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September 26, 1970 - Image 1

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SSee Editorial Page

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Cloudy, chance of

Vol. LXXXI, No. 21

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, September 26, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

LSA 'student govt. fights anonymity

Hussein, guerrillas

What should a young student govern-
ment seeking to establish legitimacy do
when most of its constituency doesn't
even know it exists?,
?erhaps the summer months have
blurred the memories of the literary
college's 12,000 students, for' the LSA
student government has begun its first
full year of operation in a state of ap-
parent anonymity.
And, as members of the government
prepare to face the faculty of the college
on geveral upcoming issues, they express
concern that an absence of student
support may place them in an ineffec-
tive position.
Created by a referendum of literary
college students last March, the govern-
ment has not been recognized by the
faculty, who retain the authority to
govern the college. Thus, the use of the

word "government" in the group's title
is essentially, a misnomer.,
"We have, no real authorized power,"
cbsei ves David Brand, president of the
LSA student body and chief executive
officer of the government, "and unless
we attain a large amount of support
among our constituency, the faculty will
be able to dismiss us as illegitimate."
Compounding the government's dif-
ficulties in attaining legitimacy is its
present structure, which remains only
one-third complete. Although a ten-
menbrr Executive Council was elected
in March, the rest of the government-
a College Assembly consisting of one
representative for every 100 students,
and an LSA student judiciary-has not
been established.
' While attaining some degree of
legitimacy may prompt the faculty ;to
give more weight to the government's'
views, it far from assures acceptance of

the broad reform measures members of
the government support.
Recognizing , this, most Executive
Council members place their prima y
emphasis on securing for the student
body a voipe in literary college decision-
making equal to that of the faculty.
Their ultimate goal is Ito use this as a
platform for bringing about far-reach-
ing changes in academic areas such as
curriculum, grading, degree require-
ments and teaching methods.
"Changing the structure of the col-
lege will provide a means to change'
the college to meet the needs of all
who come here," says Rebecca Schenk,
an Executive Council member.
Most members are quick to point out
that they do not expect to see many of
their goals fulfilled, particularly in light
of past opposition of the faculty toward
similar proposals.
See LSA, Page 8

David Brand


AFSCME local
ratifies contract
A five-day strike of food service and maintenance em-
ployes at Eastern Michigan University ended yesterday when
the union representing the employes ratified a new contract
agreement with the university.
By a vote of 163-55, members of local 1666 of the Amer-
ican Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employes
(AFSCME) approved the new contract.

The ratification came after 21

consecutive hours of

.r... _
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negotiation between union of-
fir, 1 d' t r pepnta.tivp% of


1cia us uan represen 'aa ve o
I rThorthe university.
s EMU spokesmen announced
last night that the normal class
4 schedule would resume on Mon-
n t day and that residence halls wouldf
open today. All employes were or-
de red to report to work as usual
starting at midnight.
According to Floyd Kersey, pre-
sident of local 1666, the new con-
NEW HAVEN, Conn. W) - Two cost-of-livind benefits of 22 cents-
of the remaining six Black Pan- an-hour over the life of the con-
thers awaiting trial in connection tract.
with the death of Alex Rackley The new contract also calls for
pleaded guilty yesterday to'sub- the university to pay the full cost
s tutie charges with lesser penal- of Blule Cross coverage for all
regular employes.
Rose Marie Smith, 22, of Jer- One of the major differences be-
sey City, N.J., and Margaret Hud- tween the union and EMU had
gins, 22, of Bridgeport, ' Conn., been the length of the new con-
filed guilty pleas to aggravated as- tract. EMU wanted a three-year
sault. The two originally had been contract while the union demand-
charged with conspiracy and kid- ed a two-year' contract. Speaker di
naping resulting in death, a capi- Agreement was finally reached
tal offense. ona two-and-a-half year con- j
Superior Court Judge Harold M. tract,g expiring in May, 1973.
the assault verdict for next Fri- came 21 hours after Circuit Court'
day. Judge William Ager ordered the "'
Conviction of aggravated assault two sides locked into his chamb- .S .,
carries a 'maximum penalty of five e's- in separate rooms, with a state U . ., I
years in prison. mediator as go-between.
Among the four persons s t i.d1 The judge's action came at 9 By LINDA DREEBEN
awaiting trial in connection with a.m. Thursday, after he refused
the slaying of Rackley is Bobby to grant EMU's request for an in- A panel of graduate students
Seale ,national chairman of the junction against the strikers. representing six countries discuss-
Black Panthers. Agreement was reached at 5:45 ed the role of women in their
Only one person, Lonnie Mc- a.m. yesterday morning and a rati- native lands last night at a forum
Lucas, a Panther organizer in fication vote was scheduled for sponsored by the International
Connecticut, has been tried in the 4 p.m. Students Association.
case. He was convicted Aug. 31 of At 5 p.m. 218 AFSCME members In their presentations to the 50
conspiracy to murder, and w a s crowded into Ager's courtroom to people who gathered in the Inter-
sentenced this week by Mulvey to vote on the new agreement. national Center, each of the
between 12 and 15 years in pri- Union members who voted panelists said that discrimination
son. against ratification left t h e against women exists in their
The trial in New Haven has courtroom. One man said, "Four countries, although women do
been the subject of- criticism by and a half days out and 2 cents, have job opportunities.
See PANTHERS, Page 8 that's what we got." The countries represented in-

