l Stait Eighty years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan 'Where maggots flee'-a letter from jail 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1970 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE CHUDWIN lent City controversy By JAMES WECHSLER rHE DOCUMENT was smuggled out of the Brooklyn. Men's House of Detention. It was a three-page, neatly handwritten essay headed "Where Maggots Flee," by R. J. Curley. In an ac- companying note Curley gave no details of his own case beyond saying that he had been trans- ferred from Green Haven State Prison to the Brooklyn House for an appeal. proceeding in Kings County Supreme Court. But he was not writing about his legal history. He was submitting a view of the Brooklyn prison. There has been enough publish- ed about this (and other) local jails to dispel any serious doubt about the authenticity of the por- trait. It may be said that he adds little to our knowledge. Yet the story cannot be told too often. A few weeks ago there was an up- heaval in Manhattan's Tombs and for a moment one hoped that the spotlight had finally focused on the wretchedness of our crime- breeding prisons. Now there, is silence again; it is an issue that the law-and-order brigades do not choose to stress because prison reform-unlike righteous rhetoric about the "coddling" of criminals -is costly and arduous. HEREWITH SOME excerpts from Curley's communication: "Myself and another state pris- oner arrived at the jail at 1:35 p.m. We were stripped naked and skin searched (meaning bending over and spreading the cheeks) in spite of the fact that we went through the same type search be- fore we left prison and were hand- cuffed, brought in a special car to the jail. We were then made to remain naked and walk on filthy dirty floors and marched into some doctor's office where we were given a verbal physical. We were jammed into a small holding cell already overcrowded, among which were a number of 'junkies' already sick from needing a fix. "The stench in that holding cell was nauseating. We didn't know it at the time, but we were to temain in that garbage bin until after 7 p.m. because the guards didn't want to go through changing their count upstairs. "They brought food to us around 6 and we had to balance our food tiays every which way in order to eat, some standing up, sitting down, and a couple who were al- most impossibly laying on the floor who were sick. The sight of food really hit the 'junkies' bad; one threw up all over the place and others were breaking out in cold sweats trying to keep from throw- ing up. The holding cell had a mixture of vomit smells, dirty feet smells, body odor smells and all held intact by the heavy cigaret smoke . . . After almost six hours we were herded in an elevator to complete maximum. "WHEN YOU REACH the floor they assigned you a cell on, you step off the elevator and it not only smells like a zoo but sounds like a zoo. There's garbage all over the place, usually stacked up in corners. "The cells are smaller than the one man cells in state prison yet two are assigned to these city jails cells in which you are locked up together 18 hours out of 24. You have to beg for toilet paper, and the cell light in my cell ,is a pathetic joke because it's iseless, starting around 3:30 p.n. when it's needed until next daylight. "The guards are responsible for 90 per cent of the dissension be- cause they react sarcastically and run the goon squad in to enfcrce any opposition to -.heir sarcasm with actual brutal beatings. ". . . Only a few inmates have the ability to express the real problems, so bad food and rntrict- ed commissary become the sub- stitute issues. How does the in- mate with no money gripe about no toothpaste, toothbrush, smok- ing material, at least two stamps a week to write someone. The guy is too poor to make a bond be- cause he's a 'junkie' yet the punk getting rich selling the dope can make bail. "One week in these jails and you'll lose all respect for law and justice, so you can imagine the animal attitudes of those that have already lost the respect be- cause of being way down on the dirty end of the stick, and the first that says there aren't any present remedies to better these conditions would be the first slob to holler for his 'mommy' if he were in here. "If people aren't concerned about these garbage pits where in- mates move their bowels in the showers because of embarrassment of doing so in a crowded two man cell, then they have no bitch coming when the animal is a more dangerous animal after surviving these city garbage cans where even the maggots flee." A REPORT issued by the Amer- ican Correction Assn. contained "a statement of 22 principles" em- phasizing, among pther Fthings, that the "aim of the prison should be to make