Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursdoy, October 1, 1970 ~'og e Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thu rsdcy, October 1, 1970 I I I F Blacks riot at Pioneer; schol closes Guerrillas charge new Jordan fighting E f i E atceE! GIVE THESE FOOL) VALUES THE ONCE OVER (Continued from Page 1) Faculty members met with po- lice yesterday afternoon to at- tempt identification of the stu- dents responsible. School spokes- man John Hubley said that they had had some success in identi- fying of those involved. e Hubley said that, at least two pf those involved in the riot were hot students at Pioneer but at Huron High, Ann Arbor's other high school, and that "several" were not thought to be students at all. "It is difficult to identify the exact number of students in- volved," Hubley said, "the same students were not involved in all of the incidents. It is felt that there was a small core of students Involved."I The Board of Education an } nounced last night that the school " would aid both, the county prose-~'~ ~ cutor and the police in identifying and prosecuting those responsible Amman begins for destruction and that students in violation of the school disci- plinary policy would be disciplined TERM'S FIRST MEETING: under it. The policy provides for suspension of students or ;xpul- SR C atte mpts Several parents, including some members of Concerned Citizens of Ann Arbor, complained at last e night's board meeting of inade- quate discipline sat the school and, threatened to vote down the forth By ZACH SCHILLER den coming bond issue unless security and CHUCK WILBUR in is increased. The Sudent Relatons Commit- tee (Continued from Page I) committee to ensure the with- In Beirut, the Lebanese capital, drawal of the t r o o p s without shooting broke out when parad- delay. ing mourners tried to stop cars At the same time the Central in the street, but no one was hurt. Committee of the Palestinian Re-: SCars with portraits of Nasser sistancerOrganzationtheovr tourd th captal.allguerrilla leadership, ordered The Palestinian guerrilla charge, guerrillas to observe the cease- broadcast over Damascus Radio fire. 'said "the roar of explosions can "But yusol epyu be clearly heard from the Syrian B fingers yo shetr gers to pr n border." Ramtha is only five miles the army forces from taking over from the frontier. any strongholds in Jordan," the "The Jordanian military regime commttee said in a statement exploited the current state of deep also broadcast by Damascusradio. grief .which has gripped the entire At U.N. headquarters in New Arab world over President Nas- York U.S. Ambassador Charles W. ser's death to stage the new attack 'Yost,' urging a resumption of Is- on Irbid and Ramtha to imple- rael-Egyptian peace talks, urged ment its plan of liquidating the flexibility on all parties. Heusaid Palestinian resistance movement," the United States was willing to the guerrilla statement said. help get the talks reopened. It called the bombardment "an open violation of the Cairo agree- Yost declared recent develop- ment" reached Sunday between m ents, including the death of King Husseinand guerrillaleade resident Nasser, "cast a shadow Yasir Arafat to stop the civil war. over the high hopes of just a few A guerrilla communique de- weeks ago." ress scribed the ground attack as mas- Yost said Gunnar V. Jarring, sive. It said the ground forces the U.N. peace mediator, was - struck after a day-long artillery ready to resume the talks. and b o m b a r d m e n t of Irbid and called for "all serious steps to ye- Ramtha. store and strengthen confidence in The three-man Arab truce com- the integrity of the cease-fire." mittee in Amman sent Arab ob- ' _____-___ servers to investigate. The two cities are Irbid, 50 miles north of!WANTED Amman and the scene of violent fighting during the 11-day civil Chairman or war, and Ramtha, 10 miles to the east. that After the Palestinian truce- HEINZ KETCHUP HAWAIIAN PUNC HI-C ORANGE . 1 4-OZ.BOTTLE ...' 19c 46-oz. CAN H. . 29c 46-OZ. CAN ., * . . 25c -REGULAR, $1.05 IPANA TOOTH PASTE " WHITE OR ASSORTED KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE. REGULAR 69c PEPSODENT TOOTH BRUSH 6 - Z. TUBE * 49c 200 2-PLY S...19c SPECIAL AT 49c -Associated Pr recovery to define s for itself it concerns." She added MAHAGANY FARMS 12OZ. PKG. STRIP STA S. . $1.29 MAHAGANY FARMS 12-OZ. PKG. SANDWICH. STEAKS . .*.$1.19 MEADOWDALE 6-OZ. CANS ORANGE-JUICE . . 