Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan A perspective on student worker alliances 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ The 'Southern Strategy' is alive and well SINCE THE DEFEAT of G. Harold Cars well's Supreme Court nomination, the idea of a "Southern Strategy" in Nixon politics has more or less slipped f r o m sight. But recent evidence indicates that strategy itself has not disappeared, but perhaps become more subtle. Last Monday, for example, the Justice Department quietly allowed the "Evers' Bill" to become law in Mississippi. The bill was passed by the Mississippi legis- lature earlier this year, but was started in 1968 following the n e a r election of Charles Evers to the House seat vacated by John Bell Williams. Evers had run ahead of six white can- didates in the special election, but was forced into a run-off by the special elec- tion law. In the run-off he was defeated by the remaining white candidate. Had he been running in a general election, however, Evers' simple plurality in the first election would have been sufficient to elect him. The "Evers' Bill" eliminates party pri- maries in the state and provides for a two step general election in which all candi- dates run withqut party labels. Under the law, only the t w o highest vote-getters could compete in the general election. The bill would thus make every election similar in form to the run-off in which Evers was defeated. Mitchell had the power to prevent the l.aw from entering the statute books un- der a provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which gives the Attorney General- t h e power to invalidate newly enacted election laws in the Deep South by sim- ply "asserting they would, undercut the voting rights of blacks." The Justice De- partment had asked Congress to drop the provision earlier in the year, but Con- gress had refused. THIS PUT MITCHELL on the spot, for he is now forced to take a position by either acting under the provision or, not taking action. From the outset it w a s clear that Mitchell had no intention of stopping the law, however, instead of sending the bill to the civil rights division of -the Justice Department f o r review, Mitchell sent the bill to his Voting and Public Accomodations Section. But even that division reportedly sent a memoran- lum stating that "the new 1 a w would h a v e the purpose or effect of diluting black voting strength and should not be allowed to become valid." In spite of this evidence, Mitchell made his decision without personally consult- ing either division. According to reports from lawyers within the Civil Rights Division, Assistant Attorney General Jerris L e o n a r d informed Mississippi officials of Mitchell's action after con- ferring with Senator James 0. Eastland of.Mississippi, but without informing the staff of lawyers who had recommended that the, law be declared invalid., This type of activity is not limited to Mitchell alone, however. For it has be- come clear in recent weeks that the Nix- on administration is also playing some- what perfidious politics with the issue of desegregation of southern schools. In the last week, for example, several officials in the administration have cited figures showing t h a t desegregation of southern schools is essentially complete. In view of the fact that last years figures showed only about 28 per cent of south- ern schools were desegregated, this in- deed would be an astounding achieve- ment for one summer's work. But each official has unfortunately failed to men- tion that the new figures stem as much from a government redefinition of "se - regation" as from changing schools stu- dents attend. DURING THE Johnson administration only those students attending schools in districts certified as having met the full legal requirements for a unitary sys- tem were counted as attending desegre- gated schools. Since many school districts which had integrated schools or classes but still had more to do were not includ- ed, the totals listed as attending integrat- ed schools were rather low - only about five per cent in 1968, for example. Against those figures, HEW Secretary Elliot Richardson's claim that "Now the total has moved up to 90 per cent, or about 2.3 million of the 3 million black students in the South" truly appears to be progress. But when pressed by newsmen for the method by which he had arrived at this figure, Richardson replied that the figure was "the number of students in Negro schools which are being attended by white children also." With this definition, however, the fig- ures are essentially meaningless. Even an HEW spokesman quoted in the New York Times said there were astyet no figures to back the 2.3 million figures to back such an estimate. And furthermore, he said, the figure does not have much meaning because it does not tell how many of the blacks involved are attend- ing schools containing a very small per- centage of whites. . Taken to its extreme, of course, t h I s could mean that if 3000 blacks attended a high school with three white students, the Nixon administration wuld count the 3000 as attending an integrated school. CLEARLY, THIS system has been devel- oped as a means of convincing t h