Chavez faces lett Hi-Fi Studio V1 W. Washington 668-7942 presents the quality sound of KENWOOD HIGH FIDELITY RECEIVERS AND COMPACTS ' "--- SALINAS, Calif. '(P)-The lettuce strike launched by Cesar Chavez in the Salinas Valley "salad bowl" is a bitter union battle that has pitted priest against priest. grower against grower and Mexican-Amer- ican against Mexican-American. Fresh from the success of a five-year strike and boycott against California table grapes, Chavez has launched a nation- wide lettuce boycott to gain recognition of his AFL-CIO United Farm Workers Or- ganizing Committee. He has also threaten- ed to extend the strike to other states and Southern California. Slowly but surely, he is getting some result. The largest lettuce grower in the 100- page three mile-long valley, made famous in John Steinbeck's "Cannery Row," has signed with Chavez. Ten strawberry growers, an' artichoke grower, two tomato growers and two other lettuce growers are in negoti- ations with UFWOC. A majority of growers, however, have pledged to fight Chavez. The California Council of Growers and the Western Growers Association an- nounced plans Friday to combat the boy- cott. Both said they were distributing infor- mation to major food chains and associ- ations saying their lettuce also is union- produced-under a Teamsters union con- tract. Chavez has urged a boycott in 64 cities of all lettuce sold without the union ce igh label of the UFWOC, saying the Teamster pacts are "sweetheart contracts." For most large growers, the strike, which began Aug. 24, represents an attempt by Chavez to destroy contracts they have signed with the Teamsters. For smaller in- dependent growers, it means a fight against all unionization until federal farm labor legislation is passed prohibiting strikes during harvest. For Chavez, the strike is the "hump" in his effort to unionize an estimated 7,000 farm workers 'in the Salinas Valley and thousands of others throughout California and the Southwest. A To the U.S. consumer, the strike has meant skyrocketing vegetable prices-with See CHAVEZ, Page 7 SyNEWHOUSE playing -Associated.Press Cezar Chavez i Country Western and Country Blues 75c i94-r Sfrrtgtinan. &t14 NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 s. TONIGHT ARK Tuesday, September 22, 1970 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three :30 P.M. 761-1451 1421 Hill I 3 t 1 . ' Corrier State & Liberty Sts. DIAL 662-6264 n briefss e- . b . By The Associated Press OPEN 12:45 P.M. Shows at 1 -3-5-7-9 P.M. HELD OVER! I I * NEXT ATTRACTION " "THE PEOPLE NEXT DOOR" NOW APPEARING First Appearance in Ann Arbor EXCITING DUO, WILLIAM and JOYCE i-t AN UNMANNED SOVIET MOON PROBE made a controlled landing on the "Sea of Fertility" Sunday and is now headed back to earth with a cargo of lunar rocks, the Soviet news agency Tass reported yesterday. The mission of Luna 16, launched Sept. 13 and expected to return to earth Thursday, repr'esents a technological first in space achieve- ments.', Tass said Luna 16 transmitted pictures to earth while digging up lunar rocks at a depth of nearly 14 inches. Luna 16 apparently accomplished what its predecessor - Luna 15 - failed to do when it crashed into*the moon the day before the first American moon mission landed on the Sea of Tranquility 14 months ago. * * * A SURVEY OF PHYSICIANS and dentists has disclosed that nearly half failed to report all, funds received from medicare and medicaid programs on income tax returns, a Treasury Depart- ment official told a Senate panel yesterday. The official, Meade Whitacker, tax legislative counsel for the Treasury Department, urged the Finance Committee to tighten the laws in order to recover some of the money now being lost on income Staxes. Sen. Russell Long (D.