to (and consequently form deep relationships with) members of the opposite sex. It socializes its progeny to ccnorm to the norm of heterosexuality in ways that are too numerous to go into here. Those feelings of love that inovlve sexual attraction to- wards a member of one's own sex are inevitably repressed. And if those feelings somehow do pr-an- age to come out it is then said that something in the individual's childhood must have been mesedd up; and, most importantly, that this is indeed a very unfortunate state of affairs (the homosexual as "sick"). The value judgment implicit in this sentiment is all too often overlooked. And it is clearly a value judgement-name- ly, that it is desirable to "come out of" one's upbringing being in total accord with society's sexual norm which condones feelings of heterosexual attraction and vehe- mently condemns those of homo- sexual attraction. IT NEED NOT be this way. We feel that the assumptions we as a group make (reflected in our at- titudes toward lesbianism) af- ford a much greater potentiality for richness in human experience and, at base, simply make m o r e sense: All human beings are sex- ual beings. In view of this, there is no reason why an individual cannot be potentially sexually at- tracted to any other human being, whether of the same sex or of the opposite sex - i.e. if homo- 'sexuality were not repressed, peo- ple would be bisexual. One can accept the hypothesis that homo- sexuality, given the context of our present society, results from some "screw up" in childhood without accepting the value judgment that this is bad. Given that the society is sexually sick and repressive, that "screw up" in childhood can just as easily, perhaps more sen- sibly be seen as a liberation fac- tor enabling the individual to es- cape the repression from which the "normal" heterosexual person, incredibly uptight about homo- sexuality and repressing his own homosexual feelings, does not es- cape. We are radical in that we refuse to accept and internalize so- ciety's hatred and fear of homo- sexuality; we are radical in that we refuse to be blinded by a re- pressive society to the total beauty - and this includes sexuality - of the members of our own sex. At RadicalrLesbians meetings we discuss our personal feelings and relate our experiences - amout men, women, sex, sex roles, encounters with male chauvinism (which, given the male suprema- cist nature of our society, of our world, occur constantly). T h e meetings are founded in our de- sire to relate warmly and p e r - sonally to each other and discuss things in this way. The response has been overwhelminglyfavor- able. Many women have express- ed the feeling that these meetings have been fulfilling for t h e m, particularly because of the per- sonal way in which they are run. The group is varied: some are lesbians, some are straight, some have just begun to have gay ex- periences, and some are "intel- lectually bisexual, but so far in practice only heterosexual." What ties us together as a group is the desire to open up to the potential- ity of relating totally to other women. In our belief, the choice of modes of sexual behaviour should therefore not be between homo- sexuality and heterosexuality, but rather between homosexuality and bisexuality. That is, we take it as given that exclusive heterosexual- ity is not desireable. At this point it, then, is necessary to turn our attention away from the ideal so- ciety and its bisexual potential, and to take a hard look at our own society and its heterosexual actuality. It is within this context (that of heterosexual actuality in our society) that the importance of Radical Lesbians as a core part of the Women's Liberation Move- ment becomes clear. ONCE ONE gets past the issues of abortion, childcare centers. equal pay for women, etc., he must get down to the nitty gritty of the matter - the relationship between the sexes. That is, how men and women relate to e a c h other, how men relate to men, and how women relate to women. This, in turn, involves the ques- tion of the individual's self image as man or woman. What is so odious about the relationship be- tween the sexes in our society is that such heterosexual relating is all carried on in terms of sex roles - prefabricated, established ways to behave with and react to the opposite sex. Women are gen- erally the more passive, followers on their mens ego trips and nour- ishers of those cherished male egos; men are generally the more aggressive and assertive and the less sensitive to the other. There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. These exceptions, however, me!" "Beat me"; second, women are fed and actually swallow the idea that the only true means of fulfillment for a woman is to get a man and, preferrably, to have a family. This emphasis on "getting a man" establisches competition between!women - the goal of ful- fillment for a woman must neces- sarily lie outside the female sphere so that every other woman be- com s a potential competitior. Words are inadequate in com- municating the exhibarating feel- ing of liberation, the overwhelm- ing sigh of relief when a woman realizes, intellectually and emo- tionally, that men are not their sole possible source of true ful- fillment, but rather just one among many possible sources- and, within the context of our pre- seht society, often not a very ful- filling one at that. BEFORE WOMEN can be fully liberated from a male-dominated society they must realize and ac- tualize their potential as women. Martha