Kunstler decries system's violence
A quiet audience of over 3,000 Sunday
night heard William Kunstler, defense
lawyer for the 'Chicago 7,' discuss vio-
lence and its effects on American society.
Kunstler is currently in Detroit de-
fending three local White Panthers
charged with conspiring to bomb the Ann
Arbor CIA office in fall, 1968.
"Ever since Kent State and the Cam-
bodian invasion there has been a cre-
scendoing desire on the part of the powers
in Washington to effectively nullify you,"~
Kunstler told the predominantly-student
To support his charge, Kunstler men-
tioned several recent "White House
moves"-including a letter sent to 900
college presidents asking them to restore
law and order on campuses.
"And a few days later Martha Mitchell
says the academic society is responsible
for all our troubles in the country,"
Kunstler continued.
Another example of "White House re-
pression" Kunstlei cited was President
Nixon asking Congress for $23 million
"so that 1,000 FBI agents can be sta-
tioned among you. In some room,
somewhere. they are growing their beards
and lengthening their hair," Kunstler
warned the crowd.
When later discussing the proposed 15
per cent increase in FBI agents, Kunstler
said "It's rather surprising that because
of 25 bombings on campuses we need an
extra 1,000 FBI agents when 10 years
ago the 40 bombings in Birmingham never
produced the addition of one agent."
The recent release from the Presi-
dent's Commission on Campus Unrest
"capped off the week" Kunstler said.
"What the report essentially says is
that there are many rotten things in
life-police brutality, campus riots, vio-
lence in the streets and a war in Asia,"
Kunstler said. "Yet, it says, one need not
resort to violence for-pompous as they
may be-there are mechanisms to al-
leviate these problems."
Contending that "only a fool" would say
the only way to solve problems is by vio-
lence, Kunstler added one would be
'equally a fool to solve problems by the
ponderous methods of our democracy."
Where is the real violence-where does
it come from, Kunstler asked. "It's a
tragic deception to pin violence on the
students in this country when our goV-
ernment is responsible for violence all
around the world," he said.
While discussing violence, Kunstler
mentioned the bombing of the Armyr
Mathematics Research Center at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin in August, where a
graduate research student was killed.
"No one cannot hang his head at the
death of an innocent man," Kuntsler said
of the incident, "but to treat it as an
excuse to maintain the bizarre status
quo is a bad mistake."
Contending that American society is in
need of "drastic revision," Kunstler sa
"We face a life stifled by useless stand
ards-we are raised on ideals that are
living lie."
Students, Kunstler said, play a vit
role in the future of the country. "If yc
are intimidated or co-opted, we are doon
ed for another generation-maybe a life
/ Claiming that a nation-wide studer
strike would be "intolerable" to Nixo
Kunstler said "Students must say to ti
government that this war be stopped. Ar
with the end of war must come an en
to racism, an end to poverty and an er
to the insidious attacks on young people
Kunstler then opened the floor fe
questions from the audience. When aski
by one student, "What should we do'
Kunstler said, "I never answer th;
question for it should be answered fro
the guts of each person."
See KUNSTLER, Page 6
-Daily-Jim Judkis
See Editorial Page
5k 43au
Sunny and warmer;
chance of evening showers
Vol. LXXXl, No.-23 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Tuesday, September 29, 1970 Ten Cents
Ten Po
Gamal Nasser dies
U' disruption
In his annual State of the University address to staff
and faculty members, President Robben Fleming last night
called for firm resolve against disruptve behavior but under-
standing in carrying out that policy.
"Window smashing rampages, threatened physical vio-
lence towards others, disruption of classes, seizure of facili-
ties, obscene incivilities, and other tactics that have occurred
all too frequently in recent years, have no place on a campus,"
Fleming told a crowd of about 400 people in Rackham Ampi-
He urged the University community to tone down its
rhetoric but also insisted University rules be enforced against
-_ - - - violators.
UGLI closes
briefly for
bomb threat
"On the sensitive question of
police on campus, we have always
made clear our reluctance to use
the police, but at the same time
our determination to do so 'in
some !circumstances," Fleming.
added. "The campus is not a
Fie said the revolution spoken
of by radicals is 'a figment of
their imagination" while the
1M.. TYTAA i~ A A TT~iwl C'fn
The 'Undergraduate L i b r a r y threat of repression is a reality.
