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September 29, 1970 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-29

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Tuesday, September 29, 1970 4,

Page Fight


P aeri h T E M I H GA1A I YT e s a , e t e b r 9 1 7.

U of M School of Music presents its 2nd annual
ctober 2 Hil Auditorium 8:00 p.m.
Michigan Chamber Ensemble University Men's Glee Club University Symphony Orchestra
SOLOISTS: Elizabeth Mosher Kraus, Eva Likova, Ralph Herbert, John
McCollum and Willis Patterson
CONDUCTOR: Theo Alcantara
SONGS from The Most Happy Fella, Kiss Me Kate, Carousel, Show Boat,
West Side Story plus several all-time, light, orchestral favorites.
Tickets only available at the door on the evening of the concert. Doors open 7:15 P.M.
Proceeds to School of Music scholarship funds
Posters and musical scores for this program provided by the'Old Heidelberg Restaurant

Buckeye machine starts rolling

Although the Big Ten teams
turned in their customary p o o r
performances against non-confer-
ence opponents last Saturday, the
big news is that Ohio State is back
stronger than ever. The Buckeyes
trounced Texas A&M, who had
two impressive wins behind them,
in a 56-13 non-contest.
The Buckeyes scored the first
three times they touched the ball
and moved against the Aggies at
will all afternoon. The Aggies won
the opening toss and elected to re-
ceive in order to have the strong
wind at their back. The strategy
backfired as OSU jumped off to
a 21-0 lead, with the wind against

The Buckeyes recovered four
A&M fumbles. three picked up by
defensive end Ken Luttner, and
three which led to OSU touch-
downs. In addition one Ohio in-
terception led to a touchdown for
the Buckeyes.
Fullback John Brockington scor-
ed twice, and six others scored
once each as quarterbacks R e x
Kern and Ron Maciejowski threw
a varied and potent attack at the
outclassed Aggies. Coach Woody
Hayes went to his reserves earlier
than he ever remembered doing
before, completing his substitu-
tions midway through the t h i' r d
In his usual fashion Mayes
was able to find a cloud in his

silver lining. He was worried about
the fact that his starters had so
little playing time in the first
game. He was especially concerned.
about the defense, which is com-
paratively inexperienced.
According to Hayes, "We have a
lot of' improving to do." He crit-
icized the defense as not being as
sharp as last year's was. All
things considered, however, Woody
should be able to put together a
fair squad to challenge Michigan
November 22.
A mild surprise was Minnesota's
complete decimation of Ohio
University, a teary they could do
no better than tie last year. Thet
Gophers crushed the Bobcats. 49-


Intrepid retains America's cup



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NEWPORT, R.I. (t)-Intrepid
won the America's Cup yesterday
for the United States, nosing out
Australia's Gretel II by 10 boat
lengths in a race so close the two
crews at times could have passed
the old trophy back' and forth.,
The victory by 1 min te 44 sec-
onds gave the New York Yacht'
club defender a 4-1 margin in the
best-of-seven series, but few chal-1
lengers, if any, ever made it closer1
than Gretel II. It was the 21st
successful challenge by the UnitedI
States since it won the cup in
Intrepid had overcome an early
length lead by the Aussies and led
by 150 yards on the - fourth leg,
when the everstalking Gretel II;
rallied dramatically.

Several wind shifts handicapped
Intrepid's skipper Bill Ficker.
Meanwhile, the Aussies' Jim Har-
dy was sailing in his kind of wind
-at seven knots northwesterly
that had dropped from 12 at the
start of race on Rhode Island
Sound's 24.3-mile t r i a n g u l a r
As Hardy had done before, he
began. creeping up astern, then
began tacking his lighter yacht,
continuously, gambling that the
heavier Intrepid couldn't accele-
rate as fast in coming about. He
was right. Each turn brought him
closer until they were sailing nose
to nose.
Ficker stubbornly kept Hardy
at bay, carrying him high off the
mark before turning for it and


rounding two lengths to the good.
* Then the wind veered about 45
degrees and took away Hardy's
key weapon, the tacking duel.
Turning for home with only a
one-length ahead, Ficker could
almost lay the finish, keeping
tacking to a minimum.
As they cruised slowly home-
wards, both yachts were alter-
nately headed and lifted but In-
trepid was to windward with room
to spare.
Gretel II had the same break
in her victory in the fourth race,
being upwind in a breeze shift.
It was in light air that Gretel II
won its only race last Thursday.
In similar conditions, the chal-
lenger beat out the American de-
fender in the second race only to
have the race reversed and given
to the U.S. boat because of an
alleged infraction by the Aussies
at the start.
At the finish, the Yanks hoisted
a pennant with their summer-long
boast that "Ficker is Quicker.",
There have been 73 races for
the cup which the U.S. has never
lost since the yacht America first
brought it here 199 years ago.
Meanwhile, back in London, The
Daily Express said today a wealthy
Australian sheep-farmer is plan-
ning to finance a British attempt
in 1973 or 1976 to win the Amer-
ica's symbol of the 12-meter
yachting championship.I

