Wednesday, September 2, 1970 THE-MICHIGAN DAILY Student Activities-Page Three Wednesday, September 2, 1970 THE MICHIGAN DAILY t . SG C and student power Y.: CENTRAL STUDENT JUDICIARY By CARLA RAPOPORT Student Government Council (SGC) has only as much power as the University administration or current student support de- cides it can have, and on a good day this may equal a; two-hour session between SGC, President' Robben Fleming, a few students and faculty members, and a Daily reporter. . On a bad day, it may lead to the arrest of 10'7 students for creating a contention at the LSA Bldg. over the issue of a student bookstore. There is a sharp distinction,, however, between the ineffec- tiveness of SGC as a group and the activities of its members as individuals. During the past year, various SGC members were amazingly productive ini organ- Sizing and leading drives on a' number of issues. Starting in the fall with the bookstore issue, SGC members' were able to mobilize large num- bers of students to support the establishment of a student-run discount bookstore - which will %r be opened this January. Other active concerns of SGC members during the past year included working against ROTC,. military research, and recruit-' ing by corporations doing busi- ness with the military, as well as working for Women's Libera- * tion demands and the BAM strike. Through speaking at numer- ous Diag rallies as well as per- sonally participating in many of the disruptive tactics undertak- en last year by SDS and BAM, SGC members as individuals worked with students for what. they saw as needed change at the University. But with the exception of passing strongly - worded paper motions, .SGC as a group did little more than generously ap- prove almost every non-profit student group which applied for recognition as official student organizations of the University. Council did, however, provide the Black Action Movement with much of the funds and facilities necessary for their strike's success. r On an on-going basis, Council provides various aids for stu- dents and student groups, in- cluding a legal aid service which provides inexpensive legal coun- seling, a group health and life insurance plan, and a revitalized Student Consumer's Union to be planned in'the fall. SGC President Marty Scott, LSA 172 "and Executive Vice President Jerry De Grieck, LSA '12 believe that one of the most important issues facing the Uni- versity this fall will be the dis- pute over what disciplinary pro- ceedings are used to try stu- dents for non-academic offenses. This past April the Regents passed interim rules and disci- plinary procedures without con- sulting students and faculty. The procedures empower an out- side hearing officer, appointed by President Fleming, to deter- mine guilt and specify punish- ment in student cases ranging from a warning to expulsion. SGC contends that these pro- cedures ignore due process and that the discipline decisions are taken out of the community which is affected by them. y Student Government Council recognizes the power of Central Student Judiciary (CSJ)-an all ' and the student court I Marty Scott Jerry De Grieck student judiciary-to hear cases involving students accused of non-academic offenses. Another issue SGC has been involved in is the dispute over Gay Liberation Front's request to hold a conference on homo- sexuality at the University. President Fleming vetoed the conference on the grounds that it was not educational and it would adversly affect the Uni- versity's standing with the legis- lature. SGC contends that the stu- dent government, not President Fleming, is delegated the au- thority to regulate the activities of student organizations. Despite Fleming's veto of the conference, GLF has agreed to go ahead and schedule the conference through SGC sponsorship. Another SGC issue which is likely to be raised in the fall concerns the housing shortage in Ann Arbor. In an SGC refer- endum this past spring, students overwhelmingly voted to have the University construct low- cost housing, which could be d on e by floating government loans. The University has not yet re- sponded to the referendum., Scott and De Grieck say that SGC must communicate more actively with students and with the various student governments connected with the schools and colleges in the University. In order to facilitate such communication, SGC is plan- ning to put out a newsletter on a regular basis beginning this fall, which will contain position statements as well as summaries of Council activities. By HARVARD VALLANCE On any campus beset with sit-ins, lock- ins, trashings or other innovations in pro- test, its a safe bet that faculty and students will vie for the right to punish .offenders of existing rules and regulations. And since the University is a state-sup- ported institution, students and faculty must also vie for that privilege with the state's legislature and citizens. Following last year's massive strike for increased black enrollment, the