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September 26, 1970 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-26

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dies at 69
Dr. Cameron Haight,, interna-
tionally known surgeon and mem-
ber of the medical school faculty
since 1931, died yesterday morn-{
ing at University Hospital after a
long illness. He 'was 69.
Survivors include his widow,i
Isabel, and twp children, Robert
C. Haight of Pittsburgh and Mrs.
Elizabeth Flinn of New York City.
Funeral arrangements are being
made by Muehling Funeral Chap-
el. Memorial contributions may
be made to the Thoracic Surgery I
Research Fund of the U-M Med-
ical School or the National Cancer
"The death of'Dr. Haight deep-
ly saddens all of us. But he leaves
us with- a memory of true great-
ness in the field of surgery and
medical education," said Dr. John
A. Gronvall, acting dean of the
medical school.
"As head of the 'Section of
Thoracic Surgery, Dr. Haight not
only pioneered but also establish-
ed an international reputation for
the Section, for the Medical' Cen-
ter and for the University. We
share not only his family's grief
but also the pride of their mem-
In 1932 Dr. Haight becan- the
first surgeon in this country toF
remove an entire lung successfully.
He also was the first surgeon to
correct the congenital abnormality
of the-esophagus (esophageal atre-
sia) by the operation of primary
anastomosis in 1941. He is re-
sponsible for the development of
the method of tracheobronchial1
aspiration' which has found wide
use in injuries of the chest and in
the management of retained bron-


Saturday, September 26, 1970 *



Hussein, guerrillas
agree to cease-fire


Ray Karpinski

Brian Ford

LS4 student, govt.

(Continued from Page 1)
But they are willing to press
for the adoption of lesser. meas-
ures which would allow a par-
tial realization of their goals.
And their first opportunity may
not be far off.
Within the next month, the
'LSA faculty will be presented
with a proposal for the creation
of a college-wide legislative
body, composed of equal num-
bers of students and faculty.
The proposal, drafted I a s t
spring by a student-faculty
committee, would allow the fac-
ulty to retain a veto power over
the legislative body-a provision
which most members of the gov-
ernment strongly oppose.
However, the students see the
plan as a major change' from
the current governing structure
in the literary college, and plan
to make a concerted effort' to
bring about its implementation.r
"It certainly isn't the ideal,"
says Andy Weissman, an Execu-
tife Council member, "but it's
the kind of proposal which
should be accepted by all the
parties involved."
Weissman, along with many
council members, believes that
if the proposal is accepted, the
faculty might be convinced to
give up the veto power "within
a year or two."
Meanwhile, several other is-
sues are emerging in the liter-
ary college which will provide
a test for the student govern-
ment. including:
-The extent to which stu-
dents will be involved, in the
search for a new dean of the
literary college;
-The delay of a proposed in-
depth study of the structure and
academic orientation of the col-
lege; and
-The proposal, to seat equal
numbers of students and faculty
on the LSA administrative
board--which handles discipli-
nary cases for the college,
In addition, the Executive

Council plans to undertake the
difficult task of establishing
the other two parts of the gov-
ernment before m u c h of the
current term elapses.
In its final form, the Execu-
tive Council will consist of 15
members elected by the entire
LSA student body, and will serve
as the chief legislative body of
the government.
The College Assembly, expect-
ed to have as many as 130 mem-
bers, is eipowered to propose
legislation to the Executive
Council and force it to recon-
sider an action.
Mostassembly members will
be chosen by the student organ-
ization in each department, if'
one exists, at the ratio of one
representative for every 100 ma-
jors in the department.. If the
department does not h a v e a
representative student organiza-
tion, its quota will be filled by
seating students who have ob-
tained the signatures of at least,
51 majors in the department.
The assembly w il1 be com-
pleted by seating one represent-
ative f o revery hundred stu-
dents who do not have an offi-'
cial major. Fifty-one signatures
would also be required.
Broad-based as it is, the Col-
lege Assembly has the potential
fQr uniting the traditionally dis-
parate student groups in e a c h
department on college-wide is-
Such a coalition, . executive
council members believe, would
have a great deal more strength
than the ad hoc student com-
mittees which have arisen in the
past during important issues,
such as during the controversy
over language and distribution
requirements in winter, 1969.
',Students are-sick of ad hoc
committees," says Gerald Cole, a
member of the Executive Coun-
cil. "There are a lot of problems
with that kind of approach be-
cause the faculty doesn't c o n -
sider those committees legiti-