e country that integration is progressing, while Southerners on the scene know from observation that the schools are not being desegregated. Calculated under the old system, even if twice as many stu- dents were attending desegregated schools as last year, the figure would be more like 1.7 million than 2.3 million. When the Nixon administration claims that great progress has been made, it is thus lying in a sense to the American people. Clearly from these two incidents t h e Nixon administration has not really changed its mind about wooing the south- ern vote. But the days when Nixon suf- fered embarrassing public defeats in these efforts are probably over. Nixon is still playing racist politics, but he has become more clever. -JIM BEATTIE By AL REUTHER Daily Guest Writer THE RADICAL STUDENT com- munity, which prides itself in exposing t h e myths of society, would do well to re-examine Its own set of beliefs concerning workers and the possibility of a student-worker coalition. Radical students, such as those who have recently organized "Students to Support the Auto Workers," un- fortunately suffer f r o m several naive, pre-conceived, and arrogant illusions concerning workers and t h e relationship of students to them. The radical students' mythology begins by postulating the inher- ently revolutionary capability of the mass of workers. The auto workers are exploited economical- ly, so ipso facto they must have revolutionary potential. Starting with this preconception, the rad- icals then proceed to rationalize the lack of actual militancy on the part of the r a n k and file by charging that the union leader- ship is stifling the dissent of the workers. We are asked to believe that the UAW leadership is com- posed of complacent,swhite-collar bureaucrats who are out of touch with the needs and desires of the rank and file. The conclusion which the radi- cal left draws from all of this is that they, rather than the union leadership, are in tune with the rank and file, and that hence it is up to the students to provide the workers. with leadership. We are told that "Students to Support the Auto Workers" will base its "actions on the interests and ac- tions of the mass of workers and not be bound to 'leaders' with no support"; it is the students who must bring political consciousness to the auto workers in order to lead them to victory. ON THE SURFACE, this whole line of reasoning is appealing to many students. The sense of out- rage which many students nat- urally feel upon working in an auto plant and experiencing its dehumanizing conditions makes them feel that the workers ought to be - and hence are - revolu- tionary. Furthermore, 'the idea that the union leadership is a complacent bureaucracy s e e m s plausible since students are reg- ularly coming in contact with the bureaucracy of other establish- ment groups - the University and the government. Finally, it is of ficers, determine the strike, de- mands, and set union policy - were attending their first conven- tion, and a significant proportion of whom were under thirty. The radical students need also to be reminded that during a strike, the union officers-Woodcock, Frazier, Bluestone, etc.-receive no salary. Hardly the image of an isolated bureaucracy. FINALLY, THE most absurd contention of the radical students is their assertion that they are more in tune with the rank and file, and better qualified to lead them than the union leadership. Incredibly, we are asked to be- lieve that students, some of whom have perhaps worked a summer in an auto plant, are best quali- fied totdetermine the needs of the workers, and hence how long they "should stay on strike ' and for which demands they should settle. The students, it seems, rather than the democratically elected union representatives, know what is in the best interest of the work- ers. What monumental chutzpah. One wonders why in the BAM strike of last spring, the white radicals did not similarly assert that they would not be "bound to 'leaders' with no support." In that strike,, the BAM leadership de- manded that white sympathizers accept BAM's leadership for the simple reason that the blacks felt that they alone were qualified to determine what was in their own best interests. Surely, the UAW strike. is no different in that while student support is needed and welcome, those who are most directly af- fected --- the auto workers- and their representatives are most qualified to lead and direct the strike. Student support for the auto workers' strike- can be help- ful, but unless it is directed into constructive channels it will only be disfunctional. Hopefully, the bulk of the student community will reject "Students to Support the Auto Workers" and theirdrad- ical set of self-delusions, and in- stead accept the workers as their equals-equals who are qualified to lead their own strike and de- termine their own destinies. (Al Reuther, a senior in history from Troy, Michigan, is the nep- hew of the late Walter Reuther, president of the United Auto Workers.) w * *r course very flattering to perceive oneself as playing a crucial role in leading the workers to victory. Unfortunately, this entire set of beliefs is just so much intellectual