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September 22, 1970 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-22

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Cloudy, humid,
good chance of rain

Vol LXXXI, No. 17 Ann Arbor, Michign - Tuesday, September 22, 1970 Ten Cents

Ten Pages


claim truce
viola tions
'By Th Associa ed Precis
Palestinian guerrillas claimed early this morning that
they were under attack by Jordanian army troops despite a
cease-fire ordered by King Hussein for the capital of Amman.
Hussein, the 34-year-old Hashemite ruler of Jordan,
ordered his troops to stop firing in the capital at 5:15 p.m.-
11:15 a.m. EDT - to enable the wounded to be treated and
because jof Jordai's grave situation.
But Yasir Arafat, head of the over-all guerrillas com-
mand, said his men were still, under fire nine hours after
the cease-fire was to take effect. He said in a statement
broadcast over Damascus radio that army troops were shelling
guerrilla positions .in Amman and tWo refugee cahps.

ent Cit
rejects 'U
SResidents of "Tent City" yesterday voiced their deter-
mination to stay on the Diag despite a University order
requiring them tp move, anid rejected the University offer. of
a North Campus campsite.
Shortly after a 1 p.mn. deadline, the approximately 30
campers surrounded by some 80 supporters, declined to leave
when requested to do so hy Vice President for Student
Services Robert Knauss.
Instead, responding to county and University charges
that the site is "a health hazard," they called the issue a
"matter of politics, not health." They said they would stay
on the Diag "until the University recognizes its responsibil
ity to the community housing

U.s. alerts
orces for
WASHINGTON (jP)-The United
States marshalled land, sea and'
air forces ,Friday for possible use
in Jordan, but officials insisted
that evacuation of Americans is
the only assignment being con-
sidered now. And even that didn't
seem imminent.
The Pentagon said yesterday in-
fantry and paratroop units at
home and in Europe were placed
on alert, and jextra 0130 trans-
ports were positioned overnight in
#r Europe to airlift these troops
wherever and whenever needed.
Some U.S. medical units in Eur-
ope also were alerted, and a third
Navy aircraft carrier, the John V.
Kennedy; was en route to join the
two carriers already, in the Medi-
Pentagon officials said the alerts
were for' specific units, not for all
services, and do not involve mov-
ing any Army troops.
There are about 400 Americans
in Jordan, mostly in Amman, and
38 of the 54 hijacked airline host-
ages still held by Palestinian guer-
g rillas are Americans.
Warships of the-U.S. 6th Fleet
steamed yesterday in the Medi-
terranean within 90 miles of the
Israeli coast. They were being
shadowed by an unidentified fish-
ing trawler.r
- Two dull-gray ships, a helicop-°
ter carrier and an escort destroyer,
were; spotted by newsmen-on a
flight from Tel Aviv heading
south due west of the Israeli sea
coast resort of Nahariya.
A White House spokesman, press
secretary Ronald L. Ziegler, keyed'
administration moves saying: "We
think we are taking prudent plan-
ning measures in the Mideast
should there be a situation re-
garding the l hostages and, Amer-
ican personnel, should their posi-
tion become untenable."
Ziegler told reporters that "we
consider 'the situation there very
serious and very complicated."
"We are continuing to watch it
very closely and we will continue
to do that," he said.
Asked whether the United States
holds open the possibility of mili-
tary intervention in Jordan, Zie-
gler would say only:
. "I just have nothing further to
give you on that subject."
At the State Department, press
officer Robert J. McCloskey said
the.United States has spoken pub-
licly of possible intervention to
bring American citizens out of
See U.S., Page 6

As U.N. diplomats conferred
yesterday, on the Jordian situation,
Lebanese Foreign Minister Nassim
Majdalani accused Israel of try-
Ing to destroy his country by
forcing it into the kind of divil
wad now raging in Jordan.
Majdalan i made the charge in
a policy speech to the 126-nation
General Assembly.'
A U.S. spokesman said that if
Jordan decided it woulld be useful
to ask for a meeting of the U.N.
SSecurity Council the United
States would give its support.
But there was no request from-
Jordan, and most diplomats look-
ed to the Arab summit ponference
opening in Cairo^ toiorrow for
the next developmentson the ne-
gotiating front.
Kings and presidents of t h e
Arab world began gathering yes-
terday for tle conference, but Iraq
and Algeria said they would boy-
cott the meeting.
The priority item is Jordan's
charge that Syrian armored col-
umns invaded"'northern Jordan on
Sunday, threatening to spread the
Jordanian fight into an interna-
tional conflict.
One of the key men, Syrian
President Noureddin Atassi of
Syria, flew in early for discus-
sions with Egypt's President GaMn-
al Abdel Nasser.
Jordan's King Hussein also is
scheduled to attend. He charged
that Syria sent two armored col-
umns into Jordan in support of
Palestinian guerrillas battling Jor-
danian army troops. Atassi dfnied
the charge.
Amman, the capital with half a
million people, was described in
one dispatch as a city, in ter-
ror, with the cries and shouts of
trapped wounded victims ringing
across the valleys and hills.
Dead were reported still lying
in the streets from the first days
of fighting last week.
The 34-year-old Hashemite rulera
said he was ordering the shooting
stopped in the capital as of 5:15
p.m.-11:15 a.m., EDT -- because
of his own conscience and histori-
cal responsibilities to jenable the
wounded to be treated and be-
cause of the grave situation in the
Hussein had ,called a cease-fire
throughout' Jordan on Saturday
at the behest of President Gamal
Abdel Nasser of Egypt but the
king said the guerrillas didn't3
stop shooting.
Field Marshal Habis Majali,
Jordan's military governor, called
a brief bease-fire on Friday to al-
low guerrillas to surrender. The
guerrillas said the army guns keptI
* The army lifted its curfew brief-
ly in Amman and women hastened
out with shopping baskets in.
search of food. The city has been,i
isolated since last Thursday when
the war began.I