(UGLI) was forced to close yes- Calling the report on campus
terudaymorning and Sunday night unrest issuedSaturday by a oom-
because of two bomb threats, mission appointed by President
ItNixon "a balanced and lucid ac-
to.Inforaton that asbomb a count of our problems," Fleming
in by a Detroit news agency yes- called fr reconciliation of t h e
terday to the city police depart- different, communities on campus.
nent. The library was immediate- Fleming said the problems of
ly closed, undergraduate education and fin-
Police blocked off the pathway ancial resources of universities
from the Diag to the Engineering need greater discussion than stu-
Arch until 10 a.m., at which time dent unrest.
the Jibrary was reopened._ Criticizing the increasing use of
Sunday's threat was received by teaching fellows to staff freshmen
a University ,operator at about and sophomore classes, Fleming
9:30 p.m. The caller said that a asked ways be developed to return
bomb was scheduled to explode experienced p ofessors to under-
in the UGLI at 10:45 p.m. The graduate classrooms.
operator notified both University "We have had a course prolifer-
security guards and the police. ation which adds luster to the
Student assistants and staff totality of our academic offering,
cleared the library, and remained but which may benefit too few
inside searching for the bomb un- at too great a cost for too many,"
til about 10:15 p.m. The UGLI Fleming claimed, pointing out that
remained closed all evening. too many freshman courses close
"We looked in the closets, stair- out early as a result.
ways, wastebaskets, and restrooms Suggesting that society requires
- all the obvious places, like un- "skilled technicians" rather than
der 'B'. But we couldn't look be- broad generalists, Fleming said
hind every book," said Rose- the undergraduate program might
Grace Faucher, head librarian of be reoriented and capped with a
the UGLI masters degree.
Bill Rickenbacher, an area sup- He added that the University
ervisor at t h e UGLI, expressed is not doing enough to prepare
concern for the safety of the stu- students for the leisure world
dents, brought by advanced technology,
"It is important that everyone noting that it is impossible for a
inside realizes the seriousness in student not majoring in art or
any bpmb scare," he said. See FLEMING, Page 6
-Daily-Jim Wallace
President Fleming presents State of the University address
LSA faculty favors 3 students,
6 profs on panel for new dean
By The Associated Press
Gamal Abdel Nasser died of a
heart attack last night, and his
death pushed the Middle East in-
to a new era of uncertainty.
Cairo radio announced that An-
war Sadat, Nasser's vice president,
would become provisional presi-
Sadat's succession, an auto-
matic constitutional move, was
announced by Najib Hussein,
speaker of the Arab Socialist
Union, after a joint meeting of
this party and the Cabinet.
Hussein said the provisional
presidency,'in accord with the con-
stitution, will last 60 days. During
this period the party will meet to
elect a new president by a two-
thirds majority.
Sadat had announced the death,
and then all Arab stations started
readings of the Koran, the sacred
scripture of Islam.
The Egyptian president, 52, was
a postal clerk's son who went into
the army, led the campaign that
overturned Egypt's corrupt mon-
archy, and then became leading
spokesman of the Arab world.
His death came as he and other
Arab leaders were struggling to
deal with the backlash of Jordan's
war, and amid American-inspired
efforts to bring 'about an agree-
ment to end the state of war that'
has existed in the Middle East
for more than 20 years.
Nasser's death had to be con-
sidered a blow, too, to those who
t placed hopes in the current cease-
fire arrangements and the Amer-
ican peace plan formula. Only
Nasser seemed strong enough to
convince militant Arabs that .sego-
tiations would be advisable. King
Hussein of Jordan joined him in
agreeing to indirect talks with Is-
f rael under U.N. auspices, but Hus-
sein's strength is now in doubt.
Nasser's death stunned world
capitals last night and some diplo-
mats predicted a hard road ahead
for Middle East peace. In the
Arab world, men, women and chil-
dren raced through the streets,
weeping and tearing their clothes.
President Nixon said on the car-
rier U.S.S. Saratoga off Italy he
hoped that in view "of this tragic
loss" all nations, "particularly
t those in the Middle East," would
renew efforts for a lasting peace.
An informal vote at a meeting
of the literary college faculty yes-
terday indicated a strong prefer- :
ence among the faculty for seat-
ing three students and six faculty
members on the committee which
will screen candidates - for the
deanship of the college.
Earlier in the meeting, those in
attendance voted overwhelmingly
against seating equal numbers of
students and faculty members on
the dommittee, and also rejected a
faculty-student ratio of 5 to 3.
The committee will be charged
with designating nominees for the
successor of William Hays, who
resigned as LSA dean last June.