(Continued from Page 1)
Arafat pledged to adhere to the
agreement if the Jordan govern-
ment did the same.
He said he was taking this de-
cision to put an end to bloodshed
and to permit the people of Am-
man to "bury their dead, tend the
wounded, buy food and normalize
their lives."
He said he was making the an-
nouncement in his position as
commander-in-chief of the Pale-
stine revolutionary forces.
King Hussein went on the air
to repeat his orders to the army
to adhere to the cease-fire "im-
mediately and fully." He said that
"the misguided should return to
the path of righteousness."
Numeiry also spoke briefly as
head of the peace mission. He said
Sudanese officers would help to
police the truce in Amman.
In Amman, Jordanian armor
still rumbled through the streets.
Troops in the fighting had been
unable to wrest the entire city
from the grip of the guerrillas.
Meanwhile, in Israel the tone
was one of apprehension. "A
state of deterioration along our
borders as a result ofterrorist ac-
tivities would be quite likely to
draw us into military action,"
warned Gen. Haim Bar-Lev add-
ing such action 'could be "different
in scope and nature from our oth-
er activities to date."
In the past the Israelis have
tried to smash guerrilla bases in
Jordan and Lebanon by air at-
tacks and brief ground raids. Bar-
UM New Republican Co4lition Meet-
ing, Thursday, Sept. 24, 8:40 p.m., 3S
Union, speaker: Mr. Keithe Edwards,
Republican Candidate for State Senate,
"Problems of Political Persuasion."
Gay Liberation Front Meeting Thurs-
day, Sept. 24, 8:30 p.m. 3-C Union, lee-
ture and discussion: "Counseling."
* * * *
The Student International Law So-
ciety will sponsor an open discussion
on "The U.S. and International Hu-
man Rights Protection" on Thursday,
September 24, 1970 at 8:00 p.m. in
the Lawyers Club Lounge. Principal
speakers wil Tbe Mr. Lyman Tondel of
the N.Y. Bar and rPof. Paul Kauper of
the Law School.
Christian Science Organization Sept.
24, 7:30 p.m., 3545 SAB. Regular meet-
ing: All are welcome.
tJM American Field Service Mass
meeting, Sept. 27, 7:00 p.m. 3C Union
-All Returners Welcome.
* * * *
All are welcome to Baratin Coffee
SHour every Thursday beginning Sept.
24, 3-5, Frieze Bldg., Room 3050. Open
invitation to people interested in the
French language and culture.
* * * *
Attention: Student Organizations! The
Student Government Council Regula-
tions Concerning Student Organiza-
tions stipulates that an organization
must register their organization with-
in the first three weeks of the term
to maint i recognition statuse Y
can register your organization in 1011
Student Activities Building by Sept.
25, 1970. Phone: 764-7416.

Lev seemed to be serving notice
that Israel is ready to cross the
frontiers in force to stop any re-
newal of guerrilla border attacks.
Discussing the civil warin Jor-
dan, Bar-Lev said the Syrians sent
in troops "to strengthen the Pales-
tinian terrorist organizations and
perhaps also to bring about the
downfall of Hussein."
plead guilty'
(Continued from Page 1)
many elements of the radical left
who claim that the white estab-
lishment is attempting to suppress
the Panthers.
In the McLucas trial, a 12-mem-
ber jury acquitted thedefendant
of three more serious counts, in-
cluding kidnaping resulting in
death. He still faces a murder
The tate claimed in its case
against McLucas that Rackley was
suspected of giving information tb
police that 'led to the arrests of
21 Panthers in New York City on
bombing-conspiracy charges. In
other developments at the trial
yesterday, one woman defendant
was grantedi immunity from pro-
secution for her testimony against
her co-defendants, and two ju-
veniles were tried in Juvenile
Court and released on probation.
Mass Meeting, help save the SST pro-
gram; discussion of pros and cons.
Secome a member o fthe founding
chapter of this national group. Guest
speaker: Prof. W. C. Nelson, U of M.
Tuesday, Sept. 29, 7:30 p.m. Rm. 1042
* * * *
Small Photo Club. Philip Davis, Prof.
of Photography, at Art School. Sun-
day, 7 p.m., 3532 SAB. Open discussion
on photography and darkroom tech-
nique in particular.