industrious free men rather than orderly and obedient prisoners." It emphasized the need for conserving the inmate's "self- respect." This report, as News- week currently notes, was released in the year 1870-just a hundred years ago. How many comparable studies have been drafted in the ensuing century? Any politician who promises a "war on crime" but evades the issue of prison reform is a fraud. Whatever his real or alleged sins, we are all indebted to prisoner Curley for sending out the mes- sage anew. 0 New York Post THE ESCALATING controversy over the status, of "Tent City" presents the University community with two quite dis- tinct sets of problems and issues. Only by dealing with these issues separately and in good faith can the protagonists hope to resolve the controversy bloodlessly and fairly. The presence of the generally affluent University population in the city of Ann Arbor continues to have a dramatic effect on the local housing market. Given an extremely low vacancy rate, prices have largely been determined by what the community is able to pay, and thus, hous- ing prices have remained high. Perhaps hardest -hit are many of the, University's low-paid hospital and food s e r v i c e employes. Since housing con- struction in the campus area has pre- dominantly involved high-rent student apartments, many of these employes have been forced to take up r e s i d e n c e in Ypsilanti, Students, of course, are also hard-hit by the high prices and cramped condi- tions that characterize apartments in the campus area. More important, though, is the fact that some of those who are qual- ified to attend the University are forced to seek their education elsewhere because of the high costs, including the extrava- gant cost of housing. Even many faculty m e m b e r s suffer from the generally high cost of housing. Moderate cost homes aie simply not available within a reasonable distance from c a m p u s, because land developers have found it more profitable to build high-rent a p a r t m e n t s than low-cost houses. CLEARLY, THE University must take responsibility for creating these con- ditions, and take active steps to alter the general structure 'of the local housing market. To an extent, the University has already indicated recognition of the need to act, but some kind of firm commitment is needed as a sign of good faith. The fate of Tent City is an issue quite apart from the housing situation, and on this particular question, the University administration seems determined" to pro- voke a needless confrontation. On the surface, at least, the key ques- tion has been whether Tent City is a health hazard. By now, a number of medical personnel have examined condi- tions on the Diag campsite and concluded that the lack of toilet and shower facili- ties and the heavy pedestrian traffic in the area combine to make Tent Ciy a potential menace. How e a s i l y that situation could be remedied remains an open question, but a number of points seem clear. First, doctors seem to be in general agreement that the case of infectious hepatitis reported at Tent City last week was contracted weeks ago, p e r h a p s months, in a manner totally unconnected to the Diag campsite. In addition, it is apparent that Tent City can be and has been as effectively disinfected as Stockwell Hall where the infected person also spent considerable time. To close down Tent City simply be- cause of the case of hepatitis without closing down Stockwell would surely in- dicate that the action involved considera- tions other than those ofyhealth. Most doctors consulted also seem to agree that any health hazard at Tent City would be substantially reduced if toilet and shower facilities were made available in Waterman Gymnasium and if they were used in preference to nearby bushes. THE PROPOSAL to make Waterman available has a 1 r e a d y been put to President Robben Fleming and he has quickly rejected it, mostly because of what he and other administration offi- cials claim will be high security and jan- itorial costs. Vice President for Student Services Robert Knauss has admitted that he con- siders estimates of $1,200 a month rather high. Common sense dictates that the estimate is absurd. The present nightly security force could be reapportioned to guard the gymnasium without higher cost and the 'addition of perhaps 30 people to the hundreds who already use shower and toilet facilities there hardly calls for dra- matic increases in janitorial work. While Tent City may be a potential health hazard, medical advice indicates that the problem could be Ferased or at least minimized with a little co-operation by the University. FROM THE beginning, Tent City has been primarily a political demonstra- tion. The freedom of peaceful political action should extend to