6, with an offense that was good .
for 489 yards total. The Goph-
ers could present Michigan with
their only real challenge this year
besides Ohio State.
Minnesota's big men are tail-r
back Barry Mayer, who ran for
118 yards in 12 tries against Ohio,
and quarterback Craig Curry, who 4
picked up 85 yards on the ground.
A 'potential preseason threat,
Purdue, was blasted clear out of
South Bend, by Notre Dame last
Saturday. The Boilermakers were
slammed' by the Fighting. Irish,
48-0, a game that put a damper on
the rise of Purdue's sophomore
quarterback Chuck Piebes.
Pie es was devastated by t h e
Irish defense and was replaced in
the second half. The Irish's touch
down combination of seniors Joe
Theismann and Tom Gatewood
connected for three scores against
the 'sievelike Purdue defense.'
Another Big Ten squad that
was utterly destroyed last week
was the Iowa Hawkeyes. T h e
Hawks ran into the seventh rank-
ed USC team, and emerged much
the worse for wear, a 43-0 loser.
The rest of the teams in the
once- premier conference had a
mediocre 2-3-1 record against a
bevy of mediocre opponents. Alas,
things are not destined to im-
prove next week. The opponents
Include Nebraska, Notre Dame,
Stanford and Penn State.
Ali, granted.
license to fih
NEW YORK (R) - Muham-
mad Ali, the former world heavy-
weight boxing champion, w a s
granted a boxing license yesterday
by a unanimous vote of the N e w
York State Athletic Commission.
Ali, who used his Muslim name
in preference to Cassius Clay, had
applied for a license Thursday and
took a physical examination, He
had been assured that a license
would be granted.
Ali was suspended by the N e w
York Commission in ApTil, 1967
after he -refused to accept induc-
tion into the army. ,He later was
convicted of draft evasion a n d
sentenced to five years in prison,
a conviction now being appealed to
the Supreme Court.
A New York court ruled re-
cently that Ali should be given a
license in New York.

~/A II)

ridde, Pickings J
It is really hard to imagine why anyone would go out of their way
to dwin a Cottage Inn pizza. It is conceivable though that some
maniacs might endeavor to test their pig skin prowess in the great
sport-Daily Gridde Pickings.-In any event our yearly waly castration
award is presented early this year to one K. F. of Taylor house in
South Quad. K. entered last weeks gridde pickings three times-
that's a no no-and ended up with results of 6-14, 7-13 and 8-12.
Well, that's the way balls bounce. Continuing our sadistic leanings
it should be noted that last weeks all time loser award goes to A. R.
who somehow managed the fantastic score of 5-15.
On a slightly better note, this week's winner is Bob Crockett who
can come in any time and pick up his slip for a de-licious Cottage Inn
1. Texas A&M at MICHIGAN 11. Navy at Washington
2. Syracuse at Illinois 12. Kansas at New Mexico
3. West Virginia at Indiana 13. Oregon State at Southern
4. Iowa at Arizona California
5. Notre Dame at Michigan State 14. North Carolina at Vanderbilt
6. Minnesota at Nebraska 15. Auburn at Kentucky
7. Southern Methodist at 16. Alabama at Mississippi
Northwestern '17. California at Rice
8. Duke at Ohio State 18. Rutgers at Harvard
9. Penn State at Wisconsin 19. Oregon at Washington State
10. Purdue at Stanford 20. St. Peter's at Fordham



'M' kickers drag feet;
lose weekend contests



It has oft been said that the
tough grind of a baseball or bas-
ketball's team's road trips take a
lot out of the players involved.
Apparently, three road games in
as many days were also too much
for the Michigan soccer team as
they dropped all three decisions in
their first week of fall competi-
Last Saturday the Wolverine
kickers bowed to Michigan State's
varsity 3-1 at East Lansing in a
practice game. Michigan averted
a shutout by scoring on a three
man rush late in the last 15 min-
utes of play.
The trip to Toledo was not any

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m o r e rewarding as a Brazilian
squad downed Michigan 4-3, and
Toledo handed a 10 man Wolver-
ine squad a 3-1 setback. But des-
pite the losses, there were still a
few bright spots in the Wolverine
George Schuder knocked in a
beautiful goal from his left out--4o
side forward position in the Sun-
day match against the Brazillians.
Goalie, Karol Krotki, proved to
be the best out on the field with
many good stops.
Wolverine coach Bob Peters es-
timated that Kroti had made at
least a 70 per cent improvement
over his earlier performances.
Peters analyzed his club's game
py remembering, "The team has-
n't gelled into a g o o d cohesive
unit. We didn't play well togeth-
Michigan is competing in two
soccer conferences - the college l
division and the Toledo League.
The Brazillian contest w a s the
opening game in the Toledo Lea-
gue, while yesterday's matches
with Toledo marked the beginning
of the college division schedule.
Peters also blamed bad weather
and field conditions for his team's W
poor showing over the weekend.
Rain drenched the field for both
the MSU and Brazillian matches.
Poor training conditions and
less practice than needed also led
to the Wolverines' sub-par per-
formance. Now that the practice.
field has been found, regular ses-
sions will help peak the team for
their Oct. 10 match-up with Notre
Dame. Practices will be from 4:30-
6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thurs-
Lombardi honored
The late Vincent Lombardi was
named yesterday the third reci-
pient of the National Football
Foundation and Hall of Fame's
Distinguished Service Award.
. The posthumous award will be
presented to Lombardi's son at
the 13th annual Awards banquet
Dec. 8.
Previous winners of the award
were Capt. Bill Carpenter, Army's
Lonely End who earned a Presi-
dential salute for his bravery in
Viet Nam, and Archbald Mc-
Leish, Pultizer Prize winning poet.

Warm Shift Gowns
Our pretty gowns are an
extra-special value in warm
brushed Estron/nylon with
delicate lace and puffed
trimmings. Build your winter
sleepwear wardrobe around
them and save. In
pink or aqua. P-S-M-L.


I ! t



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