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September 27, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-27

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See Editorial Page





it rigan


Partly cloudy,

Vol. LXXXI, No. 22

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, September 27, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Ja kson State College
JACKSON,- Miss. (R)-"Welcome to Jackson
State College," says the sign at the campus en-
trance-just behind the fence.
"Welcome to Jackson State Prison," mocked
Jimmy Voss, a junior studying economics. His
voice had an edge on it typical of other students
returning to school and discovering the fence.
"Its message is clear," Voss said. "Someone's
telling us we should think of this place as a
The fence went up early in the week after the
Jackson City Council voted to close Lynch Street,
a main traffic artery that splits the campus. The
council's reason: to control "demonstrations" and
prevent "riots and confrontations." To the stu-,
dents, the fence has all the symbolism of a Berlin
New students arriving at Jackson State College
last week for the start of the fall term walked
'through the one open gate, walked 15 steps farther
on, stopped,,looked up to their right at the bullet-
pocked dormitory wall. Most merely glanced,





reopen ing

glanced again, self-consciously, as though it were
somehow indecent to stare at the marks, to dwell
upon them, the way one feels looking at a cripple.
The dormitory, Alexander Hall, was where two
black youths were killed and 1 wounded last May
15 when police riddled the building with gunfire.
Most upperclassmen returning to school paid
scant attention to the bullet marks. Their in-
dignation centered on the fence.
"What that fence is," Voss said, "is an insult
piled on a tragedy."
Apart from sneers and pointed jokes about the
fence, however, most of the conversation on the
campus last week concerned books and schedules
and the endless red tape of registration.
The lobby and lounges of the student union
building were alive-not with the strident sounds
of demonstrations but with the easy laughter of
aquaintances renewed. The shaded campus paths
and the nearby haunts, the Tiger Lounge, the
Red Carpet, were used for flirtations and fun,' not
riots and confrontations. Outwardly, the horror
of last spring seemed to have left no visible scar
See JACKSON, Page 8

Kent State University
,KENT, Ohio (/P) - Kent State University is
beginning the fall term in a mood of uncertain-
ty, with students. administrators and townspeople
unsure about just what will happen on campus.
this year.
Few would have predicted last fall that four
students would be killed by National Guards-
men on the verdant grounds of the campus,
in this small midwestern town. But now anything
seems possible, and hidden beneath the outward
calm prevading Kent is uncertainty and appre-
To sum up the mood of the campus, Kent State
President Robert White uses words like resolve,
nonviolence. communication, participation.
But his face is haggared and he has lost weight,
and he admits to a constant preoccupation and
loss of sleep ,and his voice tiredly attacks "the
threats of desperado action . . . the threats of
bombings ... We are not going to live in a state
of perpetual apprehension: We are going to stay
open. .We are going to operate . . . You will in-

deed", he tells the freshman class, "encounter the
rumor mill - a ghastly institution that works
In 'just 10 days, prior to the opening of the
semester, there were six bomb threats at the 'Rock-
well Library, the new library and the education,
building. Four times the buildings were evacuated.
Nothing was found.
The campus police have bolstered their small
force. The State Highway Patrol have promised
quicker aid in case of trouble, and provided more
than the' normal number of guards during regis-
tration. There are agents of the Federal Bureau of
Investigation on campus. You can pick them out
by their license plates.
The threats' made it necesary to- increase se-
curity. "Heaven knows I regret it as much as you
do," White tells the freshmen. He was trained as
an educator, not a peace-keeper, he says, not "a
keeper of the dungeon."
The ,campus was always conservative, the stu-
dent body the same. Mostly the students come
from blue collar and middle management fam-
See KENT, Page 8

