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September 24, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-24

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43'a t

Warmer, occasional showers
late afternoon

V61. LXXXI, No. 19

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, September 24, 1970

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Jordan govt claims






I c tvtt,tUfl tFI

By The Associated Press
Jordan's military leadership
claimed yesterday that Syrian:
troops had been driven from
the country. The U.S. govern-
ment said it had received in-
formation confirming that
Syrian regulars were leaving
The civil war went on, however ,
as the latest cease-fire agreement
proclaimed by King Hussein col-
lapsed when a faction of the guer-
rilla movement rejected it and.
vowed to fight on,
The Arab leadership struggled ;
fitfully last night to bridge a neww
split in the ranks of the Palestine
ian liberation movement on end-
ing the civil war in Jordan. One $
group of Palestinians headed by {
Abuy Aya, No. 2 man in the
guerrilla organization, endorsed
the cease-fire as proclaimed ear-
lier in Amman by King Hussein.
The other group, led by Yasir
Arafat, chieftain of Al Fatah and
head of the Palestine Liberation
Organization - PIO - denounc-
ed the cease-fire as "a trick," and
urged the guerrillas to fight on. w*.
In a speech heard over Amman
radio, Husseinsaid /the Arab mis-
sion from Cairo endorsed a four-
point peace plan he worked out
with the captured guerrilla leaders
earlier in the day. Under the plan,
fighting would cease and the Pal-
estinian guerrillas would quit the
cities and take up positions on
the border with Israel.x}
A comiunique from Jordan's
military leadership said the Syr-
tans had been driven out in
"chaotic retreat" after an attack ,


Officials' cite!health
hazard, , trespassing
The three-week tent-in on the Diag ended last night
when University personnel, accompanied by city police, re-
moved all tents from the area.
Shortly before 6 p.m., University security chief Roland
Gainsley announced to the campers that "those of you who
do not move within five minutes are subject to the trespass
law and will be arrested."
There was no resistance and no arrests were made as a
crowd of nearly 100 people watched plant department workers
take tents and other items into a waiting truck. Gainsley
assured the campers that the tents could be picked up Friday
after they were cleaned and fumigated today.
Five uniformed and four plain- - --

-Associated Press
Soldiers pass captured guerrillas
Fighting devastates
Jorfdanian capital
AMMAN ( --The desert Bedouin soldiers of King Hussein
who battled their way into this capital city to flush out guer-
rillas have devastated the town as if they were moving into
enemy territory.
As of Tuesday, hardly a house is left undamaged. The
sprawling refugee camps on the outskirts, where thousands of
Palestinians have lived up to a dozen to a room, seem to have
been pulverized.
The 600,000 inhabitants of the city cowered in basements
or wherever. they felt safest. The slightest hint of movement
invited death.
Exceptions to this rule were the foreign newsmen staying
at the Jordan Intercontinental Hotel. Apparently because of
- their presence, the hotel was
spared direct attack although
I HARHU Iit was hit repeatedly by stray
bullets or riochets, and sev-
c new 1 eral shells fell in the grounds.
"agree on n w from top floors of the hotel,
the tallest building on the highest
* " of Amman's seven hills', the cor-
COIIS 1 U I1OI respondents could look down on
the whole city.
By ROSE SUE BERSTEIN This is the way it has gone:
Thursday, Sept. 17:
Inter-House Assembly (IHA) The crowing of roosters comes
and Residence Hall Union (RHU) like a signal for the battle to be-
have agreed on a compromise pro- gin. Darkness is barely giving way
* posal for a constitution for the, when tracer bullets suddenly cut
new residence hall government. scarlet trails across the sky, past
A new constitution was m a d e the dark silhouettes of the tall
necessary by Central Student ;minarets piercing the horizon.
Judiciary's (CSJ) decision last The town is awakened just be-
spring that IHA was operating in fore 5 a.m. by the crump of ex-
violation of Student Government poding shells. There are few loud
Council (SGC) rules. explosions at the beginning, only
The proposed constitution will sporadic rifle shots the first 20
be presented to residence h a ll minutes with an occasional burst
residents in a referendum. Be- of machine-gun fire.
fore the agreement, IHA and RHU 5:15 a.m.: just as the rim of the
had proposed two separate consti- sun rises over the crest of the
tutions. desert hills on the far horizon,
Major points of contention be- shattering explqsions burst out
tween the two proposals concern- from all directions. They link up
ed the apportionment of repre- with the deep bark of heavy ma-
sentatives, the election of t h e chine guns, punctuated by the
presidente and the terms of office hammering of lighter weapons all
for representatives, over town.
The compromise constitution al- A whole orchestra of ,guns joins
lows 18 representatives for the en- in. Noise bounces off the steep
tire University residence hall sys- hillsides, then whooshes along the
tem, excluding Baits, the Lawyer's narrow streets and mingles with
t Club, and married student hous- all the other echoing sounds of
ing. Representatives are to be battle to produce an incessant
selected in residence halls elec-' roar. like a mighty waterfall.
tions, to serve for one year. 7 a.m.: dozens of gray-black
IHA had requested that t h e puffs of smoke billow up all over
See IHA, Page 8 See REPORTER, Page 8

