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September 30, 1970 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-30

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Wednesday, Sept. 30
dir. WOODY VAN DYKE (1934)
William Powell and Myrna Loy as the most
urbane of sleuthing teams-Nick and Nora
Charles. Fast-paced dialogue and stylized
acting made the Thin Man series a classic.
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Street priest


BOSTON (MP)-The Rev. Paul Shanley, Boston's
"street priest" for the last four years, has given
up walking his beat.
"It was, the only thing I could do to keep 'my
sanity," Father Shanley said in an interview. "I
couldn't hack it any more."
Long-haired and sometimes bearded, Father,
Paul, as he is called lay those who know him, was
a familiar figure wherever runaways gathered in
Boston. They were his flock, these "street kids,"
youngsters who had left their homes and turned,
for the most part, to drugs.
The controversial 39-year-old priest, assigned
to work with runaways by Richard Cardinal Cush-
ing, Roman Catholic archbishop of Boston, con-
sidered his unorthodox dress and appearance his
"I adopted the dress of my people," he said.
He has been off the streets pow for almost
seven weeks, at his own request.
"There wasn't anything more I could do for
the kids," he said.

"The first year we reconciled a lot of the kids,"
Father Shanley said, "The second year we were
able to keep them on soft drugs, off the killers.
Last year . . . we could only keep them alive. This
year we couldn't even do that."
"I can't watch any more what society's doing
to its kids," he added. "I feel like a father whose
son is about to be killed by a bus. It's bad enough
to know it's going to happen without having to
watch it happen."
At the moment Father Shanley is still tech-
nically assigned to his street mission. But he is
doing nothing specific, awaiting a talk with the
Most Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, newly appointed
archbishop of Boston, who will replac4 Cardinal
Cushing early next month.
While working on the streets, Father Shanley
would often .talk to as many as 30 youngsters in
a night. He would stalk their hangouts during the
late evening and early morning hours.
"We just wanted to get them off the streets,

treatmen t
give them a place to crash, to sl9ep for the night,"
he said.
Some of them were brought to drug rehabili-
tation centers in the city. Others were taken to
private homes, where people interested in Father
Shanley's work had volunteered their services.
He said one of his major frustrations was lack
of a permanent place to bring youngsters "until
I could convince them to return home, or at least
call their parents."
His work with the runaways was not easy.
"You don't enjo§ street work," he said. "It was
the hardest youth work I ever did. The frustration
is overpowering."
His street work is being continued, however,
by a group of volunteers, including several nuns.
He established the group, called Bridge Over.
Troubled Waters, Inc.

ids, they go home. That's not true. The kids then
xst get in deeper."
Fathee Shanley, lecturer in clinical psychology
st year at the Harvard Graduate School, also is
)ncerned about young professional people who
ay be "on the verge of dropping out."
"What I'd like to do," he said, "is get a 100-
re farm somewhere where they can go for sym-
.thetic rejuvenation-experience the calming,
storative qualities of nature so they go back
nd do their work."
In the meantime, he says if any solutions are
Ding to be reached concerning the drug prob-
m with youth in this country, changes are going
have to be made.
"The only solution," Father Shanley said, "is
)r the adults to turn around and clear up in
Heir own houses-make it a country which kids
>n't have to run from-physically or chemically
"Kids don't believe in the great American
ream, that everything's going to work out even-
wally. They want it now."

t Father Shanley said, "I can't change
public opinion. One of the faliacies they
is that if you don't do anything to help



news briefs
By The Associated Press
STANDARD OIL of California was accused of false advertis-
ing Thursday by the Federal Trade Commission.
The commission charged thie company with falsely claiming that
its F-310 additive in its Chevron gasoline significantly reduces air pol-
In San Francisco, O. N. Miller, Standard's chairman of the Board,
called the commission's allegations "erroneous and unfounded."
He added that the company "intends to 'take immediate and
strong action to defend itself against the commission's accusations."
In a proposed order, the commission would require future gaso-
line advertisements to prominantly display the FTC charges.
The order would not become binding on Standard of California
unless agreed to by the company or decreed by the commission and,
upheld by the courts.
FIRES IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA/ that have raged since
Friday appeared to be under coiitrol yesterday.
Eight persons; have died in the blazes that charred nearly half a
million acres.
Fire loss is estimated at $175 million, with 1,500 homes, business
and other buildings destroyed or damaged.
State officials are now working on plans to ease what they say
is the certainty of mudslides and flooding this winter on denuded
mountains and foothill slopes.
* * *
THE SENATE voted yesterday to cut off debate on a con-
stitutional amendment for direct election of the president.
The 53 to 34,vote came after the failure of a second attempt to
break a filibuster and force the proposal to a vote.
Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.) moved to put the
proposed amendment aside temporarily.
The proposed amendment would abolish the Electoral College
system of presidential elections and provide that a candidate who got
as niuch as 40 per cent of the national popular vote would be elected.

i j

Sfcri i an

Wednesday, September'30, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three