students and non-students alike, regardless of the va- lidity of their cause. To the extent that it is really interested in encouraging dissent and peaceful pro- test, the University should be anxious to cooperate with Tent City. -MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Editor i1 Trying to explore a i i uniei imotion By LARRY LEMPERT "We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the'first time" TrHE MASSES shifted restlessly as the end of the hour approached. They sat in their chairs, they listened, they daydreamed, they looked at the clock. A low murmur began as the professor gave his closing remarks. Then, before he finished, seats banged up, people snapped to their feet, burst out of the auditorium doors moving with determination, flooding onto the sidewalks outside, a mass in motion pouring out into a universe of motion, the Universe of Michigan. People, tens of thousands of people here. Persons. Individuals.\ Lives. Each one both a part of the world and a world in himself. Each one thinking and feeling. Imagine your way into someone else tasteing and smelling and being alive. Wonder and watch where all these people are going. Or watch and Wonder where all these lives are going, beyond the UGLI, Mason Hall, the apartment, and a friend's place to do some dope. Each one of them is going somewhere. And not even he knows where. YES, THE PRIME FEELING within this world is one of move- ment. And I have something in common with these people. We're all not there yet. We're in transit, still on the way. Because no matter where you are, there's always someplace else to go. On acid. Or on a t bus. It's just one big trip, kaleidoscoping, floating or flying, whirling or walking or wishing away. People moving, within and without. Man, the microcosm; what a piece of. . . work. People come here as they explore and explode The -Universe of Michigan and theyUniversity of Mind. Everybody en route to We Don't Know Where, held together by the common circle they travel. All of us exploring, to know for the first time the place, where we started. -Daily-Jim Judkis Another view Letters: Defending the auto workers ALTHOUGH THERE WERE SOME stu- dents that did not have housing, the appearance of tents on the Diag. shortly after the start of registration this semes- ter was clearly recognized as being pri- marily a form of political protest. Our office has from the start agreed to pro- vide an adequate camping facility if in fact there are students who would like to camp. When the tents first appeared, meet- ings were held with representatives from the Tenants Union and the University. While never giving permission for t h e tents to remain, University officials indi- cated they would not take active steps to remove the tents unless: First, the camp- ing facility developed into a health haz- ard, and second, the facility became dom- inated by non-students. Various Univer- sity officials also indicated t h a t there would be no change of status or attempt to remove the tents by the University be- f o r e notice to the Tenants Union and those in the tents had been given. By the end of last week it became clear that unless the University took positive steps to provide sanitary facilities t h e county health officer was designating the area as a health hazard and that by con- servative estimates at least 90 per cent of those living in the tents were non-stu- dents. The evidence that a person with infec- tious hepatitis spent two days. living in one of the tents (as well as some time in one of the -dormitories) compounded the health problem. While every effort has been made to g i v e notice and provide shots, new infections are possible. sity of the camp site, and large pedes- trian traffic in the area. This "health ar- gument" could end the matter, and the University is on safe grounds in remov- ing the tents on this basis. THINK IT IS IMPORTANT to go be- yond and face the broader'question of the extent that the University should use its resources to provide a camping facility on the Diag. There is no disagreement that there is currently a health hazard, unless sanitary facilities are provided.. Those arguing that the University's stand is political assume that the proper posi-, tion for the University is to open Water- man Gym for use of those camping. To what extent should the University ex- pend funds to provide a camping facility in a location that is inadequate even with the expenditure of those funds. Should any expenditure be made if the camp site is used predominantly by non-students? It is estimated that it would cost approx- imately $1,200 a month to provide a se- curity man and extra janitorial services to open Waterman Gym for campers. Ev- en with this cost, the Physical Education Department has concern about the