-Associated Press





WASHINGTON (/P) - The President's
Commission on Campus Unrest yesterday
released its final report, which blames
campus turmoil' on "terrorist" students,
"lenient" administrators, and officials in
law enforcement agencies and- the govern-
ment. a
The commission also urges an end to
the warin Indochina, calling it a necessary
step for bringing a halt to the demonstra-
" tions, disruptions, and violence which have
been a theme of campus life for the past
several years.
Haf of U.S.
b uses called
unsafe by govt.
WASHINGTON (P) - At least half the
nation's 25,000 interstate buses appear to
violate federal safety standards; governs
ment officials said yesterday. According to
Secretary of Transportation John Volpe,
more than one in ten buses inspected re-
cently was ordered off the road.
"The buses ordered out o service were
found to have hazardous defects which pre-
sented immediate dangers for passengers."
Volpe said yesterday. "In addition, many
other buses were cited for lesser safety
yiolations 'as were a nuriber of drivers."
Of 3,516 chartered and scheduled buses
inspected by the government since Aug. 18,
more than half had at least one safety vio-
lation and 11.5 per cent were removed from
service for immediate repairs," said Frank
B. White Jr., the technical field coordinator
for the Transportation Department's Bureau
of Motor Carrier Safety.
The results of the inspection drive appear
to be an accurate reflection of the safety
of the 'estimated 25,000 interstate buses,
White, said.
Volpe ordered intensive, on-the-road
checks last month following a succession
of fatal bus accidents in the East.
The safety violations found by teams of
inspectors included faulty brake hoses,
cracked windshields, broken lights, empty
fire extinguishers, and defective speed-




The report stresses the commission's be-
lief that government actions and inactions
ares an important contributor to campus
unrest. It also cites "unwarranted 'harrass-
ment" by law enforcement officials as caus-
ing unrest in some instances.
The nine-member commission was estab-
lished last spring following the killings at
Ohio's Kent State University and Missis-
sippi's Jackson State College.
The report calls upon President Nixon to
"bring us together before more lives are lost
and more property is destroyed and more
universities disrupted. We recommend that
the President seek to convince public of-
ficials, and protesters alike that divisive
and insulting rhetoric is dangerous."
The commission headed by William
Scranton, former governor of Pennsylvania,
states that only a 'small minority of stu-
dents, faculty members and agitators are
bent on the destruction of universities.
The report urges swift removal f r o m
campuses of perpetrators of violence. At
the same time, the commission accuses
some authorities of abuse of power.
"Too many law enforcement officers have
responded with unwarranted harshness and'
force in seeking to control disorder," the
report states.
"Actions and inactions of government at
all levels have contributed to campus un-
rest. The work of some political leaders have
helped to inflame it.
"Law enforcement officers have too often
reacted, ineptly or overreacted. At times,
their response has degenerated into uncon-
trolled violence," the commission adds.
The report came under attack even before
it became public, with some Republicans de-
claring that the commission is packed with
liberals who would try to "whitewash" the
true picture of campus violence and excuse
permissive college administrators.
However, the commission decries what
it calls a weakening of disciplinary systems
within the universities.
"At many universities today," "the com-
mission says, "students encounter little
formal deterrence because administrators
and faculty have often failed to punish il-
The report notes the study by the Amer-
ican Commission on Education which found
that faculty members were involved in
the planning of over half the s t u d e n t
See UNREST, Page 3





-Associated Press
Huskies blitzed
Frank Gusich (14) Michigan's wolfman ;puts a blitz on Sonny Sixkiller, quarterback
for the Washington Huskies. See story of the Wolverine victory, page 9.
'U' placement office seeks to
end discrimination by sex

By The Associated Press
The remaining hostages from three hi-
jacked airliners were freed yesterday by the
Palestinian guerrillas who had held them
for nearly three weeks.
According to Radio Amman, all of the
hostages released were American.
In Cairo, a spokesman for the Egyptian
government said that all the hostages had
been handed over to the Egyptian embassy
in Amman, the capital of Jordan, and were
free. They are the last of 54 hostages held
by the guerrillas since the Popular Front
for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) mas-
terminded the hijack of the three western
jetliners to Jordan Sept. 6 and 9.
Meanwhile, Jordan's King Hussein named
a new government yesterday in an attempt
to placate his Arab critics.
Tension remained high, however, as Cairo
accused Hussein of plotting to liquidate the
Palestinian guerrilla movement sand charged
that Jordan's army had violated. the cease-
f ire.
A spokesman for the International Red
Cross said in Geneva that continued fight-
ing in Jordan still poses great difficulties
in aiding victims of the civil war. He said
that, in some areas, Red Cross convoys are
unable to get through to the wounded.
The Egyptian spokesman confirmed that
Hussein would fly to Cairo today to meet
with President Gamal Abdel Nasser and
other Arab leaders.
, In Washington, President Nixon ordered
emergency relief for Jordan's civilian casual-
ties and also indicated the United States
will provide Jordan with more arms as-
Announcing an' initial $5-million relief
allotment for victims of Jordan's bloody
civil war, the President said, "Women, chil-
dren, many others are innocent casualties
of this struggle, as is always the case in a
civil war. We think action must be taken
Deputy Secretary of Defense David Pack-
ard has said that the United States-which
supplied weapons to Hussein's forces in the
past-intends to replace the arms and am-
munition that the royal army lost in battling
guerrillas and Syrians.
Hussein named Ahmed Toukan, chief of
the royal court and former deputy prime
minister, as the new prime minister. Al-
though Toukan is a Palestinian, the king
kept military men in key positions. It was
guerrilla rage over the naming of a military
regime that helped touch off the civil war
last week.
The king replied angrily to charges by
President Jaafar el Numairi of Sudan, who
said that the Sudanese peace mission in
Amman was evicted on' Friday. Blaming
Hussein for this, he declared:
"We are convinced there is a plot by the

