Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY t Thursday, Septembj r 2-k, 1970 Page Eight' THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 24, 1970 DAY OF TERROR: SGC members ponder role I- Reporter witnesses Jordanian damage (Continued from Page 1) the city, marking the point where exploding shells have started fires. In the southwest sector the whole side of a hill on which the Wahdat refugee camp is 'uilt appears to be, on fire. Deep valleys have dis- appeared under a thin white layer of smoke filling them to the brim. Crests of the hills are enveloped; in thick smoke that dulls the, bright rays of the sun. 7:05 a.m.: two;armored cars roll park in front of the Intercon- tinental Hotel. They open fire with heavy machine guns at an unfinished apartment building and a number of stone villas on the opposite side ,of the street from the hotel. They withdraw, then return to spray the houses oppo- site again. They withdraw again. They do this four more times dur- ing the day. The soldiers make no attempt to enter any -of the houses; they shoot up from their down the Sharah Safara the armored cars. street of embassies, the most 8:15 a.m.: an army truck parked fashionable district on the west- outside the hotel, is narrowly miss- ern outskirts of Amman - and ed by an incoming mortar and -- ------ - -retreats at high speed, its ma- chine gunner blasting furiously in all directions. Some of his bullets hit the hotel. 9 a.m.: a Swedish television cameraman in the hotel is wound- ed in the thigh by a piece of shrapnel. 11 a.m.: columns of thick black smoke rise from various points around the city as the battle con- tinues. , 11:30 a.m.: a muezzin's call to noon prayers rises above the din of battle. It appears to be coming from the loudspeakers 6f one of the nearby'minarets and is prob- ably recorded. 12:10 p.m.: there is a 10-minute lull, then suddenly the full or-P chestra of guns is blasting away again. 5 p.m.: another brief respite; some distant voices of children are audib le for the. first time 'today. 6 p.m.: With darkness, heavy shooting resumes. The town is blacked out completely. There is no electricity. Flashes from ex- ploding shells, tracer bullets and orange flares, light up the scene briefly as the battle rages inces- santly through the night. The Wahdat, refugee camp is aglow. I ________________________ (Continued from Page 1) Calling himself a "radical," De- Grieck adds that "I'm moderate in ,the sense that I am working through an existing organization.", He adds, however, that "SGC must continually be awa.-e of the fact that the University as it is pres- ently run does not allow students to be involved and to make deci- sions as they should." "Therefore, SGC must be con- tinually in actions which expose the University as being anti-dem- ocratic and serving interests which are opposed to those of th'e stu- dents," he says. "The only time it does anything is when it takes its politics to the people," she says. "Any meaning- ful change will come through pres- sure." There seems to be some question of whether SGC can be an effec- tive organization, as it is currently organized. SGC, according to its constith~tion, has as a purpose the undertaking to "guarantee every University student a good and in- expensive education; sufficient, satisfactory, and reasonably priced housing, commodities, services, and other conditions of life;s and full legal rights as citizens ....'' However, many SGC members are less idealistic in their view of Council. "SGC is more or less a service organization," Martin comments. "It basically divides resources and decides which organization is' worthy enough for us to give them two cents." SGC works on a budget of ap- proximately $18,000, which the University allots from student fees at the rate of 25c per student per semester. }Usually Council uses all of this allotment Cpartially for its own programs, but mostly in donations of $100-$500 to various organiza- tions. Daily Official BulletinI ,THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 r DMay Calendar History Lecture: Professor Wolff, "The Economy of Europe in the Late Middle Ages: Problems and Debate", 429 Ma- son Hall, 4 p.m. General Notices Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical Prize: to be awarded to junior and senior pre- , medical students in College of LSA for writing best essay on topic concerning history of medicine. Freshmen in the# Medical School who are on joint pro- gram in Liberal Arts and Medicine also eligible to compete. 1) Prizes of $500 1and $200 being offered. Pafee mleid S-vice General Division 3200 S.A.. Registration Meeting for Placement IServices, Sept. 24 at 3 p.m., Aud. B. Angell Hall. Find out how Placement Services can help you. Both Scott and DeGrieck say SGC can be more than an 6pen pocketbook. "We've got a lot of untapped Power," Scott says. "We have an entry to people, to the faculty, and administration. We have the potential to. be relevant, depend- ing on the energies of the people involved." "SGC is not intrinsically inef- fective. DeGrieck says. "We have some legitimacy as being repre- sentative of the students. We can lend some credibility to issues." Council. member Jim Zimmer- man disagrees. "We're not as ef- fetive as we can be-not as long as the legitimate attacks continue about SGC not being representa- tive enough." DeGrieck sees Council's role as threefold. There is "service," such as legal aid, a life insurance plan, and working with. the Office of Student Services. The next classification, says De- Grieck. is in non-political actions, such as the SGC-sponsored con- sumer union., Finally, he adds, there are polit- ical actions. These he sees as the most important as a "mixture of education and action and sup- port." "As far as we can, we will organize students, and lead tactics, but it really depends on the is- sues," he says. "In some cases, we do have' mainly a support role." Scott says that "the whole key to becoming effective is taking a look twhat our role is. Are we a political organization or a gov- ernment?" He adds that SGC should be- come more of a government, and less. of a political organization "We're too small and diverse to act as a political organization. This. year's diversity is a bad thing for .a political group, but will be a very