-La.) urged the Treasury Department to fol- low up on cases of the 4,000 physicians and dentists being audited and declared "it would be a very great deterrent" if some criminal prosecutions resulted. * * THE SENATE BEGAN DEBATE yesterday on the toughest air-pollution bill ever considered by Congress - a bill which would require automakers to build a non-polluting car by 1976 at the latest. Sen. Edmund Muskie (D-Maine), who brought the bill to the floor, said that neither economic or technological feasibility would be allowed to stand as barriers to the bill's clear mandate to protect the public health. The bill would extend that mandate to all sources of air pollution, including factories, by the establishment of deadlines over a five year period for meeting health protecting emission and air-quality stand- ards, Stating that 200 million tons of contaminants are spilled into the air each year, Muskie said a reduction of air pollution by 50 per cent in urban areas should result in savings of $2 billion yearly in medical costs alone. * * * URUGUAY'S TUPAMAROS guerrillas attacked seven police stations in the capital of Montevideo this morning, setting small fires and distributing anti-government pamphlets. Yesterday's action followed President Jorge, Pacheco Areco's refusal Sunday to distribute anti-governmept literature in exchange for the release of captured U.S. agricultural adviser Claude Fly. The guerrilla's pamphlets warned against what it called a gov- ernment plot to kill hospitalized guerrilla prisoners and added that, they stood by their earlier offer to exchanke Fly and a captured Brazilian consul for some 150 imprisoned Tupamaros. The message was considered the twelfth official communication from the guerrillas since they kidnapped foreign hostages in August. House unit approves ebill WASHINGTON 0P)-A stringent anticrime bill backed by President Nixon to curb organized crime and bombings was approved yesterday by a House judiciary subcommit- tee.' Chairman- Emanuel Celler (D- NY), said the death penalty f or, ,fatal bombings was written in to the bill at a three-and a half hour meeting but declined to give fur- ther details. Besides the death penalty for fatal bombings, the bill is under- stood to provide a maximum 20 years in jail and $20,000 fine for bombings resulting in injury and 10 years and $10,000 fine 'for bombings destroying property. Other ,sources said the subcom-j mittee was split on the death pen- , alty and Rep. Robert W. Kastern- meier (D-Wis), said it could stills be stricken when the full Judiciary Committee considers the massive bill today. The long-delayed bill-basically the Organized Crime Control Act passed by the Senate last January plus the antibombing section-was, passed by the subcommittee under threat of a move by the House Republican leadership to force it out of committee. With ;lawand order an issue in many congressional election cam- paigns, the leadership would have had -lttle trouble getting the 218 signatures needed for a petition to force discharge of the bill. House consideration is expected in the next few weeks.1 Celler, who has, contended that1 some of the bill's provisions might infringe on individual rights, said the bill is satisfactory. He said, however, that the bill1 was passed under deadline pres- sure and declined to describe its features, saying some may beF changed before approval by the full committee.{ -Associated Press Action in Cambodia South Vietnamese marines fire on suspected Viet Cong and North Vietnamese positions in a major operation about 50 miles nort i of Phnom Penh,. Intelligence reports indicated that the units may be pulling back from their strongholds in the face of the Cam- bodian and South Vietnamese offensive in the area. DEADLOCK FORESEEN: GM, laborers to wres UMe talks Pr interest rate cIvut NEW YORK () P -A cut in the prime interest rate to 71/2 per cent from 8 per cent spread among major 'b a n k s yesterday, indicating t h at more money will be available for business loans. But, econ- omists said, benefits will be slow in seeping down to the consumer level. The prime rate is 'the interest charged by commercial banks to their biggest and m o s t credit- worthy borrowers - mainly cor porations. Morgan Guaranty Trust Co.,, fifth largest U.S. bank, took the lead yesterday in reducing t h e rate. First Pennsylvania Bank and Trust Co. of Philadelphia h a d done so last week, as had several smaller banks. Major California banks, includ- ing Bank of America, the world's largest, followed eastern banks in-; lowering prime interest rates. The president of the American,. Bankers Association, Nat S. Rog- ers of Houston, said t h e prime, rate reduction "should be recog- nized as further evidence that in- flationary pressures-are lessening.. and that the economy is return- ing to a