garbage. First, the auto workers rank and file clearly lacks any revolutionary tendencies. The au- to workers do feel they have legi- timate grievances against the auto companies concerning onomic benefits and working conditions, but this does not prevent them from being strongly oriented to the capitalistic system and the present status quo. Most auto- workers tend to fear the main fo- ci of social unrest these days - the blacks' struggle for equality and the anti-war movement. They have deep-rooted attachments to t h e establishment, having pur- chased homes and served in the army (the young in Viet Nam). They feel especially bitter towards student demonstrators, who ap- pear to be destroying t h e very system of which the workers want to become a part. The s t r c n g showing by Wallace and more re- cently by Huber, in such a u t o towns as Flint, Pontiac, and War- ren, indicate the hawkish and racist sentiments which exist in many auto workers, and the deep- rooted fear of change which moti- vates many of them. Secondly, the idea that the union leadership is a stodgy bureaucracy is simply erroneous. That the union leadership is stodgy and complacent is belied by the UAW's decision to with- draw from the AFL-CIO in order to form a more socially conscious labor organization with the Team- sters. It is the UAW leadership whichI has been the moving force behind the drafting of national health insurance proposals, and which has strongly condemned Nixon's Cambodian invasion and the Agnew rhetoric which inspir- ed the Kent State shootings. And it is the UAW international which has marched with the blacks at Selma, Birmingham, Washington, Memphis, and Atlanta, and the Chicanos in Delano and the Rio/ Grande. That the union leadership is an entrenched bureaucracy is also disproved by the statistics of the most recent UAW convention, where over half the delegates - the men who elect the union of- Letters to the Editor Another game To the Editor: THE RECENT Daily article on "Games Students Play" by Mark Dillen completely overlooked men- tion of one distressingly prevalent game, although perhaps it was left out of his article because of pres- sures upon editorial space or per- haps of a judgment oi the parts of the Editors that it was of in- sufficient interest to their reader- ship. I would call this game "Is- sues Through Journalism". The original players, having seated themselves, select through discussion The Issue. Several, de- signated as Authors, then prepare Feature Articles and In-Depth Analyses concerning The Issue, it being tacitly understood that t h e more skillfully subtle among them may later possibly be called upon to become Head of the Table. Meanwhile other players must attempt through their ingenuity to Heighten Interest and to Enlist More Players., Some of these are then designated Correspondents. Those For The Issue are invited to sit on the side of the table re- served for Concerned Student Leaders and to produce Long Pas- sionate Letters which are duly published, while those Against are seated on the Apathetic side and see only Short, Weak Letters printed. (After all, the rules are that Those Against The Issue cannot have much worthwhile to say, and Logic is Not on Their Side, anyway.) The players having Demonstrat- ed A Polarization, the next turn of the game is To Make the Uni- versity Responsive . . . but after this point, the game becomes pret- ty familiar, doesn't it? -Richard G .Teske Assoc. Prof. of Astronomy Sept. 23 War's end To the Editor: THE ARTICLE by Steve Kopp- man in the September 19 Daily expressed the writer's conviction that the war in Southeast Asia will never be over and that pro- tests ofvarious kinds against that war have been ineffective. T h i s attitude arises from the apparent belief held by many people that history and politics do not exist beyond the last five years in the United States. The war will end when masses of Americans take action to end it. Demonstrations have been effective not only in the sense that they have built the mass antiwar movement to its present size, but also in the sense that the May 1970 protests pulled Nixon out of Cambodia. On October 31 millions of peo- ple will be in the streets again telling Nixon that they want all the troops home now, and Novem- ber 15, 1969 in Washington will be repeated in at least 15 cities across the nation. The National Peace Action Coalition, the organization which has called these demonstra- tions, involves many people who have never actively protested against the war before. We can- not abandon the mass movement r r t at a time when its strength is growing dramatically. The NLF has not given up, and neither can we. U.S. OUT OF SOUTHEAST ASIA ! MARCH OCTOBER 31! -Marcia Wisch -Tom Vernier Socialist Workers Party Candidates for U-M Board of Regents Sept. 20 Real wages To the Editor: Editorial Staff MARTIN A. HIRSCHMAN, Editor STUART GANNES JUDY SARASOHN Editorial Director Managing Editor NADINE COHODAS Feature Editor JIM NEUBACHER .. Editorial Page Editor ROB BIER...............Associate Managing Editor LAURIE HARRIS....... ... ......s...Arts Editor JUDY KAHN . Personnel Director DANIEL ZWERDLING............. Magazine Editor ROBERT