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September 20, 1970 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1970-09-20

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Page Eight


Sunday, September 20, 1970 o I

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 20, 1970

Aggies last gasp stuns Tigers;
Longhorns gore Golden Bears

Ilirni g(

By The Associated Press I M utual murder

BATON ROUGE - Sophomore
quarterback Lex James ,uncorked'
a 79-yard scoring pass to split end
Hugh McElroy in the last 13 sec-
onds as Texas A&M upset heavily
favored Louisiana State 20-18 in
the season's opener for the Bayou
James, a 5-foot-11 player, un-
leashed his desperation heave to
McElroy, who grabbed it near the
sidelines and outran an LSU de-
fender for the touchdown.
Minutes earlier, place kicker
Mark Lumpkin had booted field'
goals of 21 and 41 yards to bring
LSU back in front.
Bears axed
AUSTIN - Fullback S t e v e
Worster blasted for three touch-
downs and quarterback Eddie
Phillips made a spectacular debut
yesterday as No. 2 ranked Texas
crushed California 56-15 in an
intersectional game.
Worster, a 208-pound senior
All-America, rumbled for scores
on runs of 2,11 and 9 yards-all
in the first quarter. Phillips cruis-
ed for touchdowns of 10 and 7
yards and handled the defending
national champion's Wishbone-TI
offense beautifully..
It was Texas' 21st consecutive
victory over , three seasons and
the awesome performance seemed
to indicate the 'Horns are in good
shape to defend their national
* * * -
Stanford bombastic
STANFORD - Stanford quar-
terback Jim Plunkett broke the
Pacific-8 Conference career total
offense record yesterday and
threw the 36th touchdown pass of
his college career as the fourth-
ranked Indians belted San Jose
State 34-3.
Plunkett, a 6-3 senior, com-
pleted 17 of 29 passesnfor 302 yards
and ran for 30 yards in three
quarters of play. That increased
his 22-game total to 5,584 yards,
which is 226 yards more than the
old conference record set by Gary
Beban of UCLA.
Stanford rolled to a 21-0 lead
early in the second quarter before
Lafry Barnes gave the Spartans
their only score, a 36-yarA field
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LOS ANGELES -Nebraska's
Joe Orduna broke a 14-14 tie
in the third quarter with an
electrifying 67-yard touchdown
run but Southern California
struggled back with an 80-yard
parade to gain a 21-21 tie with
the Cornhuskers last night.
The Trojans, ranked third
nationally and heavily favored,
trailed the surprising Nebras-
kans throughout the game play-
ed before 73,768-a contest that
kept the crowd in a roar with
many turnovers of the ball.
Tailback Clarence Davis ram-
bled nine yards to cap the 80-
yard drive by Southern Cal,
with 8:16 left to play.
* * *
Bulldogs clawed
GAINESVILLE, Fla. - Quarter-
back John Reaves threw an early
touchdown pass to his favorite re-
ceiver, Carlos Alvarez, then helped
make a new star out of sophomore'
Willie Jadkson yesterday as Flor-
ida romped to a 34-13 Southeast-
ern Conference football victory
over Mississippi State.
Jackson, Florida'# first Negro
playero made spectacular sideline
catches on 53-yard and 40-yard
pass plays and doubled as running'
back for key gains in a pair of.
touchdown drives.
* * *
Orange destroyed
HOUSTON-Terry Peel and Joe
DeSpain, a pair of sophomore
quarterbacks, directed the explo-
sive Houston/ offense brilliantly
last night as the Cougars defeat-
ed Syracuse 42-15 in intersectional
football before an Astrodome.
t crowd of 40,439.
While winning its 11th consecu-
tive game, Houston scored touch-
downs on five of the six times
the Cougars had the ball in the
first half.
* * *
Seminoles eaten
ATLANTA-Georgia Tech jolt-
ed Florida State with a pair of
third period touchdowns, one a
22-yard pass from Eddie/McAsh-
an to Larry Studdard, and then
withstood a last quarter aerial as-
sault to trim the Seminoles 23-13
yesterday in a regionally televised
battle of Southern independents.
Studdard caught the McAshan
pass at the FSU eight after it
was tipped by teammate Steve
Harkey. Studdard then bounced
off three FSU defenders and land-
ed in the end zone with 1:53 re-
maining in the third.quarter, giv-
ing Tech a 21-7 lead.
* * *
'Rebels fantastic
MEMPHIS - Archie Marnning
ran for two touchdowns and pass-
ed for a third, leading Mississippi