by Jordanian forces backed by
planes and artillery.
In Washington, White H o u s e;
press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler
said the United States had receiv-
ed independent information t h a t
Syrian troops were pulling out in
substantial numbers.
Washington officials were in-
clined to see a ,glimmer of hope
in contrast to their gloomy con-
ception earlier this week, saying
prospects for an Arab solution to
the crisis appeared greater than
In Moscow, Soviet President Ni-
kolai V. Podgorny warned t h e
United States to keep out of the
Jordanian crisis, but implicitly is-
sued a similar caution to Syria
and Iraq Who have been support-
ing the guerrilla cause.
Podgorny said the Soviet Union
looks on any outside interference
in Jordan as "inadmissible" and
indicated that the U.S. 6th Fleet
was posing such a threat.
"It is urgently necessary to put,
an end as soon as possible .to the
bloody clashes in Jordan," Pod-
gorny told a luncheon honoring
Indian President Varahgiri Ven-
kata Giri.
The official Soviet news agency
Tass indicated later that the
Kremlin had appealed directly to
Jordan, Syria and Iraq to seek
an end to the "fratricidal fight-
Beleaguered King Hussein took
time out from the civil war to con-
fide to a fellow radio ham in Lon-
don that there had been "lots
of damage and loss of life."
"We hope this will be the turn-
ing point," the Jordanian mon-
arch told Laurie Margolis, with
whom he often chats over the air-
About 200 foreign nationals, in-
cluding some 100 Western news-
men were flown out of Amman to
Beirut. Cairo and Cynrus yester-
day and plans were made to eva-
cuate 200 American citizens to-

-Daily-Jonatnan Miller
UNIVERSITY SECURITY CHIEF Roland Gainsley tells Tent City residents to disperse (top) while
the inhabitants of one tent are helped in moving by University maintenance men while plainclothes
security men standby (bottom).
- -t
SGCrefuses to reeommend
names fOr ROTC Committee
By TAMMY JACOBS changes "wholly inadequate," and' Services Robert Knauss has indi-
Student Government C o u n c istates that SGC "refuses to act cated he would resign if he were
lstunhtGreusetonine iin complicity with the politics of "no longer effective" in dealing
last night refused to nominate the Board of Regents and declines with his various constituencies,
students to serve on a University- the invitatipn of President Flem- including the policy board.
wide committee which will admin- igtosbtnaeof cadi TeSCitrewn board
ister the ROTC progam. tsThe SGC interviewing b o a r d
The committee will evaluate dates. had also refused to consider any
and approve appointments to the SGC also last night appointed candidate who did not promise
ROTC staff; supervise the er- the five students who will com- to be "directly responsible to
riculum of ROTC programs, and promise the new Office of ttudent SGC," and to 6e "willing to call
mediate internal ROTC disputes. Services Policy Board. for the resignation, if necessary,
President Robben Fleming had The students were chosen by of the vice president if he does
requested that -SGC submit the SGC from a list of eight names not accept their positions."
names oft six students to him. He submitted by a five member SGC, In other saction last night, SGC
would then appoint two of these interviewing board. alloted $500 to the Black Action
as members to the committee. The students who were appoint- Movement (BAM) Martin Luther
The committee was created last ed are: Jerry DeGrieck, SGC' ex- King Fund instead of to the Mar-
week when the Regents bylaws ecutive vice president, Carol Hol- tin Luther King Fund of the
were Emended to implement sev- lenshead, Grad, Marcy Abramson, University.
eral changes in the relationship Grad, Susan Rains, Edward Fabre,
between ROTC and the Univer- a law/ student. In a stormy question and an-
sity. These included ending the The role that the policy board swer period, Dean William Haber,
status of each of the ROTC pro- will play has brought on a great assistant to Vice President for
grams as academic departments deal of controversy, with the main Academic Affairs Allan Smith, de-
and renaming them "officer edu- issue being the question of whe- fended the University fund against
cation programs," and removing the .the vice president for stu- accusations that Smith has con-
the professorial rank currently dent services will be bound by de- trol over the fund.
granted to all ROTC instructors. cisions of the policy board. The fund is ostensibly under the
SGC, in its motion, called the Vice President for S t u d e n t control of a board which includes
students. However, students on
OLEthat board say that Smith has vir-
OLE tual veto power.