good thing for a govern- ment." Qesterle agrees that SGC should become more of a government. think we're a club now, and that is wrong. I'd like to take a serious look at the structure of Council, both symbolically and literally." DeGrieck also "expects this year's Council to be more con- cerned with representing the stu- dent body, to be more aware of SGC as a government as opposedl to a leftwing organization." I When ,asked why he is workingI through 'SGC rather than a more political group, DeGrieck com- ments only that "the alternatives are all very discouraging." Hear this system today! SONY 6030 'FM Stereo#/FM-AM receiver. * Superb performance on FM stereo, FM .and AM broad- casts, records and tapes. * Plenty of power even for soNry , _high'quality low-efficiency ____speaker system. * Delivers 75 watts (total mu- - sic power) into 8 ohms. -; ' * Sensitive tuner turns even weakest signals into enjoyable listening. * Solid state IF filter for razor- sharp selectivity, full stereo separation. QUALITY * TELLS... , plie evict tent city; campers leave peacefully ELPA PE 2020 t Deluxe 4-Speed A utoniat f Turntable . Including Dust Cover ano Base Peter Denton Dentont rial starts today (Continued from Page 1) Galler said that he had merely filed his charges with the gradu- 1H A RH U ate school, following normal pro- cedures. He adds that if Denton . did not feel the board had juris- r on new diction over the case, he should take this up with the board.. Denton and SGC Vice President CO11St1$t lon Jerry DeGrieck are expected to advance motions at the trial (Continued from Page 1) claiming the board is an illegal Lawyer's Club be .included, but court. the constitution can be amended\' Although Galler did not bring to allow the Lawyer's Club full his charges against Denton before membership rights if tie law stu- CS'J, he claims that Denton's ac- dents approve. tion was in violation of SGC rules Under the proposed constitu- which; prohibit disruption of Uni- tion, three student representatives versity functions by depriving and the president of the organiza- others of "needed quiet, light, heat tion will sit on the Board of Gov- or other physical conditions of ernors of the residence halls. Two work." representatives will be elected in Students charged for offenses 'the fall term; the president and allegedly committed during the the third representative' will be BAM strike have been given the chosen in the winter term. option of being tried under faculty University housing residents will disciplinary procedures, or having vote October 15 on the new con- their case decided by a hearing stitution and for representatives officer appointed by University to the Board of Governors. Two President Flenming. representatives will be full term; The hearing will start at 2 o.m. the third will serve until Jan- today in the Valley Room of North uary, and an interim President Campus Commons. will also serve ,until January. "INVITATION TO STUDENT WIVES" The University of Michigan Daines invites you to their General Meeting, Tuesday, September 29th, 8:00 p.m. at Huron High School (on the corner of Geddes Road and Hu ron Parkway). Interest Groups for the year include:' (Continued from Page 1) Recently, health officials have said the site would cause and spread many infectious diseases. Campers, while acknowledging the potential for disease on the site, said that their doctors had saidl the precautions the campers took, such as innoculation against hepa- titis, were enough. "They're using this just as an excuse to get us out of here," one camper charged. "By. charging these health problems, they're trying to take attention away from the real issue-the University hasn't done a thing about hous- ing," another added. Most administration officials have said this claim is false. They say the tent-in is really "confusing the issue rather than solving it." Many faculty and administration groups, such as the Committee on Communications, and University Committee on Resource Allocation have agreed to meet with Ann Ar- bor Tenants Union, the group which originally helped "Tent City" to get started. "I don't think it's fair to say the University is not interested in housing," Fleming said yester- day. "A good deal of work and planning hasdbeen done on single student apartment housing," he said. However, the campers, who saw their tent-in as a demonstration "to show the. University it is re- sponsible for the community hous- ing problem as well as the stu- dent's problem," say this is not enough. They complain that since students force housing prices upj by their presence, the University has a \ responsibillity to provide low-costahousing to non-students as well as students. While the campers have no defi- nite plans, a Diag rally is sched- uled for noon today along with; several meetings planned between Tenants Union members and ad- ministration officials. One camper, surprised to find his tent gone when he returned from dinner summed the situation up this way: 9The really low thing was that they had to come when nearly everyone was .away. They couldn't come when we were here." TV RENTALS $10.50 per month NO DEPOSIT FREE DELIVERY AND SERVICE CALL: NEJAC TV RENTALS 662-5671 2-Electro Voice EV 7B Size-10" h, 19" w and 8 1/" d Walnut style finish on all four sides; with solidwalnut trim !1 PACKAGED TO GO FORl ONLY X479°° !Ii' 2019 W. "Big George's"'.,. Appliance Supermarket HOME APPLIANCE Wegive our customers credit MART We give our customers service Stadium Blvd.-Phone: Sales: 656-8653; Service: 665-6189 r i r Fellowship Information Meeting RACKHAM AMPHITHEATRE THURSDAY, Sept. 24, 4 P.M. Shop Jacobson's Mon.-Tues.-Wed.-Sat. 9:30 A.M. 'to 5:30 P.M. Open Tonight and Friday 9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. College Seniors, Graduate Students COOKING BOOK DISCUSSIONS CREATIVE ARTS BRIDGE HOME DECORATING, CHILD STUDY k and others interested in fellowships and traineeships for graduate, study i'n 1971-72 are invited. Campus-Faculty Representative will be available at the coffee hour following the meeting. 4''" DRAMA ii _ i SI 11 . . .it's what's on top today Ifs a feeling-good gang of hots. .. in earth shades and racy A. The Big AppI, $5. to B. The Mounjaineer, $7. C. The Floppy hat, $6. { $7. ,..j r k ... .. .. r. : Yi16'.. _. :t : ~s ~ i