to a 47-13 football victory over
Memphis State last night.
Manning picked an inexperi-
enced Memphis State defense:
apart with his passing arm, andx
got able assistance from tailback
Randy Reed, who scored two
Porkers gallop
LITTLE ROCK-Arkansas tail-
back Bill Burnett cracked Deal
Walker's Southwest Conference
career touchdown record with two
six-pointers as the 11th ranked
Razorbacks defeated Oklahoma
State 23-7 last night.
Burnett's touchdowns, his 39th
and 40th as a Razorback, came on
runs of 11 and 1 yards. Walker
set the record of 38 touchdowns
during his career at SMU.
* * *
Mountaineers high
some West Virginia rolled up a
school record of 641 yards total
offense here yesterday and crush-
ed visiting Richmond 49-10 in a
nonconference college football
The Mountaineers exploded from
a first quarter struggle, display-
ing an offense strong both on the;
ground and in the air and a de-
fense that held Richmond to eight
yards rushing for the afternoon.
* * *
Georgia inched
NEW ORLEANS - Tulane took
control of the football game in the
third period and upset the Geor-
gia,,Bulldogs 17-14 last night.
Georgia's only touchdown came
on a 62-yard punt return by Buzy
Tulane picked off two Georgia
passes in the third period, con-
verted them into ten points and
kept the Bulldogs backed up the
rest of the game.,
Wake Forest jolted
COLUMBIA, S.C. -- South
Carolina opened defense of its
Atlantic Coast Conference foot-
ball crown last night with a
smashing 43-7 victory over Wake
Tommy Suggs passed for 31
yards, to Mike Haggard and for,
seven to Jackie Brown for touch-
downs and Billy DuPre kicked
three field goals, one for 43 yards.
Tide kicks Gobblers
looking mor like the Crimson
Tide of the championship 1960s,
ended a three-year losing streak
last 'night with a 51-18 drubbing
of out-manned Virginia Tech.
Quarterbacks Neb Hayden and
Scott Hunter directed a diversified
attack that swiftly 'made it a lost
cause for the Gobblers - the sixth
consecutive time Alabama has
whipped Virginia Tech. '
SMU lynched
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. - Ten-
nessee blended the passing of
Bobby Scott and the running of'
Curt Watson into a 23-3 victory
over Southern Methodist yester-
day in the Volunteers' season

By The Associated Press
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. - A 6-foot-5
sophomore, Mike Wells, gambled,
passed and placekicked the Uni-
versity of Illinois to a 20-15 up-
set of Oregon to break an 11-game
Illini losing streak yesterday. i
Wells and another standout
sophomore, halfback Mike Walker,
entered the Illini inaugural at the
start of the second quarter and
turned around the game against
Oregon's Ducks who last week
opened with -a 31-24 victory over
Wells sneaked for a touchdown
at 4:36 of the second quarter to
break a scoreless tie; tossed a
26 yard scoring pass to Doug
Dieken in the third quarter; boot-'
ed field goals of 36 and 22 yards
and converted after each I 11 i n i
Oregon, favored by eight points,
had its vaunted passing attack
almost completely spiked except
for, a 95-yard scoring pass from
Tom Blanchard to Bob Newland
which tied it 7-7 in the second
Spartans stomped
SEATTLE, Wash. - Sonny Six-
killer, Washington's hope from the
Cherokee nation, fired 59, 37 and
five-yard touchdown passes, hoist-
ing the Hu'skies to a 42-16 inter-
sectionalfootball victory over
Michigan State yesterday.
T h e sophomore quarterback
broke a 20-year total offense rec-


)ose Du
ord in his first varsity start. He,
completed 15 of 35 passes for 276
yards and ran 37 more yards be-
fore leaving early in the fourth
period to eclipse the mark set by
Don Heinrich against Kansas
State in 1950.
Sixkiller, the grandson of a
Cherokee chief, overwhelmed the
Spartan defense by flooding as
many as five receivers at one time
into the secondary. His line,
meanwhile, did an outstanding!
job pocketing him against the,
Spartan pass rush.
* * *-

-Associated Press
from quarterback Chuck Pliebes in first half action against Texas
Christian yesterday. Purdue won 15-0, their first game under
rookie head coach Bob DeMoss.