You say you're feelin'
cold, and, lonely?

Cheer Up

Come pn up to the 2nd floor of the Student
Publications Bldg. W 'll give you warmth, under-
standin g and a chance to explore the w orldof'

'1T rICT1!3n



_. ____________.__ __ ________ _______;

chial secretions following opera-
He received a Bechalor of Arts
degree from the University of
California in 1923, and Doctor of
Medicine in 1926 from the Har-
vard Medical School. He was a
surgical intern at thp Peter Bent
Brigham Hospital, "oston (1926-
28), and assistant) in surgery at
the Yale University Medical School






__ . _ _ ._ . v _I_ _ _ _ _ .









3150 Glacier Way
Pastor: Charles Johnson
For information, transporta'on, personalized
help, etc. phone 76.6299 or 761-6749.
State at Huron and Washington
Dr. Hoover Rupert Minister
Bartlett Beavin, Campus Minister
R. Edward McCracken, Campus Minister
9:30 and 1 1:00 a.m.--Sermon by Dr. Hoover
Rupert: "Dare to Hail the Fleeting Mo-
Broadcast WNRS 1290 am, WNRZ 103 fm,
11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.'
Sunday. Sept. 27 at 5:30 p.m.-Celebratiion,
Wesley Lounge; Dinner at 6:15, Pine
Room; 7:00 Program, "Who Are We?,"
Wesley Lounae.
Monday, Sept. 28 at 12 noon-Luncheon Dis-
cussion with Bart Beavin, "Christianity and
Foreign Policy," Pine Room.
Thursday, Oct. rn l at 12:00 noon-Luncheon
Discussion with Bart Beavin, "Does the
Church Keep the Poor?," Pine Room.
Fridav. Oct.,2 at 6:00 p.m.-Young Married's
Dinner, Pine Room.
1 833 Washtenaw Ave.

310 S. State St.
Phone 663-4314
Mrs. Eleanore Krafft, Minister'
Mrs. Viola Mattern, Associate
11 :00 a.m.-Sunday Service-Mrs. Mattern.
7:30 p.m. Tuesday-Study and Prayer Class
--Mrs. Krafft.
11:00 a,m. to 12 noon Wednesday-Prayer
and Counseling, also, 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.
-Healing Service-Mrs. Mattern.
Center Open: Mon., Wed., and Fri.-] 1:00
a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; Tuesday-3:00 to 5:00
p m.
330 Maynard
1 1:00 am-~ wouldn't give much for that
man's religion whose cat and dog are not
the better for it."-A. Lincoln. Cqme.
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Alfred T. Scheins, Pastor
Sunday at 9:30 and at 11:00 a.m.-Worship
Sunday at 6:00 p.m.-Gomma Delta, Lutheran
Student Organization, Supper and Program.
Wednesday at 10:00 p.m.--Midweek Service.
1 1ITUb o AbJ CTI1r1kIT C ADEI

(Corner of Forest and Washtenaw)
Minister: Rev. Donald Postema
10:00 a.m.-"The Covenant and Life."
6:0.0 p.m.-"The Poor Are With Us."
7:15 p.m-Discussion: "The Counter Cul-
ture," lead by Mr. Herb Brinks, Michigan
Historical Society, and Mr. Robert Hauert,
Office of Religious Affairs. You are wel-


7:00 p .m.-THEINFORMER

Sept. 26 9:00 p.m.*-1HE LADY VANISHES-Dir: Alfred Hitchcock

423 S. Fourth Ave.
Telephone 665-6149
Ministers: T. L. Trost, .r.,I
Worship Services at 9:00 and
Church School at 9:00 a.m.

R. E. Simonson
11:00 a.m.

1917 Washtenaw Ave.
Erwin A. Gaede, Minister
Church School and Service at 10:30 a m.-
Sermon Topic: "This Liberal Ministry."
Nursery available.
1432 Washtenaw Ave:
Robert E. Sanders, John R. Waser,
Donald A. Drew, Brewster H. Gere
Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
On the Campus-
'nr +S 0 r,4wnrlWAllim nSts.

Sept. 27

9:00 p.m.-BACK ORPHEUS



*PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGES-tickets go on sale for each
show at 6:30 p.m. the night of the show. A separate admission
will be charged for each performance.
A T -1X A A -1 T 4 ~ T E ~ "~T~LF A T





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