By The Associated Press
Guerrilla leaders and the
government of King Hussein
yesterday agreed to a cease-
fire, bringing a halt to nine
days of civil war in Jordan.
The fighting between the insur-
gent guerrillas and Hussein's army
stopped promptly after the an-
nouncement that guerrilla com-
mander Yasir Arafat had reached
agreement with the Jordanian
monarchy on a cease-fire.
Easing of the crisis in Jordan
sparked hopes for the revival of
Arab-Israeli peace talks, but no
quick resumption' was expected:
In Tel Aviv, Israeli spokesmen
reiterated t h e i r government's
readiness to take effective mes-
ures to defeat the Palestinian
guerrillas in Jodan, if Hussein
fails to do so.
Meanwhile, Libya wasreported
to have renewed its proposal for
the establishment of an Arab po-
lice force to supervise a cease-
fire in Jordan.
The proposal, in a d e, by Col
Muammar Kadafi, Libya's lead-
er, suggests that Libya and Alger-
ia form the force.
Almost simultaneously with the
cease-fire came the announcement
that 15 of 54 hostages held by
guerrillas from three hijacked
Western airliners were found by
Jordanian soldiers in a heavily
shelled Palestinian refugee camp
outside Amman.
In Amman, fighters were still
held in a barbed wire stockade
alongside 'an army camp on the
outskirts of the city.
After the cease-fire people came
out of their houses to stroll idly
in the sun-a luxury theyhad not
enjoyed during civil war.
At the airport, wounded were
being loaded aboard aircraft for
evacuation to Beirut, and for-
eigners, clutching a few posses-
sions, took their turn to board
evacuation aircraft chartered by
their governments.
Evacuees weretaken by a round-
about route to the airport, -by-
passing the center of town. Al-
though the artillery bombard-
ments had stopped, some snipers
were still firing.
The airport was still ringed by
concentrations of tanks and ar-
mored cars, and soldiers guarded
every plane.
- The cease-fire pact was jointly
announced by Hussein, Arafat,
who heads the Palestine Libera-
tion Organization, and President
Jaafar el Numairi of Sudan, medi-
ator appointed by the Arab sum-
mit meeting in Cairo.
After failing to make contact
with Arafat on an early peace
mission to Jordan Wednesday,
Numairi finaly 'got together with
him at a secret rendezvous early
yesterday to seal the pact. Arafat
had rejected a cease-fire two days
ago, and there was no immediate
explanation for his change of
The resignation Thursday of
Jordan's premier, Brig. Gen. Mo-
hammed Daoud, appeared to be- an
important factor.
It was guerrilla hatred of the
new military government in Jor-
dan that precipitated the fighting
over a week ago.
The information minister, Maj.
Adnan Abu Aouda, told newsmen
yesterday that there will be a
military government in Jordan for
at least another year.
See HUSSEIN, Page 8