Tigers triumph -
COLUMBIA, Mo. - Tailback
Joe Mooie, ignoring a second
quarter bomb threat 'announce-
ment, exploded for three second
half touchdowns and 10th-ranked
Missouri added two more before
the game ended for a 34-12 uphill
football victory over brawny Min-
nesota yesterday before a capacity
crowd of 58,000.
Moore's touchdowns came on
runs of one, 11 and 13 yards. Wide
receiver Mel Gray broke loose on
a fourth and five situatior and
ran 35 yards for'another.
Bill Mauser got the last Missouri
touchdown with ,a one-yard
plunge late in the game.
Frogs falter
LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Purdue's
Scott Clayton plunged for tw o
touchdowns in the last six minutes
yesterday and the Boilermakers
won a costly football opener from
Texas Christian 15-0.
George Buchanan, No. 1 Pur-
due offensive center, suffered a
possible broken leg, and Ashley
Bell, Purdue's best pass receiver,
was benched with a shoulder sep-
four touchdown p a s s e s against
TCU's Steve Judy, who threw
Purdue last year, couldn't g e t;
the ball over the goal line yester-
day in spite of a brilliant perform-
He completed 21 of his 35 passes
for 244 yards, but Purdue's de-
fenders picked off three of his
throws to stop promising drives.
Purdue let Judy have the short
passes, and as a result trailed the
Horned Frogs in first downs, 23-
' ' * * *
Irish romp
EVANSTON, Ill.-Notre Dame's
sixth-ranked Irish employed a
punishing ground attack to com-
pliment their passing team of Joe
Theismann to Tom Gatewood
yesterday for a 35-14 opening vic-
tory over Northwestern.
Except for a span of 39 seconds

artan s
in the second quarter, when
Northwestern scored two touch-
downs to climb into a 14-14 tie,
the Irish completely dominated
the contest with senior halfback
Dennis Allan scoring three ,touch-
downs on short runs.
Two of Allan's touchdowns
came in the first half, which end-
ed with-Notre Dame leading 28-14.
The Irish stayed mainly on the
ground in the second half with,-
their only touchdown coming in
the third quarter on a 1-yard run
by Allan after Notre Dame recov-
ered a Northwestern fumble.
Badgers bounced
NORMAN, Okla. - Oklahoma,
held in check for a half yesterday
by a surprising Wisconsin, used
superior speed and depth for a
come-from-behind 21-7 college
football victory.
The visiting Badgers led 7 to
nothing at halftime, but the
Sooners went. ahead with two t
quick touchdowns in t h e third'
quarter and added the insurance
points in the final period.
It was the second victory of the
season for the Sooners, while the
game was Wisconsin's opener.
The Badgers lumped ahead
mid-way in t h e second quarter.
following a pass interception and"
an eight-yard. return to the Soon-*
er 34 by Chuck Winfrey.
* A *
Hoosiers hobbled
rado's big Buffaloes bulled ,their
way past a scrappy Indiana team
16-9 yesterday before 42,471 spec-
tators in the. Indiana stadium.
The difference on t h e score-
board was the foot of Colorado
kicker Dave Haney who convert-
ed three field goals while missing
only on one.
The Buffs, one of the preseason
favorites in the Big Eight Con-
ference race, used their great size
advantage in the interior line and
a bevy of large, fast backs to pow-
er past the Hoosiers.
One major factor in the Colo-
rado victory was the running of
halfback Ward Walsh and full-
backs Ron Reiger and John Tar-
ver, both weighing in at about 200
* * *
Iowa ionized
CORVALLIS, Ore. - Oregon
State struck quickly for two first
quarter scores and then scored
again in the second half on a
long pass from quarterback Endi-
cott to end Jeff Kolbbrg to-'hold
off a determined Iowa comeback
to claim a 21-14 'intersectional
victory over the Hawkeyes last

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-Associated Press

BACKWARD is probably not Jim Bratten's normal method of gaining yardage. Something must
have worked, however, as Colorado managed to eke by Indiana 16-9 yesterday, thanks chiefly to
three field goals by Dave Haney.
HUyEggers excel; da swep sertes
By JOEL GREER squads and their endurance showv- j Looking at today's action, it