Shelley, a radical lesbian fro mNew York, states it very well: "If hostility to men causes lesbianism, then it seems to me that in a male-dominated society, lesbianism is a sign of health. The psychiatrists have also forgotten that lesbianism involves love be- tween women. Isn't love between equals healthier than sucking up to an oppressor? And when they claim we aren't capable of loving men, even if we want to-I ask you, straight man,Fare you capable of loving another man so 'deeply that you aren't afraid of his body or afraid to put your body in his hands? Are you really capable of loving women, or is your sexuality pust another expression of your hostility? Is it an act of love or sexual conquest? ... Women are struggling to liberate their minds from sick sexual roles. It is clear that the self-abasing, zuffering shuffling black is not someone with a personal neurosis, but so- ciety's victim-and someone who has been forced to learn certain techniques for survival. Few people understand that the same is true of the self-abnegatinig passive housewife. Fewer understand this truth about the homosexual . ." Women are people. We can love -as equals. As equals we can love each other. 4, serve only to prove the rule (by the stark contrast to the -norm they provide) and, moreover, are exceptions only by degree, not by kind. This is to say, some men are less "masculine" (keeping in mind that society has defined masculinity in certain specific terms) and some women less "fem- inine" than others, but one would be hard put to find an individ- ual totally untouched by the in- credibly far-reaching progress of gender socialization. More impor- tantly, these sex roles (and sex temperaments) are thoroughly so- cially sanctioned, encouraged, and other justified on (totally unprov- en) biological grounds. The invidiousness of the system does not end with this stamping of sexual roles and temperaments onto people. The essential aspect that is so often overlooked is that there is a definite status differ- ential between the sexes with males comprising the "elite group". Ironically, women are told they should groove on this ("I like to be dominated."). This status differential transforms the bare- lyly tolerable possibility of com- plementary equal roles (only barely tolerable because they are still roles) into the decidely in- tolerable actuality of two sexes which relate to each other as op- pressor (male) to oppressed (fe- male). (Kate Millet, in her book, Sexual Politics, provides an ex- cellent analysis of this oppres- sor-oppresser, "master-slave" re- lationship and its numerous subtle and blatant manifestations). One might wonder how women could stand to relate in such a way to men. Two factomi come to mind: First, not only are women taught not to see it for what it is -society is. impressively ingenious in some things - they are even taught to want it -- "Dominate Of f to the Third World with a memory of Woods tock * f " By RICK PERLOFF "D OING YOUR FINAL packing, Jerry?" asked Michael, eyeing his comrade's bags. Jerry nodded. "I'm taking the next plane to the Third World," Jerry replied. Michael looked up, surprised but with respect. You see, he had nev- er been to the Third World. "Where y' headed in particu- lar?" he asked. "Oppression central - Viet- nam." "Looking forward to it?" "Who looks forward to any war Mike?" said Jerry. "All I can say is that I feel that I have a duty to serve the Viet Cong and make the world safe for communism. Hell, the wv a y I figure it if we don't stop the Yanks now and put an end to imperialism, we'll nev- er stop them. "If the Viet Cong go, then the Pathet Lao go, if the Pathet Lao go, there goes Laos. Next thing you know those greasy imperial- ists1will be at the backyard of our communes, in Woodstock or Berk- eley, We've got to stop them somewhere." "Kinda like a domino theory," interjected Michael. "Yeah," grinned Jerry. "You could say that. Hell, I'm as much against violence as the next guy, but you got to draw the 1i n e somewhere." "I know what you mean." re- plied Michael. "I think we should do our darndest f o r oppressed people everywhere too," he said and whispered "you know, I think a great deal of the oppressed." "Especially in America," s a i d Jerry. "The oppressed here a r e the darndest bunch of g u y s around." "Don't forget the chicks," ad- ded Michael, and Jerry nodded. You really got to admire us, Michael. We got timing. "I'll miss the mass meetings of 25 people. I'll miss bricks through North Hall." He winked at his friend. "'Member that honey we hurled last Sunday, ol' pal?" Michael nodded. "I'll miss that,' continued Jer- ry. "I'll miss flashing that piece sign at any o1 person anywhere. And I'll miss tear gas and busts. 