Sheriff Harvey: Law and order speaks By JONATHAN MILLER To see him involves going through a twelve foot high fence, presenting identifi- cation and having your name entered in a log. Once inside . Washtenaw County Jail, Sheriff Douglas Harvey's small office is full with only a desk and three .chairs. His gun and gas mask hang over the coat rack be- hind the door and his desk is cluttered with awards from Lion's Clubs and other groups. - The sheriff's major problem may well be the University, six blocks from his down- town headquarters. He has been called upon several times to quell disorders on campus and this possibly accounts for his appar- ent unpopularity with many students. Harvey does not believe that potential radicals should, be refused admission into the University. He says it is a constitutional right to dissent, but in moderation. "There are legal and proper ways to go about this," he explains. "When students start protesting and cause malicious dam- age, or prevent other students who want to get an education from getting into class- rooms, then they are infringing upon other peoples' rights to get an education." Feeling strongly about those who would destroy the University, Harvey says t h a t people who don't like it should leave it. "Once a man makes a stand that he is going to tear down this University he should be expelled It is a privilege to go to any university, not a right." Harvey is bitter toward Utiiversity Presi- dent Robben Fleming whom he feels has mishandled student protests. He's very definitely too weak," says Har- ,vey. "I don't think he has taken a firm hand. "I do not profess to tell him how to run his' University, just as I don't expect him to tell me how to run the sheriff's depart- ment. But from the viewpoint of a police officer, I think he has been too lenient." As an example of what he calls Flem'iing's weakness, Harvey cites the length of t i m e building occupations have been allowed to continue without police intervention. Har- vey says that by the time the University decides to have buildings cleared by police, militants have increased their strength and it is more difficult to enforce the law. "Like with Tent City, I just think he went too far and I would never have allowed it, myself, on the campus of the University," Harvey adds. "I think it was a disgrace." The sheriff has, often been accused of acting with a heavy hand in dealings with students, and this has promoted some op- ponants to take action. After a confronta- tion on S. University in Summer, 1969, a recall campaign, staffed largely by students, attempted to place the issue on the ballot, and failed. Harvey does have a "reputation for an individualistic approach to law enforcemeat, and it may be his style of getting things done that Chas caused so much resentment, * "You break up large crowds quickly; be- fore human life is in danger, before the bottles and rocks start flying and officers and civilians are endangered," he explains. Although the sheriff has not yet, had an opportunity to examine the report of the President's Commi~sion on Campus Unrest, he has definite feelings on the subject, and ideas about how it should be dealth with. "A lot of your SDS, White Panthers, Black Panthers and white hate groups basically See SHERIFF, Page 10, -Daily-Thomas R. Copi FOOLING THE PEOPLE See Editorial Page WL Lit40 a4 it AMBIVALENT High- 7 s.1 Low--47 M ostly clou~dy, chance 6i showers VoL LXXXI, No. 26 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 2, 1970 Ten Cents Ten Pages ACTION 'UNWARRANTED': LSA debates Panel finds police at fault at Jackson State creation of WASHINGTON UP)- The President's Commission on Camus Unrest concluded yes- terday that the deadly hail of shotgun, rifle and submachine gun fire by police against a crowd of Jackson State college students was an "unreason- ab 1 e, unjustified overreac- tion." Two students were killed and 12 wounded in the May 14 in- cident. Police earlier said they fired only in response to sniper fire from a women's dormitory- an allegation the commission said it was unable to substantiate. "Even if we were to assume two shots were fired from a window in the west wing of Alexander Hall," the commision said, "the. 28-second fusillade in response ivas clearly unwarranted." The commission added "a sig- nificant cause of the deaths 4nd injuries at Jackson State College is the confidence of white officers that if theyfire weapons during a black campus disturbance they will face neither stern depart- mental discipline nor criminal prosecution or conViction." Moreover, the panel said some city police officers, "established a pattern of deceit" by denying they had discharged their weapons. FBI tests later confirmed the weapons had been fired, the coin- mission