Tito plan
meeting, E
BELGRADE (R) - President
Tito decided yesterday to go
through with President Nix-
on's visit to Yugoslavia and
delegated his chief adviser to
attend the funeral of hI is
friend, Gamal Abdel Nasser
Edvard Kardelj, Yugoslavia's
top communist theoretician and
member of the Executive Council,
was named to represent Tito in
Cairo at the funeral Thursday,
the second and main day of Nix-
on's scheduled visit.
The announcement ended more
than half a day of uncertainty
over whether Tito would cancel
or postpone the fist 'U.S. presi-
dential trip to Yugoslavia.
Nasser was his close 'personal
friend and a fellow leader of the
nonaligned nations.
An official announcement from
Tanjug, the Yugoslaw news agen-
cy, said Nixon and. Tito would
cover the main world issues in
their talks as well as U.S.-Yugo-
slav relations.
An official proclamation asked
the people of Belgrade to turn out
in the streets and give the Presi-
dent and Mrs. Nixon a cordial
greeting when their motorcade
enters the capital Wednesday af-
ternoon. Thousands were expected
to do so.
The proclamation, by the' So-
cialist Alliance, Yugoslavia's Com-
munist-led mass organization, said
the visit "will be a significant
contribution to further develop-
ment of cooperation between the
two countries and friendly rela-
tions based on independence, non-
interference and mutual respect."
Yugoslavia and the United
States have had "a. long-iasting
and fruitful friendship" and de-
velopment of cooperation between
them "is in the interest of the two
e o u n t r i e s," the proclamation
The United States has extended
$2.87 billion in aid to Yugoslavia
since World War II.

-Associated Press

1-* 'hX*" I LO A-

SOCIAL- SECURITY LEGISLATION increasing benefits for iu tui uriun
widows and widowers was approved yesterday by the Senate Fi- A low-flying helicopter makes a water drop to help exti
nance Committee. since yesterday. The fire is one of many that has beenr
Under the law now, a widow receives a payment equal to 82 1/ five days. The huge park is only six miles from downto
per cent of the amount her husband would have drawn. The bill - -_-_-- -
would raise this to 100 per cent effective ne t January.u h -MITCHELL ANNOUN CEMENT:
The committee also eliminated a provision which would have in MLE
creased Social Security for disabled persons.

inguish the fire raging through Griffith Park
ravaging southern California during the last
wn Los Angeles.

_ _... i

12:45 1-3-5-7-9
-N.Y. Daily News

The Michigan Daily, edited and man-
aged by students at the University of
Mlcigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sundaymorning Univer-
Aty year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. Subscrip-
tion rates: $5. by carrier, $5 by mail.

Justice 'Dept. to send delegates)
to speak with college students

W ASHINGTON (A') - Seeking
what Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell
termed a beneficial exchange of
information and views, the Justice
bepartment yesterday announced
it would' send representatives to
51 campuses in 31 states ,for dis-
cussions with students.
Included on the list are four
predominantly black institutions,
and other colleges and universities
ranging in size from Indiana Uni-
versity, with 56,000 students, to
Pomona College in Claremont,
Calif., and Reed College in Port-
land, Ore., both with 1200 stu-
Mitchell, who has not disclosed
whether he would be among the
representatives visiting the cam-
puses, said the visits in October
and November are designed to im-
prove communications between
college students and the Justice
When he first announced the
plan this summer, Mitchell had

expected to take part in the dis-
In letters to the institutions'
presidents, Mitchell noted that
much of the Justice Department's
work-law enforcement, civil rights
and environmental quality-is "of
deep interest to many younger
Mitchell told the campus ad-
ministrators that top officials of
the department hoped to meet in-
formally with students and answer
questions about the department's
policies and programs.
Thes'department's announce-
ment said the 51 institutions were
selected "to proyide a broad cross-
section of college campuses."
The list includes private as well
as public institutions, some of
them denominational.
The predominantly black schools
include Howard University in
Washington, D.C.; Atlanta Uni-
versity in Atlanta, Ga.; Morgan
'State College in Baltimore, Md.;

and Texas Southern University in
Houston, Texas.
Such campuses as the University
of California at Berkeley and Co-
lumbia University in New York
City ar, not' on the list.
There are not many Ivy League
schools on the list, either.
The dates for the visits will be
annguncsd later, Mitchell said.

U.S.continues policy of
disengagement in Vietnam


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Hi-Fi Studio

SAIGON ()-The United States
made three new moves yesterday
to disengage its men and machines
from the war, including comple-
tion of the transfer of a big com-
bat base to the South Vietnamese
It was the 54th American in-
stallation to be turned over to the
Vietnamese since the U.S. with-
drawal started just over a year
The other disengagement moves
announced by the U.S. Command
were the further reduction in U.S.
troop strength by 2,565 men and
the transfer of 40 jet attack bomb-
ers to the South Vietnamese air
force, next Thursday.
The U.S. Command also an-

121 W. Washington



.nounced that three units of the
1st Marine Division and an Army
artillery battalion have been pull-
ed out of action and are preparing
'to depart.
The combat base that was turn-
ed over to the South Vietnamese
is at An Hoa, 20 miles southwest
of Da Nang.
It was set up four years ago by
U.S. Marines and was once one
of the largest bases' for the Leath-
ernecks in the northern sector.
The newly announced troops re-
duction lowered the current Amer-
ican strength. to about 391,000
men and this figure will be cut
by another 7,000 during the com-
ing weeks.
The withdrawals are part of
President Nixon's fourth-phase,
cutback of 50,000 troops that will
lower authorized American man-
power in Vietnam to 384,000 by
Oct. 15.
The 40 bombers that will be
turned over to the South Viet-
namese on Thursday comprise two.
squadrons of A37 jet attack air-
The- transfer will be made at a'
ceremony at Bien Hoa Air, Base,
18 miles north of Saigon.

the most respected name in

, 1
-- - - -- - - -- - -









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U-M Union

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