Page Ten 12 HONORED "'U" faculity' members receive Twelve University' faculty members; last n i g h t received $10,500 in awards for disting- uished scholarship, teaching,. and service at the annual. Fa-, culty-Staff Convocation. President and Mrs. R o b b e ns W. Fleming and members of the faculty's Senate Advisoiry Committee on University Af- fairs hosted the meeting °where Fleming presented his annual State of the University Ad- dress. Awards' included five of '$1,-' 000 each, presented to senior faculty members for outstand'- ing, teaching! and 'research. Funds were provided by the Michigan, Alumni Fund of the University Development Council. Six awards of $750 e ac h were given to junior faculty members for excellence, in teaching and University com- munity service. Funds for these awards came from the Univer- sity Club of Chicago. Also presented was the Uni- versity Press Book Award of $1,000. Senior faculty members who received the Distinguished Achievement Awards were: Prof. Arthur W. Burks, chairman of 'the computer and communica- tions sciences department and director of the Logic of Coin- puters Group; Sociology' Prof. Ronald Freedmnan,' director of the 'Population Studies Center; psychology Prof. William C. Morse, chairman of the' Com- bined Program in Education and Psychology; Joseph E. Rowe, chairman of the electri- cal engineering' department; and political science Prof. Ro- bert E. Ward. Distinguished Service Awards for .instructors 'and assistant professors were presented to: John A. Bailey, assistant pro- fessor of Near Eastern lang- uages and literatures; Walter H. Clark,' Jr., associate professor ''I GRO,1C)U;P*s MASS MEETING for people interested in a group experience on: --Crisis of personal values -Women's identity --Career choice -Couples groups (married or unmarried) Groups will be run by the staff of the Counsel ing Division I DATE: We ., Sept. 30 TIME: 7:30 P.M. PLACE: Multipurpose. Room 3rd floor ...OUTDOOR LIVING See IIALPPS * BOOTS . . . walking *.shunting" t ~Voyager, * Browning " Bass 'f rom $14.95 '7 * SLEEPING BAGS... Dacron, Down from $11.95 * RAIN-WEAR / DOWN JWTS. GERRY ! BLACKS@0 ALPINE DESIGNS ! NO FACE 0 PONCHOS * RAIN SUITS 0 RAIN PARKAS 0 VESTS * SWEATERS0 JACKETS * PARKAS Complete t Tents 0 Packs & Cross Country Archery Backpacking ' frames , Skiing by Browning & General Use all types Sales 0 Rentals Raupp Campf ittews 521 S. Ashley - AA * 769-5574 MICHIGAN'S CAMPING OUTFITTERS 4i -+Use Daily, Clcissifieds, + ____ ___ ___- __ ___ ________________ - __________________________________{_ THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, September 29,1b,7 EMASS MEETING MASS MEETING awardse of English; James E. Dew, as- uuI4e o irhdIUdrga atPltcl sociate professor of Chinese. I IUU~nIII3 SuIport Science Association Alohnrdwr:Rln .Hiss, associate professor of in- ;tho ternal medicine and post-grad-jth NOMINATEOFFICERS uate medicine; Peter J. Lynch, DICUS1HI YAd associate professor of dermatol-an ogy; and Nathaniel H. McClam- IuIUoDISUSSkTHSsYEA'S PROGRAM roch, assistant professor of corn- puter, information and control EVERYONE INVITED engineering. Tuesday 7:30 2nfloo A Robert Judson Niess, received SEPT. 29-TUESDAY the University Press Book Program---Strategy---Tac ticsj 7:30 P.M.-2225 A.H. Award for his book "Zola, Ce-1 zanne, and Manet: A Study of W L'Oeuvre", Phone OPEN 9-6 MON. 9-9. 761-8816 N A E NO GIMICK Special COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON Every Day Price 7 oz. 6.759.. 243 oz. 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Colors-I st Quality H S 66 c ~~R EG. gl 6 cSIZE 37c 2c79c$099 Limit 2 Expires 1 0/5/70 Limit 1 Expires 10/5/70 Limit 6 Expires 1 0/5/70 Limit 2 Expires 1 0/5/70 Limit 2 _ Expires 1051 COPNCOUPON I COUPON I COUPON ' _COUPON.. ALL C4 ground The Lawyers Club. Dating Service. f i I I I rse back- j fl Q-EDS interested in meeting law students wit Isand interests should clip out and mail thef 'h diver following form: r----------------------------------------- NAME---- A AGE~ .__ HOMETOWN-._._ I R NSHO L __ _ _EG TI I I YR. IN E H-L_ EIH I N E E T I.__. ------ N---_ __- ------ --~- --------- - -----_----- -I 1111