-Daily-Denny Gainer
ROBERT KNAUSS (left), vice president for student services, addresses the people at Tent-City' yesterday after the performance of a
guerrilla theater (right) demonstrating their belief that the University has not faced up to the local housing problem.


Four campus credit uni
ganizations have joined t
the Credit Union Coop
Housing Committee, with t
of building approximately5
units of low-income hous
North Campus.
The housing would be pr
for married students andx
with a certain percentage
gle student housing.
The committee intends t
the new buildings by utiliz
National Housing Act, whi
vides federal money at lowi
rates. The program has n
been approved by the feder
The committee, which wa
ed last February by fourc

CK organizations-the Student Cred-
ion or- it Union, the Employees' Credit
o form Union, the University Co-op, and
perative the Hospital Credit Union - re-
he goal ceived in July regental authori-
500-600 zation to use a 24-acre site.
ing on "There are a series of hurdles
that we have to go through," says
imarily committee chairman Dr. Fred Cox.
retirees "We feel that we have passed
of sin- through one of the most difficult
by receiving regental approval."
o fund The University has maintained
ing the that the high cost of funding has
ch pro- prohibited it fr'om constructing
nterest low income housing. Under Mich-
not yet igan's state constitutiop, develop-
al gov- ing housing by mortgaging state
property is not permitted, and.
s form- therefore the University cannot
campus make use of the housing act. ;

Other universities have set up
so called "captive corporations"
but according to Dr. Pater Ostaf-
in, assistant director o'f the Stu-
dent Community Relations Office,
"We do not want to do indirectly
what we are. not permitted to do
Although the committee con-
tains members of the off-campus
housing bureau, those members.
act within the program independ-
ently of their office.
Present committee plans call for
the building of a maximum of
three high-rise complexes with
200-300 units, and 300-400 low
level units, known as townhouses.
With a minimum of one person to
a bedroom, this plan would help
house over 1200 people.



Federal law requires that new
tenants meet certain requirements
in order for monies to be made
available. The tenants must meet
specific low income requirements,
and must also be a family or a
single person older than 62 years.
Ten per cent of the- dwellings,
however, may be used for single
student housing, according to the
housing act.
"I see this project as serving a
wide range of persons in the, com-
munity," Cox said. "We hope to
be able to include a certain num-
ber of poor people who would
ordinarily qualify for public hous-
The eventual aim of the com-
mittee is to turn over the housing
to their tenants to form a co-
operative ,after the project has
beenconstructed. "We hope that
this will be only the first in a
series of projects that we will' be
able to build," Cox said.
Regent Robert Brown (R-Kala-
mazoo) has suggested that the
Tenants Union, in its drive far
more low-cost student housing,
develop a detailed, outlined hous-
ing program similar to the com-
mittee plan.
"We are interested and willing
to work with the Tenants Union
in plans they have," ,said Thomas
Brown, co-op planning committee!

The threat of hepatitis w a s
originally cited by Knauss and
other University officials.Saturday
as the cause for remoVing t h e
tents. Since then, after the im-
munization of those possibly af-
fected, Knauss has referred to a
"general health hazard" as t h e
reason for removal.
Knauss said yesterday, "These
tents must be moved, I see no
other way."
Tent city residents and- sup-
porters plan to hold a rally todayI
at noon on the Diag to demon-
strate their belief that there is no
health problem and thatit is only
for political reasons that the Uni-
versity wants to remove the tents.
Some doctors from University
Hospital plan to attend the rally
to warn the community of the
seriousness of hepatitis and to ask
them to leave the tent city.
~ Last night, after the earlier con-
frontation, over 300 people filled
the Diag in a music and rap ses-
sion by members of the tent com-
munity. It was designed "to show
the University these housing prob-
lems have ,to be dealt with," ac-
cording to one resident.
"Tent City", had been g iv e n
permission to stay on the Diag by
the University early in Septem-
ber provided that no "health haz-
ard was created and the com-
munity did not become "predom-
inantly non-student." However,
within the past few days, county
and University health officials be-
gan calling for the tents' removal
for health reasons, and question-
ing whether the camp's predom-
inate non-student population was
grounds for revoking permission.
See TENT, Page 6
Mark's alive
despite taxes
"Reports of my death have been
greatly exaggerated," said Mark's
Coffeehouse last night.
It appears that the spokesmen
for Mark's Coffeehouse, on E. Wil-
liam St. do not believe the back
taxes the state claims Mark's
owes are in any way their death-
They say, tinstesad, that they are
meeting with people to see how
they can get ,the tax dispute
cleared up and Mark's open again
for business as quickly as possible.

