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October 03, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-10-03

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Cloudy, good
chance of rain

Vol. LXXXI, No. 27 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, October 3, 1970 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Ask parity
on panel to
find dean
Students in social
work school hit
Fleming decision
Students in the social work'
school are involved in a dis-
pute with the University ad-
ministration over the makeup
of the comniittee that will
nominate candidates for the
deanship of the school.
The Social Work Students Un-
ion (SWSU) has proposed that at
least half of the members of the
committee be students, in line with
the social work school's tradition
of having equal numbers of stu-
dents and faculty members on the
school's standing committees.}
However, the search committeer
appointed by President Robben
Fleming Tuesday consists of six "
faculty members and three stu-
The deanship of the social work
school was left vacant this sum-
mer when Fedele Fauri was ap-
pointed vice president for state
relations and planning.
The SWSU proposal was initial- "
ly rejected by Vice President for
Academic Affairs Allan Smith.
Smith later said the rejection was
based on a ''general practice onn
presidential committees of this
nature for students to have half Hare Krishna
as much representation as faculty.
Students in this school will be A member of the Mare Krishna religious sect discusse
here for two years while the dean over 100 which gathered on the Diag yesterday. Thel
will be around much longer," a chant designed to help fulfill their aim of cominge
Smith said.-
Defending the proposal for equal ,A
representation, Rick Friedman, a CREEDI TOWARDSDEGREE:
spokesman for the SWSU cited an




U.S. at highest

in seven


WASHINGTON (R) - Unemployment jumped to nearly a
seven year high in September and millions of workers suf-
fered a sharp cut in working hours and pay, the federal gov-
ernment reported yesterday.
The gloomy report - the last to be issued before the No-
vember elections - prompted organized labor and members
of the Democratic party to attack President Nixon's economic
The report states that unemployment rose in September
from 5.1 to 5.5 per cent of the nation's work force, leaving a
total of 4.3 million Americans jobless. The biggest rise was
for unemployment of youth, the report states.
In addition, 45 million rank and file workers lost 84 cents
a week in pay because of a -_---__ -
36-minute cut in the average q .
work week, the report adds.theld
At the White House, officials K
attempted to minimize the signifi-
cance of the news. "It's essential-
ly a statistical aberration," insist-
ed Paul McCracken, Nixon's chief
economic adviser. He said there
is no plan to change the adminis-
tration's economic policies because near
of the report.

-Associated Press
THE REV. CARL McINTIRE, who will lead today's "March for
Victory" up Pennsylvania Ave., addresses about 500 persons last
night on the steps of the Capitol in Washington.
'Victory marc et
peace groups to rally
Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON - In preparation for their march today
in support of the war in Indochina, nearly 500 people gath-
ered on the rear steps of the Capitol last night for an hour
of prayer and information on the march.
Led by the Rev. Carl McIntire, the group prayed together
under the soft Washington lights, asking God for "victory
over the Communists."
Meanwhile, anti-war activists in Ann Arbor have final-
ized plans for the demonstration after today's football game.
___- Sponsored by the Detroit Co-

-Daily-Torn Gottlieb
s perform
ed the group's customs before an audience of
Hare Krishnas passed out free food and sang
closer to God.


alition to End the War, andI
oseeKS the Ann Arbor Peace Action
Coalition (PAC), the plans
Grou scall for a march from Michi-
1 billion for gan Stadium to the Diag,,
where a rally will be held. .
h a o a dDuring the service at the Capi-
c 1ica 1o aidtol last night, several participants
rose to deliver their own prayers,
WASIINGTON (A) - A little- One worshipper asked for "courage
publicized agency, created to give tomorrow to fight against all that
Mexicon-Americans a berth in the is evil and all that is wicked in
free-enterprise system, is seeking this world."
to place $1 billion in capital un- An o t h e r asked for_ a large
der direct control of Spanish- enough turnout today so that "all
speaking people within five years. the hippies, yippies, crud and gar-
In its first month as liaison bage shall take back to the rat
between the Spanish-speaking holes from which they emerged."
community and federal loan agen- Shouts of "Amen-Lord, amen,"
cies, the National Economic De- came in response to the prayers.
velopment Association has pro- Although there were no signs
cessed $5 million in loan applica- of a confrontation between pro-
tions. war and anti-war factions here,
"Our goal for the first year is sporadic outbursts of rock and
$50 million," says Ben Fernandez, bottle throwing occurred for sev-
head of NEDA. eral hours last night. Windows of
head four stores were smashed and a
"We believe this is the way to liquor store was looted.
effect economic and social change Police said that over 75 people
- and we are doing it within the were arrested, most on charges
system at virtually no cost to the of disorderly conduct or trying
American taxpayer," he adds. "We See MARCH, Page 3
don't want a handout. All we
want is the opportunity to com-
NEDA has a three-phase pro-
gram, which provides for:

enrollment of over 600 students in
the social work school, in contrast
to the 45 full-time faculty mem-
bers in the school.
"It is necessary to have equal
representation of various method
groups and interest groups on the,
committee so a new dean can deal
with the needs of allastudents,"
Friedman said. "Hopefully this
will provide better relationship;:I
between the dean and the stu-
Members of SWSU met with
Fleming Thursday to discuss the
issue, but according to Friedman,
he reiterated his rejection of the
Thenew dean will be appointed
by the president in concurrence
with the Regents. The committee
is charged with screening candi-
dates for the position, and sub-
mitting a final list of nominees to
The committee appointed by
Fleming held its first meeting
Thursday, declining a request from!
See SOCIAL, Page 3
Board of ei
on universe
Reviving its attempts to get the
University to grant independenceI
to its Dearborn campus, the state
Board of Education has asked
Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley for an
opinion of the legality of state
universities maintaining branches.
Currently, the University con-
trols two campuses outside of Ann
Arbor-the Dearborn campus, and
another campus at Flint.E

Most students in the pharmacy
college will be allowed to elect one
course each term on a pass-fail
basis, under an experimental pro-
gram adopted by the college's fac-
ulty in August.
The program limits the courses
which can be elected pass-fail to
those not required for a degree
from the pharmacy college.
Students may also elect under
the pass-fail option non-required
pharmacy courses needed to fill
out the number of credit hours for
their degree..
A student wishing to exercise
the pass-fail option must elect 15

hours of courses and have a grade-
point average of 2.0 or better.
A key feature of the program al-
lows a student who is assigned a
tentative letter grade which is
higher than his current grade-
point average, to receive that let-
ter grade instead of a pass.
For example, if a student with
an average 3.1 receives an A in E
pass-fail course, he will receive as
a final mark not a pass but an A,
thus raising his average.
However, if the student receives
a C in the course, his final mark
would be a pass, and his average
would not be affected.
A similar program has been in-


Pharmacy college sets
new pass-fail program

d asks Kelley to rule
ities' branch campuses

stituted in the literary college, but
an LSA student must have junior
standing before he is allowed to
elect a course pass-fail. And a
letter grade is not allowed once
the pass-fail option has been
The progam in the pharmacyj
college was proposed by Bob Van
Bemmelen, '72P, a member of the
college's Curriculum Committee.
The committee, composed of two
students and four faculty mem-
hers, recommended the proposal
to the faculty, which approved it
in August.
Now in effect, the plan appears
to be receiving support from both
students and faculty members in
the college.
"Both faculty and students like
the plan," says pharmacy college
Dean Thomas Rowe. "Now we're
interested to see how it will work
Students in the college are fairly
limited in their choice of electives
-they are only able to elect an
average of 3-4 hours each term.
"We want everyone to be able to
take the course he wants to take,
selecting by subject matter instead
of degree of difficulty," says Mike
Reiter, '71P, a member of the Cur-
riculum Committee.
After next term, the program
will be evaluated and the faculty
will determine whether to continue

McCracken and Harold Gold-
stein, assistant commissioner of
the Bureau of Labor Statistics,
said the job survey was done in
the week that included Labor Day,
which probably distorted both the
unemployment and the hours of
work figures.
\icCracken and Goldstein said
that although many youths were
listed as unemployed, they prob-
ably stopped looking for employ-
ment and returned to school with-
in a few days after the govern-
ment survey, when classes began.
The jobless total was about
75,000, but figured as a 375,000
rise on a seasonal adjusted basis,
because it normally drops sharply
in September.
McCracken said the cut in the
work week was due to the fact
tha some workers get Labor Day
off as a holiday, but do not get
paid for it, thus slashing the fig-
ures "hours of work paid for."
Democratic National Chairman
Lawrence O'Brian, Senator Wil-
liam Proxmire (D-Wis), a n d
House Speaker John W. McCor-
mack (D-Mass)., blamed Nixon
for the increase, and AFL-CIO
President George Meany called the
jobless rise a "tragic" result of
White House policy.
In a statement, Meany said, "It
is administration policies that
have caused widespread suffering
among families of the unemploy-
ed, up nearly two million since
this administration took over. It
is time for the White House to
abandon its 'game plan' and adopt
a policy that will put America
back to work."
.Dec. grads
Students graduating in Decem-
ber do not have to pay the $5 re-
fundable fee assessed against all
students in order to provide cap-
ital for the new University book-
store, according to Gary Allen,
president of the store's governing
Since the bookstore will not be
in full operation until after De-
cember, Allen says, students who
graduate at the end of the current
term would derive no benefit from
the store.
He adds that those graduating
students who have already paid
the fee should apply for a refund
in December.