Regents, under pressure from the legislature and the public, voted to "temporarily" remove disruption cases from the jurisdiction of the student court, Central Student Judi- ciary (CSJ) as well as from various faculty boards. Judicial power was placed in the lap of a single hearing officer to be ap- pointed by President Robben Fleming. Pending the creation of an entirely new court system, the hearing officer is now the sole determinant of a student's guilt or innocence and can hand down punish- ments ranging from reprimands and fines to suspensions or expulsion. The Regents' action greatly angered stu- dent leaders andt many faculty members, and the decision promises to be a cause of considerable controversy this fall. . Before the Regental decision, the all- student CSJ seemed to be finally closing in on its long sought after goal of recog- nition by the faculty and the administra- tion as the legitimate body for the trials of students charged with breaking campus regulations. CSJ is the appelate court for all lower courts on campus. Any complaint one might have with a dorm or organization's judi- ciary can be appealed to CSJ. If the 19- member panel rules that your "legal person" has been violated by the actions of any of- ficially recognized student organization, it may seek redress of your grievance in the form of voluntary retribution from the organization or disbanding of the organ- ization. CSJ and its predessessor, the Joint Judi- ciary Council, have long had jurisdiction over cases involving, violations of SGC. statutes. Residents of Chicago House in West Quad last year nearly succeeded in having the Inter-House Assembly-the governing body for the residence halls-disbanded for vio- lating a host of SGC regulations. While the organization still governs the dorms, it was forced to severely -rewrite its constitution before the beginning of this fall term. Although such questions involving viola- tions of SGC regulations clearly concern on- ly students, disruptions of lectures or ob- structions of hallways concern others as well. CSJ: i al by peers ,1 Since 1965-66, when the student power movement began to move on the campus, the administration and faculty have rather consistently insisted that classroom dis- ruptions be classified along with cheating and plagiarism as infractions of "academic" regulations and heard by each college's fac- ulty administrative boards. Since such protests also involve violatiops of SGC statutes which bar interference with normal University functions, students have consistantly demanded that such cases be considered "non-academic" and that the defendants be tried by their immediate peers in an all-student judiciary. Last year a significant milestone was set when the University gave de-facto recogni- tion of a student's right to be tried by his immediate peers when it prosecuted through CSJ SDS and several individuals for a lock- in against a naval recruiter. SDS and one protestor were found guilty of violating SGC regulations and given light fines. The Uni- versity has also submitted several other dis- ruption cases to the court. A committee on a Permanent University Judiciary was created last spring to' bring the subject of disruption out of legal limbo. The committee consists of three college deans, three faculty members, four students and two Regents. The committee is charged witi the formidable task of coming up with 'a pro- posal for a new system of trying disrupters that will meet with the approval of stu- dents, faculty, and administrators. 4 While committee members are striving for an answer that will be tolerable to all par- ties concerned before the first demonstra- 'tions hit the campus this fall, no one close to the negotiations is optimistic that any solution will be ironed out before the fall term begins. Possibilities for a' new disciplinary system being bantered around the negotiating table include a hearing officer or "arbitrator" acceptable to both sides who would deal with both "academic" and "non-academic" violations. Some observers say another compromise might entail a disciplinary court consisting of faculty and students-with a majority of students-that would hear all disciplinary cases involving not only students, but fac- ulty meinbers as well. In .accepting the legitimacy of such a court, a student would have to redefine his peer group to include all members 'of the University community. Because approval of a new judical dis- ciplinary system and the beginning of school will probably not coincide, student leaders have expressed- serious concern over the possibility of a major confrontation this fall in the event that any of this year's disrup- ters are brought before a hearing officer. David Brand, president of the Literary Cdllege Student Government. says that he can't conceive of any such hearings not being disrupted. Those who disrupt the disruptions hear- ings, of course, would also be brought be- for a hearing officer, and the chain re- action that might ensue could go a long way towards destroying the uneasy peace that has prevailed between students, ad- ministrators, and Regents concerning judi- cial matters at the University. { i SALES, SERVICE and RENT on manual, electric, and portable machines, TRADE-IN FRESHMEN 'ALS University Typewriter Center Home of Olympia, the Precision Typewriter From SDS to Gilbert and Sulliven . 