-Associated Press
AMMAN CITIZENS, relieved at the news of yesterday's cease-fire,
gather around a barrel being filled with water. During the nine-
day civil war, the water supply for the city had been cut off.
jraia,OVns fin d 15
11ostages near Amman
AMMAN (A) - Fifteen of the 54 hostages held by Arab
guerrillas were located in an abandoned refugee camp -near
Amman yesterday. k-
The group was discovered by a division of Jordanian
troops. It did not include any of the Americans who were
taken hostage:
Radio Amman later reported that a sixteenth hostage
had been freed from captivity.
The hostages have been held since Marxist guerrillas blew
up three jets which they had hijacked in an attempt to force


-Daily-Tom Gottlieb
scusses the role of women in society
Discuss role of emale
rve foreign countries


cluded Ireland, Chile, Germany,I
Great Britain, Singapore and the
United States.
Mary'McKenna, representing Ire-
land, charged that the schools in
her country are "segregated by
sex. Woman are taught their role
in society from the start. Boys
are taught math and science;
girls are taught literary subjects,"
she said.
Angella McCourt, a student from
Northern Ireland, G.B., said that
the conditions facing women in
the north are the same as those
in the south. "Women are not in
a position to threaten men pro-
fessionally." she comniented.
Angelika Wagner, a West Ger-
man student, told the audience
that she had come to the United
States expecting to see a high de-
gree of "liberation" among women.
"But I haven't found it yet." While
women in both the U.S. and West
Germany did not have equal rights
with men, she said, the percent-
age of women in the professions
is 'higher in Germany.
Discussing the Women's Libera-
tion Movement, the panelists
sought to determine why the
movement exists in the U.S. but
not in the other five countries.,
"I don't think Women's Libera-
tion is necessary in my country,"
said Carmen Maley, the panelist
from Chile. "In Chile, men and
women are considered intellectual
"I don't know if Chilian women
are more feminine of if the men
are more demanding," she added,

she believed the movement was
spreading to include a diversity
of oconomic backgrounds.
Miss Crowley discussed the soc-
ialization process in the U.S., as it
defines the role of women. "The
function of a woman is to nurture
her family and support her man,
if she is lucky enough to get one,"
she said. "Women's lib is at-
tempting to eliminate discrimina-
tion on the basis of sex, and to
encourage a reappraising of each
other as people."
The final panelist to speak, Miss
McCourt, suggested that in the
movement "there is an obsessive
emphasis on sex. Sex object or
sex subject -- Idon't think either
should be a focus of a magazine
or a movement."

the release of several guer-
rillas held in various countries.
When the Jordanian troops ap-
proached the house where the
hostages were held, the captives
shouted to draw their attention.
"We are foreign hostages, help,
help. Don't shoot." The troops
smashed down the door and freed
The freed hostages were taken
to an army camp for debriefing.
British officials said they would
try to get the liberated hostages
out of the country as soon as pos-
sible. But they doubted if it could
be done before today because of
the lengthy interrogations
Capt. Kurt Herzog, pilot of a
Swissair mercy plane chartered by
the Red Cross, sent a mission into
town after he landed at Amman to
see if the hostages could be flown
out in his flight to Beirut Friday
He said that he was told t h e
hostages were not yet ready for
departure. He said the Red Cross
was still negotiating with Jordan-
ian authorities for their release.
The guerrillas originally held
about 400 hostages, but most were

1'7 churcehes
form grup
to fund, poor'I
In an apparent response to the
campaign of two local' welfare
groups for "reparations," a coali-
tion of churches in Washtenaw
County has been formed with the
aim of distributing economic aid
to the county's poor.
The organization - which calls
itself the Interfaith Coalition of
Congregations - was formed last
Monday by 17 loca,1 churches.
The idea of creating the coali-
tion emerged three weeks ago
while sit-ins at several churches
were being staged by members of
the two welfare groups - the
Black Economic Development
League (BEDL) and the Welfare
Rights Organization (WRO).
The sit-ins were held to sup-
port the two groups' demands that
each church donate $50,000 to
them to be used to purchase
school clothing for children in
Welfare families.
The groups also demand t h a t
they be allowed to distribute any
donations to the poor, saying that
they are best equipped to know
where the money isneeded.
In a statement released to the
news media this week, the new
coalition pledged to allow the
poor to participate in the "study,
decision-making, distribution of
funds and legislative activity of
the coalition."
Reacting to the establishment of
the coalition, Hank Bryant, vice
president of BEDL, said the two
welfare groups will enter into dis-
cussions with the coalition only if
several conditions are met, includ-

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