said. Every officer who admitted fir- ing testified he fired into the air or toward a third and fifth floor; window were snipers allegedly were hiding. "The physical evidence and thej positions of the victims, however, indicate that the officers were firing indiscriminantly into the crowd' at ground level on both sides of Lynch Street," the com- mission said. The commission has not at- tempted to assess guilt or in- nocence, but has sought to learn what happened and why," the re- port stated. The commission concluded that a crowd of 75 to 200 persons gath- ered in front of Alexander Hall. There were incidents of rock and bottle throwing at police offclers, the commission said, and many students yelled obscene and dero- gatory remarks to the officers. But the -commission dismissed reports by some Mississippi State highway patrolmen that the crowd was advancing on officers just prior to the shooting. As for the report of sniper fire,, the commission said it was "un- able to determine positively whether there was, or was not. legilatre By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ Confronted with the oft-expressed desire of literary college students for greater participation, in governing the college, the LSA faculty will soon consider a controversial proposal for creating a college-wide legislative body composed of equal numbers of students and faculty members. The proposal would seat 40 student representatives and 40 faculty representatives on an "LSA Assembly," whose de- cisions would become literary college policy unless formally vetoed at a meeting pf the faculty. In addition, the proposal suggests increasing student par- ticipation in certain decisions which are currently under the purview of the c o 11 e g e ' s all-faculty executive committee. While this would include setting priorities for allocation of the col- lege's funds, and general adminis- tratiVe matters, the proposal spe- cifically keeps the sensitive area ,of faculty appointments, promo-.A tions, and dismissals in the hands of faculty mmbers only. Currently, legislative authority in the literary college is exercised by the faculty at its monthly meetings. Under the proposal, the faculty could continue meeting regularly, and could adopt legis- lation that would supercede neas- ures passed by the assembly. However, the quorum for faculty meetings would be raised from 100 to 200, despite the frequent difficulties in obtaining even the present figure. Drafted last spring by a special committee composed of five stu- dents and -five faculty members, Brian Ford the governance proposal has since drawn criticism. from faculty members who characterize it as being too radical, and from students who say it doesn't go far enough. The students members of the committee which drafted the pro- posal express reservations about the faculty's retention of veto power and the power to legislate. However, they feel that acceptance of the proposal would represent a significant improvement over the dcurrent structure. "If it is r accepted, things will be 4lot better than now-but that - isn't saying much," says Brian Ford, vice president of the LSA stu- r dent government and co-chairman of the governance committee, - Ford quotes LSA Assistant Dean James Shaw, the other co-chair- man, as saying he has received a number of letters from faculty d members expressing considerable hostility to the proposals. "They e fear the proposed assembly would get into the hands of extremists," , Ford says. F According to acting LSA Dean Alfred Sussman, some faculty members have also criticized the seating of an equal number of stu- dents and faculty members on the proposed assembly. "In addition, _ there is some feeling among the faculty that the committee which drafted the proposal may have exceeded its /boundaries by proposing the creation of a legislative body. When the LSA faculty created the committee in March, its -Associated Press THE COFFIN of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser is carried from the Kubbeh Palace as Arab dignitaries follow in a procession through Cairo (top). Hundreds were injured in the funeral procession as mourners tried to touch the flag-draped coffin (below). Pr~otecting the Veep Surrouinded by Secret Service men, Vice President Spiro Agnew leaves the office building }of the Church of the Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake City after a Meeting yesterday with leaders of the Mormon church. Agnew currently is on a swing through the west to help out Republican candidates seeking election this fall. LEGAL DELAYS: New draft regulation rees 26-year olds WASHINGTON UP) - Selective Service spokesmen acknowledged yesterday that a just-issued regulation may permit "dozens, even hundreds" of men to avoid the