clothes police were present along
with Ann Arbor Police Chief Wal-
ter Krasny. Although Krasny said.
there was "absolutely no resist-
ance," two vans of policemen were
reported two blocks from the area
at the time in case of trouble.
Earlier, when faculty and ad-
ministrators were expecting an
injunction to be served, hurried
attempts were made to convince
the campers to leave. Prof. Ray-
mond Kahn and Prof. D a r i n
Hinerman, both members of Sen-
ate Assembly, visited the camp-
site and pointed out what they
considered to be the 'health haz-
ard." Vice-President for Student
Services Robert Knauss also visit-,
ed the site. When asked by the
campers whether his previous of-
fet of 'a North Campus campsite
was still open he replied, "I don't
Knauss had offered earlier that
the tents could be moved to North
Campus, but both this suggestion
and the campers' proposal t h a t
Waterman Gym facilities be open-
ed to meet required health stand-
ards were rejected by President
Robben Fleming and other Uni-
versity officials. Cost and the pre-
dominance of non-students at
Tent City were cited as reasons
for these decisions.
Health reasons were first cited
by county officials as grounds
for disbanding Tent City.
Contrary to earlier Administra-
tion plans, an injunction was not
used against "Tent City." A 1-
though University lawyers t;at-
tempted to get an injunction early
yesterday afternoon, Circuit Court
Judge William Ager refused the
motion, saying there was "other
legal recourse short of an injunc-
The trespass law requires no
court action. If they refused to
move as Gainsley directed, police
could have made arrests.
Gainsley reiterated the Admin-
istration's.contention that the site
was a health hazard.
"I have ar. affadavit from Dr.
Paul Gikas, member of' the c i t y
and county boards of health.'In
it, he concludes this is a health
hazard and irreparable harm will
be caused by the tents' continued
presence," Gainsley' said.
The conditions the University
administration placed on T e n t
City when it first allowed' the
tents to stay were that no "health
hazard" be created and that the
population of the campsite remain
predominately -student.
See 'U', Page 8

trial, toda
Peter Denton. is scheduled to
appear before the Rackham Board
of Inquiry today to face ;charges
made against him during last
spring's Black Action 'Movement
(BAM) strike.
Prof. Bernard Galler charges
that on March 27, Denton and
some 20 other students entered
his Math 473 class, shouted, and
thus forced him to dismiss class
ten minutes early.
Denton has said he would not
recognize the authority of a fac-
ulty board in his case, and would
only attend a trial by Central
Studet Judiciary (CSJ). CSJ
accepted the case in April and
stated that further action by other
judicial bodies was unnecessary.
But Graduate School Executive
Board stated it "has authority in
matters relating to student con-
duct and will continue to exercise
that authority."
The Denton case points up a
long-standing dispute over who
should(have jurisdiction over stu-
dent conduct unrelated to aca-
demic cpmpetence. The current
regental bylaws recognize the
authority of faculty bddies in cases
as these, but Student Government
Council -(SGC) claims that all-
student judiciaries, such as CSJ,
should have exclusive jurisdiction
in such, cases.
Galler said he brought the case
to the disciplinary board' rather
than CSJ because "I have more
confidence in the board and I've
dealt with them before. I know
they are fair."
Denton said he doesn't feel the
case can be handled fairly by the
board. "The issue is of trial by
peers. I don't think people should
be able to rip up classes any time
they want," he says. "Peers are
the only ones qualified to judge
"The board has added two in-
experienced token students who
will be intimated and persuaded
by the majority of the faculty,"
he added.
See DENTON, Page 8



Daily News Analysis
Student Government Council has been
trying to project a new image.
Although it has only held two meet-
ings so far this semester, it is already
apparent that SGC is trying to rid it-,
self of. its reputation for passing paper
4 motions and doing very little else.
"We're trying to add things to what
would have been merely motions of sup-

The question of purpose.

one council member in charge of over-
seeing the job doesn't do'anything."
Council member Henry Clay says that
giving money and verbal support "is
about all SGC can do now unless some-
thing super-big and important comes
He adds that he feels SGC was ef-
fective in its support of the Black Action
Movement (BAM) strike last spring, and
cites the BAM issue as one that he ex-

Grieck agrees that the basic distinction
is a difficult thing to define. "If you
are on SGC, people are going to
ciate you and your actions with SGC,"
he says, adding that he feels a respon-
sibility to be more active because of
his role on SOC.
Speaking of the interim disciplinary
rules passed by the Regents last April.
for example, DeGrieck says that SGC's
official position is "to never let those
interim rub~ehP ,,cn.'l "

will act according to their personal
philosophies, but will have to consider
their Council positions."
Dale Oesterle, for example, serving
his first term on Council, says that if
he were to differ with an action SGC
is committted to, he "would make my
views known to the public, as a dis-
senting opinion."
Oesterle, who describes himself as a
4"fio-iavQtp.n-,ea~taiv." rn 1 a c, e shis

An alternate fund has been set;
up by BAM outside of University
control, and to this fund SGC al-
located the $500.
SGC had last spring pledged
$500 annually to the 'Martin
Luther King Fund, and by giing
this money to the alternate fund,
Haber charged them with "ren-
eging" on their pledge.
SGC also moved to join with
other campus groups to co-spon-
sor a teach-in on the "Middle
East' Crisis," and to provide "an
educational forum" on the sub-
SGC also reaffirmed its stand

_::. .:

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