613 E. William Phone 665-3763 Ifl1 By ROB BIER If you can't find your nicne at the University, you probably don't have one. But don't despair even if you can't find "your thing" among the over 400 recognized student - organizations and as many more, less official ones. The birth of new groups and the death of old- ones is one of the few things that happens with any regular- ity at the University. All you have to do is find some kindred spirits and start a group of your own.' However, before striking off on your own, take a close look at what is already here. Coming up with something truly unique is becoming harder each year with the present list ranging from "A" for anarchists through "Z" for Zambians. And there is something else to remember, too: You don't want to join only the same organizations you were in in high school. , After all, you know what they are like, but you may -.ever again get a chance to perform in a sychronized swimming show or' learn to fly an airplane or dis- cuss Marxist-Leninist doctrine for hours or, original thought, work for a daily newspaper. If nothing else, you will meet peo- ple who think differently trom those you have known, and that is an education itself. Roughly, student organiza- tions break down into a number of categories. There are the aca- demic and professional organ- izations, connected, at 1 e a s t vaguely, with the various de- partments and smaller schools. Some, such as the American So- ciety of Civil Engineers, are stu- dent chapters of national pro- fessional organizations. Others are more or less local, such as the Oceanological Society or the Michigan Forensic Guild. Then there are the athletic, hobby and social organizations, which is a catch-all for a lot of weird things that do not fit any- where else. Things like: Eden' Health Foods, learning how to grow and use organic foods; Scottish Dancing Society, self- explanatory; and Ann Arbor Poetry Workshop. Photography, archery, rugby, Bach, karate-- on and on goes the list. If you are a student from out- side the United States, there are 33 national and regional stu- dents groups. Nearly as many! religious organizations exist. And in either case, if you can't find one to fit you, just go see the people at the International Center or the Office of Religious Affairs and see about starting your own.I Numerous theater groups ex- ist, both musical and otherwise, and all are relatively easy to join, although experience is al- ways a plus. Then there are the half-dozen or so student pub- lications, and last, but certainly not least, political parties and discussion groups. Once again,.there is a com- plete spectrum of activity, start- ing on the far right with Young Americans for Freedom, moving 'through the legitimate middle with Young Democrats and Col- lege Republicans and blossoming out on the left with a plethora of groups and accompanying philosophies. But to draw the line at only those groups recognized by Stu- dent Government Council and registered with the Office of Student Affairs would be a most grevious error. Many issue-re-' lated groups do not exist long enough to be bothered with gaining recognition. Ot h e r s would rather not become that legitimate. And they are often the most specialized Hof all. The list goes on, seemingly, forever. But the best way to find out about the groups around campus and off it is not this all-too-brief article. A good starting place, before you even land in Ann Arbor, is that booklet in your orientation packet. When you do arrive, ead signs a lot. Many groups will be holding mass meetings to which any even vaguely in- terested people are invited. You will find the Diag (thespiritual heart of the University) filled .th people manning card tables, each one making a pitch for his or her organization. At first, it is probably best to just browse and save any real involvement for after you iman- age to regroup and figure out how much you want to give to one group or the, other. A word of warning, however: If you are a really enthusiastic type you are in danger of find- ing something new and actually fascinating which will soon be threatening to take up all your time. (And no one knows that better than a Daily reporter.) While a good deal of the stuff you have been fed concerning the difficulty of college is most- ly fiction, there is a grain of truth which must be discovered before charging of full tilt into the world of SDS, the Gilbert and Sullivan society or what- ever. Once you have the truth, and the myths do die fast, if stub- bornly, then go out and get the kind of education you really . 3 .-411 _ _ _ - n fill IM18 'I