more stable condition in,. the money and capital markets.". A spokesman for the Federal] Reserve Bank of New York said the prime rate cut shows that banks "feel they can meet bus-. ness loan requests." IHe said the lower interest would "add to the. ability of business to expand." He said the reduction was a re- sult of the easier money policy fol lowed by the Federal Reserve since last January. He added that "directly and im- mediately there would be little ef- fect on consumers." George Christy, chief economist of the F. W. Dodge division of McGraw- Hill, a construction in- formation service, said the reduc- tion isn't expected to have any effect on mortgage rates or hous-, ing, starts but is "symptomatic of; the general loosening of credit which is very beneficial to hous-.. ing." Homebuilding has been one of the most depressed segments of- the economy. The stock market, which had risen Friday on hopes of a prime rate cut, failed to respond yester- day. Wall Street analysts said anxiety over the Middle East sit-, uation took over as a depressing market factor. TONIGHT! 9-10 P.M. 2800 Ja ckson Rd 769-0700 t, DETROIT ()-With a predic- tion from United Auto Workers President Leonard Woodcock that "no quick settlement is in view," top union officials and bargainers' from strikebound General Motors' are scheduled to resume contract talks today. The UAW strike against the automotive giant, which effects some 344,000 workers around the country, began at midnight last Monday. No national-level ,nego- tiations have been conducted in the week since the strike began. Union leaders were returning to Detroit from five days of coast- to-coast meetings with local bar- gaining units. They had teen seek- ing local support 'for he strike, discussing strategy and spurring negotiations on local level, in- plant issues. The Michigan Daily, edited and man- aged by students at the University of! Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich.- igan, 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues- day through' Sunday morning Univer- sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by carrier, $10 by mail. Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- tion rates: $5. by carrier, $5 by mail. r t t I t i; d r.,I Woodcock this eekend termed plant-level issues "an endless struggle . , . an unending, fight" and indicated that .isputes in some 157 bargaining units around the country may prolong the strilfe even if major national issues are settled. When national contracts were last negotiated, in 1967, the final local settlement at GM was not signed until one year and nine days after the start of bargaining. An atmosphere of fatalism characterized the final hours of national level negotiations be- tween UAW and GM officials last Monday. The union and:the com- pany were still 25 cents apart on a first-year wage increase' and as the midnight strike deadline ap- proached, bargainers from both sides took a leisurely, three-hour lunch break. GM has offered an additional 38 cents an hour but the union wants 63 cents for the first year of the three-year contracts. The average hourly wage at GM is now is $4.02. El t + ' ?!:;. +? 3 x 1, X4'.' ,:. .tYf% _... .SC 3 NEW Plays For NOW f CO1 IE AS, YOU, ARE fl .F}r : .',,vrwp . .:. .. .r::: >r "- r{f.r:..i:rx..rr.:r;"r:.'?., -f ..;}; ..^ 4, :.{.:;F ". 4 "i-i:':ri;:$' .x .ii'":{-:):n ~ ,}:x". ,.n . r "::{'v;;"..l{" "..r.:: .. . .'f "%.....4.::r : v r:: r: r..rn .: 4 ....: "...... . 4 .:....-- .. .' - . .v ..:- : ..::"":: r-:..: j - ...... .rs ... r':. .... Fr. r, ..," -.. .. - . ::,...'.-- ..::" : l:.}nv. " l:::i: :M . }; i t wt::..::r a ndf... W E AR: 4. : : W H ATX:::: .}Y{,YU " -W A NT,:{": r.... gp: .,FrF r."f' }${Y f r { ""$wyo ur.}?;: :+ ?.F v'i{rr1f. i £ 7 1 A..3i:h:?: :ii:n;f+:}:: :i:,r :':"; ::v.?-}::: :Fi;.$:' h:yh::-; ::?{ .. 'rCe kt ?'kx.:%i"-,': a i}S"}i: A:l$: i Antonioni's two masterpieces English language through Friday HELD OVER'. "BEST FILM OF 19661" Notional Society of Film Critics A Carlo Pond Production Antonioni's BLOW-UP Vanessa Redgrave David Hemmings -Sarah Miles COLOR RCOMMENDED rOR MATURE AMDIENCES A Premier Productions Co.. Inc. Release "Zabriskie" 7:10 only-"B ow-up" 9:00 only ANTONIONI's .3W 1EU 1 dW Ed& EE SIU P11 1 ..m Al e fI A. 1 c. H >:,: f'i/:,:. ": ,.: "F' h