Members of a local black group
ended their sit-in at the Univer-
sity Reformed Church yesterday
after the church declined to accept
the group's demands but pledged
a greater involvement in aiding
the poor.
Charles Thomas, president of
the Black Economic Development
League (BEDL) began the sit-in
Thursday afternoon. He was join-
ed later by o t h e r members of
BEDL, who remained in the
church until noon yesterday. The
church is located on A n n St.,
across from the Rackham Bldg.
According to Calvin Malefyt,
senior pastor of the church,
BEDL demanded a contribution of
$50,000 per year to the group.
The demand is part of a coun-
ty-wide campaign by BEDL and
the Welfare Rights Organization
(WRO) to ultimately collect $60,
80 million in "reparations" from
county churches. The money col-
lected immediately would be used
to buy school clothing for chil-
dren of.welfare families.
In a statement yesterday, the
governing board of t h e church
pledged to join the Inter-Faith
Coalition of Congregations, which
was formed last week with the
aim of distributing funds to the
county's poor.
Declining to donate funds to
BEDL, the church said, "Our lo-
cal congregation has limited re-
sources. Nevertheless, we declare
our intent to focus our energies
and talents on meeting the needs
of the disadvantaged."
According to Malefyt, Thomas
stayed in t h e church overnight
Thursday and when the church's
employes arrived yesterday morn-
ing, the doors were barricaded.
Malefyt said that the group then,
gained entrance through the cel-
lar window, and after a b r i e f
scuffle with Thomas, they entergd
their offices.
BEDL and WRO have conduct-
ed a number of sit-ins over the
past five weeks to press their de-
mands for reparations f r o m
churches. The demands stem from
the Black Manifesto, a document
issued in April, 1969 by black mili-
It seeks to link the nation's re-
ligious institutions with the sys-
tem of capitalism which, it says,
has exploited "our minds, our bo-
dies, our labor."
Some poor white people have
also embraced the manifesto, say-
ing that its themes are relevant
to their own economic situation.

Although the Regents agreed
last year to ultimately grant auto-
nomy to both campuses, they
stipulated that the branches would
remain part of the University.
The Board of Education has long
favored severing the University's
ties to the Dearborn campus, con-
tending that independence would
make the campus stronger.
The ruling by the attorney gen-
eral may not be issued for some

-Advising Spanish - speaking
Americans seeking to start or ex-#
pand a business;
-Guaranteeing scho l a r s h i p s
and on-the-job training for stu-I
dents; and
-Attempting to bring Mexican-
Americans into financial owner-
NEDA believes capitalization
must be the base of any such un-
dertaking, and aims to help organ-
ize 50 savings and loan associa-1
tions and 50 banks-all managed
by Spanish-speaking businessmen
-within two years.
"Assuming normal growth, each
of these 100 institutions should be
$10 million in size of capital at the
end of a five-year period," Fer-
nandez says. "That's $1 billion
capital unde': direct control of
Spanish-speaking people."

time. According to a spokesman
for Kelley's office in Lansing, the
Board of Education's requestt
"hasn't even found its .way into
here yet. And we have a lot of
federal litigation which we have
to deal with first," he adds.
The Dearborn campus is one
of the few schools in the country
which admits juniors and seniors
only. However, the two-year cam-i
pus may begin to admit freshman
and sophomores next fall if thet
state provides the necessary funds.
Disputing the Board of Educa-
tion's arguments for Dearborn in-
dependence, Vice President for
Academic Affairs Allan Smith
says, "At present, the faculty, stu-
dents, and community (at Dear-
born) want affilitation (with the
University). They view the ties as
a real asset."
The Board of Education con-
tends, however, that an indepen-
dent branch can better provide
for the educational needs of the
community it serves.
"We're not saying there isn't
some value in the University being
the parent of the branch at this
timta," says Thomas Brennan,
vice president of the board. "We
simply believe that dependence
should be phased out."
Both Flint and Dearborn are
now headed by a dean responsible
to Vice President Smith. However,
each branch has a committee of
I ttunts facityv memhrn admin..

Summing up student attitudes
toward the program, Reiter says,
"As far as we're concerned, it's

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