CONROW. . . ..,.... .,...... . Books Editor THE SEPT. 16 DAILY contained an editorial by Steve Koppman twhich concerned the current auto tstrike. As a member of Students to Support the Auto Workers (SSAW), I was glad to see that the editorial urged support for the strikers. At the same time. however, I was unhappy to note that some ofthe statistics which Mr. Koppman quoted are inac- curate, and lead to a misunder- standing of the real condition or auto workers. First off, it is not true that the real wages of auto workers have 1increased by 2 per cent a year in the last 3 years. Studies by econo- mists have demonstrated that the average auto worker's real take- home pay has fallen by over $16.00 per week since 1968. Further, the auto wo kers, on the average, take }home nearly $18.50 less-in real wages-than they did in 1965, when the Vietnam escalation be- gan. In order for auto workers to regain their 1965 standard of liv- ing, they need an immediate wage increase of over $23.00 per week (58c/hour), which after , taxes would come to slightly under $18.50 per week. THUS, IT IS quite clear that auto workers' standard of living has fallen in the past few years Secondly, it sh6uld be noted that it is misleading to imply that auto workers have, presently, an a ie- quate standard of living. While the details of the statistics are to lengthy to go into in this letter,; t is in fact the case that the average auto worker has an income barely above the privation s t a n d a r d whichathe LabornDepartment de- fines as being on the border of poverty. These are not the only factlual inaccuracies contained in Mr. Koppman's editorial. However, to fully detail the actual conditions An historic. precedent. for university turmol By J. YALE ALLEN WHILE AMERICAN universities are being disrupted by student dis- satisfaction over this country's senseless Southeast Asian involve- nient and its tragic neglect of domestic ills, perhaps some solace may be found in the fact that our universities' turmoil is neither a unique problem exclusive for the United States nor an unprecedented histor- ical event. Russian universities in the late 1800s, about thirty years prior to the Bolshevik Revolution, were not wholly unlike American universities today. The Russian institutions, like Kazan, occupied a special position as a mecca for_ intellectual freedofn and rights not found anywhere else in society. The university provided the student with a new sense of responsibility and, like those American students away to college for the first time, independent of parental supervision. JUST RECENTLY, during the Lewis Hershey years of the Selective Service, students who actively denounced the Vietnam war by destroy- ing their Selective Service cards, were faced with the ugly penalty of beingdrafted. A scene in Moscow in the 1800's is familiar. During a public concert, a student slapped the face of the student inspector. The authorities over-reacted, and the student was condemned to three years of military service in a penal battalion. There followed a wave of student protests and demonstrations, one of which had to be dispersed by the soldiers." Some of Kazan's professors reacted similarly to that at an Ameril can university today. In response to student activism one professor re- marked, in an all too familiar tune, that "the students are at the university to study, not to cause disorders." Even the resolutions submitted by the Russian students sound vaguely familiar to the grievances cited by American student radicals. AMONG THE RUSSIAN STUDENTS' demands were the right of students to conduct classes of their choi,e, issue scholarships and other financial grants, and the right to "assembly and to petition." Similarly, the authorities responded harshly and with cold insensitivity to student unrest. But, all the authorities did was to arrest the alleged leaders of the disturbance and either expell them or ask them to resign from the university. CXR556p To MC {m 7fEHARM AU~L- W MIIQY V!%W4s (TY I AV6,56W ""PATTOP"Y (4 TOH6T~~ LD pATR[OrISM is Th'EAWeQWIT 2P~i6 OtJ BY A N015i'VOCAL,.- HUJCOf' Iti~ MC& MASS MHERA\ IT (UAT Pftr OF 66X5)~ AMP A E3AP z. k The student unrest also resulted in the cancellation of lectures and other university activities for two months. What angered the Kazan students? Tuition increases, and more importantly, university meddling in students' private lives certainly were contributing 'factors. The Russian youth even dressed shabbily as a protest against their society's hypocritical rules. IN 1880 RUSSIA, as in the U.S. today, many radicals see them- selves as romantic figures willing "to risk everything for their cause." Confusing terrorist tactics with political intrigue and romance, one student in Russia, like a naive militant today, wrote, "Terror ... is the only form of defense by which a minority strong only in the spiritual strength and the consciousness of its righteousness (can) combat the physical power of the majority. . ." The student who wrote this state- ment was Alexander 'Ulyanov, Lenin's brother, who, at the age of twenty-one, was hung by the Tsarist regime. ONE RESULT of the recent Kent State tragedy was that the af- * IUS. O- .-". x (gEIV6IMAHMC