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September 29, 1970 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-29

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page three




NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Tuesday, September 29, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three

n es b rie fs
By The Associated Press
A FEDERAL HEARING EXAMINER ruled yesterday for the
first time that a northern school district is violating federal civil
rights laws and should lose a major portion of its federal aid.
Horace Robbins, a hearing examiner for the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare, ruled that the Ferndale, Mich., school
district illegally segregates its elementary school pupils and should
lose $275,000 in'federal aid.
The Ferndale case was initiated April 15, 1969, and is a landmark
because it was the first to involve federal action against a northern
or western school district.
* * *
A BJlL creating a White House Council of Consumer Advisers
and an independent consumer protection agency was approved
yesterday by the Senate Government Operations Committee..
But it was uncertain whether the landmark legislation- could be
brought to the Senate floor, where some-opposition is expected, before
the end of the current session of Congress.
Sen. Abraham Ribicoff <b-Connl, whose subcommittee wrote the
consumer protection bill, said the full subcommittee struck from the
measure the creation of .a consumer frauds division in the Justice
FIGHTING SUBSIDED yesterday throughout Indochina as
American military and civilian chiefs of the war zone met in,
Saigon to assess the over-all situation.
The outcome of the top-level meeting was not disclosed. U.S. of-
ficials said only that the leaders met to review the current military
and political situation.
The war itself sputtered into small and isolated actions in Viet-
nam, Cambodia and Laos.
Two developments, both involving Cambodia, were diclosed\for
the first time:
1. The United States is using helicopters-as well as planes-for
reconnaisance missions over Cambodia.
2. The Cambodian high command conceded that Vietnamese
Communists had set up some effective Cambodian militia and village
governments which are opposed to the Phomn Penh regime.

CLEVELAND OP) - A w h it e
policeman, William Tracz, 26, was
killed and his partner wounded
yesterday when they stopped a
car for going' through a traffic
light in a neighborhood that has
been pressing for more police pro-
The assailants were black, but
Safety Director William Heed-
rickson said this did not appear
to be the work of any black
militant organization.
Police said the wounded officer
had positively identified a pic-
ture showed to him at the hos-
pital of one of the two assailants
and that a first-degree murder
warrant was being issued for the
man's arrest.
An officer said the other man
was sought is a close associate of
the prime suspect and also is
wanted in connection with a burg-
The assailants apparently
thought they were being stopped
for investigation of a major
crime, Hendrickson said. O n e
suspect was wanted for a felony.
"This doesn't appear to be a
case of Black Panthers or any
other organization attacking po-
licemen," Hendrickson said. He
said police were told some time
ago that the wounded patrolman,
Fred Fulton, 29, was marked for
assassination by black militants
because he had arrested several
Black Panthers.
But, Hendrickson said, the man
the informant namedk eas the
would-beassassin was killed sev-
eral months ago.


-Associated Press
Nixon visits released hostages

TUE., SEPT. 29-Aud


Dfed over grants

I. A, Angell Hall

Child drug use questioned

WASHINGTON (P) - A congressman's plans
to investigate the use of amphetamine drugs to
quiet overactive schoolchildren has drawn sup-
'port from parents but criticism from some doc-
tors and teachers.
Rep. Cornelius Gallagher (D-N.J.) opens hear-
ings today as chairman of a House privacy sub-
fpommittee. His aim is to find whether the drugs
are being confined to their medically recognized
use in treating brain-damaged problem children
or whether normal, bright youngsters are being
drugged to keep them from fidgeting in boring
Gallagher said administration of the drugs us-
ually is suggested by the child's school and the
parents asked to agree to the use.
But he said instances have b e e n reported
where the parents' consent was in effect coerced
by threats to bar the child from regular classes
and other cases of "implied consent" by ignorant

"We have no intention of invading the confi-
dential relations. between parents, pediatricians
and children," Gallagher told a reporter. "But we
are concerned with statements by persons prom-
inent in educational organizations that the use
of the drugs will begreatly increased in the next
few years."
Gallagher's mail has been mixed.
-"No representative of Congress should have
the audacity to state that children are being
drugged just to keep them quiet," writes an Ohio
osteopath. He calls the drugs a godsend for treat-
ing problem children.
-A New Jersey man said he and his wife had
refused to allow their 7-year-old daughter to be
treated with drugs despite pressure f r o m the
school psychologist. "She was annoyed with me
and told me that soon my little girl would start
to masturbate as a result of all this extra energy.
She made me feel as though I was a stupid, ne-
glectful parent."