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The Michigan, ruggers proved
once again that they are the class
team of the Midwest by sweeping
both ends of a doubleheader yes-
terday from the' Detroit Cobras.
The Michigan Golds won t h e
opener from Detroit's second team
22-3 while the Michigan Blues
destroyed the Cobras 24-0 in, the
The first game was highlighted
by Chris Penoyer's 55-yard kick-
off return and the ability of the
Golds to keep possession of the
the ball. Michigan, demonstrat-
ing' its superior physical condi-
tion, "was very good in the loose,"
explained Michigan Rugby Club
president Hank Lukaski. "T h e y
were always ready to jump on the
loose balls.
Steve Chapman accounted for
seven of Michigan's points as he
converted two tries and. also hit
on a penalty kick.
'Yesterday's games were the first
of the season for the Detroit

ed it.,
In the second game Michigan
won on fitness, technique and
skill. They continually beat De-
troit to the ball in the 24-0 shut-
Speaking about the game's ex-.
citement referee David' Mildner,
former Michigan rugger, affirmed
that the game "was the best 'I've
seen out here in a very long time."
Lukaski pointed to the fact that
the Blues held the ball about 80
per cent of the timeand only lost
the ball three times in scrums.
Dave Thomas, a transfer stu-
dent from Wales, scored a pair of
tries including a 50-yard run.
Ross Vickers( had a good day
too, as he converted three of the
Michigan tries.
Capt. Peter Swift scored Michi-
gan's first try and Ron S m i t h,
Peter Hooper and Terry Larrimer
Michigan was then in full com-
mand as Thomas scored twice.

now apparent that rugby has now
found a home. Palmer Field's lo-
cation allows many more fans on
the hill to see the action.
In past years, rugby has been
mostly played at Ferry Field,
until last year when some of the
games were played on tl e tartan
turf practice field and another
was played' at the Michigan
Next week, Michigan will meet
another Midwest power, The Uni-
versity of Toronto at Toronto. The
Blues and Golds will return home
October 3 for games against Kent
State at Palmer Field,

MICHIGAN 20, Arizona 9
Oklahoma 21, Wisconsin 7
Purdue 15, Texas Christian 0
Missouri 34, Minnesota 12
Colorado 16, Indiana 9
Illinois20, Oregon 16
Notre Dame 35, Northwestern 14
Oregon State 21, Iowa 14
Washington 42, Michigan State 16
Nebraska 21, USC 21 -
Ohio U 24-, Kent State 14
Texas 56, California 15
Rutgers' 41, Lafayette 16
Penn State 55,; Navy 7
UCLA 24, Pittsburgh 15
Alabama 51, Virginia Tech 18
Houston' 42, Syracuse 15
N. Carolina 19, N. Carolina State 0
Duke 13, Maryland 12
Slippery Rock 39, Geneva 0
Texas A&M 20, LSU 18
Georgia Tech 23, Florida tate 13
Auburn 33, Southern Mississippi 14
Florida 34, 'Mississippi State 13
Tennessee 28, SMU 3
Clemson 27, Virginia 17
Kentucky 16, Kansas State 3
South Carolina 43, Wake Forest 7
Arkansas 23, Oklahoma State 7
Mississippi 47, Memphis State 13
Massachusetts 28, Maine 0
West Virginia 49,, Richmond 10
Middlebury 16, Bates 9
King's Point 7, Norwvich 3
Curry 34, Maine Maritime 0
Boston College 28, Villanova 21

Colgate 26, Boston University 21
Bucknell 13, Temple 10
Connecticut 47, Vermont 0
Delaware 34,.Gettysburg 7 .
Union 37, Worcester 13
Mount Union 61, Rochester 30
Springfield, N.Y. 21, Cortland 12
Westchester 56, Ithaca 0
Texas Tech 23, Kansas 0
Central Michigan 27, Northern Iowa
Northern Michigan 45, Hofstra 0
Miami, Ohio 23, Xavier g 7 h
Western Michigan 35,;I4righ~m'Younig
Tulsa 38, Idaho State University 13K
Defiance 49, Adrian 6
Arkansas State 53, Wichita State I.
Wartburg 9, Upper Iowa 7
Grinnel 10, Coe 7
Franklin 60, Hope 6
Michigan Tech 17, Alma 6
Anderson 26, Olivet 3
Stanford 34, San Jose State 3y
Air Force 47, Wyoming 17
Washington State 44, Idaho 16
Utah State 33, Bowling Green 14
Cincinnati 7, Atlanta 4
Clevealnd 4, Baltimore 2
Boston 7, Washington 3, 1st,
Boston 11; Washington3 2nd
San Francisco 3, San Diego 0
Chicago 24, New York 16





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