draft! by parlaying administrative delays until they turn 26. The new regulation permits induction only if the order is issued before a man's 26th birthday. Thus, if the man can use the legal fine print to stall offj an induction notice until his 26th birthday, he is home free. If the notice comes 'before he reaches 26 he can be drafted. Spokesmen said such maneuvering means fighting a de- laying game for two or more years. Millions of Egyptians attend Nasser 's rites CAIRO (") -Millions of Egyp- The Nasser's three sons were in tians hysterical with grief turned the procession. Abdul Hamid, 21, Gamal Abdel Nasser's state fun- a naval officer, was in the mill- eral into a near riot, yesterday, tary cortege. Abdul Hakim, 19, breaking up the solemn procession and Kahled, 22, walked behind of visiting world leaders and some- their father's body. times halting the caisson bearing Officials estimated that t h r e e the body. million Egyptians lined the route. "Nasser is not dead, Nasser is They stood up to 200 deep at plac- not dead," crowds cried in unison. es from the building of Geizira Is- They followed the procession land in the Nile, where Nasser to Nasser's grave, breaking p a s t started his 1952 revolution, to the guards a ;the body, wrapped in a mosque he had built by public white sh oud according to Moslem subscription within sight of his custom, was laid to rest in a palm- suburban home. shaded garden of Manshiet el The galaxy of foreign leaders, Bakry mosque. including Primer Alexi N. Kosy- Egypt's acting president, Anwar gin of the Soviet Wnion, Premier Sadat, collapsed early in the fun- Jacques Chaban-Delmas, of eral parade and it was reported later that he had suffered a heart attack, London monitors of the Middle East News Agency report- ed the attack late yesterday b u t also said he apparently recovered after treatment. Sadat, 52, was carried away froms the funeral procession to a wait- ing car but appeared three hoursU later at the mosque during the last prayers over Nasser's body.. The monitored report said that, Ali Sabri. ex-secretary-general ofh the Arab Socialist Union, also suffered a heart seizure. T h e agency attributed both' attacks to "emotionalism" because of Nas-- ser's death. r Other Egyptian leaders stood with tears streaming from t h e i r faces as they listened to the sol- emn words of Shiek Mohammed Fahham, Egypt's.religious leader: France, Foreign Secretary A 1 ex Douglas-Home, of Britain and {U.S. Secretary of Health, Educa- tion and Welfare Elliot Richard- son, were escorted back to thei residences by heavily armed mili tary escorts. More than 50,000 blue and re bereted'commando and parachute troops and crack infantrymen aided by scores of armored car and a squadron of mounted cav- alry with swords drawn, failed t bring the crowd fully under con trol despite hours of desperate ef- forts. At least one man was killed when he fell six, stories froma See ARABS, Page 10 i See jSAi, rage ilU "Few will pay the price of do-".' M ing it," said an official spokesman. "It takes an awful lot of skill. It takes money. It keeps a guy uncer- tain for years, and that may af- fect his job status." ,. He said that during the first eight months of this year onlyl 467 draftees , about four-tenths of one per cent of the total -' were over 26. And only a fraction of these were issued notic-s after their 26th birthday. "The change is affecting a; very insignificant number," he commented. He conceded, however, that "wet fully expect there will be dozens, even hundreds, who do it." The spokesman said draft di- rector Curtis W. Tarr, who drew SUSPECTIS ARRESTED Pioneer High quiet By JONATHAN MILLER Ann A-.bor police have ar- rested two, suspects as a result of the vandalism by 35-40 blacks at Pioneer High School Wednes- day morning.. During the incident an esti- mated $14.000 damage was done to the school library, the cafe- te 'a and a women's wash--m. School o f f icialc have an- stationed at all entrances and exits of the school. It is expect- ed that police will be at the school again today. Attendance at Pioneer was below \normal today, the school reporting that absenteeism was at about 10 per cent. This may be due to parentp carrying out threats to keep their children out of school un- til children's safety can be guar- into the... By MARK DILLEN They came to the Student Activities Bldg. 20 strong, full of revolutionary zeal and ready to do battle with the enemy. Carefully they adjusted the red hand- kerchiefs over their faces and prepared their weapons. Finally, with a rush they vaulted the stairs to where the air force recruiter was supposed to be. But he wasn't. Some of the Students for a Demorcatic Society members were disappointed. They flew up the stairs to the University Place-