DETROIT (iP) - A quarter of
a million dollars in grants by a
Model Cities agency has sparked
a feud among city officials who
are now fighting it out in court.
Using money from the U.S.. De-
partment of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) - the Citi-
zens Urban Opportunity Fund
(CUOF) - has disbursed $250,000
in grants to residents of Detroit's
inner city.
CUOF received the funds for the
grants through the Model Cities
program. Model Cities, created by
t e Johnson administration, is de-
signed to coordinate urban pro-
grams of federal, state, local and,
private agencies to avoid dupli-
cation of efforts.
Most of the CUOF grants went
to poor people to pay for such
things as day care for children
whose mothers must work, down
payments on homes, school tui-
tion, job rehabilitation and to help
in establishing small businesses.
Sylvester Angel, director of the
Detroit Model Neighborhood
Agency, which operates the CUOF,
has cut off all CUOF's funds, say-
ing he acted on HUD oiders.
CUOF has gone to court to have
the money reinstated. -A judge
suggested both sides attempt an
out-of-court settlement b e f o r e
he rules, and Angel said such a
meeting has been scheduled.
Angel said in an interview,!
"There is every indication that all
of the funds were not dispensed as
they were intended to be. The
concept of the program w a s
that it would be a loan, or loan
guarantee, and grant program -
,with grants being the exception
rather than the rule.

"But 100 per cent of the dis-
bursements so far has been as
grants. They haven't made one
Defending the grants, CUOF at-
torney Herman Anderson said the
CUOF intended from its start to
give away two-thirds of its funds
in grants and the rest in loans
or loan guarantees.
CUOF administrator Clyde
Cleveland said many grant re-
cipients "live in conditions you
coulld not imagine,"and could not
get help anywhere else.
He said some were mothers on
welfare unable to get funds for
furniture since the Michigan De-
partment of Social Services cut
off all but emergency welfare fur-
niture funds last spring. "They're
sleeping on the floor because they
have no furniture," he said.
The grants were, ruled out verb-
ally 18 months ago by the Chicago
regional HUD office, but \t h e
former director of the Detroit
Model Neighborhood Agency ne-
glected to pass on this ruling. to
the citizens group, Angel said.
Angel also said, "There are
some instances where it does not
appear, that \poor people had the
usse of those funds." He especially
objected to grants for the purchase
of new cars by three CUOF em-
ployes who, he said, couldn't drive.
There have been similar con-
troversies elsewhere in the coun-
try over Model Cities programs.
HUD officials say that most of
them have involved power strug-
gles between feuding agencies.
Such struggles, they say, h a v e
seriously hampered the operation
of the experimental program.

U.S. fleet_
TOGA (P) President Nixon flew
last night from Rome to the air-
craft carrier USS Saratoga in the
Mediterranean and told American
sailors that U.S. power and diplo-
macy had never been more effe.c-
tive than in the latest Middle East
"The fact that we were success-
ful is the fact that you were
there," he told sailors gathered
around his helicopter on the Sara-
toga's flight deck.
Nixon canceled a firepower de-
monstration by the U.S. 6th Fleet,
however, because of the death of
Egypt's:-president Gamal: Abdel
Nasser. A fleet review also was
called off, but the rest of the
presidential schedule will continue
as planned, an announcement said.
In Rome, the President had a
Jubilant, airport meeting with 31
American hijack hostages who had
been pawns in the Middle East
conflict until they were freed by
Arab guerrillas in Amman. The
United States had never u s e d
power and restraint to obtain their
release, the President told them.
He flew to the U.S. 6th Fleet
sailing off Italy's coast after dis-'
cusing peace efforts with Italian
leaders and Pope Paul VI.
Before his twilight departure by
helicopter from St. Peter's Square,
Nixon receive a tumultuous greet-
ing from Romans shouting "Viva
Nixon." Some 2,000 persons
swarmed around his limousine
during anunscheduled drive to
take Mrs. Nixon to her hotel after
meeting with the Pope at the Vti-
can. The motorcade stopped sev-
eral times and Nixon, sniling
broadly, got out to shake hands
with the crowds.
The warm reception. In t h e
streets was in stark contrast with
intensel hit-and-miss battles be-
tween police and leftist youth that
plagued the city 'for the second
succesive day.
Rioting students overturned cars
and market stalls in one square,
and threw a fire bomb at a police
car in another. More than 200
youths were taken into custody.
Similar battles flared in Naples,
where Nixon will land tonight to
continue his nine-day, five-na-
tion European tour.
Nixon encountered one anti-
U.S. act as his motorcade sped to
the Vatican. Youths threw hund-
reds of leaflets on the hood of his
limousine. Seven were arrested.
Overnight, two U.S. military
cars were burned near the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization base
in the Naples suburb of Bagnoli,
where Nixon is to meet NATO
commianders and U.S. ambassa-
dors from Mediterranean c o u n -
tries tomorrow.
Nixon's 22-hour stop in Rome.
which spokesmen called a "work-
ing visit," drew less acclaim and
fewer disorders than his visit here
18 months ago.

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An election will be held on Thursday, October 15, in
dorm dinner lines (at mailboxes in Fletcher, and in
Seeley Apts. Lounge in Oxford) to:

The right kind of lamp can doK
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Like the Panasonic
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at Panasonic lamps and
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