The new dean will ultimately be
appointed by President R o b b e nI
Fleshing with the concurrence of
the Regents.
Since yesterday's meeting w a s
attended by only about 60 faculty
members - far short of the 100
required for a quorum - the LSA
faculty will meet again next Mon-
day to take formal action on the
composition of the committee. '
A final decision on the makeup
of the panel will be made by
Fleming. According to acting LSA
Dean Alfred Sussman, the presi-
dent has indicated he will probably
accept the faculty's recommenda-
The members of the search com-
mittee will be selected by Fleming
from two lists - one of students
and one of faculty members. Each
list will contain twice the number
of names to be chosen.
Sometime next month, the LSA
faculty will vote by mail on the
list of faculty nominees to the
committee. The faculty remains
undecided on how the student
nominees will'be chosen, although
the LSA Executive Committee -
the college's top administrative
body - has suggested that the list
of students be submitted by the
LSA student government, and by
the college's Graduate S t u d e n t
At a faculty meeting earlier this
month, some faculty members had
suggestedestablishing two search
committees - one composed of
students and one composed 'of
faculty members.
This was later criticized by
members of the LSA student gov-
ernment, who felt that Fleming
and the Regents would be prone to
accept the recommendation of the
faculty panel over that of the
Speaking at yesterday's meeting
Sussman ruled out the two-com-
mittee idea, saying the president
had expressed opposition to it.
During the straw votes, only 11
faculty members supported t h e
seating of equal' numbers of stu-
dents and faculty on the commit-
The proposal for student-faculty
parity was submitted by math
Prof. George Piranian, who said
it would allow student govern-
ments to overcome "a lack of ex-
perience in operating under demo-
cratic machinery." Here is an op-
portunity where students can par-
ticipate and see how it's done," he
This view was opposed by Prof.
George Hucker, chairman of the
far eastern language and litera-
ture department, who favored ex-
cluding students from the com-
"Z don't think it. would be to the
-Associated Pres
A YEAR AGO, President Gamal Abdel Nasser (left) of the United.
Arab Republic greeted King Hussein of Jordan in Cairo. Hussein
had come to talk with Nasser, and other Arab heads of state abot
measures to be taken against Israel following the burning of the
mosque in Jerusalem.
This is the final week for city voter registration, and
number of campaign staffs have launched door-to-door driv
to register as many students as possible who can quali
as city residents.
"Up to 5,000 students probably could meet city requir
ments for registration," says a director of the registratii
drive for one of the state representative candidates. F
estimates, however, that only up to 2,000 students mig
be registered as a result of the current campaign.
City registration ends Friday at 8 p.m. The City Clerk
office on the second floor of City Hall will process registr
tion applications from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily until that tin
- - --- - On the campus, deputy reg
trar station's are now open fro
I 5 to 8 p.m. daily in the Leag
and at the Beal St. Fire Stati
on North Campus.
OSS boc
The five student and four faculty mem-
bers of the Office of Student Services
(OSS) Policy Board, meeting today for the
first time, have differing opinions as to
what their role as a board should be.
The board will advise Robert Knauss,
newly-appointed vice president for student
services, on policy matter under OSS jur-
Knauss has said he will follow the dic-
tates 'of the policy board on such matters,
rrd discusses issues
oversee as much as possible of the activi-
ties of the office until we have been able
to establish a working relationship with
the administration."
Zoology Prof. John Bardach, on the
o her Piand, views the board as an advisory
body. "I think the older members of the
board will be able to provide a certain
amount of expertise in various areas.
However, the exact role of the board will
only be determined after we have worked
together for awhile," he says.
non-profit organizations," says Marcy Ab-
ramson, Grad.
"I don't think the University should
pick and choose among corporations," says
Chinese Prof. Harriet Mills. "Recruiting
should be all on or all off."
Most student members believe the Uni-
versity should allow the Gay Liberation
Front (GLF) to hold their midwest con-
ference. P r e s i d e n t Robben Fleming,
however, has twice denied GLF permission
to use University facilities for the con-
See GAMAL NASSER, Page 6 4
Also available for evening
gistration are the Jackson A
Fire Station, the E. Stadium B
Fire Station, the Huron F
Station, and the Ann Arbor CO
munity Center.
Student apathy, says one of
candidates, lessens the polit
importance of student comm.
ties, but also denies staudents v
face trial by peers student re;
sentation on juries as juror
lection is based on voter regist
tion lists. He urged that qu
fied students register as soon
State law stipulates that pr