Harlan Hatcher Library

"I would predict women will be sought
out and hired in preference to men and will
receive equal wages," says Bill Audas, as-
sistant director of.the University's Office of
Placement Services.
Audas 'reflects the mood of optimism at
the entire placement office. Although it
is too early in the recruiting season to have
any concrete results, the employes of the
office feel that there is a trend toward
eliminating discrimination against women in
job employment.:

Krasny seeks new cooperation

The office itself has begun to incorporate
the increasingly widespread campaign
against job discrimination into its recruiting
Starting this year, each corporation which
is listed by the placement service receives
a document from the office-which includes
the passage, "The placement services are
not available to any organization or individ-
ual which discriminates against any person
because of race, color, creed, sex, religion
or national origin, nor which does not main-
tain an affirmative action program to as-
sure equal employment opportunity."
The recruiters are requested to indicate
their compliance with this policy by signing
the document and returning it.
"We've had excellent returns," says Evart
Ardis, director of the office. "As a matter
of fact, many companies have sent us even
stronger statements to insure our coopera-
A lesser degree of confidence has been ex-
pressed by various groups which seek an end
to sexist discrimination.
Jeanne Tashian, a worker for Probe, a
group which is investigating discriminatory
practices, questions the sincerity of the com-
panies' claims of new non-discriminatory
practices. I
"Thus far, we have no complaints about
the Placement Office," she says. "We sus-
pect the real problem is with the companies,

New Hatcher
plush studyin
Last year, the General Library, stu-
dents complained, was cramped and crowd-
ed, dimly lit and over-heated. They spoke
of getting lost in the narrow walkways, and
of being buried in the books that filled
every conceivable space.
This year, the opening of the Harlan
Hatcher Library appears to have solved
many of these problems, according to library
officials. The $5.5 million addition' to the
General Library is air conditioned, carpet-
ed and well-lighted. 'According to Con-
stance Dunlap, in charge of the General
Library, the building will hold about a
million books and magazines.
The library staff is now in the final
stages of moving volumes to the new build-
ing. Floors two through six will hold about
half the General Library's volumes, al-
leviating the over-crowding of stacks in
the old section.
The seventh and eighth floors, to.be
opened in mid-October, will hold rare books
and a $5 million papyrus collection.
Even after relocating is finished next

Walter Krasny, chief of the Ann Arbor
Police Department, sits in a large office on,
the first floor of City Hall. His thoughts are
frequently several blocks away, at a campus
where some students feel a marked hostility
towards him, and his officers.
Nevertheless, a student can talk quite com-
fortably with Krasny, who speaks freely about
the problems he is now facing.
He terms the students' view of police as a
"sad situation." According to Krasn , stu-
A orntc apt. na Aic,+n,.+adninf,,ra of nrlin..a and ala im-

The goal of this training, according to
Krasny, is to make policemen more sensitive
to the people whose laws the enforce.
"I guess you could say that we're train-
ing the men to act more like gentlemen than
bullies," he says.
Due to this new training, Krasny says that
police work is becoming more like social work.
He hopes that one result of the trend will be
improved relations with students and the com-
Sometime within the next few months,
Kra.-mvc ~ctwna ~ainelrntharl cffioavt ixw i 1 1

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