6 -JIM BEATTIE Delaying the new judiciary Letters to The Dail) Mideast UAW AFTER NEARING agreement on almost all major details of their proposal, the committee planning a n e w University judicial system is at an impasse over the makeup of a panel that would decide pro- cedural questions and preside at hearings under their plan. With positions hardening, this deadlock threatens the substantial progress al- ready made by t h e committee since its appointment by President Robben Flem- ing last April. Because many students and faculty members find the present Regents Inter- im Rules unacceptable, it is important that the committee completes a fair and practical plan to replace them as soon as., possible. In any case, the current dispute is not worth further delay, since the fight over the composition of the three man pro- cedural panel is more symbolic than sub- stantive. The committee has already agreed that guilt and punishment will be decided by a jury of the defendant's peers - six randomly selected students f o r student defendants and an equivalent procedure for faculty members. Student and faculty members of the committee, however, h a v e presented a confusing array of methods to choose the procedural panel. All the committee mnahs.sarP P t+h aor+at nn tempthnrl student, one faculty member and an ad- ditional chairman chosen by lot; one stu- dent, one faculty member and an outside lawyer as chairman; two students with a faculty chairman; two faculty members with a student chairman, etc. BECAUSE THERE are so many pro- posals, and variations of proposals,, it is difficult to sort the mess out. Perhaps the best proposal, from a practical stand- point, is choosing the panel by lot from an equal number of students and faculty members. Since students and faculty members are not able to agree on a ratio of their con- stituencies for the three-man panel, choosing by chance is the best comprom- ise. A student defendant (as well as a faculty defendant) would have his tria presided over by either none, one, two or three student (or faculty) judges. While some students might object to being tried at a hearing presided over by faculty members and faculty members might object to having students preside, the safeguard of the system is that the jury of one's peers decided guilt and punishment -- by far the most import- ant decisions. The method has the additional advant-_ a- e of emphasizing the community of Td the Daily: THE EDITORIAL page of Sun- day's Daily, was appropriately enough devoted to essays about the Middle East. I must say that the Daily does sometimes try to maintain an even-handed ap- proach, at least on this non-cam- pus issue. However, I was disap- pointed to note some outright er- rors of fact. The article by Mr. Hamill refers to the "Arab nut rhetoric about driving the Israelis into the sea." To whose rhetoric is the author referring? I cannot think of a single responsible (or irresponsi- ble, for that matter) Arableader or spokesman who has ever pro- posed driving the Israelis into the sea. Indeed, it has been the Arabs who have been driven into the desert. The same article authoritatively reminds the reader that "some of their leaders think that the way to relieve old grievances is to slaugh- ter Israelis." Again, what leaders? I am at a dead loss to think of any. We are also informed that "the Palestinian Arabs are already led by Marxists." My word, is Arafat a Marxist? Is King Faisal of Saudi Arabia really so naive as to send his wealth to support a Marxist revolution next door? ONE LAST THOUGHT on the To the Daily: THE RECENT editorial attack- ing student support for the auto strike ignored some central facts. It implied that this is support for the national UAW leadership. Had the author bothered to check with anyone active in Students to Support the Auto Workers, he would have known we differen- tiate between workers and Leon- ard Woodcock. Look at our leaf- lets, actions, and even the name of the group. A main failure of "left" student movements is that they have not attracted enough support among potential off-campus allies. The main victims of the Indochina War in this country have been young workers. And yet student elitism looks at these people as a bunch of overpaid yokels. If we are to begin now to make long- overdue political link-ups wi t h workers, how do we go about it if not by supporting the struggles of these men and women? If these link-ups are to be suc- cessful, the support we give to workers must show a real aware- ness of their problems. The edi- torial hardly qualifies on that score when it calls the financial position of the autoworkers "lucra- tive". The average worker's in- come does not even qualify as "moderate", even by the stand- "YOU KNOW, Mike, its not go- ing to be easy to leave the old place. There've been a lot of mem- ories," he said as he, looked wist- fully into the past. I'm going to miss those five-hour New L e f t meetings when everyone w a s shouting at exactly the same time. I'll even miss those pigs.,I can't deny it. Those pigs meant a lot to me. I won't forget them easily. "Oh, there'll be a lot to look forward to, but well - remember 'repression's coming down on the brothers and sisters,' and 'heavy and 'wow what a trip'." Michael burst in. "And ;'outta- sight,' 'far out' and all the beau- tiful people at Woodstock." He paused. "We were born that week- end, we burst out of the wotnb from Mother America with a 'K'. "It started out good," said Jer- ry, "but there were the bombings and a few casualties on the long trip to freedom and the Messiah which ourL o r d Abbie foretold many joints ago. "Yeah, but we're together," said Michael. "We're one big happy head of hair. If you put all us to- gether, you could fill a weed." Jerry nodded. "I'm going to be serious for a moment, Mike. We have a revolutionary thing going (pass it on - Woodstock's got a revolutionary thing going, pass it on) and we have to keep it alive. -4 "WE'VE GOT to keep together, we have to get'to the people and make them free. I guess you could say," he stopped, "I'm all choked up. I mean, well, a fella's got to do what he has to do and well, Mike, I think human beings a r e the greatest - oh God, all I am say- ing is give peace a chance." "I think that's one of the pret- tiest things I ever heard, buddy,"