nor- mal use of the gym. Those who argue that to deny the use of Waterman Gym is to deny the right to protest have confused their concepts of rights and privileges and, I fear, demon- strate a paranoia about challenges to dis- sent. Does the University really suppress dissent when it refuses to use its assets to permit a group to continue to dissent? Is there student or faculty support for a hndanet nriority In this diretion? To the Editor:. THE SEPTEMBER 18 editorial by Lindsay Chaney on the UAW Strike is particularly irritating- and insensitive. What it says, in effect, is that the strike is abomi- nably capitalistic, narrow in scope, and blind to the needs of society. The supporters are stereo- typed as cause-hungry, misguided radicals who are oblivious to the proper c o u r s e of progressive change in society. Not so. Mr. Chaney seems to forget that the society is not alien to the people, but is, in fact, the people. His first gripe is that the union, as the ogre of capitalism, is sac- rificing the cause of pitiful work- ing conditions for monetary com- pensations. This is neither true nor justified. The national plat- form may not stress working con- ditions which vary from plant to plant, but the local unions are highly conscious of the oppressive environment in which the workers are supposed to perform.~ The appeal for higher wages is not a substitute for better work- ing conditions, it is a part of the same fight for survival. If more wages are demanded it is not for the esoteric purpose of maintain- ing the UAW status among the elite of labor unions, ithisbecause even proportionately high wages are not high enough., The UAW demands a variable cost of living factor, a more humane retirement plan, and a pay increase. Wages should reflect the skill, the phys- ical danger, and the mental and psychological hazards involved, as well as the cost of living. Taking these factors into consideration. a pay hike is a valid part of the solution. It is n o t a matter of bribery or reconciliation, but a matter of receiving what is right- fully earned. HIS SECOND CONTENTION is that the union is not doing near- ly enough for the cause of ecol- ogy. Mr. Chaney feels that since the automobilefactories are cre- ating the problem of air pollution and highway fatalities, t h e y should be more concerned with it. After all, it is the least they could do. Once again he is ignoring the very humaneness of the situation. Ecology is everyone's problem, ev- eryone's very serious one. But it must be viewed in its logical per- spective. Human nature dictates that man be concerned first with himself and those he loves, and then with his fellowman. A per- son unable to clothe, feed, and shelter his family can hardly be expected to minimize his imme- diate problem of universal exist- ence. Economic depravity is the last of his arguments. His two points are that a strike settlement will be inflationary (it will be reflect- ed in rising c o s t s of consumer goods), and that theaentire scope of union politics is a question of the best of the worst, either win- ner representing a victory for the leviathan capitalistic forces in the country. A strike settlement is not intended to be inflationary, after all, the workers are the con- RiiVmD'Crp hi~rc emgto he at the tions from becoming overbearing and to eliminate severe stratifi- cation in our society. The nobility of the workers w h o jeopardize their financial security is not to be scorned. A campus: radical who suffers no consequences for protesting is not the courageous reformer he appears to be. Idealism has its place, but when one is faced with grave economic and political real- ities the battle must be practical. The workers' cause and they work- ers' battle is just such a practical one. Abstract romanticism must be supplanted by concrete, pro- gressive actions, which are politi- cally far more beautiful. -Andrea Simon, '72 UAW leadership To the Editor: LINDSAY CHANEY's editorial concerning the UAW strike (Sept. 18) and the positive directions the Union should take seems to be as rMiisinformed as some of the state- ments from the leaders of the stu- dents-UAW workers coalition. The UAW leadershipth a s, in fact, demanded that the a u t o makers build a pollution-free car. They have, in fact, called for in- creased safety and durability. And the UAW, this year as well as many bargaining years in_ the past, has condemned General Mo- tors and the others for their prac- tice of increasing prices in the name of rising costs, simply to maintain a steady profit. Before condemning t h e UAW leadership for not taking positive directions, perhaps it w o u ld do well to consult more sources, for 4 II" -~ ~ -4~,~-f---~~, ' 1 ~ -' 4 '~~'~1~~~~ -: '.----. * ,-- -I- '1' I -"I - - I ~ 111.'- I ' ~Jf - _4