2 for 215c, JERGEN'S BATH, SOAP bar 10c PILLSBURY 1.28-OZ. SIZE INSTANT BREAKFAST SUP n .lOc CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP can l04c .t11G KDt UUt:ltt, ltGIMUAV119 vvlaaa111u Sroles ~ Other citizens claimed that the tee (SRC)of Senate Assembly dis- root cause of the trouble was being cussed whether SRC still has a ignored. Local NAACP president meaningful role in the University T Emma Wheeler defended the de- at its first meeting of the year, mc mands of the black students. Tusday night. men Pioneer students spoke both in SRC had served as the sole ad- res defense of, and against the deci- visory group to the Office of tpe tio sion to prosecute the students .vicepresident forstudent affairs n responsible. --now the vice president of stu- o the coming year, the commit- violation charge was broadcast in; would try to determine what its amass o es should be, or whether it hadI cast a statement from Big. Ahmed aningful role in the University., Abdul Majid Hilrni,' the Egyptian 'he committee approved a re- commander of the Arab cease-fire ution increasing its student, observation force in Jordan, or- mbership to six members. The dering the army and the guerrillas olution allocated the two addi- alike to cooperate with the mission nal seats to SGC with the stip- to the two northern towns. Ltiot that the SGC select its Other Arab'truce officers began imittee members in a ,more re- mking the rounds of Amman, sentative fashion than at pre- rounding upeguerrillas and taking t. . them to bases on the outskirts. The method for this selection The truce committee, headed by luired by the resolution called Premier Bahi Ladgham of Tunisia the SGC to fill its four com- 'announced Tuesday a two-phase ttee seats with one SGC mem- plan for the restoration of peace. , one member from the lit- It calls for the withdrawal from ry college, one member from Amrhan of both the army and the engineering college and one guerrillas. ember from another constitu- The Palestinians in the broad- y, cast from Damascus urged the Official damage estimates were not available last night. . Pornography panel blasts laws for adults1 dent services - but this year that function has been assumed by the new policy board forthe vice presi- dent's office. SRC is composed of ten faculty members and four students. The facultymembers are appointed by Senate Assembly, the univer- sity-wide "faculty representative body, while Graduate ' Assembly and Student Government Coun-j il (QC earh asnpoint two stu- sen, T req on mit ber 'ra the nei enc III FAIR. Petitions---UAC offices 2nd floor Union QG- oW"' ' ment-G aona lG ep"" Abo ' "04e "' 1000" _ -t I AUSTIN DIAMOND 1209 S. University 663-7151 RED DELICIOUS APPLES, Prices Good Through Saturday, October 10 Forest Food Mart Forest at Huron Village Food Mart Suburbia Food & Drug South U. at Church Stadium at Packard 100 SIZE .9. .loc #1 (Continued from Page 1) dents. because literature appropriateforI Vice resident for Student children cannot be legislated and Services Robert Knauss said that words too offensive for public dis- SRC could consider student con- lay cannot be defined. cerns that do not fall under the It also asked rejection of a Sen- auspices of his office. Committee ate measure to curb the U.S. Su- members suggested that SRC could preme Court's jurisdiction over serve as a mouthpiece for student obscenity, saying the courts should opinion to the Senate Assembly. not be restricted simply" because Committee co-chairman Har- a "vocal majority or minority of riet Mills said that the commit- citizens disagrees strongly" with tee could act as a "think tank" to their rulings. take the long term view of stu- It said a mass sex education - program establishing informed, healthy sexual attitudes would be, a powerful positive approach to Con enien blunting the taste for perverteds sex information and building a Food Mart realistic consensus for dealing with sexual matters. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK The majority said it considered and rejected both the fears of TILL MIDNIGHT national moral decay and that 365 DAYS A YEAR legal pornography for adults would lead to greater exposure to on North Campus children before concluding that adult censorship laws should be (next to Lums reealed.__ SALE 10 GAL. COMPLETE AQUARIUM SET UP COLD BEER AND WINE et on the winning team for sure fall success Package Liquor Deal er Complete Unique Food Store Package Liquor Dealer Prescriptions U HOURS: at Forest Food Mart and Village Food Mart Monday thru Thursday-S a.m.-8 p.m. Friday and Saturday-8 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday-10 a.m,-7 p.m. HOURS at Suburbia Food & Drug Monday-thtu Saturday --8 a.m.-lo' p.m. Sunday-9 a.m.-7 p.m. ANNE"= I :: a Shop Jacobson's Mon.-Tues.-Wed.-Sat.-9:30 A'M. to 5:30 P.M. Thurs. and Fri.---9.30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. }a A INCLUDES: Tank, Pump Filter, Heater, Book, Tubinq, Glasswool, Charcoal 49e ' Aquadiant 3152 Packard Rd., AA 12-9 DAILY 1t e $999 971-8283 2-6 SUN. Keep the team at your house #2 * winning this season in clothes that we dry clean expertly. The entire family's needs are met, and clothes are handled with skill, cleaned to perfection. Put us on your team. REGULAR PRICES VVM 3> t ---- ' jumpsuit genius in two moods for Miss J by Johnny Palmer... She's off to a flying start this fall in sleeked-down acetate knits that get it all together for one-step out-fitting. Sizes 5-13. A. Black or brown dressed up with golden discs, $32 B. , Hipster jumpsuit in brown/beige or green/cranberry,'l$28 LADIES DRESS .. .. MENS SUITS....... MENS PANTS...... $1.85 & up .........$1.80 ..... . $ .90 I I 0 1* '0 + AOL ., LADIES SLACKS .............$ .95 SWEATERS .............$ .85 & up BLOUSES ..............$ .90 & up COME AND COMPARE r. tV i I i : . .. :. :: : ;::