give funds.
for welare
A total of $1,260 was pledged
by Congregation Beth Israel and
St. Aidan's Episcopal Church last
Sunday in response to the de-
mands of the Black Economic
Development League (BEDL) and
the County Welfare Rights Or-
ganization (WRO).
The Beth Israel Social . Action
Fund reacted to the demand by
BEDL member Henry Bryant and
WRO member Catherine Emerson
with a donation of $860.
The Bishops Committee of St.
Aidan's, a church of 35 families,
responded with a donation of
Beth 'Israel and St. Aidan's be-
came the fourth and fifth local
'congregations to pledge funds to
the two groups, which have been
holding sit-ins and protests at
area congregations since last
BEDL and WRO hope to raise
$80 million from the Ann Arbor
community. They plan to distrib-
ute the first $200,000 among 3,500
area needy children for clothes.
Seventy local churches were in-
vited to join a coalition formed
last night to "insure participation
of the poor in receiving funds,
studying their problems, ,and ap-
proaching the legislature to pass
programs," according to tempor-
ary coalition chairman Rev. Rich-
ard Price.
Bryant ,stressed the necessity
of putting pressure on "those ten
rich churches which protect them-
selves under legal barbed wire."
He was referring to, a coalition
of churches ;which last week
sought an injunction b a r r i n g
BEDL-WRO agents from disrupt-
ing religious service, and inter-
fering with church business.
"We have t r i e d for years
through legislative means to get
honey and programs," Mrs. Emer-
son said, "and have been forced
to use more aggressive and deter-
mined ways to get any response."
-- ------

AFSCVLE members walk out at
EMU over new contract dispute

Members of the Eastern MicAi
gan University (EMU) local of the,
American Federation of State,I
County, and Municipal Employees'
(AFSCME) walked off their jobs
yesterday to protest what they
call bad faith in negotiations be-
tween the university and the
EMU then secured a court order
ordering officers of the local to
appear in circuit court this morn-
ing to show cause why an injunc-
tion ordering a return to work nott
be issued.

Members of the local comprise
EMU food service, maintenance
and janatorial staff.
In a statement issued yesterday,
the union charged that the uni-
versity had attempted to bypass
the union in current contract
negotiations by communicating
with employes by mail, had
threatened a lock-out, had stpp-
ped the deduction of union dues
on paychecks and had terminated
the existing contract at the ear-
liest possible time.
The local also accused the uni-
versity of not accepting the vote


of the local's membership as valid
and demanding another vote be
"The local has become fed up
with this type of activity on the
part of the university," the state-
ment read. "They simply refuse to
be treated as a company-controll-
ed organization by an employer
who abides by the rules only as
long as it suits them, an employer
who wants to change the rules
when the results are not favorable
to them."
Local president Floyd Kersey
claimed yesterday that the walk-
out was university-wide and said
that the protest was "peaceful and
will remain' that way."
"Our members want a two-year,
not a three-year contract and the
pay scales offered by the univer-
sity, w~hile pretty good on the
lower level, are not adequate on
the higher levels," Kersey said.
Kersey added that the cost of
living benefits offered by the uni-
versity are not adequate.
Lewis E. Profit, EMU vice-presi-
dent for business and finance, was
not available yesterday for com-
ment on the walk-out.
EMU information service said
yesterday only that the walk-out
had occurred and that legal steps

Tito to retire

from presidency

By The Associated Press
President Tito, ruler of Yugoslavia for
a quarter of a century, announced yester-
day he will step down in favor of a collective
The 78-year-old maverick, communist,
who broke from Moscow's grip in 1948,
said reorganization of the government is
necessary to secure Yugoslavia's unity. He
gave no timetable for the changeover..

Belgrade on Sept. 30 and stay two days.
Policy talks are planned with Tito.
The Middle East crisis and possible inter-
vention of American troops to save the gov-
ernment of Jordan's King Hussein could,
however, cancel Nixon's trip because of
Yugoslavia's close ties with Arab leaders.
Tito said he would be replaced by a pre-
sidium that would be "a form of collective
nresidant rf Viin'a ,ri1

munity from such a crisis - which is de..
sired by many - we have to perform this
reorganization," he said.
Tito, a partisan leader against the Nazis
during World War II, maintained close re-
lations 'with the, Soviet Union in the im-
mediate postwar years but then resistd the
iron control Of Soviet dictator Josef Stalin.
In 1948, he led Yugoslavia in a break from
T~ne~v hofi c Qvi+ httitotoArt e

... .. ...

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